Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The War for Chaeronea OOC

[member="Ashe the Reaper"]

For the combat model, I was looking at doing something more in depth, take much of the randomness out of things and give writers the opportunity to use tactics as well which actually mean something.
We’ll see.
Well-Known Member
Tamara said:
PS; I had a crazy idea to do a non-canon galactic version of this, where factions start out at the start of the board’s history and recreate their empires and see what happens. Something for the future
Yes. The answer is yes.

Also, for what its worth, this looked really fun. I just didn't do it right, and I think you're next one will be much more pleasurable! :D
My model for a galactic version would be Empire at War, where you have space and ground units working in concert together.

The plot would be that the 400 year darkness has just ended and it’s for your faction to take advantage. Of course, you wouldn’t start off having all unit and ship types. You’d have to research those and build the units and craft you need.

This would be a monumental campaign, but it could be awesome if I could find people able to stick with it for several weeks.


Well-Known Member
Had fun while it lasted. Rl probs made it hard to keep up with Ashe, but overall I enjoyed it and look forward to my next attempt.


Tamara said:
A good idea...until that person leaves!
I get the point though. I'll assign team captains next time who can make decisions for the group.
I like how we did it in the Mandalorians. Everyone (okay, almost everyone, but we don't talk about He Who Shall Not Be Named...) threw in their input. Everyone agreed, and one person kept tabs on the whole operation and submitted the orders in - it was all agreeable and all happy. If you could somehow make an official model off of that, that'd be great. Otherwise, I'd say, don't force team captains. Again, you've seen what happens when that goes down, needless to say.

And another thing. There should be a cap of auto-attacks per day, regardless of if the faction has two writers or twenty. While it didn't have much of an effect on this one (we got by at one a day and still had -zero- losses and and thousands of saved points), the general ability to abuse it is still there. Three sounds like a fair number, two if the majority of teams have less than three members.


Well-Known Member
How about all threads need to be done by end of the week. Then build orders, and invasion orders, and if two factions invade the same area they duke it out. Also if two factions invade from the same boarder then winner takes the territory.

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