Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion The Shadow War - Act One - Quiet as a Shadow (Silver Jedi Concord dominion of Orleon)


Attack frigate, Trasse system

Tsheersk heard the word "sithspawn" and then he responded: "Sithspawn, you say?" Tsheersk quickly realized that if the creature was related to sith, he may fight it. But what if it was something else? Tsheersk thought about that and then he said: "But what if this creature has nothing to do with the sith? There is a chance that this is something else. Maybe this is a Filar-Nitzan that took a form of a humanoid? But what a Filar is doing here?"

Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna Vaux Gred Vaux Gred Jax Thio Jax Thio
Ura would nod a little and soon fit... honestly anywhere she could. It wasn't like Lervon really saw comfort or space the same way as other species. Only she hadn't even gotten the chance to sit before she was thrown back and burst against the back of the speeder. She reformed herself right there, as young Balru spoke in her mind.

That hurt a bit.

I know. Don't worry. He didn't mean it. She would then quietly secure herself as the speeder continued on she'd look out as best she could. The leader, Thalia, seemed a bit anxious to the Lervon, but she wasn't sure. What she was sure about was she had to look down as they passed some of the combat zones. It still brought her back to what happened with the Bryn. Soon though, they would make it to what seemed like a sort of villa. Soon they would be lead inside though, with Balru asking a hundred questions a minute before Ura calmed her down a little.

As they walked in, someone would offer some drinks and snacks, which for obvious reasons Ura would politely decline. Then another came around greeting everyone. Ura would nod a little, speaking up in her odd monotone.

"Thank you for letting us come here. It's... I remember seeing stuff like this happen to my homeworld. I hope we can help stop it."

Gir Quee Gir Quee Caedyn Arenais Haro Harend Haro Harend Madison Starr
Vaux looked at the glass again.

"I mean... maybe. But Spacers usually keep things that'll last, not be vulnerable like glass." She then quickly looked up at the screens, not liking the look of all. Something was going around, killing the crew, and it wasn't clear what it was. This... wasn't encouraging. One of the Jedi suggested a species, but the Mandalorian soon pulled the cartridges from her trayc'kal, quickly swapping the blaster cells she had for particle bolt shells. She wasn't about to take a chance on anyone or anything doing this! At this point she didn't even care if the Jedi didn't like her loading the more dangerous rounds. She already had a disruptor pistol anyway.

"I'm not sure what that karking thing is. I'm more worried about how it got here and what it'll do if it finds us."

Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna Tsheersk Tsheersk Jax Thio Jax Thio
Objective: One - Provide medical support & meet with Thalia Nest
Location: Nest's Paradise, Orleon
Tags: Gir Quee Gir Quee | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Madison Starr | Haro Harend Haro Harend | Caedyn Arenais

Several minutes after the landspeeders left the landing area, a second ship approached the starport. Since there was no active traffic controller to give instructions the two pilots simply picked one of the intact-looking duracrete pads with the least amount of debris. Ramps began extending even before the engines had fully spun down and hatches slid open to reveal holds stacked high with boxes. Load lifters began moving as soon as it was safe, and the first pallets of equipment soon found themselves neatly stacked nearby. Activity slowed at this point.

A second ship, much smaller than the first, also came in for a smooth landing. Rather than equipment however, this one disgorged people and droids. Most of them did not stick around, instead consulting datapads and moving into the city. The instant they were in the streets a few of them opened up the packs they carried and allowed a slew of smaller droids the size of remotes to fly. Rather than staying in the immediate area of their handlers however, the droids dispersed into the surrounding buildings. If they could find a way inside they would do so, though if not they would simply circle each building. All of them were scanning constantly however, and the data sent back to computers for analysis. Meanwhile, two hover barges were pulled from the ship's small hold and positioned so the pallets could be loaded onto them.

Audren was one of those few who hadn't headed into the city and wasn't working on loading the barges. Rather, he was in the passenger cabin of the second ship on a comm call that had already taken far longer than anticipated. Coordination staff at both hospitals were reluctant to send their own transports to pick up supplies until they verified his intent and identity; while the first had come around the second seemed to have forgotten about putting him on hold. By the time the ship had settled onto the duracrete pad it had been a good seventeen minutes of just being on hold and the Jedi had ended the call. His comm frequency hadn't been hidden, they'd call back if they wanted to. Meanwhile, he was giving instructions to the cargo masters of the other ship. The two barges that were being packed now were to take the standard spread to the hospital that hadn't sent transports, while the first hospital had been able to give a more precise idea of what supplies they needed and would be loaded with that.

Also in the cabin were two analysts working their own computers hard. One was running simulations of building structural integrity using the data coming in from the droids, assigning grades based on that data, then relaying it back to the team in the field. Most of the buildings - while structurally intact - were not the most sound and were marked with warning holos to make people aware of the danger. This team was following the flight path of the raiders, just on the ground. The second was going over the scans of the city the descending ships had taken and trying to determine how best to help specific areas. Her efforts were leading to large power generators being prepped for transport to heavily-inhabited neighborhoods, capable of powering basic residences for weeks if need be. Likewise, water collection and filtration systems were on the docket to go out. No hour-long hot showers, but drinking water would be available.

All of this had been independently-funded. The Sephi was not really wealthy in the same was as many other business owners; most of 'his' money was wrapped up in Ceredir and its various business units. What he could afford was put towards this however, and money from Ceredir's donation fund was also used. The money was not being used to proclaim Ceredir's generosity though. There were no press releases, no write-ups in publications large or small. There wasn't even any custom branding on the packaging, and if it hadn't cost more to remove the TGM logos on the two starships and CI logos on the load lifters Audren would have insisted on those being removed also. The endeavor's credits were being meticulously tracked even so, and would be claimed for tax purposes; not to do so would be foolish. None of that was on the Jedi's mind currently though. He had work to do.


Location: Jax's X-Wing
Equipment: Galactic Alliance Flight Suit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna , Tsheersk Tsheersk , Vaux Gred Vaux Gred

"Chit," Jax muttered when the Trandoshan mentioned about spacer corpses. "All right give me your coordinates and I'll be there ASAP." Looks like the disturbance was right. Something awful happened to these poor souls. <You know what's surprising?> BB-12 beeped. <Is that there's a Trando within the Jedi ranks. It don't sit right with me.>

"Stop your bigotry BB," Jax said. "Not all Trandoshans are blood thirsty Bounty Hunters some seek guidance among the Jedi."

<Maybe,> BB-12 whirred. <Or maybe he's telling us that he's a Jedi Knight to have us lower our guard so he can kill us for his bounty!>

"BB shut up and start scanning the area," Jax grumbled. "We don't know if the attackers are here, or they left a gift for us."

He turned to his radio. "Travot," Jax said. "What's the situation so far? I'm heading to your location now."


Madison Starr


The Villa
P3 - Haro Harend Haro Harend | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Gir Quee Gir Quee | Caedyn Arenais | Audren Sykes Audren Sykes

Thalia explained the situation between the fringe groups and how 'morally dubious' things were about to get in the region. Pfft. That was fine. Everybody knew what the Bryn had done out here. This wasn't core space anymore. Mm. Truthfully, Starr was surprised how honest Nest was being about Alliance operations too. She didn't sense she was lying and setting them, (or their government,) up to fail. A surprising twist when dealing with syndicate types. Madison had expected a much more malicious leader. Hmm. Interesting. Desperate times, desperate measures, I suppose.

Thalia's request for alternatives was ridiculous however. Madison wasn't going to share Concord data with Nest or her cronies anytime soon. This wasn't about trust. It was about stability. And if the Concord couldn't use the Alliance to restore this regions resources and economy? Well. Starting over from scratch wasn't such a bad idea either.

Still. Not her call.

She turned to Gir and his companions. Anxious to see what 'options' he'd offer to their new 'friends'. Hm.

Caedyn Arenais


Objective One: Proceed to join the meeting with Thalia Nest.
Location: 2x GR-75 medium transports > Nest's Paradise, Orleon.
Attn: Gir Quee Gir Quee // Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna // Vaux Gred Vaux Gred // Ura Iolar Ura Iolar // Madison Starr // Tsheersk Tsheersk // Haro Harend Haro Harend

With supplies being offloaded to the medical personnel tending to the afflicted, Caedyn Arenais promptly made his way to join the rest of the group where he had been instructed. There he would find Haro Harend Haro Harend , Gir Quee Gir Quee , Madison Starr and Ura Iolar Ura Iolar already present. Both Gir and Ura Caedyn recognized instantly, offering them a friendly but silent smile as he didn't wish to intrude and interrupt the discussion already at hand.

Neither the Nimbus Alliance nor the Crymorah Syndicate were known organizations to him personally, but he did know what it meant to be at war with one another. He had seen so much of it in his life dating as far back as the early age of ten when his homeworld was invaded by the Sith Empire. Since those long-ago days, Caedyn had landed in many a warzone seeking to do what little good he could whilst others inflicted great harm upon the world's they inhabited. His condolences went out for Thalia Nest and the people of Orleon.

Caedyn listened and soon looked to Gir. The Jedi Knight knew the man to be an experienced and high ranking member of the Silver Concord Navy, an Admiral who's name represented a wealth of experience gained over the years of naval dedication and service. Then there was Ura whose homeworld had been engulfed by the Bryn'adul. Caedyn had been there for that fight, and had witnessed the devastating loss that had forced the Silver Jedi Concord to withdraw and safe what few they could. War was a horrible thing...-And it occurred far too easily in this Galaxy of theirs.

The admiral struggled to keep a frown from his face as Thalia spoke, though he spared several glances at Ariela as well as a few of the other Concord members present as she spoke, including Caedyn Arenais, Haro Harend Haro Harend , Madison Starr , and Ura Iolar Ura Iolar . He was not a jedi, but he could imagine that none of them were keen to endorse simple revenge with the possibility of innocent lives lost. But his more pragmatic military mind wasn't any more in favor of it than the jedi likely were - but for different reasons. When she finished, it was impossible for him not to frown.

"I can understand a want for revenge, especially after seeing the damage myself," started the blonde man, "but speaking as a military officer, there's no way I can even recommend to the Silver Assembly an alliance or joint military operations with an organization whose leader has so little control of her own people."

She scowled, "The Alliance isn't so top down as the Concord."

"And the Concord isn't so top down as most other galactic powers," frowned the man, "it's largely lateral on the planetary level. Your peers within the Silver Assembly do not want to be dragged into needless conflict, especially one that threatens to taint their own names with potential war crimes that in turn could bring in wrath and destruction onto their own worlds. There needs to be some modicum of restraint to prevent this conflict from spiraling out of control."

"The Crymorah Syndicate is not a galactic government. It knows not that sort of restraint," said the brunette, flipping both of her hands palm up, "that is gone."

"Between the Nimbus Alliance and the Crymorah Syndicate, yes," agreed the admiral, "but what of everyone else, these allies of them, and these allies of yours. Can we say for certain that they aren't? Do we know who this conflict may draw all in?"

She hesitated, "I cannot say that for sure."

Gir nodded, "Neither can I. The Silver Jedi Concord does not need to give others pretenses to start or escalate wars with us or our allies. The price for the Concord to do more than provide what aid we have already brought here is some loss of complete independence in order for us to work as a team. The Silver Assembly isn't just going to accept loose cannons into their ranks, especially if I or any of the other representatives here have to testify in front of them as to such. So we have a few options. You can tell your team what I just said, and they can agree to stand down while we think of a better option. Or if they do do it, you can disavow them, exile them from the Nimbus Alliance and threaten them with arrest and trial if they return."

She regarded him quietly, causing Gir to realize that much of them had become quieter over the last few minutes as they spoke. They should have sent in a representative of the Silver Assembly for this...He quickly backtracked that thought, considering that a number of the representatives they could have sent would have been all too eager to get into another conflict or be somehow 'persuaded' to come to her point of view for the right price. She finally waved over the falleen woman that had been circulating throughout the room and whispered in her ear before the alien quickly walked out of the room. Thalia offered a brief, clearly forced smile.

"All right, I've sent Fif to try and contact the team by subspace transceiver. We'll see how that goes - though it pains me, if they do continue forth despite my orders to contrary, I will see to it that the Family Council disavows them. But my people...the Family Council will want to discuss some possible paths forward..."

She looked around the room, making eye contact with several of the jedi present.

"You all...some of you must have some experience in settling conflicts, or at least ensuring that some people don't get hurt. Do I just tell them to all huddle up here and we'll fight off the Syndicate defensively? Is there something that any of you would think we might be able to do besides that? I know that taking the offensive isn't the jedi way...but there must be something else we can do besides simply reacting to their aggression? That's not how you face the dark side, is it?"
"Sithspawn, you say? But what if this creature has nothing to do with the sith? There is a chance that this is something else. Maybe this is a Filar-Nitzan that took a form of a humanoid? But what a Filar is doing here?"

Travot hesitated for a moment as he considered the possibility that Tsheersk Tsheersk mentioned, "It could be. I've never encountered one in the wild...I've only heard about them. I think that we've just found more questions by seeing that footage...though clearly whatever it or they are is very dangerous."
"I mean... maybe. But Spacers usually keep things that'll last, not be vulnerable like glass...I'm not sure what that karking thing is. I'm more worried about how it got here and what it'll do if it finds us."

"Probably more of a concern than whatever that glass is," agreed the bulky man to Vaux Gred Vaux Gred , "and I'd say that our safety is our first priority right now, followed by preventing more least to our allies..."

Jax Thio Jax Thio 's voice flowed through his wrist comlink for all within the airlock to hear.

"Travot, what's the situation so far? I'm heading to your location now."

He toggled the transmit feature on the comlink, "We've just boarded the frigate's airlock, seen a few dead bodies, and accessed some of the ship's security feed. Something dangerous is onboard and killing the crew. Not sure what it is - you're experienced jedi though, you might be able to see or tell us something that we missed. We'll wait for you to board and join us, it's probably something that's only safe for us to take on collectively as a group."

He spared a glance at everyone, noting that Vaux had already drawn her weapon and did the same, unclipping his lightsaber from his belt, "That is probably a good idea to be prepared for combat. We should all be ready in case it comes to us. Vaux, can your droid try and locate where that thing is now? Or at least guide us to the bridge? Tsheersk, you seem to know a little bit about these Filar...I only vaguely remember hearing that they're somewhat incorporeal. Is there any way we can protect ourselves from them if that is it?"

Attack frigate, Trasse system

During his "sith hunting", Tsheersk visited many worlds such as Corellia, Manaan and Empress Teta and the Trandoshan also saw many different people in these worlds. He never met an alive Filar-Nitzan, but one spacer he met had a holorecording of a "gas devil". That spacer described a Filar in a moderate detail. Tsheersk tried telling what the spacer told: "I've never seen an alive Filar, but I know that Filar-Nitzans are immune to physical attacks, because they are made out of gas. They can also quickly avoid energy attacks and some of them trained a skill of diffusing blaster bolts"

Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna Vaux Gred Vaux Gred Jax Thio Jax Thio

Madison Starr


The Villa
P4 - Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Gir Quee Gir Quee | Caedyn Arenais | Haro Harend Haro Harend | Audren Sykes Audren Sykes

Thalia again suggested the Silvers give her 'Family Council' something by way of assurances. It reeked of desperation. A pitiable negotiation tactic too. Begging. Ugh.

Madison just folded her arms and sighed. Turning up her nose and looking as bored as possible. Then she review the facts. One. A pirate and merc armada had smashed Orleon. Two. The NIO was just a stones throw away to the east and closing fast. Three. The Silver Concord was the best shot Orleon had at keeping it's own self-governance and remaining military forces intact. So... Yeah. Poor Thalia here seemed to have it backwards. She should not be begging Admiral Quee for support. Oh no. She should be throwing herself, and her operations on-world, at his feet. Ha. At least... If she wanted to stay in charge of this rubble heap of a world, that was.

No. No. Gir should be the one making the demands here. Demand all the intel on the enemy armada and the Crymorah Syndicate. Then demand the Alliance stand down and get in line while the Concord investigates and eventually crushes them. Easy as pie.

Starr didn't say it out loud but her body language sure did. The Concord didn't need the Alliance. No. The Alliance needed the Concord. ...And honestly? Madison wasn't quite sure the Concord even needed the Alliance's help to smash a fancy little merc armada either. Hmph.

She didn't reply to Thalia's meager 'dark side' provocation either. She barely had enough respect left for the woman already to just turn around and leave.
Haro had been silently observing the proceeding, taking an occasionally swig of water. The leader of the Nimbus Alliance, Thalia, was saying a lot of things- none of them particularly palatable. Starting with the clumsy opening statement. The Alliance framing their conflict with the Syndicate as an existential threat- going as far as to reveal that they were committing war crimes in firebombing a Syndicate, regardless of civilian casualties incurred- did little to inspire confidence in the Alliance as not only allies, but their ability to govern. She admitted that she had no control of her men, and their propensity to conduct revenge killings. Frighteningly enough, she said all of this casually.

Which is why Quee earned a modicrum of respect in his eyes when he called Thalia out. But he felt inclined to speak out after she made this statement:

"You all...some of you must have some experience in settling conflicts, or at least ensuring that some people don't get hurt. Do I just tell them to all huddle up here and we'll fight off the Syndicate defensively? Is there something that any of you would think we might be able to do besides that? I know that taking the offensive isn't the jedi way...but there must be something else we can do besides simply reacting to their aggression? That's not how you face the dark side, is it?"

"It's true. Jedi do not crave war- we do not seek out and glorify it. But we understand and acknowledge our capabilities, and we're more then comfortable in fighting when it comes down to it. Because we have a responsibility. We are blessed with these abilities- we can jump higher, run faster, do incredible things through the Force. So consequently, we have a responsibility to the galaxy to use these powers for the greater good- especially when there are people on the other side, with same abilities, and none of our self-restraint."

"We're not saying you fight a defensive war against your Syndicate. They clearly don't care about collateral damage", Haro said, motioning around him. "But if you want to govern- to rule- you can't be just as bloodthirsty as them, because then you lose the legitimacy to rule. And frankly, the Jedi and the Concord will not be your akk dogs to dispense justice to your enemies. Because you have a responsibility to hold yourselves to a standard- even if the Syndicate never will."

He took a swig of water. "How you get power, Ms. Nest, is how you keep power. Is this how you want to come to power- through blood and death?"

Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Gir Quee Gir Quee | Caedyn Arenais | Haro Harend Haro Harend | Audren Sykes Audren Sykes | Madison Starr
Last edited:


Location: Jax's X-Wing
Equipment: Galactic Alliance Flight Suit,
Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna , Tsheersk Tsheersk , Vaux Gred Vaux Gred

BB-12 placed the coordinates on Jax's HUD as soon as Travot mentioned that they were in the Frigate's airlock. "Got it," Jax said. "Heading there now." The truth was that Jax was just in the dark as the Jedi strike team, he was only operating on scant information but whoever conducted this massacre were merciless. While Jax flew past the debris, he could even see pieces of a lifepods floating around. "Looks like whoever these guys are," Jax said. "They were relentless, shooting life pods as they were trying to escape."

Jax arrived at the frigate landing on the pad. "Good to see you again Travot," Jax said getting out of his X-Wing. "Don't want to miss the excitement."

<Yeah you go on ahead,> BB-12 whirred. <I'll just sit here, doing nothing of importance.>

"Get your ass out of there BB," Jax growled. "We're gonna need you to slice into the Frigates navigation logs. We need to know what the hell happened here."

<Damn it,> BB hopped out of the X-Wing and rolled towards the others. <I still don't trust the Trando.> He whirred.

"BB shut up," Jax said. "And focus we got a job to do."

He turned to Tsheerk. "Forgive my Droid," he said. "He has too much of a forceful personality, I have yet to find the off switch."

"So Travot," Jax said. "Lead the way, you've been here longer than I have."

Vaux nodded to Travot, quickly looking at VK.

"You heard the jetii, bud. Try to what's doing this, or how to get to the bridge." The droid turned his disk-shaped head to them, whistling a a bit before hearing the other Jedi and droid coming up. Vaux looked at the Galactic Alliance Jedi, not sure what to think about him from the time being. For all she knew he was a great Jedi in his own right, but consider the GA had hired her clan once to help fight Sith and never showed up.... Well as the saying goes about Mandos, "Long memory. Short fuse." And that definitely described Vaux. VK though would whistle in Binary more as the Jedi called his droid over to do splicing, which made the pilot shack her head a bit.

"He doesn't think you're a GNK-droid, but you're supposed to be busy last I checked." VK then whistle more, seeming directed at the other droid. "Hey.... Ok maybe the last part was accurate, but focus VK." Vaux just sighed a little and looked back at the Jedi.

"Hope you're not squeamish."

Jax Thio Jax Thio Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna Tsheersk Tsheersk

Attack frigate, Trasse system

Tsheersk looked at a Jax's droid. He was not offended by droid's words, but the fact that someone programmed a droid to possibly be racist made him angry. Tsheersk said: "Oh, it's OK, I want to know who programmed this droid, I would like to "report this bug"" "Report this bug" means threaten the droid's programmer.

Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna Vaux Gred Vaux Gred Jax Thio Jax Thio

Caedyn Arenais


Objective One: Attend the meeting with Thalia Nest.
Attn: Gir Quee Gir Quee // Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna // Vaux Gred Vaux Gred // Ura Iolar Ura Iolar // Madison Starr // Tsheersk Tsheersk // Haro Harend Haro Harend

Gir Quee spoke effectively, his wealth of experience showing in his choice of words as he delegated with Thalia Nest. From what Caedyn could understand Thalia's people didn't share the discipline that the Order of the Silver Jedi did. What he heard between the pair of them made the former Jedi Knight wish that he'd been present for the briefing that would've taken place prior to the mission.

When Thalia looked to the rest of the delegation looking for further input from the rest of the Jedi among their small group, Caedyn considered alternatives to outright violence. He had taken part in so many situations similar to this one under the instruction of the Silver Assembly, or within The Rebellion, his first thoughts moved to deter the oppositions supply lines. Even so, such tactics never dissolved the potential for conflict. It merely diminished it significantly compared to that of open and all-out warfare.

Haro Harend soon spoke up, one of the Silver Jedi whom Caedyn wasn't familiar with, yet spoke as fluently as Gir had. The Jedi Master's ethical approach reminded Caedyn of his Father and how he used to be when the Twins were younger, living on Commenor. Veiere was quite the traditionalist Jedi for the greater majority of his career. Violence was always a last resort, and Caedyn lived by a similar code of moral conduct.

For the time being, Caedyn was perfectly content with remaining silent and observing. Guerilla tactics were useful in The Rebellion, but not the way of the Jedi Path; A path that Cae was intent on respecting. Whether or not he returned to active duty would depend on his meeting with the Assembly and what they required of him.
Thalia tightly pressed her lips together in a forced smile Haro Harend Haro Harend - the sort that nearly everyone knew to mean that she wasn't happy. The admiral was pleased with that jedi's words. Judging by the other's silence, he guessed that the other jedi present felt similarly. He regarded the Clan Nesst leader curiously - for a supposed ally and leader of a nation who intended to join the Silver Jedi Concord - she didn't seem all put together. But he also reminded himself that she had been thrust into the leadership role because of her father's death in the raid. Perhaps compassion would be the better move forward, the jedi way? The man briefly glanced downward before making eye contact with the leader again.

"You and your people have been through a lot this last few days. Lives taken and a way of life nearly upended and ruined. Emotions and stress are probably running high for many of your people," started the blonde man, "as I understand it, you yourself have been thrust into this position suddenly, and I won't pretend to know how much preparation you've had for this.

I think you and your people may need some time to cool down and think things through.

Membership within the Silver Jedi Concord is something that the Assembly can grant to you, and I'd be willing to bet between your allies already within the assembly and the desire of others to have a bigger buffer zone against the encroaching New Imperial Order will at least get your people the votes they need.

But membership doesn't fix everything. You need advice and guidance to really turn things around here. I am going to recommend to the Assembly that an advisory team from the military and the federal government be here to help you all transition through this tumultuous time. I imagine that one of the Jedi here might be able to speak to the Council about similarly sending a jedi or two here to help with this process, and maybe even some personal guidance for you as well. It is not easy to suddenly bear this responsibility of leadership.

Speaking of leadership, did any of the other clans lose their leaders in the attack?

She nodded, "Three others have. Successors haven't been named for two of them...yet. Their clans are deliberating on the choices right now."

The admiral slowly nodded, "Which means that things will likely continue to be unstable for a little bit more time, politically wise. My advice to you would be to tell the Family Council that the Concord will bring aid to stabilize Orleon as it undergoes membership process. But you all need to get your internal affairs together before we consider conducting serious military operations outside of local space. That doesn't mean us doing nothing, it means gathering intelligence, and conducting small scale operations that don't entitle a lot of risk to our people or causing further problems for us down the road..."

He turned around to face the rest of the Concord delegation.

"Does anyone besides Master Harend have any advice or thoughts to share before we start delving into the finer details of the arrangement?"

Madison Starr | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Caedyn Arenais
Travot offered a warm smile to Jax Thio Jax Thio as he entered the airlock. The other master was in many ways more experienced than Travot, himself only freshly promoted. He felt much more comfortable knowing that there was another able fighter in their small group. Yet the other master's droid appeared to have angered Tsheersk Tsheersk and he felt that Vaux Gred Vaux Gred was a bit leery as well.

"Careful everyone, our stress levels are all probably a little bit high," said the knight, "and we're all friends here, especially compared to whatever is going around this ship killing things.

To answer your question Master Thio, this ship was tracked from an attack on Orleon. But it probably wouldn't hurt to see if we could get the ship's navigation logs to see where else it's been...

The large jedi turned to the droid and viewed the contents of its search via the console. The results weren't encouraging. Whatever it had moved erratically through the ship, had at least partially erased the some of the security footage, or was simply too stealthy. Travot didn't know which possibility it was or if it was a combination of possibilities, but whatever it was clearly dangerous. he glanced back from the display.

"There's nothing here that can tell us where that thing or thing currently is. Our best bet is to head to the bridge and try to take over the ship. If we're successful, we can take it into hyperspace and rendezvous with a Silver Fleet warship which should have plenty of marines and battle droids to take whatever is in here down."

He turned to the mandalorian woman, "See if you can your droid reroute a message to the Silver Fleet and let them know what's going on..."

Before Travot could finish, a door in front of them whisked open to reveal a long corridor which indeed would lead them to the bridge, eventually. But the glow panels that illuminated it were flickering or destroyed. More bodies lay sprawled across it, with their position seeming to suggest that their attacker had moved from the airlock inward. Two of the nearest bodies had both managed to draw blasters...but the blasters were pointing directly at that former fellow comrade, with wounds to match. Travot frowned. Had something managed to move so quickly that they had shot each other? Had the being really been incorporeal like the Filar that Tsheersk had suggested? Or was something else at play. His eyes wandered up the hallway to focus on a shadowy bipedal form that seemed to stand and waver slightly from side to side in front of the next door onward.


Location: Jax's X-Wing
Equipment: Galactic Alliance Flight Suit,
Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna , Tsheersk Tsheersk , Vaux Gred Vaux Gred

"Travot is right," Jax said to the team. "You must remain calm and don't give into fear or despair, the Force will be your guide all you need to do is to place your trust into it." Even though most of them were veterans with years of experience, Jax felt it was best to remind them that they were Jedi and they needed to focus. Well..... most of them were Jedi, Jax wasn't entirely sure of the Mando.

"Good idea," Jax said to Travot. "BB-12 can jack in and download the logs and we can find what the...."

The door opened revealing a pile of mangled corpses. "What the hell," Jax muttered. The room ahead illuminated showing off the blood splattered all over the room. "They've been beat pretty badly too," Jax mumbled looking over one of the bodies. "This one took a shot to the jugular, a pretty deep wound as well, he was dead before he hit the floor."

The Jedi Master frowned sensing a disturbance in the Force, he looked up to see a dark figure watching them from across the room. Taking out his Lightsaber, Jax gripped it as he looked over to Traven and the others. "Come on!" Jax said. "Whatever that is, we need to catch it before they escape."


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