Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The War for Chaeronea OOC

The War for Chaeronea begins!

[member="Voroll"] - CIS
[member="Strask Ak'lya"] - CIS
[member="Noah Corek"] - Omega Protectorate
@Canal Tal’Verda – Omega Protectorate
[member="Adenn Gra'tua"] – Mandalorians
[member="Ashe the Reaper"] – Mandalorians
[member="D-Man"] – Mandalorians
[member="Fatty"] - Lords of the Fringe
[member="Verrin Ris'To "]- Galactic Republic
[member="Vaudin Miir"] - Galactic Republic
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] – Galactic Republic
[member="Hasjo Hallu"] - Silver Jedi
[member="Rasu Gan"] - Silver Jedi
[member="Lok Jorunn"] - Silver Jedi
[member="sabrina"] – The Sith Order

How This Will Work:
As this is working in a forum setting, the way the campaign will work is:
Each faction will be allocated their starting region. Each faction will have a PM sent to them including all their involved writers. From this PM writers will make their orders so that they remain secret.
As soon as the campaign starts, factions are to choose their forces from the 1000 points they have.
Each faction will allocate their forces as they wish and tell the arbiter where they are attacking and whether they want the attack to be resolved by RP or automatic resolution (see below). If they wish to RP it, a thread in the following format will be created in the public RPing forum [Chaeronea] [Attacking Region xx] (Whatever name for the thread desired).
If automatic resolution is chosen, the arbiter will determine results and post them in the IC and OOC campaign threads.
A constantly updated list of regions will be kept in the first page of the OOC thread. The map will be updated periodically.

Since this forum is really bad at tables, we will be doing this differently. Please let me know if you cannot see any of the below linked files and I will get them to you another way.

Rules Document:
  • This contains all the rules and information you will need. Look it over, if you have any questions ask me.
Terrain and Regions Base:
  • This is the base map of the planet. The regions are laid out.
Region Values:
  • This is the value of each region on the map. Brown for value 1, Orange for value 2, Yellow for value 3 and Green for value 4.
  • This is the starting territories for each faction. This map will be updated as the war progresses. The faction colours are:
  • Mandalorians = Orange
  • Sith Order = Brown
  • Silver Jedi = Light Blue
  • Omega Protectorate = Purple
  • Horde = Grey
  • CIS = Green
  • Republic = Dark Blue
  • Fringe = Yellow

TL;DR Edition:
  • Look at the map to see where your faction is.
  • Read the rules.
  • PM me, including your participating faction members.
  • Determine how you will spend your 1000 point initial forces.
  • PM me your attacks and whether you are RPing or want me to auto resolve them.
  • If you RP them create a thread in the public RP forum with 'Campaign' Prefix and [Chaeronea] [Attacking Region xx] in the subject.
  • Try to resolve issues with others first, then come to me for arbitration.

Edits and Changelog:
1/6 - Edited auto resolution results to be less harsh.
2/6 - Changed AA to be strong on plains, weak on snow.
2/6 - Changed combat scores to make the expensive units more worth the expense.
2/6 - Edited fortifications increase defence by 2 rather than 1.
3/6 - Edited victory conditions to make the cash one harder to achieve.
Faction Updates

  • The Mandalorians have conquered Troiken.
  • The Mandalorians have taken Aigi.
  • Mandalorians have defended 24 from the Sith.
  • The Republic has taken Sarpas.
  • The Republic has taken Pydna.
  • 3/6 The Republic has taken Gedrosia.
  • 3/6 The Republic has taken Thasos.
  • 4/6 The Republic has taken Ikandos.
  • Attack on 17 Defeated.
  • OP has conquered Region 26.
  • 5/6 OP has taken Porus.
  • RPing attack on Region 14
  • RPing attack on Region 7.
Silver Jedi:
  • 3/6 The Silver Jedi have taken Salamis
  • 3/6 The Silver Jedi have taken Tarsus
  • 4/6 The Silver Jedi have taken Archos
  • 4/6 The Silver Jedi have taken Andros
  • 4/6 The Silver Jedi have taken Sogdhia
Sith Order:
  • RPing attack on Region 24 defeated.
The New Order:
  • RPing attack on 8.
Campaign Notes:

  • Do not underestimate the neutrals. Attacking a large tier enemy with the wrong units can lead you to ruin.
  • RPing does not mean you will always beat the neutrals! I can and will penalise handwaving....
  • Remember, you get income daily. Save up for a couple of days if you need to.
  • As I explained to Hasjo, the reason why RP resolution is in here is because it gives writers a chance to create stories, and a well-written attack might succeed where otherwise it would fail automatically. It is however much slower. Thus there is a balance between speed and risk versus slower and more predictable.


Tamara said:
Rules Document: This contains all the rules and information you will need. Look it over, if you have any questions ask me.
If I may be so bold, why is AA weak in Plains? I can assure you that this would not be true. Plains make an easy target, sure... but they do so for any kind of craft or structure on them, not just AA. AA would be just as devastating here, if not more in fact, that mountains because there's nothing but open sky with minimal to no obstructions and absolutely nowhere to break from coverage or go below the radar/sensor floor. Not to mention, the climate is usually more stable, meaning less hinderance on ordinance and targeting systems. In other words, it's an absolute kill box for AA, ironically hence "field day." xD

Edit: Also not sure why it's strong in Snow, as it would get just as bogged down as a tank would, realistically, unless its a walker but those finer details are irrelevant here so I speak in general.
[member="Ashe the Reaper"]
Since the main purpose of the AA is to neutralise enemy bombers...and not use their paltry 1/1 stats, it doesn't actually matter where it's weak since it can't go below 1 attack.
You do make a good point though and I'll swap them around.

[member="Voroll"] - CIS
[member="Strask Ak'lya"] - CIS
[member="Noah Corek"] - Omega Protectorate
@Canal Tal’Verda – Omega Protectorate
[member="Adenn Gra'tua"] – Mandalorians
[member="Ashe the Reaper"] – Mandalorians
[member="D-Man"] – Mandalorians
[member="Fatty"] - Lords of the Fringe
[member="Verrin Ris'To "]- Galactic Republic
[member="Vaudin Miir"] - Galactic Republic
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] – Galactic Republic
[member="Hasjo Hallu"] - Silver Jedi
[member="Lok Jorunn"] - Silver Jedi
[member="Darth Kentarch"] – The Sith Order
[member="sabrina"] – The Sith Order

The day has flipped over, so you get your 300 income (500 for the Republic).
Combat stats have been edited to properly take into account the rising costs and make the more expensive ones more useful.

I will allow refunds is people want.
Unit Type	Cost	Attack	Defence
Infantry	100	2	2
Armour	        200	4	4
Walkers	        300	6	6
Artillery	200	6	2
Interceptors	200	4	2
Bombers	        300	10	2
Anti-Air	100	1	1
People have asked about alliances, and you can indeed ally with other factions. However, there is nothing other than good will to stop them betraying you.

I have also allowed CIS the option of an amphibious assault on 14 or 22 as they are now sealed off if they don't want to fight the Republic.
Following a magnificent RP thread by the Silver Jedi, Salamis has fallen to them.

If anyone is wondering the standard of RPs I’m looking for to defeat superior forces, this is it. Great work

[member="Hasjo Hallu"]
[member="Lok Jorunn"]
[member="Voroll"] - CIS
[member="Strask Ak'lya"] - CIS
[member="Noah Corek"] - Omega Protectorate
@Canal Tal’Verda – Omega Protectorate
[member="Adenn Gra'tua"] – Mandalorians
[member="Ashe the Reaper"] – Mandalorians
[member="D-Man"] – Mandalorians
[member="Fatty"] - Lords of the Fringe
[member="Verrin Ris'To "]- Galactic Republic
[member="Vaudin Miir"] - Galactic Republic
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] – Galactic Republic
[member="Hasjo Hallu"] - Silver Jedi
[member="Lok Jorunn"] – Silver Jedi
[member="Rasu Gan"] – Silver Jedi
[member="sabrina"] – The Sith Order
[member="Darth Vulcanus"] – The New Order
[member="Bjornveld Skjoldsen"] – The New Order

Please welcome The New Order to the war! Taking up Region 12 recently vacated by the Horde, they are mean, tough and ready to fight!

Good luck, you’ll need it!

Also, I am announcing that the tier 4 and the two remaining tier 3 regions not being attacked or conquered are getting double defenders to give a bit more of a challenge.
This means the tier 3 regions will have 1800 points of defenders and region 16 will be defended by a whopping 2400 points of troops.

Tier 1 and 2 regions will not change.


Well-Known Member
Tamara said:
Combat stats have been edited to properly take into account the rising costs and make the more expensive ones more useful.

I will allow refunds is people want.

Unit Type Cost Attack Defence
Infantry 100 2 2
Armour 200 4 4
Walkers 300 6 6
Artillery 200 6 2
Interceptors 200 4 2
Bombers 300 10 2
Anti-Air 100 1 1
is this what I am looking for?

Edit: are I get it know, you added the attack and defense together.
[member="Voroll"] - CIS

[member="Strask Ak'lya"] - CIS

[member="Noah Corek"] - Omega Protectorate

@Canal Tal’Verda – Omega Protectorate

[member="Adenn Gra'tua"] – Mandalorians

[member="Ashe the Reaper"] – Mandalorians

[member="D-Man"] – Mandalorians

[member="Fatty"] - Lords of the Fringe

[member="Verrin Ris'To "]- Galactic Republic

[member="Vaudin Miir"] - Galactic Republic

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] – Galactic Republic

[member="Hasjo Hallu"] - Silver Jedi

[member="Lok Jorunn"] – Silver Jedi

[member="Rasu Gan"] – Silver Jedi

[member="sabrina"] – The Sith Order

[member="Darth Vulcanus"] – The New Order

[member="Bjornveld Skjoldsen"] – The New Order

New limit is in place. Limit of one auto-resolve attack per day, per writer. So if you have 3 writers in your faction signed on you can potentially take 3 a day.
[member="Voroll"] - CIS
[member="Strask Ak'lya"] - CIS
[member="Noah Corek"] - Omega Protectorate
@Canal Tal’Verda – Omega Protectorate
[member="Adenn Gra'tua"] – Mandalorians
[member="Ashe the Reaper"] – Mandalorians
[member="D-Man"] – Mandalorians
[member="Fatty"] - Lords of the Fringe
[member="Verrin Ris'To"] - Galactic Republic
[member="Vaudin Miir"] - Galactic Republic
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"] – Galactic Republic
[member="Hasjo Hallu"] - Silver Jedi
[member="Lok Jorunn"] – Silver Jedi
[member="Rasu Gan"] – Silver Jedi
[member="sabrina"] – The Sith Order
[member="Darth Vulcanus"] – The New Order
[member="Bjornveld Skjoldsen"] – The New Order

OK, with most attention shifted to the invasion and other projects I’m going to call a halt.

I would like to especially thank the writers of the Mandalorians, Silver Jedi and Republic factions for their great participation.
In particular, major kudos to Hasjo Hallu, Ashe the Reaper and Verrin Ris’to.

Even though this campaign is over, there will be more, and I will learn from my mistakes in this one and make it even better next time.

For the next game I am planning the following:
  • More regions with more defined differences between them to make the NPCs a challenge after the first wave.
  • Reinforcements gained after you win a battle rather than daily.
  • Integrated RPing and stats battles.

Overall I’m very pleased how it went. Some things worked really well, others not so much. I think the RPing side of things should be limited to faction battles if they both agree. RPs slowed things down too much, and with the way I want to do income in the future, dangerously slow.

I’d like to invite any players to give their feedback here.

PS; I had a crazy idea to do a non-canon galactic version of this, where factions start out at the start of the board’s history and recreate their empires and see what happens.
Something for the future.


Tamara said:
Reinforcements gained after you win a battle rather than daily.
Just a suggestion for future reference in the event you host one of these again; if you go that route, just make sure it can't perpetuate into never being able to win because you keep losing all of your forces trying to just move along. If forces can only be gained through winning, that means that losing only brings you further down with no way of regaining strength except to fight the same losing battles.

We definitely need more territories next time around, and a higher conditional victory ceiling. Maybe 12,00-15,000 unused points.

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