Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Yellow Sun


H O U S E • R E N O U X

Wearing: xxx
Tag: Tyonna Arkose Tyonna Arkose | Roxy Renoux | Ariellyn Renoux Ariellyn Renoux | Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn

Lady Draco entered shortly after Ulysses arrival. His ego was haughty enough to think she wore the dress, lacy and as form fitting as it was, for his benefit. A way for her to remind him of what was not his. Were it not for the final exchange between them in the cave on Entralla, Ulysses may not think anything of it. There had been enough venom in her words, and sting in her slap, to remind the Duke of his place.

He could play his part well in public.

His worry would be evident to her, however. They knew each in more intimate ways than either of them would ever admit, even in the privacy of their cave. It was wrong of him to put on this charade when Romin was missing, but this was the curse of politics. It was the bane of leadership. There were times when the public appearance held more weight than matters of his own house.

Ulysses let his shoulder barely brush against the dark haired Lady on her way past. He was tempted to reach into her mind and ask where his son was. Part of him did not put it past her to weaken his house by removing his heir, but he also did not think she would be so brazen after their houses had just made peace. Ty’darius was too innocent for such a thing. If it was anyone, it was her.

Raze and Roxy were gone by the time he moved to his seat. His eyes found those of his advisor.

“You are likely correct, but we are also too close to the signing of the peace accords. It would be the work of a rogue Justicar. Your network… they are also looking for my son?”

Much of what anyone had to say did not weigh as much on his mind as the matter of locating Romin.

He floated his words to Lady Deyanira Draco Deyanira Draco next.

“Your son Leon is competing… this should be entertaining indeed.”


H O U S E • R E N O U X

Wearing: xxx
Tag: Roxy Renoux

“You know why I said it,” came the reply. “Romin is missing. You or your sister would be next in succession. Not everything can be solved with a lightsaber, as much as both of us wish it were so.”

She was not going to be happy with that answer either. Raze could have opted to say nothing, but something had changed in their clearing that night. Where he usually opted for silence, he was emboldened to speak.

“As long as you recognize he is placating you, I will say nothing further on the subject.”

He would remain true to his word. Rexanne did not need him to spell everything out for her, but in this case he could not fulfill his duty to protect the house if he did not ensure she felt the gravity of her brother’s absence. Everything Raze said was not simply because he trained her, but because he loved her. That unavoidable truth had already been spoken between them, and every reminder was one way to say it when prying ears were near.

His hand rested gently on the small of her back as the reminder of her training landed on his ears.

“I do have faith in your training. I am reminding you so everyone can see why House Renoux is the strongest.”

The pair kept stealing innocent touches and lingering looks. Every moment was precious, even these. Raze had not simply followed her to help her, or because it was his duty. He knew it would be a few moments where they could be alone, even if their guard had to remain secure.

He smirked as she laid her own challenge.

“Just remember this conversation once I have knocked you flat on your back.”

Raze would pay for that comment later as well.

His eyes followed her out toward the arena. He would need to gear up next, but for now his pride radiated from him. She would show them all what she could do. Even if she did not win the tournament, perhaps her father would relent and allow her to train alongside her brother.



H O U S E • A M N E N

Threescore pavilions had already risen on the grassy field. Some were small, some large, some square, some round, some of cloth some of linen, some of silk all were brightly colored. brighter than a field of wildflowers. rich reds, sunny yellows, countless shades of green and blue, deep blacks greys, and purples.

If the Pavilion of House Amnen was not the largest it was close to it. A bright brilliant yellow pavilion made of silk with the house sigil embroidered in black.

“Is my cousin going to tilt today?” Darius asked Esteban as they dismounted.

“Tymair? It is a different Lance he means to wield.” Esteban said with a laugh.

Darius laughed too. There was no denying the reputation Tymair had made for himself.

"Darius, I just wanted to wish you good lu--"

Tyonna stopped abruptly, and the smile disappeared from her face.

Her eyes locked on the man leading Darius' mount and narrowed slightly. She almost didn't recognize him, it'd been so long. Tyonna was warm to everyone, but when it came to Esteban, her heart was like cold embers left in the hearth. Her throat grew tight.

Without another word, she turned on a heel and retreated towards the stands.

Esteban was handing the mounts over to one of the grooms when they were approached by Ty’darius’ aunt Tyonna. Darius’ face lit up to see her, but her smile left her when she saw Esteban. She took enough time to regard the Justicar with a look of contempt and then she was leaving, giving Darius no time to speak with her before his turn in the arena.

“Come on,” Esteban said. Darius followed him inside the pavilion.

“You should talk to her,” Darius said as Esteban gathered the pieces of Darius' armor to begin readying him for the joust.

“No time my lord. You ride soon, someone must be your squire and I do not see your new young cousin here to arm you.” Esteban said.

“Arlo? He is in the maze I think.” Darius said.

“So, I am here.” Esteban responded.

“Does it bother you?” Darius asked cautiously while Esteban pulled at the straps of his armor. “Arlo, I mean.”

“Is she happy?” Esteban asked.

“They both are,” Darius told him.

“Then, no. It does not bother me.”

Darius chose to take the man at his word.

“Do you know who I am to face?” Darius asked nervously.

“Does it matter?” Esteban asked.

“It might.”

“It does not. You ride well and your lance improves every year.”

“Yes, but –”

“No, My Lord. No buts,"

The time had come. The herald had called for Ty'darius and his opponent, who to his surprise was revealed to be the Duke's daughter. He knew better than to be overconfident, yet he could not help but feel his heart lighten. Darius pressed his heels sharply into Omen's side and the orbak snorted, kicked, reared, almost throwing him from the saddle, and sprinted forward a cloud of dust left in her wake.

Darius knew not to lower his lance too soon but when he did go to aim his weapon he nearly dropped it. Most of his effort and concentration was being spent on keeping Omen on track.

Roxy Renoux

(btw I rolled a 4)


Reggie Rau



TAG: Raze Raze | Aito | Leon Draco | Tolmeh Thorn Tolmeh Thorn
ENGAGING: Darius Amnen Darius Amnen




Raze's words haunted her as she waited.

He was right with what he said. It was practical. It's what she was supposed to be. But it was her brother. Succession was the last thing she had thought of. It was only for the safety of Romin and that he would be found. She couldn't think of other possibilities just yet.

But then her draw was heralded.

She shoved the haunting words to the back of her mind and took a lance from the boy. All that played through her mind now was to keep her eyes on her opponent. To let her years of training take over. She squeezed her calves against Nyx's girth and the orbak sprang forward in a cloud of dust.

Through her visor, she saw Ty'darius racing toward her, but his mount's movement had unbalanced him slightly. Only a slight thought of hesitation flitted through her. He was the lord of his House. It can go any way, politically, if she unhorsed him now. But the thought passed and another took its place. If he was in this arena, the fault was with his advisors for letting him. Rank didn't count here and now.

The gap closed and she saw his lance tilt, albeit unbalanced. She stayed steady on Nyx and at the last instance tilted hers as well. Her landing wasn't as perfect as she wanted, as she was on the off-hand, but it landed, the low stun voltage on the lance doing its job into his shoulder, nonetheless while his unbalanced lance skimmed harmlessly past her hip and over Nyx's flank, causing the jetblack orbak to give a little buck. Roxy, however, had been riding since four years old. She stayed seated until Nyx settled back into a canter and she could regain her proper balance.

Rexanne made her turn at the end of the list and slowed Nyx to a trot before stopping, the lance back to a vertical position in her hand. She knew she had landed a solid enough hit. Now all that was left, was to face the fallout.

And yet, she felt nothing.

(Sorry for that 14, amigo)




Objective: Compete
Tag: Open (looking for opponent)
Juliet watched as some of the other Justicars donned their armor.

It felt odd, being here to... entertain. With the war supposedly behind them, ushered away by the peace talks... things felt quiet. She felt more like a hired guard than a Justicar these days. So, she would welcome a bit of a challenge. Long strides brought her towards the arena, where there was already a match in progress between a woman clad in white armor and... a child.

True, it was the Lord of House Amnen. But still.

Helmet cradled in the crook of her arm, Juliet's stony gaze focused on the match.


(Post Soundtrack: “Aristocrats of Karnaca”)
Attire: [


“Every time we encounter a person, try to figure out their life story. By any means, talk to them, observe, anything. How's that sound?"

For the first time all morning, Arlo’s lips curled into a genuine smile befitting a boy his age. Full of youthful exuberance, suddenly unfettered by risk or repercussion. If he were answering Ron’s question truthfully, it sounded like going against every precaution Tyonna Arkose Tyonna Arkose had ever set before him. She wouldn’t be happy if he should act so recklessly.

But to be fair, Romulus Vel Romulus Vel himself breaks nearly every safety measure just by rolling out of bed, yet here he was: Arlo’s official protector.

Arlo gave the man an assenting nod.

I can do that,” he said, smiling.

But the smile was quick to fade. A man who uncannily wore Rom’s face approached them from behind, like an uncomfortable double-image of the man Arlo had learned to trust with his life. Were it not for his stark aloofness, the lordling was shocked by how difficult it was to tell Vilka Keldra Vilka Keldra from his brother.

"Are you no better than a nursemaid now, brother?"

Arlo’s fists curled, angry brown eyes shimmering with flecks of gold as he looked up to Romulus. Twins or not, Remus can’t speak to him like that. Not here, on Muunilinst. It bothered him, but he bit his tongue.

Instead, he tugged at Rom’s sleeve.

We should go inside,” the boy urged. He knew that he couldn’t mince words with Remus, and he knew that Rom wouldn’t stop if he started.

Besides that, Arlo already felt as though he was being watched.

The hyena?’ He gave a cursory glance from where they stood at the maze entrance, but he saw no one fitting the description of a deadly hunter. Only nobles to brave the hedges and commoners to watch.

But the feeling was there. Like icy pins prickling his neck. He gave Rom’s sleeve another tug, this time stepping on with the fabric pinched between his fingers.

We should go…” Arlo insisted.

Before one of us gets into trouble…’ his mind added.


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Cyressa Tiberos




Wearing: XoXo
Location: Garden Maze
Tag: Romulus Vel Romulus Vel , Arlo Amnen Arlo Amnen , Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru , Vilka Keldra Vilka Keldra

The events of the last week weighed on the minds of all those in House Renoux.

Cyressa was no exception and took to the Amnen’s maze, following every winding path until its twists and turns afforded her the peace and privacy she desired, far away from the constant guards who trailed her. A moment to reflect.

With Romin’s disappearance, her own situation was left uncertain. Should he remain unfound, then presumably she’d not be forced to marry and her usefulness to Lord Ulysses would be, in that regard, lost.

Perhaps, she dared hope, she'd finally return to Dantooine. A place that, in all truth, she scarcely remembered. Muunilist was the closest to what she remembered of home, with its lush green fields and gardens. It dredged up distant memories of warm summer days and delicate winds sweetly perfumed by florals in bloom, reminders of a childhood lost to the colorless world of Jameus. A place of whites, blacks and greys.

Yet… as she navigated the labyrinth of hedges, she could not put aside the unsettling sensation that this was not the kind of place she belonged. Would she feel differently if she actually returned? There was also the matter of whether or not she really wanted Romin to not be found and the consequences of all that would mean for Rexanne.

Her delicate brows furrowed in silent contemplation, at that.

No. She firmly decided. I don’t like the idea of that, either.

Continuing on the shaded paths of the garden maze that stretched endlessly before her, twisting and turning in a bewildering fashion, Cyressa began to wonder how long she’d been wandering, her initial sense of adventure and desire for privacy giving way to mounting anxiety as the familiar surroundings blurred together.

A faint rumble of voices nearby was a welcome relief, a sign of civilization in an endless sea of greenery. Cyressa pursued the sound of them until she came across the scene of two nearly identical individuals squaring off with what appeared to be a younger boy betwixt them. Drawing closer, despite her better judgments to turn and leave, she recognized one of the men as the enigmatic Romulus whom she’d encountered on Entralla. The other figure, dressed in colors of House Amnen, was assumed to be the boy he’d been seeking during their last interaction.

Her lips pulled into a tight smile, trying to shake her nerves, manging something that was a mixture between charm and trepidation.

“It’s nice to see you again Romulus,” she said, her voice low and warm, subtly extending whatever protection she might afford them through her own position - a gambit she hoped would work to diffuse whatever this was. “I see you found the young Lord... Arlo, is that right? It is nice to finally meet you. I am Lady Cyressa.” Straightening her shoulders, her eyes flitted briefly to the other man, wondering what the brewing conflict might be about, if it was politics or something more personal. She’d need to tread carefully.

“I apologize if I’ve stumbled onto something private,” she continued, folding her hands in front of herself gracefully. “But I’m afraid I’ve gotten myself helplessly lost in these gardens. I hope you wouldn’t mind if I tagged along for a while until I find where my guards have gone off to? I know Lord Ulysses would be grateful I was not left unattended, and I would enjoy the company.” Cyressa held her breath, waiting for their response. She knew that her presence might complicate matters, but she had to at least try.

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H O U S E • A M N E N

She wasn't ready.

He'd known it and yet Ty'darius had wanted to prove otherwise. He'd loved her and saw nothing more than that love.

She wasn't ready but he had been.

He'd had a lance in hand since he was old enough to ride. He was Lord of his house, grandson of Tycho Amnen, he should have rode down every last one of them to the glory of his House.

That's strange.

The young lord thought as he lay in the dirt. He tried to pick himself up and could not.


He thought and no part of him moved.


And still nothing.

The young lord of House Amnen felt strangely calm. The fall from his orbak had certainly not been an easy tumble, perhaps it would take a moment longer for his faculties to return. He lay for a moment longer.


He demanded and he move not even an inch.

Panic threatened to creep in but the young lord would not allow it. He could not be seated and then act a child after.

He made to call out for a hand to help him to his feet and from his mouth burst a bubble of blood so dark it seemed black. It was at that moment the young lord realized he was choking. He coughed several times, a spray of blood coming from him with each effort.

His opponent's Lance had struck true. Aimed harmlessly at his shoulder it touched him and sent him crashing to the ground. What was not know to any of them was that the armor worn by the young lord had been made for the previous lord of House Amnen and there had been no time for the young lord to commission his own. The armor he wore was brilliant and strong but in some areas fit loose. When the boy lord was struck with the lance, a strap on his armor burst, loosening a pauldron.

In his fall the young lord landed upon this piece or protective plating that now protruded from a place in his neck. The morning sun glinted off the piece as the boy lay helpless.

The young lord. A child lay terrified of the dark as the dirt of the arena greedily drank the blood that flowed from him as the crowd cheered. Did they know he were dying? Did he?



They were talking.

And multiplying.

Aliris frowned as she lowered her hand from her blade. Of course the boy leader had others to protect him, but that didn't little to have her faith go.. Anywhere with him. She was supposed to pledge her service, but it wasn't as if she already had. This was as much an audition for him as it was for.. Well it was just for him at this point, she figured. She already proved her own worth. So, rather than slink around in the shadows, she just walked over.

Arms crossed, frown clear on her face.

"There's a lot of folks here who have no business getting lost, getting lost. You nobles aren't the brightest, huh?"

Arlo Amnen Arlo Amnen | Romulus Vel Romulus Vel | Vilka Keldra Vilka Keldra | Cyressa Tiberos

H O U S E • A M N E N

Tag: Maëlys Amnen Maëlys Amnen | Darius Amnen Darius Amnen | @Spectators​

Tyonna was glad Angel was there, the other woman was always a welcome sight. She gratefully accepted the drink and took a large sip, much larger than she normally would have. But something told her she'd need it, something to calm her nerves. "Thanks," she said, offering a small smile, hoping her discomfort hadn't been terribly visible.

Though, she was the type that wore her emotions on her sleeve, so to speak.

"I hope things go well today," she said, glancing to Angel and letting out a sigh. Maybe if she kept her mind busy with other topics, she'd forget that her estranged husband, Esteban, had returned without warning.

The two of them hadn't parted on the best of terms, their relationship had been... strained. That was probably an understatement. Not to mention the fact that she'd adopted Arlo Amnen Arlo Amnen after he'd left. The dark wings of anxiety fluttered again. No, no... think about it later.

As Tyonna turned her attention to the match happening, she watched as Darius Amnen Darius Amnen and Roxy Renoux charged toward each other, lances poised to strike. It seemed to happen in slow motion, the steady beating of hooves echoed in her mind.

Tyonna smiled fondly. She remembered holding Darius for the very first time – and how happy her brother had been. Tyonna had been there for his first steps, too. He'd tumbled down many times, and she'd hugged him and saw to all the scraped knees.

The blow dealt by Lady Renoux made Tyonna wince.

Her heart was in her throat, but she knew... this time, she had to let him get back up on his own two feet. But then, the drink slipped from her hands and crashed at her feet. This wasn't a small tumble, or even a bad fall... this was...

"Healers!' Tyonna shouted. "Get my father, now!" Tyonna hoped Angel would take point, though she hadn't said it to her directly.

Rushing down, she didn't hear the collective gasp of the crowd as they slowly realized something was very wrong. "Darius!" Tyonna shouted, dropping down in the dirt at the boy's side. Shaking hands reached down to touch his cheek, "D-darius! Please, please...."

H O U S E • R E N O U X

Wearing: xxx
Tag: Roxy Renoux | Darius Amnen Darius Amnen

Raze smiled as he watched Roxy move into the arena. There was a sense of pride as he knew his training was about to be put on full display. His back turned as he began to work on securing his own armor. Then he heard the draw.

Rexanne Renoux.

Lord Ty’darius Amnen.

“Chit,” he cursed loud as he dropped his breastplate and began to run for the arena.

The pair had never discussed the one important thing she had to remember when facing someone at that station. The Lord must always win. In a tournament like this, one that was meant to be entertaining, to put the noble houses on display, the nobility had to appear stronger. While Rexanne was a noble herself, she was not the Lord or Lady of her house. This was not a fair draw, and whoever set it up knew it.

Raze would kill the man who arranged it.

His legs were swift. Determination fueled him. The Justicar was angry, and he knew it. Nothing he would say or do at the moment was going to quench the fire which raged within him. THe only thing he knew was he had to stop the bout before it was too late.


The sound of the lance hitting its mark, and the impact of Lord Amnen’s armor hitting the ground reached Raze’s ears before he could see anything. His eyes fell on the motionless figure as Rexanne turned to view her success. Raze could only silently pray the boy would survive.

Tyonna Arkose Tyonna Arkose rushed from the stands calling for the healers.

Good, she would see to the boy, and if they could reach him in time, the force would keep him alive.

Raze rushed to Rexanne.

“We have to go now. Back to the tent. Leave the mount. The squire will tend to it.”

It was rare he ordered the woman as though she were his to command. In this instance he had to stay between her and whatever backlash would come of this. His eyes found the Duke in the stands and waited for the man to acknowledge him. Naturally he would want to come to Roxy himself, or at least Gideon would. Whatever was about to transpire in the next few moments, Raze knew his duty.

Roxy had to remain safe no matter the cost.

“Do not leave my side. Let me fulfill my duty.”



H O U S E • D R A C O

Tag: Ulysses Renoux Ulysses Renoux | @Spectators​

Needless to say, Lady Draco walked past Ulysses with purpose.

No doubt, it might have looked like an act of arrogance, the way her head was head high and her eyes looked past him. Like he wasn't even standing there. But, Deyanira knew his eyes would be on her gown – and the subtle hint of her perfume would be there to cloud his head.

He did play the part well; not a soul would suspect anything more than hatred between the two of them. Once she was seated with a glass of red, Deyanira's dark eyes settled on the arena below.

Though, she was aware of Duke Renoux now seated next to her.

"Yes," she said, flatly. "There are many that find Leon... entertaining."

Was she one of those people? No. Her son's antics... aggravated her. Deyanira only hoped that Leon Draco would best his opponent.

Her gaze cut to the side, but she didn't turn to face the Duke. The widow was keen to notice the hints that no one else would. "Are you worried about you daughter competing?" Her voice carried no warmth or concern. The ghost of a smile on her red lips was proof that she enjoyed his sense of unease. "She looks capable enough to me."

And capable she was.

Deyanira watched as the woman's lance struck the young Lord Amnen.


Reggie Rau



TAG: Raze Raze | Tyonna Arkose Tyonna Arkose | Darius Amnen Darius Amnen | Everyone else




He wasn't getting up.

Worry seeped into Roxy's emptiness. She dismounted, giving the lance to the boy. She had just started to move toward Ty'darius' prone body, when she heard the coughs come from him.

Rexanne froze.

She saw the blood.
She felt cold and there was a thunder and a high-pitched whine in her ears, standing there while chaos started to ensue in front of her, everything as if she was watching it play out on the other end of a tunnel. How'd it happen? The lance was set on stun - she had checked it herself. And her hit was definitely not on a lethal area. The tunnel narrowed and the whine increased. The chaos started to blur.

And then Raze was right in front of her.
"We have to go now. Back to the tent. Leave the mount. The squire will tend to it."

He sounded like he was in a can. But she allowed him to usher her away from the list without protest. She was vaguely aware that he wasn't exactly ushering, more like rushing. He was still talking, but the thunder in her ears drowned out all other noise. So she just stuck to him. He would lead her out. There was so much movement in the arena now.

It was only as they reached the grounds just outside the arena that slivers of conscious thought started to seep into her.
"My father..." she started, trying to look back at the stands, but Raze kept moving her. She just prayed that Gideon would get her father and sister out. More cognitive eyes found the strong figure rushing her along again to the tent. "Where's your cuirass, Raze?" His lack of armour and the way he behaved, as if he expected an attack any second, dangerous, had panic start to rise within her.

Everything had happened so fast, but time seemed suspended at the same time and it confused the hell out of her. There was still some thunder in her ears and she was feeling sick and thirsty at the same time. She was swept into the pavilion and she only realised that she was shaking when she couldn't hold the pitcher of water steady.

The blood.

She'd seen the colour of it. The pitcher crashed to the floor and she stumbled back until she was leaning against a table, shakes wracking her body.
"Healers won't help." She felt like she was in a can, too, as she spoke to Raze, though her teeth chattering minced the words that was supposed to sound calm. She had caused this. The blood that had bubbled from the lordling was on her hands. This wasn't war. She didn't mean to mortally wound, maybe even kill him. This was supposed to be in good faith.

Panic came from her in short breaths as cold shakes shook her so violently that she could barely stand. A child lay dying in the arena and she had caused it. She had caused his aunt to collapse into the life blood of her nephew with anguish.

She was a monster.


Armor: Link
Fighting/Running from: Leon Draco

Tolmeh was standing helmet on still waiting for Leon on to finish up his rousing bout of getting to crowd laughing when he heard a deep sickening crunch. It had sounded like it came from the jousting fields. While Tomleh wasn't sure who was supposed to be on the field he needed to know, he was about to hit his comm device in his helmet when heard the screams and cry for Healers. Chit, no matter what happened next this could go bad depending on who was hit, how badly and by who else.

He tapped his comm unit while moving away from his starting position, signalling that Leon had won the duel through bow out. He needed to understand what had just occurred, after all if it had anything to do with House Draco, damage control would need to be handled quickly and carefully this whole event was still about solidifying the new shiny Covenant they were in much to his chagrin. After all he had yet to have a chance to prove himself in combat outside besting a couple of the other justiciars in practice matches, besides the bout he was going to do with Leon, was going to be to show up the new skills that he had procured.

As he jumped a fence he saw immediately what was occurring. It seems that the Justiciar in white ( Raze Raze ) the one he had met before in the red keep was moving his charge out of sight and off the field. While the young lord Darius Amnen Darius Amnen had been clearly hit not very cleanly off his horse and was bleeding badly. The healers weren't likely to make it in time enough to save him without immediate help. He had a woman next to him clearly trying to help him. But while she was likely force sensitive he doubted she was ever taught anything about healing. After all wasn't that the healers job or in a pinch a Justiciar's job.

He immediately broke this down of going one of two ways. He either A helped the young lord in an effort to preserve the Covenant and give House Draco quiet a bit of status, perhaps enough to wound House Renoux into a particularly bad situation where House Draco could make a demand of it or B he allowed the young lord to die, letting someone else take his place and not being blamed for his inaction after all he owed House Amnen nothing. While his cynicism called out for doing nothing, his loyalty to House Draco fought through, after all it would be advantageous to the House to put Renoux in a bad spot.

He made his choice sprinting over as fast as he could ripping off his helmet as he went. He wanted people to also see his face, perhaps to stop being a bystander, perhaps to make sure everyone knew it was definitely a justiciar of House Draco, he couldn't say but he skidded to his knees next to the young lord and Tyonna Arkose Tyonna Arkose putting his hands on the young lord and began focusing on shutting down the flow of blood. He would pour as much as he could into this, after all this was a genuine attempt, while option C was to look like he was trying to help he knew the lady next to him would figure it out quickly if he didn't give it his all and that would make House Draco look like it trained their Justiciars badly and he couldn't have that. He just hoped that he could stich enough back together for the young lord to be seen by the healers without killing himself. After all this was a very time sensitive wound and either the lord would survive or they would both dying still justifying House Draco a compensation for his efforts. Besides what was his life worth next to increasing the standing of his House.


H O U S E • A M N E N

Just before we come across the Hyena, another cackling voice cracked from the other direction. It is a familiar sound. A familiar movement. A familiar aura. It can't be who I think it is, right?​
"Are you no better than a nursemaid now, brother?" he asked as he lit up another cigara nonchalantly.

Silence, utter silence for a second. All I can do is stand there, frozen, as glimpses of the letter, the rage, the punishment, all passed through my mind for a split-second. Remus. The coward who abandoned us. The only one brave enough to escape the cycle. The heartless traitor who did it and left me alone at the mercy of dad. The benignant kid who knew his self-worth and stood up for it. Remus Vel. With his cheap clothes and cheap cigaras. Happier than you'll ever be.
"Look who we got here. Mr. oppression olympic gold medalist for 'dad sent my brother away to the military and it makes me sad so guess what I'm leaving the family and never contact my brother again'. Remus, Arlo Amnen. Arlo, Remus Vel. Smile, shake hands, whatever, nice to meet you."

Instead, he tugged at Rom’s sleeve.

We should go inside,” the boy urged. He knew that he couldn’t mince words with Remus, and he knew that Rom wouldn’t stop if he started.

I took a glance at Arlo. He doesn't like this, it seems, something about all this bothered him.

"It's alright buddy. Remus is a docile farm animal, isn't it right, brother? Come on, let's do the game! I'll start. Remus Vel. Life story: born a pathetic loser in Ord Trasi to a wealthy family, but was too insecure of his own shortcomings so he…"
Before I could finish my sentence, another figure entered the fray. I was so focused on Remus, that I didn't even notice that Lady Cyressa was walking towards us until she spoke.

“It’s nice to see you again Romulus,” she said, her voice low and warm, subtly extending whatever protection she might afford them through her own position - a gambit she hoped would work to diffuse whatever this was. “I see you found the young Lord... Arlo, is that right? It is nice to finally meet you. I am Lady Cyressa.” Straightening her shoulders, her eyes flitted briefly to the other man, wondering what the brewing conflict might be about, if it was politics or something more personal. She’d need to tread carefully.

“I apologize if I’ve stumbled onto something private,” she continued, folding her hands in front of herself gracefully. “But I’m afraid I’ve gotten myself helplessly lost in these gardens. I hope you wouldn’t mind if I tagged along for a while until I find where my guards have gone off to? I know Lord Ulysses would be grateful I was not left unattended, and I would enjoy the company.” Cyressa held her breath, waiting for their response. She knew that her presence might complicate matters, but she had to at least try.

"Lady Cyressa, what a pleasant surprise. Don't worry about the rat, Arlo and I were just playing this game and poor little brother right here felt left out and cried. We certainly would not mind the grace of your presence, right Arlo?"
Just as I wrapped up the question, hoping that Arlo wouldn't mind adding another soul to the entourage, a sound of light steps took my attention back to the sharp corner of the garden. The hyena. I activated my poison darts, but to my surprise, she came out with a crossed-arm, not looking for trouble.
Arms crossed, frown clear on her face.

"There's a lot of folks here who have no business getting lost, getting lost. You nobles aren't the brightest, huh?"

But the feeling was there. Like icy pins prickling his neck. He gave Rom’s sleeve another tug, this time stepping on with the fabric pinched between his fingers.

We should go…” Arlo insisted.

Before one of us gets into trouble…’ his mind added.

The situation has become too chaotic. Sure, I can handle Remus, child's play. And I'd love to spend some times with the hostage princess. Knowing a true nobility is always an advantage to people in my line of work. However, the hyena, while is on Amnen's side, is too unpredicatable. Besides, Remus and Lady Cyressa are not Amnen. I might hate Remus and not care that much about Cyressa on a personal level, but if there's any blood spilling here, it's going to be the hyena's. Peace is too good for business to risk on some petty confrontations.​

"Aliris Tremiru. Nice to finally meet you, young one. I've heard a lot of things about you. Some good, some scary. Nothing bad, obviously, we all love you here. We are not staying in the garden for much too long, I'm afraid. This is just too tumultuous. I mean, it was just Arlo and I catching up earlier, and now, we are stuck with a princess, a rat, and, respectfully, a murderball freight train. Who's coming next? A vampire?"
I give my brother one last glance. Deep down a part of me want to just pull him for a hug. For old time sake. But that desire is buried deep down underneath years of hate, anguish, and pride. So I went for a pat on the shoulder instead.

"Chill out, I'm not gonna kill you, just a friendly pat to the pariah. It was really nice seeing you again brother. Nursemaid job's calling, what can I say. Keep your eyes and ears wide open, my men will be in touch. My lady, we can escort you to the city, if you want to. Perhaps, you can meet some familiar faces there? Shall we go?"

Muunilist Mining Oligarch

H O U S E • A M N E N


Location: The Stands
Objective: Mingle ...yeahhh
Tags: Darius Amnen Darius Amnen Tyonna Arkose Tyonna Arkose Ulysses Renoux Ulysses Renoux Roxy Renoux Tycho Amnen Tycho Amnen

Maëlys exchanged a comforting greeting with Tyonna Arkose Tyonna Arkose , ensuring to send the ex-husband a cold glance in support of her female family member. "I'm sure today will be wonderf...." her reply was cut short by the sudden clamour in the ring and the horrified reaction from the other woman.

"Get my father, now!"

Maëlys nodded and looked around towards where the elders of Amnen were drinking together. She picked up speed and touched a small gem on her earlobe before speaking "Get a medical shuttle here, have emergency clinic ready to receive a serious injury.... uh huh... Darius Amnen... I think so.". The comm cut and quickly overhead she saw one of the Aurodium plated medical drop ships that she had supplied to support the festivities. It'd Golden Hull glimmering in the sunlight as it approached their young fallen Lord.

" Tycho Amnen Tycho Amnen ! " She called out to the older man at the request of his daughter. He saw the man sat with others of his peers and she spoke again. "You need to come quickly, Lord Darius has been seriously injured." Her voice was calm and controlled but her equatorial accent tended to become more apparent when she was stressed. She looked at the other guests with a practiced apologetic smile and then would lead Tycho back to the incident where Justicars and Amnen medics were beginning to gather around Darius.

As she spun on her heels she said a little prayer for the boy and for her family members in general.


H O U S E • R E N O U X

Wearing: xxx
Tag: Roxy Renoux

Rexanne was in shock. The woman had never taken a life before, nor had she seen the blood of combat. Ulysses had ensured his daughters were shielded from the gruesome and grotesque reality of it. Part of the Justicar wondered what effect this would have on her desire to train. He knew his first kill did not come without its own trials. How she moved forward from this would determine whether she had the makings of a warrior or if she needed to remain in the political arena. All of that, and Darius was not even dead yet. In her mind he was, but until the boy drew his last breath, there was hope.

He forced the woman to look at him, the peered over his shoulder to the squire.

"No one enters this tent, and you will tell no one of what you see or overhear… on your life…"

His eyes found Roxy's once again. The healers would not be able to help him was what she had finally managed. Raze just shook his head.

"You can't know that. Sometimes a thing looks worse than it is, and sometimes it looks less than what it is. You did nothing wrong."


It was a word he knew Roxy would not hear. She had been the one to lower her lance and guided the hit to where it landed. On any day it was clean and decisive, something to be proud of. This was different. Darius was not her enemy, and his age made it a tragedy. If there was a lesson in any of this or was that life was fleeting, so Raze took a risk.

His lips found hers.

"We will get past this together. I'm here," he said as he pulled away and leaned his forward against hers. "You'll be tempted to retreat into your mind and replay it, looking for something you could have done differently. Don't. If you go anywhere take yourself to the clearing. Go to where you are safe and happy."

It was what he told everyone with their first kill. They could not let their mind win the battle. Roxy was in a new fight now, one she had to win.



Reggie Rau



TAG: Raze Raze




Raze was speaking again.

Her face was almost as transparent as her eyes as she looked at him, her head between his hands. He'd been talking to the boy outside the tent that she didn't even realise had followed them back. She wanted to tell him to not be rude to the boy, but no sound came out. But even if she could say something, he would have interrupted her.
"You can't know that. Sometimes a thing looks worse than it is, and sometimes it looks less than what it is. You did nothing wrong."


"You didn't see it." she managed hoarsely. "The colour was wrong. No tank or Force Healing will help." The shakes had subsided, but shivers were still there. "I caused it and you know it." She desperately clung to his strength, scared that if he let go, she'd fall to pieces.

And then his lips were on hers.

It wasn't the usual warmth, but it give some comfort. It had just started to fade when his forehead was against hers and he was making promises and telling her what to focus on. She closed her eyes, trying to draw a modicum of strength from him. He was her constant, always there. But could he protect her from her own mind?
"All the clearings in the Galaxy can't take away the fact that he's an innocent boy, Raze. He doesn't deserve what happened." she said softly, but there was some strength that had returned to her voice, after all. The thunder in her ears had also subsided to a dull throb in her temples. "I should never have tilted my lance when I saw he was unbalanced." A raw truth.

She sighed before squeezing his hands and stepping away from him. He'd managed to bring her from the edge, after all. But now, all she felt, was exhaustion. Exhaustion and a guilt that she'll carry for a long time.
"I just want to go home." she said, everything about her wilted. Then she dragged her less shaky fingers through her hair, digging up some reserves. "We need to find out where my family is and figure out what is happening. If we can get out of here, we should. They won't let us go when..." She didn't want to say it. "Lord Tycho would be out for blood. We should go." she said more insistently. Her mind was clearing with every second when she had started thinking about her family.

The repercussions were starting to flood into her mind. Her father would be the center of suspicion. First Lord Draco, now Lord Amnen. The list of adversaries were growing thinner by the second for House Renoux and her father was innocent in all of it. Peace had still been too volatile for this to happen now. If they didn't act now, someone else would. And she had a sick suspicion that Deyanira Draco Deyanira Draco would try to capitalise on this, make herself and her House look good. Throw her father under the bus. Roxy wouldn't be surprised if the woman...

The thought hit her like a train.

"Raze, who all had access to the pairing of the draws?"



The sudden sound of a horn blew from somewhere within the maze. Something in the atmosphere began to shift. The ground began to shake, as did the walls of the maze itself. Everything was changing and shifting. In some parts of the maze the walls moved, and in other parts the floor opened up. Were it just the maze shifting, it would not be much to cause concern.

But it was not.

Gears and the faint sound of metallic chatter echoed through the maze as the sound of several droidekas rushed toward the gathered group of individuals. They once we lost. Now they were in danger.

Something terrible was at play.

Vilka Keldra Vilka Keldra | Romulus Vel Romulus Vel | Cyressa Tiberos | Arlo Amnen Arlo Amnen | @anyone else in the maze​

Vivian thretis


H O U S E • D R A C O

Wearing: xx
Tag: Deyanira Draco Deyanira Draco | @open

Vivian walked up besides deyanira and took a militarist stance she new there would be no open hostilities here or at least hoped not. But she would make sure deyanira was safe all the same the peace treaty was in the process of being finished and was an uneasy peace at the moment. And she wasn't going to bury someone else in or serving house draco for a good while if she had her choice as she heard the crunch and ruckus of what happened to the young amnen leader she watched to the best of her ability while standing next to deyanira this would complicate the treaty especially since he jousted a warrior of house renoux by what she saw on the roster anyway. She remained ever vigilant besides her leaders side to protect her.


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