Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Threads for an aspiring Sith

I'm always up for more Sith stuff and helping folks get their character sorted out!
Amazing! Let's plot

I’ve also got a new padawan level force user character I’d like to break in. I’m down to plot something.
Sounds fantastic. Anything in mind? PM or Discord?

I would be up for writing with Saeva, Onith here is definitely a dark-leaning person with more experience behind her.
Neat! Thinking training/mission, or what would suit?

I have a sassy young padawan if you need based opps. And an Imp knight…and a Mando, AND a Sith Knight.

All based. Just get at me.
Based. Sassy Paddy or Knight probably? I'll hit you up!
Saeva Saeva discord’s probably the best bet. I don’t have anything totally concrete but perhaps they’re both on a mission and end up either trying to swat each other away or end up in a predicament where they have to work together or otherwise tolerate each other despite being natural enemies.

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