Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This Sith will be known for Generations!

Name: Alex Louis Armstrong
Faction: Former Empire, CIS
Rank: Dark Jedi-Knight
Species: Human (Chandrilian)
Sex: Male
Height: 2.7 M
Weight: 170 KG
Eyes: Steel Blue
Hair: Bald, except a single forelock of Blonde Hair
Skin: Fair
Force Sensitive: Yes


Powerful: Armstrong is immensely powerful even without the force, able to damage small Start ships with just his fists, if he uses the force to increase his strength even more, he can throw small star ships around the size of small personal craft. His record is 5 meters
High Endurance: Due to his Sith training Armstrong has a high pain tolerance, and due to his training in his families art of duels, which has been passed down through the Generations, can sustain a lot of damage before yielding.
High Stamina: The foundation of his fighting style, Armstrong can sustain a one on one combat for hours, using this he works on wearing down his opponents before claiming victory.


Simpleton: Though well educated on politics, Military tactics and combat, he comes across as a very simple man,and very easily is a Fool when not serious.
Honorable: While overall, not a flaw, Armstrongs duty to his honor has gotten him, into more then enough messes in which he has been lead into traps, and has been nearly killed as many duels of Honor turned into failed assassination attempts.
Limited clothing: Armstrong wears no armor when in combat, and usually only wears either his nobility uniforms or his sleep wear. meaning he tends to fight shirtless, which can be intimidating with how he is built but in mass combat, not so smart.

Appearance: Armstrong is a tall man, whose body is nothing but a wall of muscle, and grace. usually looming over all he talks to, he can be a very intimidating man without needing to be. His head is completely bald save for a forelock of blonde hair in the front. His eyes are a Steel blue and are accompanied but a thick, blonde handlebar mustache that covers this thin lipped face.


CH1: ChildHood

Armstrong was born on the Core world of Chandrila, among a small social elite family. While not all that powerful, the family did have many ties with leaders, schools and military officials., all of which the young Armstrong would use as we grew up on his pristine home planet. In his younger years Armstrong was a very frail boy, but he seemed to have an unnatural grace when he walked and his method of speaking was very regal and kind, and many hung on his word. He was treated as a perfect choice for a future diplomat and thus his education was steered towards that of negotiations and using words as a weapon. His childhood was a mess of many activities beyond school, he learned music and certain arts, the latter of which he took great pride in sculpting and carving from small marble blocks. He enjoyed making the Family crest which was a triangle enveloped in a circle with the words; laufet brüder eure bahn freudig wie ein held zum siegen. Which was an old saying for his ancestors which founded the house. As the saying goes, the saying was passed down through the Generations.The other thing he enjoyed was the marital practice taught by his father, in the ways of hand -to-hand dueling, a from of boxing but had a few other techniques added to it, making it a spectacle to watch. His life was filled with study and etiquette, it was busy but it was a simple life, until his sixteenth year.

CH2: The Galactic Empire

During one of his rare days off, Armstrong was working on his sculpting when they struck. The Galactic Empire was doing a raid of the core worlds, and Chandrila was one of their targets. The attack was brutal and quick and the Armstrong household was enveloped by the chaos. It happened so fast, but Armstrong rushed with his sisters to find safety when they witnessed their father be cut down and blacking their path to escape. Enraged, fearful, terrified, and passionate to keep his family safe, the powers that was the force erupted from him and the Soldiers assailants were caught off guard as they were flung into the solid walls of the manor. Making an escape his family desperately needed. Fleeing for their lives the Armstrong family scattered, all the while the young Alex found himself surrounded. Holding his own fairly well, using a mixture of his dueling and this new power to push men away. It wasn't long however when the solid thump of a fist to his head knocked Armstrong out cold.

When he awoke he was in a ship, in chains, his head was in pain and he felt something pressing him down on his upper back. Straining to look up he saw one of the many cloaked figures which attacked him and his family. He couldn't see the mans face as it was covered by a well made, hand crafted mask, and he was wrapped in a dark cloak but his voice rang out loud and clear. "Welcome to Byss boy, try not to die!"

The next fifteen years were a nightmare for Armstrong, torture, murder, barbaric ways of eating and living, the constant fighting and screaming, tears and blood. The boy that went into the Academy for the Force-Sensitive was not the same as the man who stepped out. A tall intimidating figure walked down the stairs that lead up to the Academy, his muscled torso bar among the desert heat, the man walking down as a Dark-Jedi-knight, under the name Darth Armstrong, awe inspiring in his own right as unlike any of the Sith or Jedi he came to loathe, he did not carry a light saber, instead his weapon of choice which he crafted with the force when dominated to make it, were two silver gauntlets made from the precious metal, Phrik and both had his family crest carved perfectly onto the back, to remind him of who he was, what was lost, and what he would save. Each alone weighed nine kilos but here he was carrying two without any effort,simple walking down a flight of narrow stairs. Many of the younger Dark Jedi bowed either in respect, or fear maybe both but none wanted to end up like the Jedi who granted him his rank as a knight. This life however was not what Armstrong wanted nor desired, and at the age of thirty-one Armstrong returned to Chandrila, and quickly worked to bring back his house, only this time, he brought them up from a lower house into one of the most powerful. While how he did it remains behind hushed lips and locked doors, the record of seven major families being wiped out through brutal murders probably explains most of the story. Sitting as head of the House Armstrong lived in relative peace for awhile, until a part of his past showed up and invited him into the fold of the growing powers among the galaxy. (TBC...)

CH3: Alchemical Techniques Passed down for Generations..
You seems like somone I could arm wrestle [member="Darth Armstrong"]
Also would it not make more sense to talk about the One Sith and their brutal conquest of the core worlds 20 IC years ago? The current Sith empire around did not exist back then

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