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Codex Denied The Warlords of the Sith [Feudal Schism Sith Order] [DRAFT]

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  • Description:

  • Hierarchy:
    • The Two Spheres of the Warlords:
      • TBA
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    • The Dark Sovereign:
    • The Dark Sovereign: is the elected Military Dictator and Supreme Commander of the various Sith Warlords and Sith Barons of the Warlords of the Sith.​
    • With this title they are anointed as "Overlord of the High Lords", "Defender of the Sith Faith", "Grand Keeper of the Sith Code", "The Dark Commander of the Chapters", and the "Supreme Commander of the Warlords' Host" by the Supreme Prophet of the Dark Side and the Sith Ecclesiarchy.​
    • However, unlike other absolute monarchs like the Sith-Imperial Emperor or the dominating Dark Lord of the Sith - the Dark Sovereign is a far more practical title and rank. Rather than an all powerful Dark Lord who lashes the other Sith Lords into servitude for no use. The Dark Sovereign operates more like General or Prince - their power is granted by the Sith High Lords and their High Lord Court. They are Dictator and Overlord at the patronage of the High Lords.
    • This was designed on purpose - because one of the core values of the Sith Warlords is the continued cultivation of the Sith Code at all levels. Sith operate in a never ending thirst for power - and the leader of all Sith should be no exception. To stagnate and become comfortable in an office is to surrender to a false sense of Peace - and Peace is a Lie.​
    • As a result - the Dark Sovereign most constantly work to make sure they are on top of courtly intrigue and the shadowy machinations of the other Sith High Lords. Heavy is the head that wears the dark crown of Dark Sovereign - for all Sith High Lords can challenge the appointment of a Dark Sovereign, whether by ritualistic official means in a Kaggath or by dark treachery of assassination and manipulation of the Election of the High Lords.
    • Currently the Rank is Held by the Three High Lords of the Warlords: Darth Voyance, Kascalion Giedfield Kascalion Giedfield and Vora Kaar Vora Kaar
      • The Shadow Hand and the Secret Order of the Hand: To assist the Dark Sovereign in keeping control over the Sith High Lords and monitor their shadowy machinations - they are supported by a Shadow Hand and the Secret Order of the Hand.
      • The Shadow Hand is appointed directly by the Dark Sovereign and they are the Order Master of the Secret Order of the Hand - which is a Order of secret spies that are loyal to the Hand who report plots of treachery.
      • In addition, the Shadow Hand operates a group of Sith Seekers who are sent out into the galaxy to gather Intel, infiltrate other factions, and carry out covert operations of destruction.
      • The power of the Secret Order is that any Sith could be a member of the Hand's command. And often their identity are well guarded by the members of the Secret Order because A. should they be revealed as a member other Sith are inclined to kill or exile them and B. The Hand themselves will see to it they are despised off before they fail.
    • Circle of the Sith High Lords:
    • The High Lord’s Court:
    • Despite the organizational name "Warlords of the Sith" - the title Warlord applies to any Sith Lord who is a part of the covenant.
    • Actual Feudal Rulership belongs to the Sith High Lords - who rule over the various other Warlords and Sith Baron's from their High Lord's Court
    • The High Lord's are the Sith Political Body that checks and appoints the Dark Sovereign - they are at once the Warlord's greatest force of power and its greatest weakness. Prone to courtly intrigue, Lordly rivalries, and shadowy schemes of ascension (as the Sith Code demands), they are constantly enforcing, growing, or destroying each other to gain political supremacy.
    • In the Feudal Structure of the Warlords - the High Lords are the Feudal Masters of entire worlds (although true governorship is delegated to their enfeoffed Non-FU Governors - The Sith Barons.)
    • High Lord's have the right to:
      • Summon High Lord's For Deliberation:
        • Summon Ecumenical Councils for the debate and refusal/approval of a decree
        • Summon a Kaggath Tribunal - for the resolving of disputes between Sith of any rank (including against the Dark Sovereign)
      • Raise Sith Battle Chapter Levies:
        • Raise a Sith Chapter Platoon for their Personal Guard
        • Form Special Task-Forces to Command on Special Operations
      • Organize Their Sithari'dom Fiefs:
        • Reward Fiefs to persons under their influence
        • Own Estates of Personal Use on their worlds or worlds of other High Lords
      • Engage in Sith Campaigns:
        • Conquest, Foreign Subterfuge, Hire Mercenaries, Launch Raids, and Control the Partition of Loot
      • As well as:
        • Raise Non-FU's to Ranks of Barons
        • Enfeoff Non-FU's with Estates
        • Banish persons from their Fiefs
    • Sithari’dom Fiefs: The very territory a High Lord controls is called a Sithari'dom (a type of Planetary Fief by which a High Lord acts as Feudal Overlord). Only High Lords are permitted to own Sithari'doms - lower Sith Lords (Warlords)/Knights can own regions, cities estates, or locations in the Sithari'doms upon the enfeoffment by the High Lord
    • The Dark Brood: the Dark Brood is the collective term for Sith Knights and Sith Tyrophytes (Acolytes) that are under the tutelage, vassal enfeoffment, and command of Warlords/High Lords. This includes the College of Sith Knights which is the Academic Order that trains the Sith Knights through the Ways of the Sith Code and the Rule of the Few
    • Sith Ecclesiarchy:
    • Supreme Prophet of the Dark Side: The Supreme Prophet is the arch-priest of all the Warlords covenant and head of the Sith Ecclesiarchy - the Religious Masters of the Sith Code. This organization within the Warlords' is a successor to the Qotsisajakaar (the Keepers of the Sith Code) - a religious splinter order created by Darth Voyance. As the Ecclesiarchy it's goal is to monitor the Warlords and make sure the faith of the Sith Code is adhered to. As such the Ecclesiarchy is often the most hated and feared facet of the faction. Under their command is a cadre of Priests, Sorcerers, and Dark Disciples who administer the magicks of the Sith and purge elements they deem anathema to the Sith Code and Religion.
    • Prophets of the Dark Side:
      • Sith Battle Priest: These are Sith who are adept in the dark arts of sith magic and war. They join Sith Battle Chapter Troopers and Sith Battle Lords/Knights assisting them with dark buffs and magics to help their battles
      • Sith Seeker Knight: Seeker Knights are holy assassins dispatched to hunt down the most serious of Light Side threats to the Sith Code and Religion (many of them work in tandem with the Secret Order of the Shadow Hand's Sith Hounds)
      • Sith Commissars: The only Non-FU members of the Ecclesiarchy - they are embedded in the Sith Battle Chapters and act as religious/political military officers that makes sure there is no treachery or desertion of duties to the Sith Code and Warlords on the battlefield
      Holy Orders of the Dark Side:
      • In the times when a Sitharian Crusade is called by the Warlords - special dark side empowered Sith battle units are formed - these are the Sith Holy Orders.
      • Sith Holy Orders are led by a Sith Lord/Knight appointed as Crusade Master of the Holy Order and is assisted by Sith Battle Priests, Commissars, their own Sith Battle Chapter drawn from other Chapters and a cadre of Sith Knights.
      • These Sith Holy Orders act as super powered vanguard forces, fanatically leading the crusading armies in their battles of conquest and destruction - they are the most dangerous units Warlords can field.
      • Sith Holy Orders exist only when there is a Crusade and are disbanded there after.
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    • Political Governance:
    • The Grand Executor:
    • The Grand Executor is the Supreme Secular Commandant of the Warlord's Political, Administrative, and Governing apparatus. While the Sith High Lords and Warlords lord over worlds the real administration of feudal governance is delegated down to the Grand Executor and his Sith Barons. Do not be fooled, they are not servants but Feudal Lords in their own rights - controlling the operations of fiefs and estates across the Warlord's domains.
    • All Sith Barons answer not to the Dark Sovereign but to the Grand Executor and his Privy Council - the Baron's Court
    • In terms of powers the Grand Executor can command the Sith Baron's to counter the actions of Warlords should they find their actions a determent to the overall productivity of the Warlord's holdings. The Grand Executor is a practical and opportunistic cruel tactician straddling the might of the Sith and the ambitions of his secular Sith Barons.
    • As such the Grand Executor is often at odds with the Warlords he governs on behalf of.
    • The Grand Executor has powers to:
      • Inform Macro-Economic, Taxation, Economic, and Monetary Policy​
      • Object (and through Sith Baron's) reject Sith Warlord Foreign Policies by denying resources of war​
      • Prosecute Sith Barons or Warlords for misuse of resources or damage the faction's operations​
      • Mobilize the Sith Battle Chapters to punish insurrections against his policies (with cooperation from the Lord General)​
    • The Sith Baron’s Court:
    • The Sith Commissariat:
    • Military Administration:
    • The Warlords’ Host:
    • Lord General/Admiral of the Host:

  • Membership: [ Approximately how many people are in your organization? What does it take to become a member of this organization? Is there an initiation or a ritual? Missions they have to carry out? Tasks to perform to prove their skill/worthiness? For families, is it easy to marry into the family or are there certain attributes the family leader looks for/do you need approval? For companies, how does one get hired? Include both IC and OOC if someone were interested in your organization how they would join. ]
  • Climate: [ Friendly local business? Czerka style intrigue? Are you at risk of expiring just by checking in at work? Describe what kind of feel your organization has from the inside. ]
  • Reputation: [ How do people see this organization from the outside? Beloved? Distrusted? Wary or neutral? Describe your organization’s reputation here. ]
  • Curios: [ Do the members of your group have any special item, marking or trinket that designates their membership? Something that only those part of this group would have access to or possession of? Examples are tattoos, amulets, rings, books of faith, etc. ]
  • Rules: [ Most organizations follow some set of rules. Maybe the Resol’nare, the Jedi Code, etc. Does this group have any religious beliefs? Philosophies? ]
  • Goals: [ What are the goals of this organization? Future plans for expansion? Collection of information? Providing education to those who seek it in certain skills? Supporting charitable works? For all intents and purposes, this is your in-character intent with this organization. ]


  • The Sith Schism: TBA
  • The Warlords of the Sith: TBA
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