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Approved Species The Valar, Lord of All Horses

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  • Name: Valar
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Midvinter
  • Average Lifespan: 30
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: Possesses all the features of a common horse, with the obvious addition of wings capable of flight.
  • Breathes: Oxygen
  • Average Height of Adults: 1.7 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: 2.5 meters
  • Skin color: Dark
  • Hair color: Pure White
  • Distinctions: Faster and more graceful than any other equine on Midvinter, their large and pristine wings are able to carry them and their rider over the tallest mountains or otherwise inaccessible terrain. In contrast to many breeds of horses on Midvinter, their fur is kept short and trimmed as they do not require its added resistance against the cold, long winters. They are the lord of all horses, and are as greatly treasured by the Aelvar as one of their own.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive
  • Capable of flight
  • Immune to cold weather
  • Faster and nimbler than normal horses
  • Vulnerable to fire
  • As vulnerable to physical harm as any other horse
  • Unarmored by nature
  • Diet: Herbivore; pasture grass, hay, fruits and vegetables, grains.
  • Communication: Neighing, whinnying, nickering.
  • Technology level: N/A
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behavior: Their behaviour does not differ from that of any other race of equine; there are stallions, mares and foals, with the stallions competing for the attention of the mares during mating season. Mares are fiercely protective of their foals until they come of age, while stallions in turn focus their protection on said mares and only rarely interact with their offspring. As they are a rare breed and the only known population resides in the mountains surrounding the woods of Averlorn, their entire race is considered domesticated, even though the Elves themselves would not agree with such crude terms. Upon being paired with a rider they may go on to forge a powerful bond of friendship and loyalty, but may likewise toss the rider from their saddle if they do not approve.
As old as any breed of horse on Midvinter, the Valar originally dwelled in the central mountain ranges surrounding Averlorn, home of the Aelvar. While the race of Men were busy conquering the land and fighting amongst themselves over petty clan disputes, the Elves learned to live alongside nature and its denizens, preferring a life of isolation away from mankind. It was during an excursion into the nearby mountains that they first laid eyes upon these winged beasts, so refined and graceful not unlike their own kind. The fates of two species did not take long to become entwined, and in the centuries to follow the Valar would become fully devoted to their new companions. With their Force sensitivity the Aelvar were able to create powerful bonds with their white steeds, and are thus able to summon them to their side from long distances with but a focused thought.

The Valar require no vast pastures, preferring their mountain peaks where the skies are ever at their disposal. They are ill-suited for life in the forest where canopies cover much of the above, and so will usually only set foot in Averlorn itself when summoned by their bonded rider, or perhaps to demand a snack in the form of a juicy apple for instance. As the Elves have only rarely had cause to wage war, there are few occasions where the Valar were ever used as war mounts and no records exist mentioning any dedicated unit of airborne cavalry. That being said, the Valar will charge whatever evil their elven companions direct them at.

It is worth noting that far from everyone in Averlorn are bonded with their own unique Valar, and only a few honoured individuals are gifted with their personal steed. Many have belonged to Queens and their Prince-consorts over the generations, or other likewise prominent members of elven society. That being said, there are also examples of ordinary men and women fortunate enough to bond with one, be it through some fateful meeting or at the end of an arduous journey up the mountains. To be a caretaker of Valar is considered one of the highest honours, to spend long hours on the mountainside and provide a steady source of food for their kind at select feeding stations.

Most recently, the young Queen [member="Ióunn Ar-Olwa"] presented her betrothed [member="Thrand Hearthfire"] with a particularly noble specimen as a gift on the day of their wedding.
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