Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Time for a break

Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

Oh, he loved it.

Valery could tell even before he stepped forward to pull her into a hug. The way his emotions spiked in the Force was obvious to her, but even without it, he showed his appreciation. Valery opened her arms to return the hug and patted him on the back while she just made sure not to put any pressure on her stomach.

"You're welcome," she said with a smile. "It's not the most appropriate to wear with the weather here — you'll sweat way too much — but I figured it was a good moment to give it to you." Pulling back, she looked at him and offered a grin. "Now, put it away in your room and get ready for the lake, alright? We're still early, so it's easier to secure a good spot." There were those people who came early to put their towels down for later, after all.

Not that she had a problem displacing said towels for a little fun.

Valery then disappeared into her own room, ditched her bags, and soon stepped back into the hallway, dressed up in something more appropriate for the lake. Not exactly for swimming, but she wasn't planning on going into the water until they'd go kayaking. For that, she had better equipment with her or could rent it on-site.

Between her arm and torso, she held a straw hat as well, and her eyes were obscured by some sunglasses. In her bag, she had the sunscreen spray and some bottles of water, just to be safe.


Ship: The Red Night

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Gatz allowed himself a few moments of happy tears in Valery's embrace. Her warmth was brief, but it reminded him that he wasn't entirely alone, even if most of his time was spent in solitude. Then, he used her little pats as a way to compose himself. When he pulled away, he tucked his new jackets under his arm, and used his free hand to wipe away the last of his tears.

He smiled at her, as warm and genuine a smile as he'd ever given anyone. And then he stepped into his room, as Valery asked of him.

Moments later Gatz was staring himself in the mirror, shirt off, eyes tracing every scar he'd earned this last year. He'd been attractive, once. Now he looked like a patchwork doll in human form, covered in tough pink tissue that hadn't even had the time to age yet. Abs that had once been lightly defined were now entirely obscured by the knotted scar tissue from taking a blaster shot point blank in the gut, and then having his entrails ripped out on New Cov. A gross line made by a knife crossed the front of his shoulder, and three lines made by a rakghoul's jagged claw crossed his sternum.

If he stepped out of his room like this, some poor kid was going to scream. And maybe they ought to. The only thing that reassured him was the fact that Valery frankly wouldn't give a damn about his physical marring, considering she'd been present for about ninety percent of the wounds that had turned his torso into beef jerky.

To hell with it. He was on vacation. And he wasn't here to woo any women for a one-night stand. So Gatz stepped out in swim trunks with only a towel draped over his shoulder and—

Oh. Those were Valery's legs. She'd always been tall for a woman, but Gatz had never realized just how... leggy she was. He forced himself to look at her eyes, and just for her benefit, let out a low whistle.

"Beachwear has never looked so good," Gatz smirked, "I don't think the boys at the lake are going to be able to take their eyes off of you."

He didn't understand why, but complimenting her beauty made him feel better about the lack of his own. Weird, but it lessened the knot in his stomach. And a beautiful woman deserved to be appreciated, every now and then. So he figured he was hitting two birds with one stone, in an odd, roundabout way.

"Come on, I wanna take a nap on the shore before we dive into more fun stuff."


Outfit: Link
Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

Hearing the door open, Valery turned and looked him over. She nodded her approval at first, but then perked a brow just slightly at the compliment, "I think they'll have a lot more interesting things to look at. This is quite modest." Valery looked down at her outfit and smiled just a little. It was one of two new sets she had gotten, and felt nice for a more relaxing day. Especially if there was more on the planning than just being around a lake or beach.

This, she could wear just about anywhere.

"Thank you, though." She beamed a warmer smile and turned to look into her own purse. She began digging around in it, and offered him an easy spray-bottle. "I don't know if you already applied sunscreen, but take it for the rest of the day. I already got myself covered." With that handled, Valery started walking down the hallway of the hotel, until they reached the ground floor again. From there, she took an entrance out the back, which brought them on a small path towards the lake.

"Let's put towels down near one of the parasols. Then... well, just relax." She grinned to herself and walked over to a parasol close to the lake, but not so close that there were children running around them every second. Once there, she placed her towel down and lowered herself.

She had brought along books and snacks, so she had a good idea about how she'd entertain herself if he were to fall asleep rather quickly.

"Did you want to go for a dive before relaxing? Or straight back to sleep?" She asked with a smirk.


Ship: The Red Night

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"I think they'll have a lot more interesting things to look at. This is quite modest."

"Take the compliment, Val," Gatz insisted, "you're beautiful. Pregnancy has made you glow."

Gatz supposed that humility was befitting a Jedi Master. That didn't mean he was going to let his friend deprecate her own beauty. Because, frankly, one of them had to look good, and he looked like someone had stitched three different torsos together. So if she didn't step up to the plate, then they were doomed to be two unattractive people on the beach.

His vanity refused such a fate.

But, thankfully, she eventually accepted his words. He smiled back, accepting the bottle of spray-on sunscreen. Gatz almost made a joke about the aerosol can taking away all the fun of sunscreen... but, frankly, who the hell would want to apply it on him?

Gatz followed Valery quietly, taking in the sights of their very fancy hotel resort. Either Val had been here before, or she'd glanced at a map or something, because she easily led them to the beach side. She seemed to try and lead them away from children, which Gatz found almost astounding. Valery loved children more than anything.

Probably better to keep a criminal away from kids, though. Kudos to her for thinking of that.

Gatz plopped himself down next to her on his own towel, and already felt his body sag into the sand. It wasn't a half bad place to nap, this beach.

"Give me a thirty minute nap," Gatz pleaded at Valery's question, "and then we'll go have fun in the water, or kayak, or check out those little shops—or whatever in the world you'd like to do. Promise."

He closed his eyes and let out a relaxed sigh at last.

"Just keep an eye out for me. Nar Shaddaa has made me... wary about sleeping in public. I don't want to be murdered in my sleep."


Outfit: Link
Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

"Fine, fine," Valery said with another slight roll of her eyes before she accepted the compliment. Her pregnancy showed somewhat if you were to look for it, but it definitely showed in her eyes. At least, when she wasn't being cranky or annoying about her food cravings and other needs.

Pregnancy made her smile a lot more.

Once the two reached the beach, Valery was quick to pick out a quiet spot and sat down on her towel, "I picked a quiet spot so you could sleep. Don't put yourself on a timer. Just... sleep." For as long as his body and mind needed to. "We'll worry about what to do next after that." She was leaning to kayaking or something a little more adventurous, but she was flexible enough about what they could do.

As long as it wasn't just sitting around all day.

Valery then turned, and while Gatz closed his eyes to take a nap, she picked up a book and opened it up. With how busy life has been lately, reading wasn't always something she allowed herself time for — it felt nice to be able to read a bit more again.

"If someone tries something, they'll be eating sand long before they reach you." She smirked a little and lowered her sunglasses over her eyes to start reading. Only to be interrupted by a trio of women walking right by them — all in their late 20s at most, and quite beautiful.

Was he going to be able to sleep like this?


Ship: The Red Night

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Gatz wanted to argue: because as much as he needed sleep, it wasn't fair of him to make Valery sit around on the sand all day, waiting for his exhausted ass to wake up. Nor was it fair of him to ask her to puppy guard him in the unlikely event that someone showed up to a lake resort to kill him. Though, admittedly, she'd have protected him even without him asking. Hell, she'd have protected him even if he asked her not to.

Gatz decided that arguing with Valery was a poor idea. It didn't usually end in his favor.

"Alright," Gatz acquiesced, "just wake me up if it gets too late. Or if something happens."

He'd nearly closed his eyes again when a gaggle of beautiful women passed in front of their spot on the beach. There was a time when he would have said something to one of them. Or all of them. There was a time when all he would have cared about was their beauty, and nothing underneath. A dark time in his life, Gatz mused. He wished for the simplicity of those days... but he didn't miss those days.

So Gatz tilted his head back down, closed his eyes, and said nothing to them. A casual fling with a stranger didn't excite him these days. Better to save a romp in the bedroom with someone he valued and trusted. Besides, as pretty as they were, they weren't Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus and so he held little interest in them.

"And don't draw on my face while I'm asleep," Gatz added, "my pretty face is all I have left."

Sleep came easy after that. It came in the form of the quietest snores, and a body that was just a little bit too thin sinking further into the towel under him. Without the facade of the smooth criminal masking him, it became apparent that Gatz was physically unwell. A month of little sleep, not enough food, and not enough help was clearly wearing him down.

It wouldn't be long until he was nothing more than skin and bone.


Outfit: Link
Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

"I will, but stop worrying about it and just sleep, alright?"
She squinted at him, though not in a legitimately angry or frustrated way, and only backed off when he actually laid down and closed his eyes. He needed his rest more than anything, so she wanted him to just let everything around him fade into the background, for now. Even the distraction that followed, when three young women walked right by, she hoped he would ignore in favor of rest.

Valery smiled when he did, regardless of the reason.

"I won't draw on your face, promise." She smirked and shook her head a little before she flipped to the next page. Obviously, she was reading a romance novel, but this one was very tame. She had learned her lesson — the smutty ones were for less public scenes from now on.

With Gatz drifting into slumber, Valery spent most of her time reading or idly looking around. It was relaxing for her as well, so even though Gatz was sleeping, she was keeping herself entertained. Of course, she was very much excited to do something adventurous soon, but she'd rather do that with Gatz full of life, than if she'd have to drag him alone as exhausted as he had been lately.

But there was one other thing he'd need.

While Gatz slept, Valery had arranged a few trays with food and drinks. Nothing alcoholic though — fruit juices or just cold water. The snacks were either local or simple things you'd bring along to a picnic


Ship: The Red Night

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Thirty minutes quickly turned into two hours.

For once, Gatz's rest came without dreams. That was a good thing as his 'dreams' were actually nightmares more often than not. Night terrors of Jedi Shadows, or all the times he'd nearly died, or of all the funerals he'd attended. There was a reason—beyond studying—that Gatz slept as little as he possibly could: the realm of sleep held even less peace for him than the waking world did.

But, for this one nap, exhaustion claimed him so fully that even his mind couldn't fight it.

When he finally woke with bleary eyes, the first thing Gatz noticed was how high the sun had risen. What time was it? Ten? Eleven? It was hard to tell on an alien world with an alien sun. But they had clearly passed from early morning to mid-morning, and that meant that he'd slept longer than he wanted to. And it meant that he'd tied down Valery for longer than he should have.

"Sorry," Gatz sat up, sleep still clinging to his voice, "didn't mean to snooze for that long."

He snagged one of the water bottles Valery had produced after he'd passed out, and hummed his thanks to her as he took a swig from it. He rubbed the drowsiness from his eyes, and turned back to her.

"Well, I got my beachside nap, so I figure you get to pick what we do next. What did you want to do."

He was still a little tired, but his nap had recharged him enough for something more active. Whatever Valery wanted to jump into, Gatz figured he could handle it. Unless it was another do-or-die situation. Even at full strength, he couldn't handle the kind of trouble Valery often got them into.

"Let's just avoid blaster fire and indigenous predators if we can?" Gatz gave Val a tired smile, "you're pregnant, and I don't have it in me to bleed out today."


Outfit: Link
Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

"You're fine,"
Valery said with an amused smirk when he finally woke up. Valery herself had barely paid any attention to the time. She just noticed the sun and temperature rising, but she wasn't looking at a clock. During this entire trip, she wasn't planning on setting alarms or keeping an eye on the time for anything.

She just wanted them both to relax.

"Do you feel a little better?" she then asked, her head turning away from her book to get a better look at him. After a nap like that, she figured he would, but nap the wrong amount of time and you could end up feeling groggy as well. When he reached for the bottle of water and started to really wake up, she felt that luckily wasn't the case.

"We could go kayaking?" Valery put her book away and stood up to stretch her legs a little. It was already getting much warmer outside, and it wasn't even afternoon just yet. Maybe something in the water wouldn't be a bad idea — it'd keep them cool and a little adventure wouldn't hurt.

Of course, as long as it was without them being attacked.

"If we manage to run into that kind of trouble here, I'd say we're cursed." She grinned and picked up a few things to start moving. "Just make sure to wear the protective clothes." Valery was going to put on a wetsuit as well, but a safety vest and helmet would probably be wise too, since they were beginners.


Ship: The Red Night

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"I feel rested enough that I'm not going to pass out in the middle of the day."

It was an honest answer. Gatz was still a little tired—and considering the last month he would likely remain tired—but he no longer felt like he waa dragging his body along. That was technically an improvement, so he decided to call that good enough. As long as he didn't have to fight anyone, no one would ever notice that he wasn't at one hundred percent.

And this was a vacation. There would be no fighting.

Valery mentioned kayaking, and Gatz perked up. He'd gone rafting before back on Naboo, but he wasn't sure he'd ever even seen a kayak in the flesh. He was interested, but he sure hoped Valery knew what she was doing, because he certainly had no clue. Putting him in any form of boat was like asking a fish how to climb a tree. While blindfolded.

"Sure, but I make no promise that I won't tip us over," Gatz stood to his feet and brushed the sand off of himself, "I'm a pilot, not a naval helmsman."

Considering that Valery had known the path to the beach, Gatz assumed she knew where the dock was—or wherever they needed to go to rent a kayak. So, as usual, he simply fell in line behind her. He wasn't usually one for sightseeing, but even the scoundrel still in him had to admit that the world Valery had picked was a beautiful place. He could almost envision himself retiring here.

Except for the part where he probably wouldn't live to retirement.

"You never told me how you learned about this place," Gatz piped up, "I presume you didn't find it on the holonet, considering that even the bun in your oven could probably navigate technology better than you can."


Outfit: Link
Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

"So, you can land a starship in tight hangars but struggle to keep a little boat steady? Mhmm~"
she teased with quite a smirk on her face now, as she got up to her feet and packed everything. Luckily, she knew they could leave behind their things at a locker there, so there wasn't a need to head all the way back to the hotel room just to drop things off and return.

Everything here was thought out for tourists.

"Briana told me about it. I asked her about some vacation destinations a while ago, and she gave me a list of places to try. This was one of them." It was her first time actually visiting it herself, but she had looked into it beforehand. It's why she knew where to go and what kind of things they could do here.

It had bits of everything.

After a short walk, the two would spot a large hutt along the flowing river that was connected to the lake. There were more changing rooms there, as well as lockers to drop things off. "I'm going to put on a wet suit and safety gear. I suggest you do the same, so you don't get cold when we inevitable topple over because of you." He poked fun at her use of technology, so she was going to poke fun back at him.

Even if he had yet to prove just how terrible he'd be at this.

"See you in a sec!"

Naturally, it'd take her way longer than 'a sec' to get changed and have her hair look great, but it was worth the trouble. In her wet suit, with a vest on and the helmet tucked between her arm and body, she returned and walked over to where the kayaks were being kept.

"Let's do this."


Ship: The Red Night

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"Hey a boat doesn't have repulsor lifts or thrusters." Gatz argued, "it's a piece of wood propelled by people holding other pieces of wood. Caveman technology! So you ought to be right at home!"

Gatz plastered a bright smile on his face at that last joke. Prodding fun at Valery's age was a dangerous thing to do, but maybe if he looked happy while doing it she wouldn't bend him into a pretzel right then and there. Because even pregnant she could easily overpower him. She wouldn't, of course, but that didn't mean that making old lady jokes was a good decision to make.

But when had he ever made good decisions?

"Briana's idea, huh?" Gatz shook his head, though there was a small smile on his face, "sometimes I feel like everything in my life loops back to the Sal-Sorens. But I guess I ought to thank her. This resort is a lot nicer than the places Briana usually drags me to."

At Valery's behest, Gatz did in fact opt for a wetsuit. It did nothing for his figure, except to cover up his scars. Which actually meant that it did everything for his figure, so he supposed he wouldn't complain. This time. The lifejacket and helmet were clunky and silly, and he almost tossed them aside... only to then consider the lecture Valery would give him if he didn't wear his safety gear.

He tugged the lifejacket on, and clipped the helmet onto his head.

Gatz reunited with Valery a moment later, grumbling to himself as he noticed that her wetsuit actually looked good on her. But Valery could make a garbage bag look good, so Gatz didn't take it too personally. Besides, he had already decided that she had to be the pretty one of the two of them, so really, what harm was there in her looking good? It just took that burden off of his shoulders!

Being the gentleman, Gatz made sure that he was the one to push the kayak into the shallow water. He did this because Valery was pregnant, but he was smart enough not to elaborate on that. That would earn him a glare or a tug on the ear, and he wasn't keen on either.

"Alright, I'll, uh, hold the damn thing while you step in. I promise I won't tip you over just yet."


Outfit: Link
Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

"Maybe you're going to need more safety gear,"
Valery said with narrowed eyes when he poked fun at her age again. It didn't actually bother her that much, but she was still going to squint and pout about it. Especially if he kept up all of his teasing and joking the way he had been.

At least, it meant he was in a good mood and she certainly was, too.

"Briana knows a lot of very useful things about the Galaxy. If you ever want to get more ideas for vacations or interesting places to visit, I'd suggest talking to her." A genuine statement despite all of their joking. This resort was very relaxing, and it was only one destination on an entire list of options she had gotten from the woman.

Many more things to try in the future.

With that said, the two each got their wetsuits and safety gear on, and moved down to the dock to get into the water. Gatz pushed their little wooden contraption into the shallow water, and Valery squinted at him again. She knew why he was doing it, but decided against poking him for it. The gesture was nice, so she quickly offered a smile instead. "If I fall into the water because of you, I'll be your worst nightmare for the rest of this trip." She grinned and carefully stepped into the kayak, before lowering herself to be seated and balanced.

"You know, I did forget to check how fast this river goes. I just saw smiling people on the advertisement pictures, so I figured it was relaxing enough."


Ship: The Red Night

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"More safety gear? I was gonna ditch the helmet and jacket as it is," Gatz gave Valery a cocky smile, "at least, I was until I thought about how much you'd nag me."

Like an old lady. But Gatz was smart enough—just this once—to keep that to himself. He'd pressed the 'old' button enough already. And... he'd never admit it out loud, but he liked the way his friends fussed over him. Nobody really did that these days—not with his family six feet under back on Naboo.

He didn't need anyone's concern. But it was nice to have someone care.

Valery threatened him with great horror should he tip her into the water. Honestly, it made him want to tip their kayak on purpose, just to be an ass. Luckily for the Sword, she was carrying an extra passenger, and Gatz was far too concerned about that to put her unborn child in danger for a good laugh.

Maybe later he'd dump some water on her head or something. Just to get that laugh anyways, but in a safe environment.

Gatz had just stepped precariously into the kayak himself when Valery mentioned that she had no idea what the rapids in this river were like. That concerned him, but if the picture looked relaxing enough, then they were probably safe.


"If things look a little too dangerous for you, I'll beach us on the shore," Gatz grabbed for his paddle, "until then, there's no point worrying about it. We'll probably be fine anyways."

Except, with his luck, they were certainly bound to run into a little bit of danger. Which Valery would probably love, considering she lived for that kind of excitement. But Gatz vastly preferred the idea of a peaceful ride down the river.

Gatz rarely got what he vastly preferred.


Outfit: Link
Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar


Damn right she'd nag and be annoying if he took off his safety gear. She loved a good adrenaline rush and sincerely hoped that this river was fast enough to make the activity exciting. But she would never completely ignore safety, not for herself or her friends. If he wanted to truly see her angry, this was one way to do it.

She knew he'd listen, though. A stubborn Valery was a dangerous one.

"Too dangerous for me?" She snickered and flicked some hair over her shoulder. "Nothing is too dangerous for me~" She had a rather smug grin on her lips while she got seated and waited for Gatz to join her in the kayak. The stream started fairly mild, so once they were seated, they'd slowly be able to drift along the gentle currents.

"Maybe if I get decent at this, I'll try some really risky rivers." She hummed in thought, then blinked. "...after the baby is born, of course." If she was going to enjoy the rush from a wild river, it'd likely be on her own, or with someone who wasn't going to be risking their lives joining her.

"Do you like these kind of activities?" She then asked with a quick glance over her shoulder. "You can say no, if I offer an idea that you don't like." He probably knew this and had no trouble telling her, but she wanted to make sure.


Ship: The Red Night

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Gatz chose not to make a comment about Valery insisting that nothing was too dangerous for her. Mostly because that was absolutely a losing battle, and Valery had taught him to pick his battles wisely (most of the time). Which, usually, meant not picking one with her at all. That didn't mean he wouldn't argue with her, because arguing was half their friendship, but it did mean that he'd wait to push her buttons until he thought it was actually important.

Chances were, neither of them were going to do anything death defying in a kayak. So he just shook his head with a smile, and let her have her smug moment...

"Maybe if I get decent at this, I'll try some really risky rivers."

...until that was said. Gatz narrowed his eyes at her—a patented trick he'd stolen from Valery herself. But then she clarified that she wouldn't do it while she still had a belly bump, and he let out a relieved sigh. Because that was one battle he would have picked. He should have known, though, that Valery would never do anything to jeopardize her children, born or otherwise.

He knew all too well that nothing mattered to her more.

"Tell you what: we survive this river, and I might just come along for more."

Gatz had been on plenty of lakes before, considering he'd grown up on Naboo, but he'd never tried river rapids. If they gave a (relatively) safe adrenaline rush, he might just have to pick up the hobby. Of course, this was all assuming he didn't crack his skull open on a rock. As it was, maneuvering the kayak was awkward for him—a man more accustomed to durasteel and thrusters than he was wood and paddles.

"You can say no, if I offer an idea that you don't like."

"Yeah, because saying 'no' to you has gone so well for me before," Gatz snorted, but there was humor in it, "I'll probably pass on the sky-diving, but this is nice. We're outside, the lake is beautiful, and kayaking is both adventurous and relaxing. Even if it is a dinky deathtrap made of wood."


Outfit: Link
Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

"Oh yeah? Well, you better be ready, then. We're definitely surviving this."
Valery's grin was widening with every passing second, especially as the current began to pick up a little. Nothing too crazy, and the added forward momentum even made her feel a little more stable inside the kayak. There was more resistance to rolling one way or another, and the river kept them steady on track for wherever it was heading.

Hopefully not a waterfall, like in those holo-movies.

Valery snapped from her moment of internal thought when he snorted, and squinted at him just briefly, "You can tell me no, unless it's something I'm right about." She grinned again and turned her head back forward with a little hair flick. "I agree about the kayaking, though. This is very relaxing-"

She paused.

"Do you see that?"

Up ahead, the river split up into two directions. There was a sign right at the crossing with an arrow going left and one going right. One side was marked as 'beginner', and the other as 'advanced'.

"Gatz, hear me out," Valery began with that sparkle of danger in her eyes. "This is too easy, right? Why shouldn't we try something a little more exciting?"


Ship: The Red Night

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

The river picked up speed, and with it came the slightest burst of adrenaline. They were hardly going all that fast, and this was nothing compared to dogfighting in The Red Night, but this sort of adventure came without the risk of death. That was something Gatz appreciated greatly; something that plastered a smile on his face. No guns, lightsabers, Sith Lords, or stupid jungle predators—just him and his best friend, laughing and smiling on the river.

And Gatz realized that, for the first time since his mother had died, he was having fun.

"You can tell me no, unless it's something I'm right about."

"Except that you think you're right about everything!" Gatz shouted in laughter, over the roar of the river, "but that's okay! I'll just work harder at proving you wrong!"

Naturally, he was given that chance damn near immediately.

Valery pointed out something up ahead: a fork in the river, with two varying level of water rapids. One better suited to them, as a pair of beginners. And one that they were definitely not prepared for, considering this was their first time in a kayak. Or, at least, his first time. And, naturally, Valery chose to be very Valery and wanted the greatest challenge available.

Gatz immediately opened his mouth to argue against it, but stopped himself before he could vocalize anything. She had done all of this—the planning, the bankrolling—ostensibly for him. To make sure that he had a chance to relax and recharge, worn out as he was from Jedi training. But for all of his struggles—studying, starving, losing sleep, missing his family—didn't she have more on his plate than he did? Jedi Grandmaster, face of the Galactic Alliance, mother to six kids plus a bun in the oven, two remaining Padawan learners, plus looking after his worthless hide...

Didn't she deserve to enjoy herself just as much—if not more—than he did?

"You know, I was going to argue with you... but you know your limits better than I do," Gatz grinned, "so, fuck it: let's go down the advanced rapids!"


Outfit: Link
Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

"I am always right~"
She wasn't but she loved playing up the joke of her stubborn nature. Not... that it was entirely a joke. She was very much a stubborn woman, but she could still admit when she was wrong. Sometimes. Depending on what it was. Valery blinked and decided against speaking up, as something far more exciting appeared right ahead of them.

A fork in the river, and a chance at some real adventure!

Valery peaked over her shoulder, and for just a moment, she felt as if he might tell her no. They were both beginners, after all, so the safest option was the beginner route. But there were also little kids doing this for the first time, so she figured beginner was really meant for people who really didn't know what they were doing.

They'd be fine!

To her joyful surprise, however, Gatz agreed and Valery excitedly shifted in her seat, "Great! Here we go!" She helped steer their little wooden death trap and down they went. The current immediately picked up, but it wasn't anything that made her sweat just yet. Up ahead, though, it was definitely getting faster and faster.

"Look! Some rocks up ahead!" They could easily go right between them, but they'd have to keep the kayak steady.


Ship: The Red Night

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"I am always right~"

The willpower it took Gatz to keep his mouth shut was unimaginable. He wanted to use the paddle to splash her with a wave of water—and he might have just done it, if not for the river rapids picking up. Also the fact that he was afraid of Valery bending him into a pretzel, but Gatz preferred to pretend that logic fueled his restraint, not fear.

But, all desire to knock her down a peg went away, as he felt her excitement bloom between them. Sometimes, with the way Valery seemed to have her whole life put together, Gatz forgot that the stresses of the galaxy could weigh on her just as much as they did anyone else. There was a simple joy and contentment in seeing his best friend just be... happy, free of worry or doubt or strife, even if just for one moment.

Of course, the rapidly approaching rocks made Gatz a little worried about whether or not they could handle this. He did his best to help Valery keep the kayak stable, using the paddle sparingly just to keep them pointed forward. They passed right between the two offending rocks, and immediately dipped down into a much faster current, which had Gatz lurching forward in the wooden deathtrap.

"Oh I swear Val, you're going to be the death of me!" But he laughed anyways.

Look, if he had to shuffle this mortal coil, better to do it having fun with a friend.

Gatz leaned to the side a bit, just to get a glimpse over her shoulder at what was ahead for them. What he saw made his eyes widen: the roaring waters of the river were turning white, a clear sign of the sheer speed of the current. He didn't spot any obvious rocks or hazards just yet, but they were barely past the beginning of the advanced course, and he was sure things would get tough soon.

"Valery Noble: always looking for a challenge!" Gatz shook his head, and fought the waters to keep their kayak stable.

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