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Approved Species The Vaemath

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Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug




Average height of adults:
Males; 2.7m
Females: 2.3m

Skin color:
The Vaemath, like many other species, come in a range of different skin colors.

The majority of the species have a deep gray color to their skin. This is however often accented with speckles of purple or brown, though these colors can vary depending on the age, gender, and different genetic line of the Vaemath.

It should also be noted that the Vaemath are not only colored gray, only the majority. It is entirely possible for a Vaemath to be born with a different colored skin, though this is rare, it has happened in the past. Most often the different color skin is a lighter brown or a deeper beige, however historically it is noted that at least one Vaemath was born with entirely black skin.

Hair color:
The Vaemath do not have hair.

From their heads to their toes the Vaemath have not a single follicle, instead from the top of their head grow protrusions very much like Lekku. These can be found in both male and female Vaemath and are generally considered to be simply little more than aesthetic. Some Vaemath choose to have these protrusions surgically altered or removed while others do not.

Aside from these odd protrusions, the Vaemath can be set apart color wise by hue of their eyes. Vaemath, much like humans, have large sub-groups of eye colors. The steady glow within their eyes can be nearly any color, ranging from a bright blue to a burning red. The color of their eyes varies depending entirely on the Vaemath's genetic line.

Type II

Muscular Structure: The Vaemath have perhaps one of the most unique muscular and organic structures in the entire galaxy. Like many other species in the galaxy the Vaemath's body work on a series of nerves, muscles, tendons, and bones. Unlike other species however, the Vaemath have a wholly unique muscular layout. This odd layout of muscle stretched taught and through bones allows the Vaemath to have an incredible strength while maintaining lithe, and even skinny forms. Unlike other large species like the Maelibus or Herglic the Vaemath, while tall, are relatively small in stature. Their bodies are lithe and agile yet retain an incredible amount of strength. This s due to their unique muscular layout, allowing them to be far stronger than they actually appear to be.

Thick Skin: Baratia, the Vaemath homeworld is a planet of molten rock and fire. The Vaemath had lived beneath the surface of their homeworld for millenia, and through these trying times their skin has grown thick and resistant to heat. Like other species with more resistant dermis, the Vaemath have a very thick and almost unnatural skin. This skin is leathery and protective in nature, giving the Vaemath a resistance to temperature extremes, blades, and kinetic impact. This thick skin makes the Vaemath incredibly hardy, even giving them resistance to most forms of radiation. This allows the Vaemath to easily travel through space. When combined with their natural strength, their thick skin makes them the perfect front line soldiers.

Bacta Intolerant: For some unknown reason the Vaemath species as a whole is entirely intolerant to Bacta. The strength of this intolerance varies from Vaemath to Vaemath, but the reactions can be extremely brutal. For most Vaemath, contact with bacta will cause them to break out in extremely painful and itchy hives, though after a few days of rest this will slowly begin to dissipate. For other Vaemath however the reaction can be far more severe. Instead of just breaking out in hives the Vaemath will have a seizure like reaction, their muscles locking up and their organs failing almost instantaneously. It is because of this intolerance that must Vaemath are extremely weary of alien doctors and will only allow members of their own species to treat their injuries.

Open Minds: Due to their Telepathic communication the Vaemath's minds are incredibly open to influences of the force. Though this is mostly due to their willingness to communicate and speak, the Vaemath's minds are almost always 'open'. Unlike other species across the galaxy who find it as second nature to resist influences and probes within their mind, the Vaemath take such actions as merely another method of communication, as such a proficient mentalist could easily take advantage of this naïve worldview. Of course, on the flip side if a Vaemath suspects or is already aware of a force user attempting to probe their mind they can cease any and all communication into their thoughts. This make their minds fortresses, however it make them completely unable to communicate with the outside world.

Picky Eaters: As described below, the Vaemath have an incredibly unique way of consuming food. Having lost all ability to eat regularly, the Vaemath are forced to utilize a set of tools in an almost ritual like process to ingest nutrients. This process is time consuming and limits them greatly. They require a supply of nutrient tubes and an injector in order to actually eat. This limits the Vaemath greatly as getting these things is almost impossible outside of their homeworld.

Vaemath are often stated to have a rather unique appearance.

The species as a whole is distinctly humanoid, and it is often theorized that in fact several hundred thousand years ago they did originate from a common primate ancestor. However, the similarities between a Human and a Vaemath pretty much stop at their bipedal nature.

For starters, the Vaemath's legs are digitigrade with short upper and lower legs, and elongated tarsals, using distal and intermediate phalanges to support their weight when walking. This odd structure of their legs gives them an incredible agility but also makes them somewhat taller than any baseline human meaning they tower above most species in the galaxy. Along with this more unique quality the Vaemath also only have a total of three toes, one on the back and two on the front of the foot.

When one moves up from the legs of a Vaemath they find that their bodies are much in holding with their unique muscular structure. As described above the Vaemath are an incredibly skinny species. Their torso's often appear elongated and thin, their arms appear gangly, and their fingers are long and almost skeletal. Despite this the Vaemath are incredibly strong, their grip being able to break duracrete. The Vaemath have only three fingers and a thumb. The Vaemath have a very shiny silver blood.

Perhaps the most unique and eye catching feature of the Vaemath is their complete lack of what most species regard as a face. The Vaemath have no nose, no mouth, no eyebrows, and no real cheek. Instead their faces are blanks, containing only eyes. The Vaemath's ears are located on the side of their head, resembling those of the Twi'leks. Uniquely, located behind the Vaemath's ears are also what would be considered nostrils on other species, in that it is where the Vaemath breathes air. Most other species find the Vaemath's lack of true facial features incredibly troubling as it makes reading a Vaemath difficult.

The On the back of a Vaemath's head, as described above, are fleshy protrusions similar to lekku found on Twi'leks and other species. These protrusions are nothing more than aesthetic, they do not contain a portion of the Vaemath's brain, nor do they have any sort of extra-sensory ability. Some Vaemath choose to surgically have them removed, though to most they are simply something to deal with or accent themselves.

All in all, although the Vaemath are clearly humanoid, their features make them distinctly unique even in a galaxy filled with unimaginable horrors like the Hutts.

Uniquely, unlike other species the Vaemath technically have no names. Technically the Vaemath have no needs for such things. Due to their natural telepathic abilities the Vaemath have little to no need to actually name one another since they can instantly tell one another apart. This usually means that when a Vaemath travels off world they adopt a single word name simply to help outsiders when communicating.

Average Lifespan:
Though the Vaemath are an incredibly hardy and long living folk, with most of them perfectly capable of living beyond two hundred years, almost no Vaemath make it that long in life.

Their culture as a whole is defined by fierce competition, due to this, more often than not a Vaemath will not make it passed his middle years. However, those that survive often live to be around two hundred and fifty years old, with the eldest Vaemath ever recorded being three hundred and sixteen.


Estimated Population:
The Vaemath are an incredibly private species when it comes to their homeworlds. As such it is difficult for outsiders to determine the exact number of Vaemath that are currently alive.

However, most scientists estimate that due to the importation of goods, the appearances of Vaemath outside of their home system, and the arrogance of their government that there are at least several billion Vaemath living on Baratia. Most conservatively put the estimate at three to four billion.

Perhaps the most interesting thing about the Vaemath is their lack of solid food consumption. The Vaemath as stated above do not have mouths or anything resembling such an orifice. This often means that Vaemath are posed the question of how they eat.

This process over the past few Millenia has devolved into a complicated almost ritual like process.

Every single Vaemath in order to survive requires a set of two tools in order to gain nutrition. These two tools a are a feeding tube, and its injector. The system itself is actually quite simple, the feeding tube is attached to the injector and the injector is then placed on the Vaemath's body. The injector is a large needle like device that is fed directly into the Vaemaths digestive system, supplying the Vaemath's body with much needed nutrients.

This odd ritual requires nearly twenty minutes to complete, causing the Vaemath to have limited mobility for the duration. A Vaemath must undergo this process every twenty four hours or they will begin to starve to death.

This obviously poses severe risks when a Vaemath is away from his homeworld and a steady supply of nutrient packs, this is often the reason why not many Vaemath are seen throughout the galaxy, due to their inability to eat normal food.

The Vaemath have no spoken communication. Eons ago, as they developed beneath the surface of Baratia and came into being as a sentient species, they developed the ability to naturally communicate telepathically. This ability allows the Vaemath to communicate with one another, as well as other species, however the other species must maintain an “open” mind to the Vaemath's contact.

This ability is not born of the force but is instead a natural ability that evolved within the Vaemath through the millenium, much like that of the Iktotchi, Zeltron, or Umbaran. That means that even those Vaemath not blessed with the force are fully capable of communicating this way.

The Vaemath as a whole did not have a language until only several thousand years ago.

Instead, the species communicated through their telepathic abilities via the sharing of emotion, images, and experiences. This however changed over the last few millenia as the Vaemath came in contact with other species. As they evolved, they found that their way of communicating was simply too primitive and difficult to understand.

As such, with the passage of time the Vaemath slowly began to adopt the 'spoken' language of those they encountered. Eventually even upon their homeworld the Vaemath began to “speak” using Galactic Standard.

Most anthropologist and researchers describe the Vaemath as rather barbaric, culturally undeveloped, and savage.

Whether or not this is true is entirely up to the person who is observing the Vaemath, however it is clear that they have a defined modus operandi in almost every facet of their society. Unlike undeveloped barbarian tribes or most semi-sentient species the Vaemath have practices, rituals, and a structure under which they function and even thrive. This culture however is seen by many to be barbaric and confusing, if not outright savage. Due to this it is rare that outsiders take an interest in the Vaemath, most often writing them off as simple minded fools.

The truth of the matter however is that the Vaemath are neither simple minded, nor savage. Their society from the outside looks violent and unplanned because due to their base nature the Vaemath are incredibly competitive. Most Vaemath have a base need to compete for power, position, and authority. This need to compete and place oneself is what Vaemath culture is built entirely around. Every single place of authority within Vaemath culture is defined by this.

As such, every single position of power within the Vaemath culture is always up for grabs. This generally means that the Vaemath are ruled by the strongest of their own species, or the most clever. Position is gained by deposing those set above you, however when a Vaemath goes through with an attempt at a coup and is then defeated that Vaemath and those who serve under him swear something very similar to a Wookiee Lifedebt. This means that although Vaemath culture has a chance to shift in drastic measures, it more often than not doesn't.

Once a Vaemath gathers significant power and authority they generally tend to have hundreds, if not thousands, of other Vaemath at their command. This means that deposing them is very difficult, however, it also means that should another Vaemath succeed in deposing them they automatically gain all of their strength and power. This however is incredibly rare. Deposing a Vaemath is not entirely based on strength. This means that a Vaemath doesn't necessarily need to be a warrior in order to succeed within his or her culture. It is entirely possible to depose a highly positioned Vaemath through subterfuge or nefarious ways.

This competitive culture has been in place for thousands of years and as time has gone on it has forced certain alliances and tribes to form. Blood relations within the Vaemath mean absolutely nothing, a son will kill a father with no hesitation and a mother might murder her child in order to gain greater position and authority. This means that trust does not come easily to the Vaemath, and more often than not the only person that a Vaemath trusts is someone who deposed them.

At the very top of this competitive pyramid sits the Vaemath's Archon. The Archon is the strongest, wisest, and most powerful of the Vaemath. It is he or she that controls the direction of the Vaemath. The Archon, much like an Emperor, has absolute authority within Vaemath society. Few will challenge the Archon, and even fewer have a chance of succeeding. The Archon is almost always advised by a council of other powerful and influential Vaemath.

Though they are few, those Vaemath that are born without this base nature to compete are highly respected.

The Tranquil as they are called are Vaemath who are born without the base nature to compete. Within the Vaemath culture the Tranquil are treated almost reverently. They are calm, often wise, and the only Vaemath to reach old age. The Tranquil most often become the Vaemath's scientists. Due to their ability to devote time to other things beside competing the Tranquil have time to research, build, and generally think. They as a group are perhaps the most useful to all of Vaemath society, it is they that truly hold up the foundation of the Vaemath, and as such they are treated with utter and complete respect.

It is rare, but within the histories of the Vaemath several Tranquils have become Archons. The rule of a Tranquil is usually marked with a grand crusade against other species, as instead of worrying about conserving his own position and authority the Tranquil Archon will seek to expand outward for the betterment of his own society.

It should be noted that the Vaemath are neither isolationists, nor are they xenophobic. Though many species are seen simply as 'lesser' the Vaemath harbor no actual hate towards aliens of any sort, they are simply as a culture more inwardly focused than other species.

Technology level:
The Vaemath as a technological society, like the rest of the galaxy, have not changed much in the past few thousand years.

In an odd, almost comical, fashion the Vaemath have been stuck in the same facet of technological development for longer than their society can remember. The Vaemath like the rest of the galaxy have discovered hyperdrive, shield, laser, and even cloning technology. However, like the rest of the galaxy the Vaemath have been unable to move forward.

Oddly enough, the Vaemath are culturally rooted to the use of certain ancient technologies. Held deep within their roots is the almost reverant use of solid blades and ceremonial armors.

Whether they arrived at their current level of technological development independently or by becoming scavengers is unknown, however it is clear that the Vaemath are on par with the rest of the galaxy when it comes to development.

General behavior:
The Vaemath's general behavior can be summed up in a single word, aggressive.

The species as a whole, both male and female, are incredibly dominant beings. They constantly, and at all times, strive to the strongest, most courageous, and wisest creatures in the room. This often means that the Vaemath are in stiff competition with everyone else, including each other. Culturally this has lead to a very might makes right society, and behavior wise it often means that the strongest and most clever Vaemath ends up on top.

Due to this behavior, life among the Vaemath is almost a constant competition. Until a Vaemath finds his place within the hierarchy he or she is in constant competition in order to find his ranking. The Vaemath will do everything possible to try and find their place, whether they do it by scheming, training in combat, or subterfuge.

This also means that the Vaemath will bow to someone who they consider to be their better, which to them does not always mean strength. If they are proven to be inferior, even in intelligence, a Vaemath will be cowed into servitude. Though this is not anywhere near as strong as the Wookiee lifedebt, a Vaemath who has sworn fealty to someone who bettered them is hard pressed to go back on their word.

The history of the Vaemath is about as long as the history of any other species that can be found within the galaxy.

They have lived upon their homeworld of Baratia for thousands of years, having been settled there as regular human colonists by the Infinite Empire. However, due to the nature o the planet, the interference of Rakatan forces, and many other factors the Vaemath began to shift and change, evolving to better suit their new homeworld and changing into an entirely alien species. These changes were not fast, but gradual, causing a change in the Vaemath's society as well as their physical appearance.

These changes were not noticed at first, but as the Vaemath truly began to set hold and their evolutionary drives changed with them they were gradually embraced. The colony, now isolated and alone shifted its gears from cooperation to competition. The Vaemath themselves, now held alone and more individual began to follow only those who showed themselves worthy, instead of those who had been appointed. Over the next few millenia this change became stronger and more rooted until eventually the current culture of the Vaemath began to take a solid hold.

The Vaemath due to their homeworlds nature have always been a subterranean species, that is they live underground. Due to this catching sight of a Vaemath, even on Baratia itself, was incredibly rare if not impossible. Their cities, outposts, and even major starports are located deep underground with a complex system of tunnels linking them all together. These structures are difficult to detect from orbit, and as such the Vaemath remained relatively undisturbed throughout the ethos of time.

Remaining undisturbed has allowed the Vaemath to mostly develop on their own. Their society as such has developed wholly uniquely, moving forward with their competitive nature almost seamlessly. This steady nature of combat, subterfuge, assassinations, and growths of power has allowed the Vaemath to grow quite strong both numerically and on an individual basis their species falling to a natural survival of the fittest regiment.

Historically speaking, the Vaemath have been a species that focused entirely upon their own growth, strength, and abilities. Lead by a supreme leader entitled the Archon, the Vaemath more often than not focus upon themselves as a nation. Throughout the eons most Archon's have focused on the growth of their own cities, their allies, and maintaining the strength that they currently hold. As such, most of Vaemath history is completely and entirely stagnant, the planet seeing little to no growth and the people only competing amongst one another.

This changes when a Tranquil becomes Archon. Once every few centuries a Vaemath without the drive for competition becomes Archon and he, like no other, sets in motion the growth of his people. Baratia as a whole calls for expansion and growth. Quickly the Vaemath fall to the call of the the Tranquil Archon. During these years the Vaemath experience a massive growth, whether that growth occurs in territorial expansion, technology, culture, or any other changes depends wholly on the new Archon.

However, even with the passed Tranquil Archons, the Vaemath themselves have never turned their eyes beyond their meager holdings on Baratia. Though the species is more than capable of space flight, and has in the passed ventured to the stars for exploratory missions or as individuals, the species as a whole has little to no interest in the games of the galaxy, always instead focusing upon itself.

Slowly however this has begun to change, not due to outside influences, but inside.

The Destruction that was wracked across the galaxy by the Netherworld did not leave the Vaemath untouched. Millions of lives were lost and thousands of powerful Vaemath simply disappeared and were never seen again. It was this that was the Catalyst to the Vaemath's turn to the stars, it was this event that allowed a Tranquil to gain power once more and lead his people. With The Previous Archon simply gone and the hierarchs in disarray this Tranquil was able to quickly seize control of his people.

This new Tranquil Archon has taken hold of Vaemath, utterly and completely. His rise marked the beginning of the Vaemath's ascension into something else. Though he has no drive for competition, his ambition has begun a call to send the Vaemath into the stars beyond. This call has been heeded by the entire world of Baratia, and slowly the Vaemath begin to fall into the greater Galaxy.

Slowly, more and more of the Vaemath fall into the galactic picture, either as individuals, or something more.

Notable Player-Characters: *

To create an Alien species that feels different than a many others currently available.

Image Credits:
Blizzard Entertainment:Starcraft
Protoss 2
Protoss 3

*If you would like to make a Vaemath, and would like additional details and or a .gif avatar, PM me.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Entaro, ahem, anyways, I see nothing really glaring in this sub as this is not a direct clone of the Protoss and is much more Star Wars-ified. Only thing I would like to see as an additional is how this species would react to the Netherworld since I would imagine they weren't immune to the general disappearances that plagued the galaxy

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Taeli Raaf"]

The Destruction that was wracked across the galaxy by the Netherworld did not leave the Vaemath untouched. Millions of lives were lost and thousands of powerful Vaemath simply disappeared and were never seen again. It was this that was the Catalyst to the Vaemath's turn to the stars, it was this event that allowed a Tranquil to gain power once more and lead his people. With The Previous Archon simply gone and the hierarchs in disarray this Tranquil was able to quickly seize control of his people.
I added this into the history.
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