Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Rot of Heresy - TSE Dom of Vjun | Hex AF,21

Her troops and the blackblade guard, had made short work out the resistance in the sewers. They where no match for them, they disorganised and not very well trained. They soon cleared out the sewers, it was time to goto the next level. The troops have found manholes, in which they could do a simultaneous attacks on the next level. Though they could not let the enemy reorganize themselves, so troops would push on quickly. She had caught up with the Emperor and The Knight of Ren, he was asking about the future of this fortress, she ponder that for a moment. As the place would make an excellent base for the for new proconsualte, but she had another idea. Emperor may I suggest, we use it as an embassy for our friends in knights of ren? She took a breath and a pause, then began to explain. They are our allies, and having a base where we can train with each other, may benefit us both. As she spoke, the troops where already starting to attack their ground floor, this was won.The question was, how much of an embarrassment their enemies where going to be. She also did not say embassy for the first order, she only said knights of ren.

[member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Darth Carnifex"]
They stood before the desecrated statue of Lord Vader, his broken form shattered upon the ground where it had been left to rot for centuries. Even the heretics that had occupied the castle hadn't deigned to repair the statue.


But, by the sounds echoing throughout the castle, the heretics would soon be driven out and the Sith could begin the process of rebuilding. He looked back at both Lord Kyrel and Lady Banshee, "The castle will be rebuilt, all evidence of its former occupation swept away. We will restore it to pristine condition, and, yes, it will be converted into an academy for learning. We will dedicate it to the memory of the ancient Darth Vader, and because of your aid in reclaiming the castle it will be a welcome haven for the Knights of Ren should they so choose."

They continued on as he spoke, passing through the upper levels as they neared Vader's inner sanctum. The chamber was empty, though there were faint remnants of occupation and vandalism still abound. The meditative chamber that the cybernetic Vader required to exist without his suit of armor still stood, but it had been altered to serve as a throne for whoever had previously lived here before the arrival of the Sith Empire. Rising the dais, Emperor Carnifex took his own seat upon the throne as he looked back at the assembled followers and Lord Kyrel, himself settling comfortably in a familiar place of power.

"Bast Castle once again belongs to the true children of darkness, let it symbolize a new era of cooperation between us brothers and sisters of the Dark Side."

[member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Darth Banshee"]
Being within the meditation chamber, brought a flood of emotions coming at him all at once, as the Blackblade troops, Kyrel, Emperor Carnifex, and Lady Banshee. All stood before the dark chamber that had allowed Vader to live, and reflect on the choices he had made as Skywalker. Kyrel himself could only think of the time he spent in his own meditation chamber, of the days when he was referred to as "New Vader" among the hidden whispers of Imperials who all watched him, after the crazed scientists impressed with such ancient marvels sought to use the man that was Thomas Kyrel a test subject for such horrors. He, of course, knew of the meditation chambers of Fortress Vader to which he had called home.

The memories invoked anger within him, of how in such a deplorable state he was in, where he was a brute in battle yes. But lacked anything else, and now here he stood made powerful by such experiences, and both considered himself an heir and a successor to Vader... To uphold as an Imperial Enforcer, and to strike a new name into all those that resisted the might of his Supreme Leader, and his First Order.

What the Emperor explained was an opportunity that he didn't know the Sith would offer him. To use this very fortress as a Bastion for the Knights of Ren. Although he could never fathom an Empire such as the First Order to fail, it seems Carnifex had thought otherwise, Kyrel knew very little of Carnifex and his breed of Sith, but he couldn't help but feel that the strange man knew that no such things were invincible. Even Banshee spoke herself of recommending the castle.

Kyrel stood, silently watching as the Emperor stepped forth taken his seat on once was a throne of healing and reflection for Vader, it was now to symbolize his dominance over the past. To where the Sith would claim what was theirs and crush all those that stood in his way. The Master of Ren gave a bow to the Emperor in a gesture of respect between the Ren and the Sith. He spoke rising to meet the Dark Lord's gaze. "Yes, Lord Carnifex I will thank you for the offer, but to say that the First Order will fall I do not know. The Alliance is dead, there is no threat that stands in the way in neither the east nor the west. Yet I will accept it should the need arise, as we may come from two different paths... Brothers and Sisters in the dark side we shall always remain... Ren and Sith."

[member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Darth Carnifex"]

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