Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Through the Gates of Hell (Republic Invasion of Empress Teta - Republic vs. One Sith)

Location: Outside Library
Enemies: One Sith, [member="Toxarien"]
Allies: The Republic

Ki'an's attack was partly successful. The hit above the Sith's knee was not enough to incapacitate, but it did abate the tempest that had been raging around them. When the Sith threw the orb of darkside energy at Ki'an a third time, he blasted the attack aside with a burst of lightside energy. Ki'an wasn't one to fall to the same attack twice, let alone three times.

But no sooner had Ki'an swatted that attack aside, then the Sith was charging him, his teeth barred and his saber coming in impossibly strong. Ki'an was by no means weak, but he couldn't hope to block an attack that powerful, nor did he want to get caught up in the tangle of teeth and claws. So Ki'an did about the only thing he thought he could do, he leapt backwards, kicked off the nearby wall and propelled himself with the force over the top of the Sith landing behind him. The moment his feet touched down, Ki'an drew in a large amount of force energy. He knew this attack would tire him out, but he needed to break the resolve of the Sith, he needed to exhaust the Sith more then he himself was exhausted.

Ki'an unleashed all that energy in the form of a force blast aimed square into the chest of the Sith warrior. He hoped to propell the Sith backwards into the wall behind him. With luck the Sith would blow straight through it, or perhaps it would collapse on top of him.
Location: outside library
Enemies: republic @Ki'an Karr
Allies: The One Sith

Toxarien fluidly redirected all his power from the charge into forming a cocoon of dark side energy around him, to block the blast of force energy that the Jedi had sent his way. It protected him from the worst of the attavk, but he still was knocked off his feet, and went flying back a few meters, hitting the ground hard. He rose slowly and deliberately, summoning the power of the force. He summoned ice this time, and his body began to be covered in a layer of frost, icicles forming on his horns. He blasted out at the Jedi padawan, sending ice shards of verying size slicing through the air, aimed at the Jedi's face and chest. But this was just a distraction. His real attack came close behind, it was a powerful blast of red force lightning, aimed at the Jedi's chest. It was powerful enough to char the Kel Dor's flesh to the bone, but he was rapidly tiring out, and fatique and exhaustion were setting in from his earlier exploits.


Location: Outside Library
Enemies: Republic
Allies: The One Sith

The Sith Acolyte sat upon a piece of rubble and watched the two combatants, @Ki'an Karr and [member="Toxarien"] fight it out. He wasn't within speaking distance, but he was close enough to see the fight unfolding. The Sith Pureblood was performing abilities that the Eldorai had yet to see, from anyone, be it Sith Lord or other, but that was mostly fault upon his own from pushing himself away from those more... Prone to aggressive attacks rather than the subtle type that he preferred.

It wasn't a problem though, he just remained where he was and watched, rooting for neither of them in actual fact, but if he were to choose one it would be the Jedi. Just so that the young Eldorai would be able to fight an opponent, whether they were weakened or at full strength.

Either way he planned to win.
Blessed are the peacemakers
[member="Darth Vindica"]

Tracyn shoved violently back against Vindica on his lightsaber, but then, used the art of Trakata. His green blade flickered downward, and sealed itself back in it's metal container. He sidestepped, to avoid the falling Sith that would have his weight displaced. Tracyn moved with more grace, both thanks to the better experience that the man had gathered since the last time him and Marcus fought. He leaned forward, pulling his hilt backwards.

"For what it's worth, Marcus. I'm sorry."

He then went to activate the green blade as the hilt's direction fell on Marcus' unprotected back.
Location: Outside Library
Enemies: One Sith, [member="Toxarien"], [member="Gerion Blackhand"]
Allies: The Republic

Ki'an felt a waive of exhaustion wash over him, but quickly pushed that thought aside. His opponent was getting up. He didn't push the offensive, but rather took a moment to collect himself. As the Sith rose, Ki'an could sense that he too was tired. When the blast of ice came at Ki'an he was at a loss for what exactly to do, as he'd never faced such an attack before. Immediately, Ki'an began a blade barrage, his saber dancing around as if blocking blaster fire. It worked somewhat, but several pieces of ice still penetrated his defenses. One cut a four inch gash across his left shoulder, another scrapped along his neck but luckily didn't cut deep enough to be an issue and a third thudded against his chest plate. It wasn't the strongest material but it held up against ice. The impact was strong enough though that he would have quite the bruise there in the morning.

As soon as the ice attack abated, Ki'an saw the red lightning streaking toward him. He already had his saber out in front blocking the ice and he had no time to react, so Ki'an intercepted the lightning directly on his saber. The impact almost took the saber out of his hand, but Ki'an was able to hold on. Blocking the lightning meant that Ki'an couldn't really do anything else, he was stuck there as the tendrils of darkside energy crackled and hissed on his blade. His only hope was that it would wear out his attack faster than it wore out himself.
Location: Outside library
Enemies; Republic @Ki'an Karr
Allies: One Sith

Toxarien felt excitement swell up inside of him as he saw the Kel Dor get hit multiple times by the ice shards, but grimaced when the follow up of lightning failed to kill the young Jedi. Instead of pitting his reserves against the Jedi's and continuing the lightning, he ended it abruptly, and redirected all of his focus into his lightsaber. He marched forward decisively, igniting his blade and approaching the Jedi with caution, but no fear whatsoever. He took up a Shii Cho stance and, with a quick salute, he launched himself at his enemy, prepared for the long out lightsaber duel that might come. His strikes were very random, but also very precise, and he saved his energy, not utilizing flips, spins, or other acrobatics that would wear him out. His brow glistened with sweat as he switched in between Shii Cho and Juyo, trying to confuse his opponent with his randomness.
Location: Outside Library
Enemies: One Sith, [member="Toxarien"], [member="Gerion Blackhand"]
Allies: The Republic

Ki'an was glad when the lightning attack faded away. He lowered his saber and watched as the Sith approached. Ki'an reverted back to his most comfortable fighting stance, the hilt held at waist height and the blade pointed down and away. It was a low guard but he preferred it for his style of Shien. Seeing the Sith take on a Shii-Cho stance, Ki'an considered his options. Shii-Cho was noted for being rather clumsy against single opponents and therefore Ki'an found blocking the Shii-Cho attacks relatively easy and straightforward.

Juyo on the other hand was a chaotic and very energy oriented form. Ki'an was more hard pressed to block these attacks and Ki'an wondered where a Sith so young had learned the form. The one saving grace with Juyo was that if handled properly it required a larger amount of energy than most forms. Ki'an knew his opponent couldn't keep up the Juyo offensive and that was why he was falling back on Shii-Cho.

Taking a lesson out of the Shii-Cho rulebook, Ki'an sidestepped the last attack, swatting at the Sith's blade and then counterattacked. This time however he did not strike at the Sith, but rather his lightsaber hilt.
Location: outside library
Enemies: republic @Ki'an Karr
Allies: One Sith, [member="Gerion Blackhand"]

Toxarien stared down in shock and awe at his broken lightsaber hilt. His first reaction was one of surprise, but it quickly turned to anger and hate. He felt his power growing, washing away his fatique, and hee lashed out with the force, blasting at his enemy with a powerful telekinetic shove. He then followed up with another blast of ice shards, and then fire, he then turned and ran away from the battle, in search of a his ship where he had left his secondary, double bladed lightsaber. He was not defeated, but he could not win if he was unarmed.

He turned and left the scene of the battle. He still couldn't believe he had let that happen. He had wounded the Jedi with his force abilities, but lost the advantage when he had rashly attacked with Shii Cho! Next time he wouldn't make the same mistake.
Location: Outside Library
Enemies: One Sith, [member="Toxarien"], [member="Gerion Blackhand"]
Allies: The Republic

Ki'an's sense of victory over the destruction of the Sith's lightsaber was short lived. For suddenly he found himself flying backwards, the force attack from the Sith catching him completely off guard. Ki'an could only focus on so many attacks at once and he choose to focus on defending from the fire and ice. Raising a barrier between him and the attacks protected him from them, but it did nothing for the wall coming up fast behind him.

At the last possible second Ki'an sent a blast of energy toward the wall, but it wasn't enough. Ki'an collided with the wall with a loud thud. Burning pain shot through his side again. His ribs, which hadn't fully healed from his fight with [member="Darth Banshee"] sent waves of pain through him. For what seemed like an eternity but was likely only minutes, Ki'an lay in the rubble. He called on the force to help sooth the pain, but he was too tired and in too dangerous of an area to dare go into some sore of healing trance. Ki'an slowly got to his feet and surveyed his surroundings. While the ribs hurt, he could manage. More importantly than that, he was tired. The match with the Sith had taken a lot out of him. Resting against a large piece of rubble, Ki'an tried to collect himself.


Location: Outside Library
Enemies: Galactic Republic, @Ki'an Karr
Allies: One Sith

He continued to sit upon the piece of rubble that he had been upon, but soon the Kel'dor Jedi Padawan had emerged the victor in the exchange. The Sith fought with ferocity and power that gave him the advantage over the Jedi, but once he had lost his lightsaber he had fled like a coward. In a reaction to that, he threw himself off of the rock and shook his head once the Sith Pureblood was gone.

Makes a fool of himself, and then runs away when he is without a weapon.

He stopped when he was a few meters away from the Jedi and he tilted his black helmet to the side to look at the Kel'dor. The Blackhand wanted to move forwards and just cut the Jedi down, but that wouldn't be exciting, now would it? The Sith frowned for a moment. "Not all Sith are as ridiculous as that."
Location: Outside Library
Enemies: One Sith, [member="Gerion Blackhand"]
Allies: The Republic

Ki'an did not get a long time to rest before he saw another Sith leap down and walk over to within a few meters of him. He still held his lightsaber, but the blade was not ignited. He eye'd the Sith curiously. So much in-fighting and backstabbing amongst the Sith!

"No....but all are equally blind," Ki'an said and inclined his head toward the newcomer, "I am Ki'an Karr and in the name of the Galactic Republic I am placing you under arrest. Please come quietly" Ki'an said putting meaning into his words. He didn't want another fight, like many Jedi he felt that each and every time he drew his blade in battle he was failing in some way.


Location: Outside Library
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Galactic Republic, @Ki'an Karr

"Now that's just arrogant." He said with a shake of his head. "Perhaps some of us simply see a deeper truth to the world, Jedi. A truth where it's impossible to follow the teachings of the Jedi Order." He was half into it while he spoke, and although it wasn't a joke to him, the Jedi's persistence was... Inspiring.

"You can't arrest me on this world. You're not wanted, and you're overstepping your boundaries." He unclipped his borrowed lightsaber from his belt and ignited the crimson beam to the side at his body. He saw that the Padawan was in a weakened state, and he'd make sure to use his own speed capabilities against him. Not to kill the Padawan, but to give him time to reconsider or to just lose himself in unconsciousness from too many wounds.

He threw a single hand up to the Jedi and whatever the outcome was, he simply stood there as if to bait him into an attack, but he knew he wouldn't, the Jedi knew that he'd fall if he attacked a fresh combatant. "Go home." He couldn't wait until he said no.
Location: Outside the Library
Enemies: [member="Gerion Blackhand"]
Allies: Galactic Republic

Ki'an listened to the Sith's words but gave them no weight whatsoever. The Sith ignited his blade and demanded that Ki'an leave. Ki'an was tired, but something in the way the Sith spoke inspired Ki'an to be defiant. He took a deep calming breath and felt his resolve strengthen. Igniting his yellow lightsaber Ki'an took a Jedi ready stance, the hilt held at breast height and the blade facing up and slightly away.

"No." Ki'an said. He held his position. He needed to be on the defensive, at least initially. This was a new opponent and Ki'an always liked to evaluate an opponent before committing to the offensive. It was more Soresu-like than Shien-like, but when Ki'an felt confident about his opponent he would press the assault. For now though there were simply too many unknowns.


Location: Outside Library
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Galactic Republic, @Ki'an Karr

He shrugged, and within a moment he was speeding towards his opponent and struck at the side of Ki'an's body, near the rib area. He wanted to test the Jedi in his weakened state before he pressed the attack, but while he was within his force speed, and facing a weakened opponent, he figured he'd be able to win here.

"Do you think you can win?" He meant the fight for Teta, but he'd let the Padawan answer how he'd like.
Location: Meditation chamber in the Senate
Objective: Farsight channeling, SENDING A WARNING TO ALL ONE SITH ABOUT [member="Doctor Agnusdei"]
Enemies: Jedi and Republic [member="Doctor Agnusdei"]
Allies: One sith

Darth Isolda’s body was trembling, sweat would go rolling down her near translucent skin as the immense power of the Dark Lord and that of the Bogan Goddess would wear on her mortal form. Blood Loss from where her tattoos would writhe like living shadowy demons and cut her flesh would wear on her, placing her into this half hypnotic and almost drugged like stupor that would allow her to channel her prophetic gift of sight.

Words would come to her. Those of [member="Jannik Morlandt"] echoing in the distance. A mind that had shut down it’s own mental barriers to block her. She would probe further, only to find an echoing promise of discovery. She would feel a connection, a pull. A call like one of Vahl’s own. Strong, raw, and powerful.

But green as goblin moss. Untrained. He had promise. Yesss… she would bring him into the bosom of the Goddess soon.

Another shudder would shoot through her, her mind almost outpouring in the exquisite pleasure pain agony of the Force as it ran through her. The longer she sustained His energy, the more her body would feel the wearying effects. Nothing was without a price.

And Isolda would pay it in flesh, sinew, and bone.

Corruption would plaster the skin flush against the bone of her skull, sunken cheeks highlighting the high cheekbones of the Oracle. Dark mottled bruising would reveal itself as dark upside down crescents among the thick dark kohl that lined her eyes, while thin lips would pull back to reveal bared teeth.

The Eye of the Dark Lord’s sight would wash across the area, tendrils of the Darkside weaving and slithering throughout as she watched overhead like a hawk over its prey. Echos would resonate through the Force, and in her mind’s eye as she concentrated on the connections and the many possibilities of the future. Like a slowly wasting husk, the Darkside of the Force would drain her vitality as she continued her search.

In her minds eye, she would see one of her own. The Doctor. Betrayal would be a fetid stench that would linger like a rancid bubbling pool. There, gases clouds would rise like a caustic death shroud. A warning of impending doom.

The instigator… betrayal.

The cry of warning would go to all of the One Sith, while the mental picture of the man responsible would bath their minds of [member="Doctor Agnusdei"]. Seven possibilities. Seven different venues. Like picking a needle from the haystack.

He had to be caught.

At the same time, tingling in the edge of her mind, would the connections of the Vahla feel the call of her blood near her. The corrupted pallid visage of Darth Nephthys would bloom in her mind along with that of another weaker child of Vahl.

Black obsidian orbs would narrow, as her gnaut visage would narrow in familiarity. Yes… this one had the lingering aura of one she’d met before, in the valley of death where the pull of the carbonite army had been laid claimed to by the Chosen of Vahl.

The heretic.

A pull of energy against the mark would command Nephthys to bring the woman to her.

Lost child of Vahl, you have a purpose. A destiny.
Location: Outside library
Enemies: [member="Gerion Blackhand"]
Allies: Galactic Republic

Ki'an brought his saber around to block the attack toward his ribs. The Sith was fast but Ki'an was focusing on being in the eye of the storm. His movement was small and efficient, just enough to block. Even with the small movement though, he felt the pain in his ribs. It wasn't debilitating but it slowed him slightly and in a fight with a Sith as fast as this one, any detriment could be costly.

Did he think they would win on Teta? Did he think he would win against the Sith in front of him? Ki'an considered the Sith's words for a moment and realized that it all depended on the definition of winning. Would they liberate the planet? That was unknown, there were too many factors at play and too many fights across the planet for Ki'an to make a guess to that. But they were here fighting for an oppressed people, struggling to free them from the suffering of the darkside. As for his fight here, Ki'an doubted he could best the Sith outright. He wasn't as fresh as this one, having fought now in several engagements and suffered numerous injuries. But he was standing against a darkside user when he could have fled, he was standing up for right when he could give in.

"We already have." Ki'an said pushing his blade against the Sith's attempting to push it back so that he could counter attack with a diagonal slash aimed at cleaving the Sith in half from his right shoulder down to this left hip.
Location: Inside the Senate building
Objective: Take Aaralyn to Isolda, face Shaw
Enemies : Jedi and Republic
Allies: One Sith

There would come a pause as they entered an open atrium in the senate building. The hitch of breath. The upward lifting of Darth Nephthys doll like face.

Not a word would be spoken between her and the Acolyte, regardless of the seemingly mute Darth. The orders would be clear.

Off in the distance, they would hear a desperate cry. It forewarned of another coming. Those crimson eyes, that pale blanched visage caked with dried blood would nod to the Devaronian.

// Go. She summons you. //

A toothy grin and a grunt would follow as the acolyte would leave Darth Nephthys to delve deeper into the Senate building, in the direction that would lead towards the meditation chamber where The Eye of the Dark Lord would lay in wait.

Sokara would then drift her attention to the entrance from where the acolyte had left with the master. Her hands would then form into a cupping motion, as she wove the darkside into a crackling dark orb. Her concentration would grow, as the ball of kinetite would form between her palms, crackling with power.

In a concentrated effort, she would then send the ball that was capable of tearing down barriers of ferrate towards the archway over the entrance from where the acolyte had scurried with the unconscious jedi.

Chunks of debris would fall as the intricately carved capstone would shatter under the ball of kinetite’s strength, sending a cloud of fine dust and large velmstone blocks to fall down and block the entrance way.

She would be the shield. The Barrier. The one to halt any trespasser. For the glory of the One. For the majesty of the Goddess.

Sokara would then lower her arms, spinning on the balls of her feet to face the one who would come.

The shells of her hand would take the elongated hilt from her belt. A twish -swish sound would give birth to the hurrikane blade, bathing the right side of her body and face in an amethyst glow.

She would be ready.


@Ki'an Karr

It was awkward positioning to say the least, since his lightsaber was in his left hand and the Jedi was trying to push his own lightsaber to the side to counterattack. Before the Jedi could push his lightsaber completely away from him, he turned off his lightsaber so the Jedi was pushing against nothing and the Sith was lunging backwards as the yellow beam cut a line across the durasteel chest plate that he wore, but didn't actually touch flesh, just left it a bit singed where it passed close by.

It was clear that the Jedi was too full of his own order's tenets, and his own personal morals to even listen. So he decided that he was done speaking for now.

Since the Jedi had been hopefully off-balance and followed through with the sai tok maneuver, the Sith threw his right hand up to knock the Jedi off balance even more, and he took steps to cover that distance with the aid of his force speed in a mere second and kicked at the side of the Jedi's leg, intending to hook it around his body and force him to fall, just as Blackhand's lightsaber was coming down in a cleaving motion upon him.
Location: Outside library
Enemies: [member="Ki'an Karr"]
Allies: One Sith

Veles frowned and gritted his teeth as the blaster bolt hit the intended target... and did nothing. It frustrated him, it angered him, the inability to do absolutely anything. Obviously, he could always attempt to close the distance between himself and his opponent and go full melee, but that seemed like a suicide given the man's impenetrable armor. Even if the Mon Cal managed to hit hit with a lightsaber, deliver a devastating stab, it would do absolutely nothing. Knowing he could find someone he could actually fight against and have a chance of winning, the amphibious Sith glanced around, his amber eyes darting from one duel to another. In that moment, he noticed an old friend, the Kel Dor Jedi from earlier. The Jedi filth already had an opponent, but given his injured state, Veles might find an opponent he could beat. Maybe, just maybe, given his own disadvantages.

Turning on his heels and marching through the battlefield, the amphibian spoke to [member="Gerion Blackhand"], his voice firm and the accent clearly indicating Imperial origins. "Let me take care of this one. You are strong. Do not waste your time with this filth, friend." The Mon Cal Knight said.

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