Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Technology Factory Has Been Temporarily Shutdown

Well-Known Member
[member="Silara Vantai"] Basically, if it is not strictly prohibited you can do and have just about anything you want. There is no specific way of doing things so long it isn't against the nature of star wars, and as long as it doesn't make a majority of members upset.

As Tefka has said in a previous announcement, it is possible to roleplay with a non-canon item NOT submitted through the factory, so long as your fellow roleplayers are cool with it and don't report you for power gaming or something.

Additionally, wealth is essentially meaningless. I started this character as a wealthy man, just like I started my last fat man as a wealthy hog. Wealth is an element of roleplay you are free to make up. Though having a company and such helps justify your wealth, which is really all the factory/codex does, it justifies the lore of your character to exist without question.

The factory is an awesome element of roleplay, but it certainly is not necessary for roleplay.
Children, children. The Factory will be back, and ... erm, in greater numbers. I'm sure that as long as we're all patient, this is somehow going to turn out even better than before.



Disney's Princess
Alen Na'Varro said:
I'm sure that as long as we're all patient, this is somehow going to turn out even better than before.
But how will I completely counteract the 8ft Sarge tank that's coming for me without a whole host of items! HOW TEF! HOW DAMN IT! YOU TELL ME HOW!

Oh wait, I can just use descriptive writing. Nevermind.

*coughs sheepishly and wanders away*


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
Well I WAS going to make a tech sub and like 5 development threads for this Super-Weapon I'm doing.

But I guess it's fine to just use it right away now. :3


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Salem Norongachi"],

True story, my space-pilot character once sparked a spontaneous musical number with Gammorreans to distract a Sith and allow some scientist to escape Gamorr.

So kinda emotional tie to Gamorr, but nobody really likes Geonosia :p Too crawly
[member="Captain Larraq"], yes I believe so. Many new members see things such as the Factory and Codex as a requirement, and will not hesitate to assume that because they exist that they exist as the primary directive of being used for a required submission to keep records of all player equipment. While you and I know of an alternative through experience and time, those whom are new do not. And even after learning of other methods of obtaining technology, most will continue to use the factory and codex out of habit, and because it is actually very pleasing to have a nice link for every single thing you have with any form of customization that remains unable to be edited by the player once it has been approved. (Unlike just editing your bio every 10 seconds to add a new tech or remove one when reported before being caught.)
"Why do you have to make new things? Just go through the old submissions and use those?"

Considering we had a thread to help people do that, and subsequently closed it down because it wasn't as much of a success as we thought.... our expectations is for someone to dig through 1839 approved submissions, covering 62 pages, find one unmodified ship they want, roleplay finding that exact ship in the galaxy, not modifying it for their purposes in any way shape or form, and just deal with it #yolo #swag?

I get the idea of making jest at the situation to cheer people up in the absence of something that for a few of us is the core, or at least a major part, of their Chaos experience. But a little right off the bat clarification would have been nice. Simply saying, "It's down temporarily, now you can't argue about who has the better tech, go roleplay more" is a one way ticket to getting people off on the wrong foot. Saying, "The tech factory is going to be down temporarily while we upgrade the system and do a little repairs" is more straight to the point and less likely to have people flipping tables over the temp loss of a section of the factory for technical modifications.

In the meantime, are there any suggestions for how to make things easier for members to find technology they're looking for? Off the top of my head, specific forum sections for each major faction, as well as personal tech and general open tech, would make things easier to navigate.

On a side note, I can understand the frustration of doing submission approval or dismissal all day: I'm working with kids for the rest of my life. But, as I say to my friends in retail who call customers "sheeple": members are people too. It's just as frustrating for us, because no one likes their ideas being dismissed or denied. Yes, your job is difficult and you have an OOC life and you wish people were "smarter" or "used common sense" or "stopped trying to fix something that isn't broken". But using the Factory isn't a walk in the park for us either and Chaos is our relief from OOC troubles but for some reason it keeps causing OOC problems and looking down on us or our views or ideas doesn't improve anything.

....It's 5 am, I'm on a caffeine-high, and I'm honest. #dealwithit #yolo #swag #TrustInChaos

I have to say, while I can understand your arguments, I agree that the Factory is what makes Chaos unique from every other RP on the internet. It's what makes this forum stand out, and it seems to be a fairly well-oiled system to me. The factory allows people to create new content in a fair and balanced way. It's not just to aid their stories, it's part of the experience of this forum and it's an outlet for people's creativity that is separate from storytelling, though it works so well because it also improves the stories. People will misuse, abuse and overuse every system capable of making a RP forum an improvement on the normal formula, but I don't think getting rid of those systems (temporarily or not) will give people a better RPing experience on the whole.

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