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Tier I Dominion of Chandrila


Well-Known Member
The Beacons are Lit


Location: Chandrila, Hanna City
Time: 0400 Local Time (20 hr standard day)

Recieved Transmission Start::

:: This is Dalen Myrhold, Chief Security Officer of Hanna City Security Forces. I am humbly requesting your assistance. Key leaders of our political system, 8 to be exact, have been captured by a terrorist claiming the name of Darth Skuggsa. He claims to be a Sith and has re-located the hostages to the Crystal Caverns. He has claimed if any rescue attempt is made, he will set off explosive charges he's placed about the city at random. In addition, we have lost a prison ship in orbit, that is where we first learned of this tyrant, broadcasting messages of terror and promise of violent attacks. We thought it was a joke, until the first bomb went off in our own Capital Rotunda.

Since then, he has freed a particularly dangerous group of criminals led by a Zegg Brimhold. Zegg a known murderer and lunatic and a well known terrorist among our people. He has contacted several of his friends, one by the name of Galdur Smok who is coordinating their ground forces. They have been making raids on some of our smaller cities. This has gone beyond what we are equipped to handle... and so I ask for your help. ::

Recieved Transmission End::

A small data-file was transmitted after the audio message, additional details about the situation included. The Chief Security Officer had sounded genuine and it seemed they'd gotten themselves in quite the sticky wicket. The transmission had come on an encrypted channel directly to Galactic Alliance Space.


Ground Objectives:

1. Meet with the Chief Security Officer of Hanna City, Dalen Myrhold and Protect the city from terrorist attacks.

2. Rescue and Capture the hostages and the Self Proclaimed, Darth Skuggsa from the Crystal Caverns

3. Locate & Disable bombs located at Three key Agricultural Facilities on the outskirts of Hanna City

4. Prevent/Protect/Capture further chaos in the City of Hanna City by any means, including the capture of Zegg Brimhold's Second in Command, Galdur Smok who coordinates the terrorist ground forces.

Air Objectives:

A. Seek and Destroy the terrorist crewed prison ship commanded by Zegg Brimhold.

B. Be Vigilant A Sith interdiction fleet has been detected en route to Chandrila. (See Below for details)

C. Provide Additional Support of ground forces as necessary

Additional Objectives:

I. Bring Your Own Objective and have fun!


*An intercepted Transmission from the Surface of Chandrila*

Voice 1: "We're ready to strike at your command my lord.

Voice 2: "Good... Do what you will, the sacrifices are almost in position for the ritual, your distraction is necessary. Upon completion of the nexus... you will be well rewarded."

Voice 1: "As you command..."


A flurry of other transmissions had been intercepted, indicating that Darth Skuggsa was in fact going to use the captured political leaders as a sacrifice, part of a ritual to create a Force Nexus in the Crystal Caves. The terrorists had been given free reign over Hanna City, and Dalen Myrhold hoped the Galactic Alliance had received his plea for help. The battle for the city hadn't started yet... but it was on the horizon and approaching quickly. Dalen was unsure whether or not his small security force could hold order on their own... and he hoped they wouldn't have to find out.

Additional Information: In addition to the above listed objectives, a small Sith interdiction force has been detected en route to Chandrila. It is assumed to be a small force however there are both air and ground elements detected in its formation. It is guessed that somehow they were also informed as to the situation on Chandrila. Their objective is unknown but are considered as hostile. Permission to engage all Sith craft is given to commanders responding to Chandrila's call for aid.



The Tier I Domination of Chandrila is now Live!

It can be found here:

Also can be user for planning. If there are any questions about the objectives or the Domination in general, post here and tag me.

Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
Rogue Squadron signups: (taken from Rogue Chat)

[member="Alexandra Russo"]
[member="Vale Endriss"]
[member="Choli Vyn"]
[member="Tela Uolmi"]
[member="Asmus Janes"]

If any more interested, post here so I can include you in tag. :)

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