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Ticket to Conquest (OS Dominion of Anaxes)



Oh, Anaxes. The former capital of the Republic had little information to spare on its status after the vanishing of millions, but that was no reason to avoid bringing it into the Sith fold. Darth Adekos had never let inadequate information get in the way of doing something before. After all, just this morning he had been hunting for an asteroid made entirely out of platinum. Platinum. As if such a thing could exist. But it was rumored to exist in a Wookiepedia article, and therefore it must exist and can feasibly be found. Such is the strange state of affairs.

Anaxes had sworn allegiance to the Republic before, the fortress world where the Republic's senate council formally stood. They had been allowed to live their lives as they saw fit in return for their tribute of soldiers and revenue to the Republic. Their compliance was rewarded, but following the collapse Anaxes had been at a loss to defend itself. The Republic had abandoned it, and now only the One Sith were close enough to tender aid. Anaxes would have fought to the bitter end, no doubt, but then the Bando Gora showed up. Clearly these blood thirsty savages must have had something wrong with them if even the Sith found their methods and ideology deplorable. Sith, Protectorate, and Jedi were not bound to agree on many things, but one thing was certain.

The only good Bando Gora cultists was a dead Bando Gora cultist. Or maybe in the case of the Republic, the only good Bando Gora cultist was a Bando Gora cultist on trial for their crimes. Idiots and idealists, those Republic scum and their Jedi handlers.

Unlike previous encounters, the Bando Gora had a fleet at their backing, and it was presently fighting tooth and nail the Sith armada that had been sent to relieve the beleaguered Anaxi. The Darzu led the battle as the flagship, the Wyyrlok-class Star Destroyer cleaving in twain a ramshackle Bando Gora frigate with nothing but concentrated turbolaser fire. Hundreds of madmen extinguished in an instant. Adekos savored their fear momentarily before addressing the rest of the task-force.

"Travesty has struck us, my dear friends. The poor, abandoned populace of Anaxes are struggling to repel a most gruesome enemy- the Bando Gora. They have called upon us to help them in return for their loyalty, and we must oblige. These deranged cultists know no master but their imaginary, bloodthirsty gods. They are of no use to us and a danger to our allies and the civilized galaxy as a whole. Your orders have been transmitted, carry them out to the letter. Kill as many of the stunted scum as you can- we have no use for prisoners."

"Good luck, and may the Force serve you well."

  1. Anaxes holdout forces are still present in the system, but they are willing to cooperate with the One Sith to save their planet. The command ship of these unsavory reavers is a large star destroyer. Board the command ship, slaughter its captain and crew, and steal the data stored on the bridge. Disabling the command vessel will go a long way towards routing the Bando Gora and saving the Anaxes system.
  2. The Bando Gora are taking pages from or are related to the death cult seen on Balmorra. They are attempting another ritual to open a rift to the Netherworld, this time in a large blood sacrifice involving all of Anaxes Noble families. Rescue the nobels and evacuate them to safety. Disrupt the ritual by killing the priests and destroying their ritual site.
  3. A team of scientists in formerly in the employ of the Republic were working on a new strain of Alpha Red. Unfortunately, their research facility was sacked by the Bando Gora and they were all killed. The Bando Gora are now in possession of a volatile strain and are attempting to flee the facility. Find the cultist carrying the Alpha Red sample and kill him before he can release it.
Objective: Board the Command Ship...and do Our Duty
Location: Heading for the opened docking bay
Space flight! There was nothing she hated more than space flight. Not even those annoying voices that dragged her down into the world of madness could measure up to her cold hatred of space flight. So much could go wrong at any given time, and most of the time it did. How could she allow herself to think this would be a good idea? Fly through space while everyone was shooting at her and hoped one of the buggers didn't get lucky and snuff her out. Then on top of that, instead of landing somewhere safe, like a planet, she would be landing on another space craft; in space. And again with more people waiting to shoot at her. How did such a foolish idea even come to her? It didn't! She had been duped by that over pompous jerk Darth Skario, the voice that always preached he was superior than everyone else; including her.

As the ship drew closer to the Command ship, she could hear his laughter like nails on a chalkboard coursing through her mind. She grinded her teeth until she couldn't take anymore. "I hate you all! Mostly you Mister I'm Better than Everyone. If you were so bloody did you end up in my mind? Tell me that cupcake!" And once more she had spoken outloud. And once more she drew those looks from the others in the shuttle; some even moving away from her. And like always, she managed to be laughed at by the voices.

The tiny shuttle had somehow escaped the onslaught of blaster fire, thankfully, by the Command Ship only to fall under fire by the enemy waiting inside the docking bay. This was something she could handle.
Objective: GET TO DA CHO- I mean command ship.

Aboard a stealth ship sat one particular individual. A man, dressed in his favored outfit, prepped himself for a very unusual mission. Strapped to his waist was an item from his time as a Templar, an belt that would, upon activation, disguise him as someone else. He carried no weapons on his person that was visible. Of course, the saber built into his wrist was something he could not get rid of. His mission? Get to the bridge of the ship. It shouldn't be hard, so long as he got the right person.

Using this as a stealth mission his goal was simple. Get onboard, find a lone person, kill him, take his credentials and weapons, then use the belt to disguise himself. Seemed simple enough, but then again he wasn't the one flying. A Droid was.

"If you mess this up, I will salvage you." The red man, known as Ferus, was not kind to droids. Infact, he hated them. His Droid pilot was all but silent, knowing full well that he would be scrapped. But for now, the trip was quiet. When he got there, the Darth hoped it would be the same.

Till he got to the bridge. Then all hell would break loose.

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Objective: Kill da' cultists, kill 'da cultists, kill da' cultists till they're deeead
Location: Landing on the planet
Forces: Five average joe troopers

Yet another world soon to be capture by the One Sith. It seemed this mass rapture was good for one thing; adding to the Sith's territory. Which, in turn, gave Khan all the more oppurtunities to seek glory. Now he would obtain it through killing cultists... much the same goal he had on Balmorra. Though this time he came with soldiers. Only five, but soldiers nontheless. The tiny landing vessel ferrying him and his five troops shuddered at it enetered the atmosphere, descending over where the cultists were thought to be readying themselves to make their sacrafices. Ironic how this was recently the capital of the Grand Republic. How quickly it descended into anarchy after the mass Rapture. It seemed installing stability was not a strong suit of the Republic's. However, that was a gain for the Sith, and for Khan.

The Felactian smiled as the landing vessel's ramp lowered, letting the six of them out. This time they ould find the cultists before anyone else had a chance to... The glory would be his alone.
[member="Darth Venefica"]

Objective: Snake it.
Location: Hangar above Venefica.

His own cloaked ship would land without a problem. Odd, but he welcomed the lack of a challenge. As he would exit the ship quickly, he would find the hangar bare. Questions ran through his head as he tried to figure out where the people were. Until he heard the gunfire below. So he wasn't the only one to sneak onto the ship. Well, get on the ship at least. The distraction below would do wonders for the Zabrak though, giving him the chance to get into one of the side acess hallways.

Once in there he had to find himself hiding. Ahead were two guards on their way to the hangar he had come from. Perfect. Leaning against one of the pillars within the hallway, he would wait for the first one to pass by. The second, he would reach out with his robotic hand, bring him close, and silently break his neck. The first, having heard the footsteps behind him stop, turned to only see the red man's mechanical hand reach out and grasp his face. The snap hiss of the hidden saber would activate, and he would drop dead after just a moment.

With a sigh, the Zabrak would look about, trying to find something to hide the bodies in. Once he finally found it, it being a access panel to a vent, he would open it and stuff the two bodies in. One of the too, a burly human, would be looted for his blaster rifle, credentials, and radio. With a click of a button on his belt, Ferus's form would turn into that of the man, if a hologram. So long as people didn't look to close, he would blend in.

Silently thanking the Sith fighting below him, he would set off to the bridge, determined to get there and turn the auto defenses on these brutes.
Objective: Board the Command Ship...Kill the Captain/Crew...Steal the Data
Location: Hanger Bay --> Interior of the ship
Allies: [member="Darth Ferus"]​
With a press from her left thumb the deep metallic blue blade hummed to life as she charged down the ramp to engage the enemy on their turf. A slash here and a slash there and two Bando Gora fell at her feet, while a third attempted to use the Force and hurl a ball of energy in the form of a Force Push at her. Unfortunately for the Bando Gora, the Force, still chaotic, refused to respond to the call and was greeted with a blade through the neck. All around her she caught glimpses of fighting between Sith, Sith troopers, and the Bando Gora. But she was not here to engage in a drawn out fight, she was her to find the captain and kill him. As an added bonus, she was to kill the crew along the way and steal some data from the bridge.

Dropping two more along the path that led into the belly of the ship from the docking bay, she felt the Force strengthen inside her briefly and took advantage of it. Using Sith Lightning, she directed the white and purple energy at a container housing fuel. The explosion erupted into a ball of flame that engulfed four more of the enemy, setting them ablaze.

The command ship, taking strafing hits from the Sith Navy fighters, had put all their eggs in one basket. There was very few opposition that stood in her way. Most of the crew had taken to the turbo lasers to repel the fighter attacks. Distraction. Only when she reached the sector where the bridge would be located did she meet her greatest challenge. A female Bando Gora wielding a saber staff.

With a haunting smile on the face of the Dagobah Sith, she accepted the challenge. A girl, even an insane one, needed some fun now and then.
Objective: Bridge Control
Location: Close
Allies: [member="Darth Venefica"]

Throughout his own journey to the bridge it was.. Silent. He found nothing to oppose his walk, and the few people he did see seemed to ignore him. And he would frown. This silent sneaking seemed to do little for his entertainment. Infact, he was finding himself bored. So, when he felt the Force begin to work for a short while, he did what he did best. Turn the walls he was walking by into a highly explosive mineral.

This proved a good pass time for him, taking his focus as he would change the molecular structure of the durasteel walls with relative ease. At least when the force listened to him. When it wasn't, simply nothng happened, or he'd end up making a hole as the durasteel went from steel to air. That was something he would explore at another time.

Now, well.

"Report! There's a large squad of the Sith coming in on deck three! Reinforcements requi- *BANG*" To emphasize the need, krest pulled the trigger of his rifle and crushed the com he had just spoken through. Within moments a large group would come in, wandering past Ferus as he opted the wounded soldier disguise. It was when a medic came to help him that he stopped his pretending. The large force was within his traps range, and he was alone with one other person. His guise would fade as he reached out and crushed the mans throat. Not a moment later, the entire hallway behind him exploded, tearing onto any of the side rooms that happened to be close to the explosive seeds.

With a gleefull grin the Darth moved on, dropping the medic who hung from his mechanical limb. He could hear the sounds of fighting, which was good. Perhaps he would meet up with his unknown partner soon. Well, sooner than he thought. He would step into the room around the same time the wild woman came in, and he too would notice the woman with a saber staff. Reaching down to his saber at his waist, he would offer a simple question.

"You want to kill this staff wielding guard or shall I?"
Serj Sularis was an elderly Muun. Investor on behalf of the InterGalactic Banking Clan, he had closed deals on behalf of Muunilinst for Chandrila DataTech, a technological retailer and developer based on Chandrila; and Hudrel Robotics, a droid manufacturing corporation on Balmorra. Having visited the capitals of their respective worlds in recent times to ensure that the investments Serj had procured were returned within a reasonable amount of time and these companies continued to generate profit for the clan.

It paid well for Serj, for the profits that Chandrila DataTech and Hudrel Robotics generated for the clan also ended up in his pockets; and the more successful his deals were, the better it was for his reputation in the clan, the bigger his pockets grew and the revenue it generated for Muunilinst herself. It was the clans primary mission to restore their homeworld to the glories that had been bestowed upon it for centuries, before the Four Hundred Year Darkness and the Gulag virus that had reduced it to a shadow of it's former self.

They had been close to completing that vision. The InterGalactic Banking Clan was getting back on it's feet and success stories such as those seen on Chandrila and Balmorra foretold a new era of wealth that the Muuns would enjoy.

Then the galaxy was plunged into chaos. Citizens across the galaxy had disappeared. Muunilinst had been plunged into mass hysteria, with Harnaidan brought into conflict to the hands of rioters and the Mandalorians who sought to quell them. The work that the Muuns had put into business across the galaxy were put into disarray, as markets crashed and corporations dissolved over night. It was a nightmare.

Thus, Serj Sularis's appearance on Anaxes was simple: consolidating assets. As he done on Balmorra with Hudrel Robotics, the elderly Muun would do the same with an arms dealing known as Anax Arms. The name was simple and to the point. It was why Serj had initially taken interest in the company, when he had been sent on behalf of the InterGalactic Banking Clan to Anaxes to reinvest and looking to create some money.

As it was with Hudrel Robotics and it's late founder, Terrik Hudrel, the attempts that Serj had made to contact the COO of Anax Arms, Isabelle Vilor, were unsuccessful. Stepping out onto the streets of Pols Anaxes, Serj Sularis made his way to residence of Isabelle Vilor to discover her fate and whether or not the Muun would need to make an intervention, as he done on Balmorra.


The Second Seal, broken.
Objective: Disrupt the ritual
Location: Approaching the site
Allies: [member="Khan Ra"]
Before boarding a shuttle to the surface - an intimately familiar maneuver by now - the Knight had consulted the resident tacticians about GeoIntel and live reports from the ground. They'd sent a couple of scouts down first, to gather information and help pinpoint the target location. Despite the precision of modern technology, there were some things that sentients still did better, and combined with the raw computing power of the systems on board, the strategy they eventually devised was a sound one.

Vrag, who held a distinct dislike for combat in space - and with good reason - chose to join the troops on the ground with two justifications in mind: 1) She was getting quite adept at butchering cultists 2) Saving nobility that definitely didn't deserve it was becoming something a specialty of hers. Both of those needed regular practice to upkeep, and the Knight was quite dedicated when it came to maintaining a certain reputation. It would hardly be appropriate, to let all those deaths go to waste because she decided to slack for a bit. The One Sith didn't look kindly on those who shirked their duty - namely, those who didn't meet the weekly murder quota - and the firrerreo had little interest in making that list.

Besides, this wasn't just some random cult of crazies; it was Bando Gora, the only people with a greater base of haters than the Sith themselves. Vrag was doing the Galaxy a favor, really, wiping those fethers from existence. She was coming down to get them, and nemeses or not, the woman was expecting a couple of grateful bouquets once the news reached Republic ears.
LOCATION: Approaching the facility
OBJECTIVE: Secure Alpha Red, avoid global devastation.
ALLIES: None for now.

If there was one thing that Carach did not enjoy, it was a potential disaster on his watch. Said disaster was slowly developing in the form of the Alpha Red virus snatched away from the Republic facility by the Bando Gora, it made him frown to think what they could actually do with this thing.

In ancient past the Sith, their predecessor ironically, had used the Alpha Red samples to create something else, something even more deadly. This could be done again, but in the inverse of what had happened before. That wasn’t something the Voice of the Dark Lord wished to see.

So he ordered his Royal Guards to occupy the surrounding buildings, he himself was found standing on a nearby roof overlooking the wrecked facility. It didn’t bode too well, Alpha Red was highly mutatious which meant that even if only Vong would die in the beginning… it could rapidly transform into something worse.

Carach would prevent that from happening, only they - the Sith - would have the power to decide if such a thing had to be used or not.

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Objective: Kill the cultists
Location: The city where the cultists are... somewhere
Allies: [member="Vrag"]
Forces: Five average joe troopers

He didn't have time to search an entire city for them... others would come by then. It would waste valuable time. And if he sent his soldiers out to scout they'd likely be killed before having a chance to report back. He tried to utilize the force, extending his awareness out, to find them... Surely their ritual would be giving off a high force sigature. But the force didn't cooperate, and he did not yet have enough control over the force to make it cooperate with the Netherworld's warping of the force. So they woul have to search.

The six of them moved quickly through the small city, searching for any sign of the cultists. Likely they would be downtown, closer to the royal palace for quicker access to their blood sacrifices. However, they could have been anywhere there.... Khan growled as they moved towards the center of the city. They would cross that bridge when they came to it. They would find the cultists one way or another.
Objective: Board Command Ship, Kill stuff
Location: Space, the Final Frontier
Allies: [member="Darth Venefica"], [member="Darth Ferus"]

Feeling the sling of gravity against his chest, the Star Viper jumped from the hangar of the carrier with nearly no effort. As he neared the particle shield, the first layer opened to allow passage and closed behind him. Then the second, and then he was in space. Crimson eye stared through the darkness of the abyss as he took manual control of the Star Viper, a thing he often was not compelled to do. The ship danced through the debris as the wings shifted upon the body of the vessel, dictating the change in direction mid flight. He was headed towards the command vessel, a mission that felt oddly familiar, as if he had done something similar in the recent past. He felt the chill of goosebumps on his neck as he waved the feeling of familiarity away from him.

The One Sith weren't ones to send people on missions by themselves. And while Gabriel was turning into a lone ranger of sorts, he appreciated the notion that things were completed more quickly with the assistance of friends or at least allies. Sith weren't really ones to make friends, though he could think of view. His mission was simple: board the vessel, kill everything that didn't remotely appear as friend, and pull all necessary data from the computing systems. It was a simple thing, maybe not so simple to actually do. Time would tell, as he dictated the pace of his flight, and aimed directly for the ships hangar bay.


The Second Seal, broken.
Objective: Disrupt the ritual Commit arson
Location: At the scene of the crime
Allies: [member="Khan Ra"]
Her dropship landed smack-dab in the middle of the cultists, soon followed by many others. It was all thanks to an inspired cooperation of technology and the ingenuity of the sentient mind, and the Bando Gora were to be the unfortunate test subjects of their little experiment.

Concentrated blaster fire rained down upon the stupefied cultists, and the armored form of the Knight was but one amid hundreds, lost in the crowd again as she brandished her blaster rifle with glee. She'd become a much better shot since the whole mess with the rupture had begun, and she couldn't bring herself to miss the Force as much as some of her Sith comrades did. She'd never really relied on the thing in the first place, and its presence wasn't sorely missed.

The brutal slam of a space-magic push could easily be replaced by a few well-aimed grenades, or perhaps a rocket launcher, and there was no power she knew that could match the sheer destruction dished out by her flamethrower. In a dense, chaotic melée like this one, a spray of bolts was bound to hit; better still, however, was a burst of white hot fire, where accuracy wasn't a requirement at all. All she had to do was squeeze the trigger and laugh with a crazed glint in her eye, and the white-hot tongue of fire would visit agonizing death upon the enemy.

One could say that the weapon was growing on her.
Objective: Kill Captain/Crew...Steal Data...Educate Female Bando Gora
Location: Command Ship
Allies: [member="Reverance"] ... [member="Darth Ferus"]​
Darth Venefica frowned as the female Bando Gora attacked quickly, robbing her of a witty insult she had been rehearsing over and over in her mind. She had grown accustom to fighting Jedi who always had to spar with words first before getting down to action. Was she turning into a Jedi she thought as she parried the blow away and then began to laugh. "For a minute there we thought we were becoming a Jedi, she said to the Bando Gora warrior earning an awkward glance from her enemy. "Nevermind...shall we continue?" Again the Sith Knight parried a blow allowing the female to think she was dictating the flow of combat. In truth, Darth Venefica was waiting for the right moment to strike down her opponent. What she lacked in swordsmenship she made up with patience.

After a few exchanges of attacks and blocks, she had grown bored with her opponent. "It was a hoot...but alas we must be going now," she said parrying another attack then countered it first with a spit to the Gora's eyes and then a slash from her blade; and the fight was over. "A shame you had to kill her. She could have taught you to be a better duelist. Instead you spit in her eye. You truly should be feared," the voice of Darth Vemion rambling through her head. "Yeah...yeah. We cheated."
Objective: Kill Captain/Crew and Steal Data
Location: Command Ship
Allies: [member="Darth Venefica"]

As she finally caught up to her mistress having been held back by an enemy she ran up with both sabers ready. "Sorry for making you wait Mistress, I had to ensure I made a point to somebody back there." She first mission back from wherever she had been and she was eager to kill and destroy. As she came up upon one of the pathetic criminals she sliced at them and parried with her other saber the short duel was that short, obviously a less skilled member they were easily dispatched with a second swipe tearing them down. With that she made sure to stick close to her master.
Objective: Take the bridge
Allies: [member="Reverance"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Shuduc Macar"]

Ferus, who had been standing there as Venefica started and ended the fight, raised a brow as the girl started to speak with herself. He would of, if it wouldn't of cost more time, discussed with her how crazy she seemed. Yet, he also assumes she knew that. At least sye was an ally. Nodding once to her, he'd turn his gaze forward to the lift. "So, that where we're going?" He assumed it was, but on the off chance the Sith lady had a better idea he didn't want to limit it.

And then her apprentice showed up. With a brow raised he'd look over, sizing her up. Amd able body fighter, and that was all that mattered.

"Right.. Shall we just press on?"
Location: Descending to the Alpha Red facility
Objective: Find the cultist carrying the Alpha Red sample and kill him before he can release it.

[member="Darth Carach"]

Taeli frowned as she descended towards the facility that the Republic had been using to create a new Alpha Red virus. She was not happy to hear that the Republic had once again decided that genocide was the way to go to defeat their enemies, but then she didn't like it when Sith also committed genocide. She had been reading as much as she could about the Bando Gora cult, and she didn't like what she saw.

Deciding to nip both buds, she was deploying to the surface with several companies of her Arachnid droids, to supplement the Royal Guards she had heard Darth Carach order into position. She wasn't going to risk lives needlessly if they had droids they could just send in and deal with the enemy for them.
Objective: Board Command Ship, Kill stuff
Location: Space, the Final Frontier
Allies: [member="Darth Venefica"], [member="Darth Ferus"]​

The ray shield acquiesced to the might of the Star Viper, welcoming it with open arms, as the ship blasted through and into the hangar. Firing reverse thrusters, the vehicle hovered above glossy black floor as it tasted the air through the star destroyer. Hovering, the ramp opened and from the mouth of the of the monster, the Lord of Pain leaped out, harnessing the force in a way unaccustomed to him since the great disappearance. As if far more powerful than his typical experience, he jumped clear across the Hangar. Coming to the sliding stop, Beaut in hand, he turned his crimson stare to the rebels who were mounting the defense against him and in their hands at shoulder height, blasters were brandished towards the Sith Lord.

Gabriel slowly, but assuredly, raised his left arm to eye level, and then motioned towards the ground. As if pointing, his index finger extended out, motioning towards the floor. As if on queue, they all looked to their feet, at a dead grenade, rolling between them. Taking advantage of the distraction, he cleared the distance, smacking one across the face with his left gauntlet hand. His right hand extended out, firing a round into the stomach of one soldier, he spun and pumped, kicking the next soldier with a left footed round house kick. Completing the turn, he fired a round into the kicked soldier and proceeded to fling the shotgun at the initially slapped soldier. Unsheathing the knife, the blinded foe stumbled for just the briefest moment, and Gabriel charged and lunged, stabbing the enemy several times, and dropping him to the ground. And then he stabbed and stabbed more, until there was no place left to cut. Just the wet sound of his blade hitting flesh.

Blowing a bang out of his face, his cheek painted with a swatch of blood, he sheathed the dagger and walked over to the shotgun. Feeding two more rounds it, he pumped the forend and hit the beacon on under his armorweave cloak, allowing the star viper to descend to the floor. He began his movement through the ship, saddened that the forces didn't bring more for him to fight.


The Second Seal, broken.
Objective: Disrupt the ritual Commit arson
Location: At the scene of the crime
Allies: [member="Khan Ra"]

See, when you carve into flesh with a normal blade, blood tends to rush out, making an unholy mess of your clothes — just try getting that stain out of your silken shirt! — but it's generally something you can still wash off, especially when you're wearing armor.

When a fire passes over that thick, ropey layer of ex-cultist, though? Yeah, you can kiss your designer rank patch goodbye. Just… don't do it literally, yeah? Bando Gora are exactly as unpalatable as you'd think. Not that Vrag would know from personal experience, and if there was any love for her left in the Force, she never would. Just in case space-magic decided to add another dagger to the first one already sticking out of her back, however, the Knight always kept her visor up when she went on killing sprees; arterial blood tends to… spritz.

She was seriously considering installing some sort of cleaning mechanism, however, since the heat of her flamethrower had the splatters on the transparisteel coagulating far faster than usual. With both of her hands full, Vrag was in no position to wipe off the blood.

How annoying.

An even more irritating beep rang in her ear, and the woman realized she was running out of fuel. Pity. She'd just started getting the hang of torching large amounts of people at the same time. Oh, well, she could always continue to practice on another planet; the worlds they were grabbing these days were positively teeming with opposition, after all. Plenty of live targets to be had.

Without further ado, Vrag swung the useless flamethrower onto her back and ignited her lightsaber instead. If the voices in her ear weren't lying, the Elites sent to recover the captured nobles were almost done. The Knight and the majority of her forces had served as a very lethal distraction, engaging the Bando Gora while the infiltrators pulled a quick extraction behind everybody's backs. It was a perfect plan, so long as they managed to keep the cultists focused solely on the assault troops.

"Hey, motherkarkers!" the firrerreo yelled in the general direction of the enemy — the ones that weren't fried yet, that was — brandishing her lightsaber. It was lame, and both Vrag and her writer were fully aware of that, but even the fabled regeneration of her species could only do so much to combat battle exhaustion.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Objective: Mess with Bando Gora ships
NPCs: Delta wing(4 Detritus-class Heavy Bombers), Beta wing(4 TIE Gladiator heavy fighters)
Allies: Anyone who wants in

Another escort mission. That was what the Mirari known as N-385-72 was experiencing as he continued to fly through space in the cockpit of the TIE Gladiator. These ships had, like most, been purchased for use as part of Jentara's stability operations. Allowing for the purging of the Bando Gora and their replacement with an integral government based on order would significantly strengthen the capabilities of the galaxy in this region against any extragalactic invaders, successfully assisting her purposes as best they could.

The target of the wing of heavy bombers was a venerable Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser. How long the Bando Gora had utilized it was hardly of any real consequence - it was a capable combat ship and needed to be reduced to fiery, smoldering wreckage. Such was the reasoning for N-385-72 and the others to engage it as a chief target.

The Detritus bombers were loaded with heavier ordnance, considering their target was a heavy cruiser of over 500m in length. SIxteen proton bombs were loaded into each heavy bomber's ordnance bays overall, and the craft moved into attack formation. This first run was exceedingly important - considering how slow and unmaneuverable Detritus bombers had proven in the war with the Fel Imperium, the moment they were unable to focus their laser and ion fire on the capital ship, the moment the vessel's AA had the advantage.

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