Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sacred Garden - GA T2 Dom of Seltos and Lohopa II

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Objective: A Temple Raised
Loation: Seltos
Allies: GA and friends
Post: 3/25

Landing near the construction site was done in an orderly fashion, with Ugohr and his younglings brought in tow stuffed inside one limousine. Inside the planetary capital they call Sommin City, the construction crew began unloading the excavation equipment, with Ugohr being invited to a groundbreaking ceremony with the mayor of the city alongside notable figures. With the younglings arrayed around the municipal officials, as well as the crowd, there were simply thousands of locals waiting for this momentous moment to occur:

"Dear citizens of Sommin City, the Galactic Alliance has promised to help get this temple built, which will house both our local cult and the New Jedi Order. Without further ado, ground has been broken for this new temple complex" the mayor announced in front of the crowd, with Ugohr handing a shovel to the mayor.
Location: Lohopa II
Objective: We Are Tunnel Snakes (Eventually)
Allies: [member="HK-36"], [member="Craig Bowler"], [member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Adder"] [member="Arix Askrima"] [member="Ben Carlin"] [member="Naomi Carolina"]
Enemies: None yet
Posts: 1

Of all the places to end up, it had to be a mining world.

Anarya had never liked mining worlds. They tended to be too harsh to the workers, and not compensate for the hazards. But this was worse. It seemed everyone here was addicted to something, like she was walking through Shaddaa's gutters rather than the home of a mining consortium. Still, as she looked around, there were signs. Even the standard dealers were there. The half breed drew the collar of her coat around her shoulders. She wanted to help. She wished she could make it all go away, make the workers here happy, get them the care and protection to make a life for themselves. But she couldn't. Even a Jedi didn't have that kind of power. After all, she was poor, and money talks.

She didn't look or feel like much of a Jedi anyways. Her old robes were gone, replaced with a spacer's trousers and jacket. with a light coat of old, cracking brown leather wrapped around her to keep out some of the chill. A blaster she could barely aim hung at her side, and her saber was hidden inside of her coat, sewn into the hip. She was hoping she wouldn't need it. After all, she just needed to wait for a ride off world, right? It wasn't like she was going to get into some gang war.

Someone slammed into her shoulder, sending her body tumbling. The impact caught her off guard, if she had been paying attention, she may have seen the man. "Watch it, punk!" There was an anger born of power in his voice. She looked up, rubbing her shoulder.

He was tall, broadly built and covered with some sort of grease. His hair seemed to be trying to pull itself backwards, as if the back of his head was a more appealing home than his face. With the broken nose and sunken eyes, Anarya would have to agree with it. Even his jacket, freshly oiled and emblazoned with some serpent symbol she didn't recognize, seemed ugly to her eye. That, and it screamed 'Danger!'

"Sorry." She muttered. The crowd was backing away, leaving the advancing brute free reign to advance on the four foot woman. Looks like there'd be no friends here. Well, crap.

Looks like she was going to end up fighting after all.
Location: Seltos, North of Sommin City
Objective: (A) The Rot
Nearby: [member="Gabriel Sionoma"] [member="Zark"] [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"] [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]
Posts: 1

It had not been the first time the Force had guided her somewhere she needed to be, long before any request for aid had come. It certainly wouldn't be the last. She had sent a message to the Sacred Lotus almost immediately, their ships en route even as the distress call had come over their comms. Others were coming, but until they did, Bethany walked the forests around Sommin City, disquieted and intent.

The diminutive Jedi Master stepped lightly and quietly, bare toes in contact with the detritus of the forest floor. Long black hair hung in a simple braid down her back. Clad in dove grey and forest green, she blended in with slow movements and careful consideration. Her belt, and hands, were empty of any weapon.

So far, she had not encountered anything aggressive- with her senses stretched to the limit, they were fairly easy to avoid, and she had no interest in potentially being forced to defend herself against a creature that couldn't help itself.

She crouched, reaching out as her hand hovered over the body of a small mammal. The fruiting bodies of the fungus that riddled the tiny form were just starting to push out through the matted fur. Dead, and offering yet another sporing ground for the fungus- whatever it was.

Bethany had never seen anything like it. It cleaved to no lines, unlimited in it's potential to infect and warp. Plants of all stripes, mammals, birds, reptiles, even insects were affected by the same fungus. Which ought to have been impossible. And yet.....

She stood, slowly looking around, up into the canopy. The sound of a ship's engine reached her- but the direction was difficult to pin point. It wasn't one of the OSL ships (though those would be touching down soon as well), but she felt no particular sense of concern. Just something on the edges of almost familiar?


Hazel Zanteres

The Angel/Devil on your Shoulder
Location: Seltos, Descending towards Sommin City
Objective: (A) The Rot
Allies: [member="Bethany Kismet"] | [member="Gabriel Sionoma"] | [member="Zark"] | [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]
Post: 1

It had been a relatively quiet day on Monastery when Bethany's message had reached them. She had been offworld during that time, and no one expected communication unless something had occured that required the Order's attention. So when it did, the message had been immediately relayed to both Michael Sardun and Hazel Zanteres. The latter had taken point on the matter, deciding to gather anyone who was in Sanctuary at the time who wanted to head out and provide aid.

The process of suddenly getting ships ready, supplies loaded and personnel boarded was precise, quick and by the book. This was after all not the Sacred Lotus' first rodeo now, and had since learned how to get a moving at the drop of a hat.

Both the SLV Satori and SLV Unity were deployed from Monastery. Unfortunately their sister ship Kismet was currently grounded for its maintenance. Which was probably a relief for a certain Jedi Master.

The Sacred Lotus vessels had been in hyperspace when the distress call had come in. Several had remarked on how Bethany had ended up on Seltos beforehand, but the majority simply shrugged it off and focused on the matter at hand. Eventually both ships reached the planet and began their descent

"Get in contact with the city, inform them that the Sacred Lotus have arrived to provide aid. And ask where they'd like us to land." Hazel was stood on the bridge of the Satori, watching as the city of Sommin grew larger. The Hapan took a sigh, a degree of anticipation building within her. She hoped this wouldn't end up like Hoylin, both in general and personally.

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Objective: A Temple Raised
Loation: Seltos
Allies: GA and friends
Post: 4/25

With the mayor of Sommin City digging the first shovel's worth of soil from the location where the temple was due to be, he also sensed the presence of several other Jedi to his north, but none of them seemed to be there for the same reasons as he was. For now, anyway, Ugohr was to teach the younglings how to put in rivets using telekinesis while other construction crews manned 72-ton excavators. None of the prefabricated poodoo that usually came with temporary military compounds were in use here, so he will have to make do with the rivets he had at his disposal. With the younglings arrayed in a circle around the Gungan, and a rivet being issued to each of them, the telekinesis lesson begins in earnest. He feels a little nervous because the Gungan enters an arena that is unfamiliar to him all these years. Once he makes his best attempt to regain his composure...

"Telekinesis: yousa must try to lift da rivet without actually physically touching it, as if da Force was a tractor beam for yousa" he tells the younglings, who then proceed to lift the rivets at varying levels of success.
[member="Craig Bowler"]
Flight Officer [member="Adder"]
Flight Officer [member="Naomi Carolina"]
[member="Garven Antillies"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]
Rogue One/CO – Squadron Leader [member="Alyce Hawke"]
Rogue Two/XO – Lieutenant Commander [member="Choli Vyn"] “Smalls”
Rogue Three – Flight Officer [member="Ben Carlin"]
Rogue Four – Flight Officer [member="Dex Bastion"]
Rogue Five – Flight Officer [member="Cale Gunderson"]
Rogue Seven - Flight Officer [member="Devyn Lynton"]
Rogue Ten – Fight Officer [member="Arix Askrima"]
Rogue Twelve – Lieutenant [member="Owen Holst"] “Pie”

“Nice to meet you Bowler, I’m just coming off the Squadron voice channel for a private point to point berating of the person who chose a country song to listen to whilst our engines warm up. County. Who chooses country to get into the mind-set for this? Pushups…I might shoot you myself. Oh sorry, that wasn’t over the private channel.”

His hands moved across the controls as his battlespace management displays came to life, identified him as the Wing Commander and gave him a more detailed view. Enemy ships were still closing in but there was a lot of sensor traffic. Obviously the pirates were still unsure of what was going on. The Alliance hadn’t activated the gravity mines yet.

“Wraith Four take point then,” he called to Adder. “Five and six on her wings,” he called to Naomi and Wilson.

Asmus pushed the throttle forwards and all four engines roared. He took the last spot of the diamond, ready to catch anything that broke through. Communication was clearly poor for the pirates as for now they kept coming.

“We sweep the fighters then go for those frigates they came in on!”
Post 1​
[member="Hazel Zanteres"] // [member="Bethany Kismet"]​
[member="Gabriel Sionoma"] // [member="Zark"] // [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"] // [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]​

Doctor Kaem was coming along for this one along with a small, hand-picked group of students from around the Sacred Lotus campus. One Rodian, a Gran, two ‘humans’ and an Arkanian. The Ithorian professor bobbed his head back and forth as he paced before them in a lecture, laying down the rules and going through what would come to be ‘proper procedure’ for the day. He put an extra emphasis on how extremely important their hygiene would be within the coming twenty-four hours or more. That people had already died from a supposed rot and that if any of them was starting to show symptoms they were to report themselves to the doctors, no matter how small the doubt of it being anything serious was. He wasn’t in the mood to call either of their parents and explain that due to their child’s lack of care, they should start thinking about ordering a new casket for their homecoming.

With the doctor’s angry outburst during one of his seminars only a few weeks ago there were few in the gathering that had any intentions of making him go through such a thing. Or themselves for that matter. Each student looked at one another behind his back and nodded in a quiet agreement to keep the other alive. He turned back to face them and he had their attention once more. He proceeded to also stress the importance of always sticking close to people from their Order. There would without a doubt be times when he was away or quite simply too busy to handle them in that very instance, and if that was the case they were to report to other personnel that the students knew and trusted.’

Knowing the Order of the Sacred Lotus, that would be just about anyone wearing the flag.

The man eventually stopped his pacing to let his student rest. The others split but the Arkanian remained in the hold. Instead she chose to take a seat on a nearby crate and get herself acquainted with her notes. She knew Doctor Zanteres was around here somewhere, but the idea of actively seeking her out didn’t strike the student as a good idea. At least not just yet, maybe planetside, but not on the ship. She was an Elder now after all. That meant responsibilities and Nora knew way better than to interrupt when people had to do ‘leadership stuff’ no matter how big.

Her mother had been quite particular about that. “I am helping the newly hired learn how to sort books, we can do something later” or “I am ordering more books for the library, we can talk later, sweetheart.”

Besides, the students and their teacher would meet up here again eventually. The safest bet to remain on-time was to simply never leave.

And so it was. The girl remained seated atop of a pair of crates and waited for landfall and for the others to come back. She had her book on blood-poisons. The wait could have been worse.
Post 5
Location : Lahopa II
Allies : The Galactic Alliance, The New Jedi Order, Rogue Squadron, Wraith Squadron
Enemies : Unknown
Objective : (A) Tunnel Snake Rules

Craig sat attentive and listened to the other squad members. He clenched the controls of his old A-wing. He looked around at the others. He was nervous, but he was ready. It seemed as if the Pirates were not very aware of what was about to hit them. They were in for a big surprise. Craig clicked red button and the coordinates of the Pirates came into view. He looked at them and noticed how close they were to them.

"Uh? Guys? If were this close... Don't you think they would of spotted us by now?" Craig said clicking on the coms.

He began to ponder of what would happen next... Hopefully this mission went successful. Maybe he would finally become more respected in the Alliance.

[member="Nora Lithos"]
[member="Hazel Zanteres"] // [member="Bethany Kismet"]
[member="Gabriel Sionoma"] // [member="Zark"] // [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"] // [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

The creature rapidly crossed the ground in its odd, loping gait. It was hard to make out the outline of the creature as its fur changed colour to blend in. Jacen could just see the back four legs providing most of the power whilst the front pair stretched out to eat up the ground.

Jacen held firm, side on. He turned his head to watch the approach. Did it see him as prey panicked by the charge or was it perhaps too far gone to even think that far?

He felt the rush of air displaced by the beast before he moved. Jacen turned, stepped and ducked. The distinctive snap-hiss was followed by the yelp of the creature. Jacen was left standing with his blade before him. The six-legged creature was crumpled on the ground, its fur slowly changing to a stark white. Just the inky black patches from the infection remained. Jacen deactivated his blade and let his hands fall to his sides. He realised the shoulder of his robes had been torn apart.

"Damn," he murmured.

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Objective: A Temple Raised
Loation: Seltos
Allies: GA and friends
Post: 5/25

Of course, tractor beams were often used to either push or pull items (depending on the polarity). But there are times where you want to keep an item at a fixed distance from you when telekinesis is in use. Some of the younglings took it too literally and found themselves summoning the rivet to their respective hands. With the excavation taking place behind them, they were to try yet again to lift those rivets under those conditions. They would be able to lift larger and larger objects in time, but one has to start somewhere.

"For disen younglings dat may have had some trouble, yousa treaten da Force as an extension of yoursa arm"

"All right, master"


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Anarya Drast"],

HK was sitting by the bar at just another miserable cantina of this dusty mining world. The droid enjoyed coming to places such as this from time to time, although he has been a ruler of a planet within the Core for a while now, having access to personal holdings and opulent palaces, the machine ventured into the shadier parts of the galaxy to keep himself on his toes, and to pick up a bounty hunting contract or two to break the monotony of wealth and almost constant warfare. While it wasn't often one would allow a droid to spend prolonged periods of time in their cantina, HK learned a trick to help him break this rule- paying off the bartender and pretending to be an organic.

And so, HK was sitting on a stool by that gloomy bar counter, wrapped in simple ropes and dirty bandages from head to toe, a pair of thick goggles covering the spots where his eyes would be, wide brim hat casting a shadow over his features, oversized duster coat hid whatever he brought with him to the planet. Most people just assumed him to be some sort of alien, others thought that he was a hyper-leper, usually it had the same effect and it kept others out of his way.

However it seemed that HK would not be able to stay inconspicuous forever as commotion begun to rise from the other side of cantina. The disguised droid swiveled on his stool to look in the direction of the commotion, picking up with his scanners and masked photoreceptors two figures, one large and burly, the other a much smaller woman, with the crowd surrounding them now in the anticipation of the first swings.

HK pushed the dirty glass of some sort of dubious liquid back towards the bartender, only pretending to be nursing it this whole time, along with a few platinum coins the man took gladly without questioning why little to no drink was missing. The droid pushed himself off of his seat then, moving towards the brewing fight.

The larger Tunnel Snake man, or as his friends called him "Horn-Craggler", Jeremy "Horn-Craggler" Bazeiger, was all but too willing to initiate what seemed to him as easy pickings and fight the smaller woman. His large brick-like fist raised, pulling back in preparation for a punch before being catapulted forward towards Anarya.

Perhaps the Padawan had enough skill, speed, and wits about her to fight back or counter-act the swing, perhaps she was stunned by the sudden violence aimed towards her for little to no reason, either way it would not matter much as suddenly there was the sickly noise of


Knuckles and joints being squeezed together and popping as hand extended out from behind Anarya, a tall figure wrapped in bandages appeared seemingly out of thin air and caught the fist, allowing it to smash into his palm before it came anywhere close to Anarya,

"How about you pick on someone approximately your own size or larger?"

The being quipped, to which the Tunnel Snake responded with a yowl of pain as the realization of punching the equivalent of a durasteel wall hit him. The fight was far from over and the Snake most likely had more friends to aid him in retaliation, but at least it would be apparent that Anarya was not out of allies in the establishment.

Post 1.

Crisis meant an opportunity to cash in some good credits.

Nothing different here with Seltos, really. Some random disease outbreak was running rampant with the wild life and there seemed to be no stopping it.

So how do you make money out of all of this?

You lie. You cheat. You con.

Darryl had loaned a rusty, cheap small freighter and an old medic droid that barely worked. He got a favor from a mechanic to patch it up but mostly make it look good on the outside, along with fixing up the droid as well as possible. The conman did not stop there. Forged documents branding him as the reputable Dr. Seitz.

Dr. Seitz was here with the best produce in the city. The cure of it all. The messiah himself.

He had the 'cure'. In a little bottle. Spray affected areas and it will kill the virus.

Basically bulshit but when you're desperate you'd go after anything, right?

Darryl knew perfectly well he had limited time before they figure out the ruse and he hoped he made as much creds as possible before having to jump to lightspeed.

[member="Hazel Zanteres"] | [member="Bethany Kismet"] | [member="Nora Lithos"] | @Phone,sorry:(
Location: Seltos System, Seltos
Objective: (A) Snake in the Garden - Respond to General Distress Call
Allies: Galactic Alliance, New Jedi Order, [member="Bethany Kismet"], [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"], [member="Zark"], [member="Darryl Montreux"], [member="Hazel Zanteres"], @Jacen Voidsnatcher
Post: 2

It didn't take long, following the arrival, to feel something that Not a force signature, exactly, but more a confluence of malady that clung to the air. The way someone might perceive being watched or perceive danger in walking down a dimly lit street in the underworld.

The legs of the ship extended from its base as it set down, leaving large footprints in the needle ridden floor between snags of dying evergreen trees. A glance out of the window and he could identify the senescence, the way the needles clung to the trunk and how the branches were hollowed out or dangling from fibrous tether. Crow nesting towards the top.

Grabbing the satchel, filled with a vertical crate of honey, he strapped it on his back and leaned down behind the pilot seat. The drones buzzed furiously, angry to be removed from the aura of their hive, forever waiting for a queen. He consoled them with a soft extension of his presence, thanking them beyond eternity for taking this trip with him. If his work on Sulon had done anything beyond saving his life and the lives of his children, it was teaching him the value of being thankful.

Even the hardest ice could melt beneath the smile of a warm sun.

Stepping out from the ramp with box in hand, he found a moss covered stone that extended upright, not 20 feet back from the ship. Setting the nuke down, he open the box door but left most of the wiring intact. That way, the drones would slowly leak from the box and disperse as he moved. Strapping the nuke onto his shoulder with a leather belt, conjured just for this purpose, he began a slow walk through the woods. Unknown to him was the presence that lingered near by, aura nearly muted by whatever disease defiled these lands.

And unknown to the drones that were trickling out - a queen sat in a cage in his pocket. Eventually, she would release hormones to call her men back home. And Gabe could assess the health of the jungle pollinators.
Post: 2
Allies: [member="Adder"] | [member="Asmus Janes"] | [member="Arix Askrima"] | [member="Naomi Carolina"] |

He was just about to respond before he felt the sudden lurch. Well this Is not going to be good. His head would think before he felt himself falling faster then anyone should be ever. He was as calm as a Sniper stalking his prey holding his hand to the throttle and preparing for his systems to come online and warm up for him to start the run on the attack vector. Or that's what would have happened, if he was that calm.


The scream came over the comms. It sounded like a new kid learning to fly as his hands flew over the buttons turning it on as fast as he could so he would stop falling. But he continued to hurtle down towards the planet at a fast speed. Before he knew it he lurched back into a stable spot as the systems came online and he took a deep breath calming down and pushed the throttle and began to follow the rest of the team in their attack vector.

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Objective: A Temple Raised
Loation: Seltos
Allies: GA and friends
Post: 6/25

With the younglings finally getting the hang of telekinesis, the Gungan watches as the excavation gets underway, but with such a massive amount of excavation to do, the excavation crews will take weeks to just get the excavation done: that's easily a few thousands of shovel-fuls using a few 72-ton excavators rented from the local rental shops, with 4 cubic meters for each shovel-ful. As tempted as Ugohr is to just talk about war bonds and whether they are investment-grade or not, he decided to just let them practice telekinesis, since he foresees most of them not being involved in diplomatic negotiations, especially as wartime duties require more combat attention from Jedi, especially as it pertains to intelligence or special operations. A guest lecture will be given on bonds and what makes them, well, investment-grade might be a good idea: perhaps some people will save for a change, he thought, while he gave instructions to the younglings:

"While wesa in Sommin City, yousa attempt to sell investment bonds while mesa attempt to do da same"

"But, master! Jedi aren't supposed to sell investment bonds!" yet another youngling countered.

"In disen case, mesa will sell investment bonds to disen locals, while yousa keep practicing telekinesis and meditation. Wesa will talk about what maken bonds investment-grade or not later"
Objective A - The Rot

Leather bound feet sank into the moist marshland, the Corellian Green Jedi taking slow measured steps. He could feel the taint of whatever disease had sank its claws upon the flora and fauna of this planet. It may not be as strong of a sense as one would who was more akin to the life force of a plant like a Jedi Botanist or a Jedi Healer, but Rhen had spent his time studying the subtle nuances of crystals.

Crouching down, he came to a short stream. The water bubbled, but there was a dank lingering stench to it. What life the fish had lived had long since ceased to be a healthy one. Carefully, the elder Jedi slung his satchel forward, digging into it. A weathered palm encircled a small bottle. Unscrewing the cap, he bent down to start collecting samples.
Wraith Squadron: [member="Asmus Janes"] | [member="Naomi Carolina"]
Rogue Squadron: [member="Alyce Hawke"] | [member="Choli Vyn"] “Smalls” | [member="Ben Carlin"] | [member="Dex Bastion"] | [member="Cale Gunderson"] | [member="Devyn Lynton"] | [member="Arix Askrima"] | [member="Owen Holst"] “Pie”

A spectacular eyeroll, then: “Roger, Babyface.”

With a gleeful cry belying her years, Adder shot forward through the nothing of space. Carolina and Wilson joined her after a beat, and a moment later her ship-entangled senses felt Janes pull up behind.

“Dunno what’s rubbing ya wrong about country,” the redhead piped up to dissolve the knot in her stomach. No matter how good the ship – or the pilot – death was always but a wrong turn away.

“Good job, Naomi,” she grinned, and pressed in. “Four o’clock, flanking action. Let’s go, kids!”
Location: Lohopa II
Objective: We Are Tunnel Snakes (Eventually)
Allies: [member="HK-36"]
Enemies: Tunnel snakes
Posts: 2

As the man brought his fist down, the girl moved, trying her best to get out of the way. She knew that it was going to hit, though. She was a half second too slow in her dodge. She tensed, preparing for the blow to fall even as she still moved to duck the strike. For a split second, a flash of cloth moved through her vision. Someone was behind her.

There was a noise like breaking bone, and perhaps the slight clink of metal on metal. Someone had caught the punch! She smiled, sidestepping as if to keep herself away from the next blow. Never face someone head on. The words rang in her ears as she closed her eyes, letting the Force's sight take over. The man to her front recoiled, clenching his hand in pain. The man behind her made a quip about someone his own size in a voice that was almost human. Wait, was that a droid? What the heck?

She didn't have time to think. Two more figures pushed through the crowd, trying to get to the pair. But there was something else.

The hairs on her neck stood on end. Danger. Instinctively, she reached for her empty hip. Right. She wasn't supposed to pull that out. Not unless she absolutely needed to. She called the Force to her, pouring it into her sore shoulder, letting it flow through her muscles. The warmth it gave her body as she empowered it in the Force was welcomed, and she stood, slowly. "Thanks." She commented to her savior, not even bothering to turn her head. "So, can we just call this even and all go our separate ways? I gotta meet someone at the spaceport soon, and I don't wanna be late."

She got little more than a growl in response, and as the brute swung again, this time for the newcomer, she shook her head. Why did it always have to be violence?
Location: Sommin City, Seltos
Objective: The Rot & A Temple Raised
Allies: GA and Friends
Post: 3

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...

The Celegian Jedi Knight was so overwhelmed and distracted by everything he needed to accomplish that he wasn't even aware his thoughts were being telepathically projected to those in his immediate vicinity. As one of the highest ranking members of the Jedi Service Corps on site, it was Oros who had been selected to oversee all New Jedi Order operations on the planet for the duration of the crisis. Not only that, but as one of the MedCorps' most proficient healers the continuing problem of this Rot demanded his particular attention. When the invertebrate had heard the stories of an apparently indiscriminate pathogen he had not not believed it, convinced it must be a local outbreak drummed up by local superstition, but that was until he had sensed the victims for himself.

Oros had been a doctor for well over a hundred years now, and after having lived through even the later years of the Gulag Plague, he had thought he had seen everything. But not only was this disease nearly universally infectious, it was uncanny in its ability to defy conventional scientific methods of diagnosis and treatment. They were even having trouble determining with complete certainty the vectors of contagion, save that whatever it was probably wasn't airborne otherwise the populace would already be riddled with it. But no sooner had the offworld relief workers landed than the first cases of its spread among sentients had begun to arrive at the Sommin City hospitals. Out there in the wilderness...who knows how badly intelligent beings could be afflicted by now?

Dimly, the Celegian was aware that the Alliance was not alone among the people on this planet. Other ships has responded to the distress calls, even other Jedi so the rumors said. Oros was glad for all the help he could get, and as he passed from aid center to aid center, he kept his senses open to the possibility of coming across some of these strange foreign Force adepts, possibly even their leader. Bobbing up and down in the cyanogen-filled life support tank as he telepathically navigated the apparatus' repulsorlifts to propel him down the streets of Sommin City, in the invertebrate's experience it generally tended not to go extremely well when he was the first to introduce himself, given the natural reaction of most species of humanoids to his overall appearance.

Soon he would have to return to the temporary Alliance command and logistics outpost up and running not far from Freedom Hall. The Temple on Sullust was expecting regular reports, and although they had not been on the surface long already the Jedi Knight was feeling the pressure to produce results. But he could stay among the people for just a little while longer...

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Objective: A Temple Raised
Loation: Seltos
Allies: GA and friends [member="Oros"]
Post: 7/25

While the construction of the temple was underway, he was even able to get one of the smaller conference rooms at the Star Hotel, given that the planet was pretty isolated from the major investment markets. The Gungan thus wore his Jedi robes, ready to enter the premises of the Star Hotel's lesser conference room for a guest lecture on the various types of bonds, especially what makes them, well, investment-grade or speculative-grade, with the lecture being open to the general public. On such a short notice he invited all the younglings under his protection, and what locals could come were those who were a little hesitant to actually make use of financial knowledge. Of course, given the Star Hotel's luxury locales, he had to expect a rather lavish conference room where he was to deliver his guest lecture on a pretty advanced topic (by layman's standards) of finance and investment. That, even though Ugohr dealt with that topic on a regular basis. He then approaches the podium, after being guided by the hotel's majordomo, alongside his younglings and the other attendees:

"Mesa Ugohr Poof, and today's lecture issa on bond credit ratings and pricing"

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