Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Republic: Red Dawn [ooc/info]

[member="Orphen"] - You get what you give... You planned a plot in secret, without cooperating with those involved in it ICly on an OOC level. At all. In any shape or form whatsoever. They reacted as their characters would have reacted ICly, since OOCly they have no knowledge of anything. When that happens, you then plead and hand-wring and unveil all this behind the scenes stuff that none of us had knowledge of up until after we had committed to threads. But you take no IC steps to prove anything that you say, so whilst various people understood OOCly, to ask them to conduct a massive retcon of several threads and more of IC action, just so you can have your cake and eat it too, is extremely... Well.... It's not cool.

I would have LOVED to have worked with you guys to plan this out and give the character/writer a proper send off. It's fitting and cool to do. Honestly, I really, really would have. As you can see, there was a ton of interest in something this 'scandulous' so to speak. But you guys(Or Gen, whoever is at fault is irrelevant) didn't even give us a heads-up of 'hey, this is happening' ... The threads were just noticed at the right time and right place and things fell together for a response.

To deal specifically with your comments, rather than the spirit of your message...

That we of the various companies seemed to have wanted this to happen? Of course we did... WE ARE ROLEPLAYERS! THIS IS A GOOD STORY! That is why we all jumped on it and ran with it. And given there wasn't an OOC brief to any of us, to expect any sort of contact in return is... A little much... As well, the tonal suggestion (and I say that hesitantly, it is text) that this is some sort of nefarious plot against the GR is just... Well, it's... A little paranoid and rude. But you're upset your plans got away from you, so a little frustration showing that might make you say things you don't mean or that can be mis-interpreted is understandable.

So far as competitive atmosphere ruining a story? It didn't. And it hasn't. The story is being ruined/ended by those who started it, as is their right. The specific sub arcs, ripples, and more that sprout from it will run their course as those writers wish, as is their right. Nothing has been blown out of the water or ruined. You attempted to use people's things without asking, and they are now in the process of reacting like anyone does to someone who tries to take what isn't there: Varying levels of 'Get off my lawn'.... But with lasers, instead of shotguns... Ok, some of us MIGHT have shotguns too... Who knows...

The point I want to make is this: You are decrying others ruining a good story. Of OOC plotting by corporation heads ruining a good story. It's just as easy to say that, by forcibly closing this thread and not running with the story because it changed, you folks are ruining it. Or that the group behind this seeing the reaction go a direction they didn't want is OOCly plotting to deprive other writers of the story they want. It's an endless quagmire when you start accusatory passive-aggressiveness.

I want you to understand that for my part, and for several others on the Company side of things... This is not some spiteful nefarious plot to ruin your fun. This is us seeing a story we like and trying to engage with you, trying to help you tell that story, and you going 'No no, we dont like your ideas, we want it this way and ONLY this way, so no one is getting to write this anymore'.

Problem with that is... Well... Actions have consequences. OOCly I respect the idea behind this, and wish you had approached me and the others so we could have made this a fitting hurrah. ICly? I see a chance for Ostanes/AEI to finally get out there, do things, and find his pace and place, so I am taking it. I hope you will see the potential this has and play along with it, rather than plugging your ears, squinting your eyes, and hoping we all go away.
[member="Jay Scott Clark"] [member="Braith Achlys"]
I know the point of all of this, I have Genevieve on speed dial practically, but I'm lost as to what everyone else is doing. That couple with just coming back from vacation, and, well, I don't want to get involved in the clustercuss, really. That and Barrien, while he would side with the Republic Loyalists, has no real dog in the race since he doesn't really see himself as a servant of the Republic, but as a servant of the galaxy as a whole.
[member="Uriel Escria"]

I think you do understand me, i was taking a middle ground and saying both sides could have done things better.

The problem is, that the engagement was IC even after it was discovered to be a plot, I'm not condemning the call to arms approach, its what people do when they feel threatened, it becomes a pile in. The GR should have messaged people before hand and let more people in, but people should have also cooled off after the reveal.

There certainly should not already be a skirmish already 60 posts in attacking the republic capitol the day after the reveal...

I'm just saying we all could have done a little better. And we should endeavor to do so, and use this as a learning experience to actually collaborate with our collaborative storytelling.

nothing negative, i understand the ins and outs of it all.

maybe i need to add more smileys xD
[member="Orphen"] - And I think you misunderstand me. The writers doing the skirmishing and blockading, to me, are in no way at fault, in any way. Period. And that is the last post i'll make in this thread. Have fun.
'A plot' does not mean that it's inevitable, that it cannot change, that it has no effects on anything else and that nothing else can have effects on it.

Say a Jedi Master had a private thread where they massacred hundreds of children. They have no interest in roleplaying the fallout of this, but other people have read it and want to react to it because woah, that's crazy. They should be fully within their rights to do so.

Just like they did with this.

All of the fault of this 'plot' lies with those who planned it without understanding what kind of damage it would cause. If asked, I could have told you after two seconds that the idea would end up in massive fighting and not the 'quick clean plot' you wanted it to be.

No one else deserves any blame, and trying to continuously put blame on people for IC actions is silly. Because you can't blame anyone for playing their character.

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
At the end of the day it doesn't matter what a couple of Jedi and the Prime Minister do in their private threads. The ball is no longer in their park, the actions of the PM has ensured that whatever happens to her, the Corporations will ask for a piece of the meat.

Too much damage has been caused, the body count too high, the trust is gone.

If the Republic thinks that they can arrest / punish the PM privately and then go back to how things were before... they are in for a very cold shower.


Dead Men End All Tales.
Things happened. They aren't unhappening. As tidy as it would be to blame it all on a retiring character, I don't think that convenience is a reasonable expectation to all the parties involved. Plots progress, and other plots will be made and shifted because of it. Unless you put a non-canon tag on it, or set it in another universe, the stuff you do has an impact around here. And frankly, the actions in play here were a big impact. Your planned parts of this may be done and or cancelled, but whatever happens next, happens next.
Mantic Dorn said:
It was meant to hold surprises, one of them being this grand opening. To hold strings on major plots is lots of work and much pre-planning was required.
I just wanna say, I have done Plot Planning for LARPs for years, since I was a teenager in fact, and the best Plot Lines adapt to the Players (Writers) actions. If it can't adapt, don't have surprises that effect other people, because they will react in ways you may not expect and then trying to be rigid only makes you frustrated and them dislike you.

As for everything else, I am 90% certain that this rush to the finish line is only gonna hurt, not help. Things are still going to happen now, because events were set in motion. The only thing the rush is doing is making people go, "Why Bother" or "Shame, could have been great", There were surprises for both sides, there are many more to come I am sure.
People, RPing is not about one definite plot.

If you want to write a plot in which everybody reacts in the way you want, go and write a novel. RP is about writing a story with others, is full of surprises. A writer is either good and adapts to the change or is not so good and whines about plot getting ruined.
Draco Vereen said:
I just wanna say, I have done Plot Planning for LARPs for years, since I was a teenager in fact, and the best Plot Lines adapt to the Players (Writers) actions. If it can't adapt, don't have surprises that effect other people, because they will react in ways you may not expect and then trying to be rigid only makes you frustrated and them dislike you.

As for everything else, I am 90% certain that this rush to the finish line is only gonna hurt, not help. Things are still going to happen now, because events were set in motion. The only thing the rush is doing is making people go, "Why Bother" or "Shame, could have been great", There were surprises for both sides, there are many more to come I am sure.
Yes, I too am experienced matey. Experience is good for sure but we still make mistakes.
I have done this since before internet was a thing (I am old...) and I keep making mistakes myself. Might be my slow wits, but I think the rule applies in general.

But sure, often things work out great when improvising and I am not against it. On the contrary. I love the unexpected on most times.
Not on this occasion though. This could have been far greater with some communication in beforehand. IMO.

I am not the person behind the plot idea though and I am not the one pulling the plug/rushing to the finish line. I liked the plot but I saw that the people behind it needed time to get it laid out properly.
I was afraid it would blow up if stuff like this happened and hence I tried to slow this skirmish down. The whole idea was the plot creators however and its their choice to terminate it.
I do feel for the them but I am now looking to work with what we got.

As stated before, what is done is done, lets move forward. I hope this skirmish becomes great and fun for everyone involved.

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