Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Red Curtain [First Order Dominion of Quintas]

Ishana Pavanos

"Sweet, let's get rollin'." Ishana said as she led Sara out of their dorms, as they walked a few other pilots waved. "Hey, Radar, Liberty." She whistled the Starfighter Corps song. "Like I said, things are pretty easy going here. Kleve's still building so we're mostly running patrol and high-risk scenario's. I think the All-Surface Guard is gonna be lending us a few of their Steadfast's." Heading out of the dorms, she made sure to pause, "okay so, up this way is what we call the crossroads."

The hall they came up led here, hangar to dorms to the crossroads, "this is where Kleve meets Hublin which is where we're at - or will be from," she cleared her throat, the base was still under construction and so the name hadn't been officially released. Camp Bragh is down that way, so our bucketheads, marines, jarheads are from there, and that way." She jerked her thumb left, "is Kleve now Kleve is mostly full of squints and a few command types but due to their sensitive nature bucketheads do the security around these parts."

As they moved from the dorms and into the crossroads, they could hear patriotic music being blared on the speakers.

From the Halls of Avalonia
To the Shores of Varonat
We will fight our nation's battles
In the air, on land and space
First to fight for right and order
And to keep our honor clean;
We are proud to claim the title
of First Imperial Marine
Our banner's unfurled to every breeze
From Seiger's hand to our barrel
We have fought in every clime and surface
Where we could take a gun,
In the snow of far-off Hoth
And in the sunny desert Yalara,
You will find us always on the job--
The First Imperial Marines
Here's health to you and to the Corps
Which we are proud to serve
In many a strife, we've fought for life
And never lost our nerve;
If the Army and the Navy
Ever look to the Balance;
They will find the streets are guarded
By the First Imperial Marines
"C'mon let's get upstairs." Ishana led Sara up the steps that sat on the crossroads, "and now to the mess hall, hope you're hungry. Starfighters usually get the best chow, but since this is supposed to be a joint base, we get the luxury of a food court." Grabbing a tray, she got her food card out and pushed her lips to the side. "You pick, you're new."

[member="Sara Lee Jones"]

Objective: Thirty Rock
Posts: 4
Objective: Quantum Leap
Post: 4/20 (dude weed lmao)
Allies: [member="Valessia Brentioch"] [member="Asharad Graush"]

Ludolf followed Commander Cyone and surveyed the laboratory before them. So the singularity drive was meant to mimic a singularity - essentially, to create a black hole. The possible uses of such a device were many, and frankly, beyond Ludolf's scientific understanding. He had an engineering degree from the Imperial Academy, and a layman's understanding of the science behind black holes, insofar as they were understood, but as a man focused on military matters, he couldn't speak to the possibilities of harnessing a black hole. Some said that faster-than-lightspeed travel was possible by using black holes to "fold space" as it were, but such a science was highly theoretical, and the First Order was one of the few organizations to even be able to come close to artificially creating a black hole, let alone figure out how to use one for intergalactic transportation.

Vaas extended his hand at Doctor Theodore West. "Doctor. Field Marshal Ludolf Vaas,, First Order Army." He introduced himself, and waited for A'sharad to do the same. Then, he lowered his eyes at the doctor. "Well then, I suppose I should ask. In your professional opinion, Doctor West, if the First Order were to successfully, and safely, create a singularity, what are the greatest possibilities for its use? Is hyperspace travel possible via wormholes?"
"Inter Arma Enin Silent Legis" | Post 9 of 20​

If he tried to avoid getting caught, he'd be dodging stormtroopers all day.

And accomplishing nothing else.

"Excuse me."

The pair of stormtroopers had paused at a vending machine, one of them cradling his carbine between his legs as he fought with his gloves and pouches to reach his credit cube. The other had his helmet off and half a candy bar stuck between his teeth.

Neither was prepared to look up and see the Knight of Ren standing there, arms outstretched as though waiting for the binders to be put on.

"Do either of you know where the detention level is?"

A chunk of candy bar fell from out of the one stormtrooper's mouth. The other dropped his rifle, as both just stared at the small Knight of Ren, then at each, then back at the boy in what seemed an utter loss of what to do.
She followed beside her arms behind her back as she walked and listned nodding to the two other fighter pilots and listened "hmmm that is actually good sounding something easy to do before the real fun starts, and steadfasts? Hmmm sounds like a starfighter definitely one I will have to see for myself and..maybe even open it up"she said and chuckled

She stopped and looked to the right as she chuckled when she called them bucket heads, same could be said for them However a padded helmet wasn't really a bucket, she looked to the left and nodded as she chuckled " the higher ups and their info huh hahaha wouldn't be surprised of anything from them"she said as she followwd and heard the music as she hummed it gently before they came to the food court

Wow....kinda a luxury for troops isn't it?"she said as she smiled and looked around" hmmm let's have a Salisbury Banatha steak with brown gravy and a side of mash potatoes with some blue milk then please
Post 4
[member="Ishana Pavanos"]

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
Location: Straight Outta Hyperspace
Objective: Distress Signal Location
Post: II

"Imperial-x star destroyer Vindicator here with star destroyer Pride of Avalonia," Carlyle announced over the comms system, "We are preparing to sweep through the system, and locate the ship. We request reinforcements to ensure that we are not attacked. Vindicator out." Carlyle looked at the Helmsman, "Make ready for where the distress beacon cam out."

"Will do Captain." The Helmsman replied, "Setting course now."

"I want all TIE's ready at a moments notice. They need to target any fighters that come out to attack us."

"Understood sir." The TIE Operations Officer replied.

"How long will it be till we get there?"

"Approximately fifteen minutes." The Navigator replied, "Give or take a little bit." he added quickly.

"Good, set a course, and stick to it. Be wary of traps."


Valessia Brentioch


"Thank you, Field Marshall Vaas," Dr. West tipped took his glasses off and cleared his throat, "should and if the First Order is able to successfully create a singularity drive." A smile on his face, "well," it grew, "the possibilities are endless." He walked with the Field Marshall, nodding to Commander Cyone who took a step back to stand guard by the door. She would still have to escort the Field Marshall and the High Colonel back to main operations. "Although, creating a wormhole - that's, that's a tad ambitious even for us." Although... "It's not out of the question, not entirely, but it would require more research but that's, that's neither here nor there right now."

He took a deep breath and smiled as he looked at the machine, "right now our goal is to figure out how the black hole's energy works exactly and this model." He points to the massive machine, "will help us determine that because if we can figure out exactly how it works. We can use that energy for ships, for well - anything, but right now."

"Right now we're looking to make sure nothing goes boom, singularities as you can imagine, can be quite unstable," Dr. Harrison, "hi, I'm Doctor Jessup Harrison." The older gentleman put his hand on Dr. West's shoulders, "my colleague is very enthusiastic about what we'd be able to accomplish here, and the Commander has been very kind in allowing us to do what we do, in peace."

Aermoira smiled but her eyes fell to Doctor West before averting her gaze elsewhere.

Dr. Harrison then continued, "we've managed to build a containment system, but this containment system could be improved with Phrik, and we would like to line this lab with a few additional layers as well." Taking a breath, "we took on the risk of researching this monster, of trying to meddle in what man, most likely shouldn't be meddling with, but." He gestured around them, "the bases that are being built to keep us safe, the Starfighters who work to conduct runs and ensure the safety of the entire station. The freighters who come here - they didn't sign on for that. We want to see this project succeed and we want to do so safely."

"Even a model of the singularity poses a risk, and the slightest change to that black hole could ruin years of research." Dr. West moved to grab a few tablets, "I've got copies of the reports from the then Captain Ovmar and of course our Commander Cyone."

Objective: Quantum Leap
Posts: 5

[member="Ludolf Vaas"] | [member="Asharad Graush"]

Tanomas Graf

Objective: II

Location: Imperial X-class Star Destroyer Abdicator

Allies: The First Order, [member="Valessia Brentioch"]
People of Suspicion: [member="Dunames Lopez"]
Post: 4/??

The commodore took off his cap and ran a gloved hand through his whitening hair with a look of exasperation sweeping through his face as the captain of the cargo barge gave their excuse as to why they were dumping the hazardous waste into the black hole, he strode his way over to the comm station and made it so that the other captain could hear them too.

"Matter of fact is, and I mean this most sincerely, there is no permit, no authorization, no nothing in the galaxy that allows you to illegally dump hazardous waste into a black hole. You fail to realize that items that fall into it increase its mass, and even the most minuscule increase can throw off not only the astronomical data that the station is collecting, but also endanger the entire station and the people on it." Graf growled into the console "So yes, we're placing you under arrest and charging you with the mishandling of hazardous materials, and making sure that your employer pays every credit to make sure that it is properly disposed of, have a nice day." He finished and closed the frequency.

The ship would be placed in the main hangar by the tractor beam and soon surrounded by stormtroopers that would take the crew to the brig for later questioning by the commodore. Tanomas scowled as he received the report from hangar control "Get this over with as soon as possible, these corporate types have already left a bad taste in my mouth, send in a report to the station and then launch a transmission to Dosuun informing the government and Grand Moff [member="Natasi Fortan"] of our actions, I fear this may have political repercussions. Afterwards, request new orders from the station" He mused, strolling back towards the viewports and looking out into the vast blackness of spaces, dotted only by the trillions and trillions of stars that inhabited their galaxy alone.

The report was sent to the FIS Kleve and the tranmission was wired to Dosuun, the comm operator was about to return to his mediocre task of monitoring communications when one of the lights started blinking, a priority distress call from within the system. The operator signaled the commodore and played it for him "Attention all nearby vessels. Freighter Seven Five One and its escort are unacceptably off schedule, and are completely off course. With the distress signal we recieved we can only assume the ship has been taken, and as the cargo it was carrying appears to be unlisted. We will need to identify what was taken and why it was targetted. Immediate scanning suggests the signal came from the largest celestial bodies in the third ring, ships are advised to stand by and prepare a boarding crew to investigate the asteroid with TIE fighter support." The message relayed.

Tanomas looked back at his bridge crew who gave him blank expressions and said only one thing. "Prepare for battle." as the klaxons began to sound throughout the ship.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Location: FIS Abdicator
Objective: 3
In vicinity: [member="Tanomas Graf"]
Distant: [member="Natasi Fortan"]
Post: 6/20

"Just get me in line with the First Order Environmental Agency Hazardous Materials Division: they will tell us what to do about the waste you just recaptured"

Perhaps the resolution of the whole affair actually is under the hands of the FOEA. But because the cargo manifest of the Tofolk of Dac is solely listing the hazardous waste they just recaptured, freighter 715 is nothing and the whole incident may have soured the relationship Star Tours may have had with Logistical Command. But would Tanomas actually know anybody at the FOEA Hazardous Materials Division that could actually deal with such dangerous waste? This is one of the many areas where the FOEA actually needs to work in cooperation with the First Order Department of Sanitation. This is a joint affair, and neither Tanomas nor Dunames had much knowledge of hazardous materials handling. Star Tours was one of the Big Three of shipping, poised to overtake Bluth Company (and dwarfed any dark-sided shipping company) and was often called upon to pick up the slack smaller corporations could not. Including but not limited to hazardous waste. But the bill for such hazardous waste is something she has no clue as to how much to expect.

"And also have payment arrangements made billed to Star Tours for that load of hazardous waste and the consequences that arise from it"
Veles continued to haunt the research station’s corridors like a soundless phantom, appearing and disappearing without sharing a word with the soldiers, officers and scientists he had passed. His aimless journey had finally come to an end upon overhearing the distress call filled with panic and stopped by sudden death. Gone immediately after the message started to repeat itself and a new announcement reached his ears, Veles swiftly made his way to the hangers destined to release a deadly swarm of wasps to sting anyone who dared to interrupt the First Order. No more did idle chatter fill the research station’s intestines – swiftly gaining the efficiency of a well-oiled machine, the First Order’s retaliation interrupted the monotony and routine normally reigning over the station.

“I will accompany you, commander,” said the Sith Lord in deep and thickly accented voice when his long and powerful strides finally brought him to the assembled boarding party, ready to get into a transport and respond to the situation at hand. Naturally, the Mon Cal’s cane and hobble, alongside the obvious non-human features and no allegiance with the First Order caused most to look at him with suspicion in their eyes, doubt hidden behind face-covering helmets. Only the twin lightsabers happily dangling on his belt clearly announced the amphibian’s Force sensitivity, yet he was not a Ren. Understandably enough, the armoured commanding officer stepped up and tried to dissuade Veles from joining.

“We cannot spare armour and…”

Not that any helmet in their arsenal was designed to fit the large Mon Calamari head anyway.

“That is alright. I have all I need.” The Sith Lord dismissed the commander smoothly, a decisive wave of his hand enough to cut the man off and declare the conversation over. No further protests came forward – even though the alien Sith Lord clearly wasn’t one of them, having the amphibious master of the Force still drastically improved their chances. Seating himself, the Sith fell silent and stayed that way even after everyone boarded and the transport took off.

Allies: [member="Darth Veles"] [member="Ludolf Vaas"] [member="CT-47B"] [member="Asharad Graush"] [member="Valessia Brentioch"]
Objective: Quantum Leap

Darth Banshee was part of the The One Sith which was even now was collapsing, and she need a new place to stay. She decide on The First Order, as she could not go back to The Mandalorian Clans, as she had left for the sith. She was not sure if this was right place for her, after all she was sith first and foremost. She did not quite understand these people yet, though they where friends of The One Sith order, so here she is. She decide as she was new she try and help out, prove her worth as it where. That was in her mind when she came here, they where building a research station of some sort, she was going to provide a goodwill gesture. Though if did prove useful, she may end up maybe able to get a contract at some point.

She was arraiving on I.M.D. Equine Freighter she was going to lend them some droids, that help build the place, as well as first load of Turadsteel to help coat the station. As being close to black hole, would put a large amount of strain on the station. She was doing this free of charge for the moment, she had few deals, and had enough left over for this gesture of goodwill. As her ship came in her captain, sent in a message, requesting docking permission. She waited for that permission, she could feel the freighter creak a little as it had to use the thrust on reverse, to resist any of the pull of the black hole.
Location: Third Asteroid Belt
Objective: (3) Mysterious Distress Signal
Post: 3
Involving:[member="Darth Veles"], [member="Tanomas Graf"], [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"], First Order Starfighters, Boarding Parties.

The silence that filled the fifteen minute journey from the Vindicators initial position, to the asteroids from which the signal appeared would pass with little sign of conflict. As if the signal they had heard was something they had simply imagined, like a ghosts last words whispering on the wind or the feeling of someone walking over your grave.

But they had not imagined it, and as the Vindicator approached the largest asteroid its bridge staff would have noticed that not all of the ancient stone was charred black by whatever sun the black hole used to be, but that new foundations had been drilled, and parts of the asteroid had been chipped away through collisions with its smaller companions - revealing not just deep pools of black ice and hints of untapped resources, but military grade durasteel plating-.

Immediately after this realisation, the bridge crew would have noticed thick black coated cords tethering the structure to much smaller nearby asteroids. Their dark colouring having made them near invisible in the total darkness of space. The Vindicator's likely continous scanning would have revealed low level energy readings running from the central asteroid towards its smaller companions. As they searched for further signs of artificial constructions on these smaller asteroids the energy readings would suddenly increase dramatically as the hostile station awakens, its crew having realised that they had likely been detected and that they'd have little chance of survival if the powerful First Order Destroyers decided to bombard their station with them still trapped inside.

Within moments, the hangar doors of the rogue asteroid station would have opened up, releasing a horde of black, white and burgundy painted B wing starfighters followed by a mix matched stream of combat modified light freighters made up of EE-775's, Ghtroc 840's, HWK 290's and an unorganised mess of other small vessels that flooded over the Vindicator closely after the B wings first assault had ended. They released a vicious barrage of laser fire and proton torpedo's against ships bridge, in a terrifying but ultimately ineffective attempt at disabling the vessel before its shields were up, them having supposedly been unaware of just how long the First Order vessel had been prepared for combat. A handful of vessels immediately jumped into hyperspace, perfectly content to have left the others behind and having already taken whatever they could carry from the station.

Meanwhile, the tethered asteroids and the main base would have been slowly waking up. The stations outdated power generators needing much longer to prepare a defence than the high tech vessels it was facing. Despite this, hidden turret instilations began rising from the asteroids, and it would appear they are highly advanced models. Some of which being so new they wouldn't have looked out of place on a First Order instillation.


The first wave of boarding ships set off, with another still preparing to head out. They travelled to towards the hostile station in assault landers with enough room for two squads of ten men each, or in the Sith's case. One whole squad, one nearly complete yet completely terrified squad. And one fish man, leaving a particually relieved Stormtrooper waving as they left. Travelling on the ship beside them was CT-47B's squad of Stormtroopers. Who were anxiously waiting, hoping that their ship wouldn't be blown out of the sky as they headed towards the asteroid field.
Objective: Quantum Leap.
Post Three.
Involves: [member="Ludolf Vaas"], [member="Valessia Brentioch"]

Well those plans sounded like they'd be near impossible to get through practical ways. But he kept his mouth shut about that.

Regardless, he introduced himself all the same to the Doctor and then they were on their way again.

A containment system for a small scale Black Hole? All he knew was that this sounded like they were trying to actively create black holes in places that didn't otherwise sport one. Likely not the best idea, and he felt as if there were reasons as to such, but those were beyond the High Colonel as well.

"Singularities powering ships and facilities. It sounds impressive, really. But, as one of those that I presume would be utilizing this new form of power, why change from what we have now, to producing mobile singularities waiting to happen?"

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
Location: Straight Outta Hyperspace
Objective: Distress Signal Location
Post: III

"Evasive action!" Carlyle ordered, "Prep the guns, and run out the fighters!" he commanded, "Shields up lads, and have the Pride follow our lead!"

"Aye aye captain!" The Gunnery Officer replied.

"I want our ion guns disabling their guns, TIE's should pursue their fighters, and intercept their bombers!"

"Will do sir!" The TIE Ops officer replied, "TIE's are deploying."

"Are our shields up ensign?!"

"We-we're t-try-"

"Put them up man! Or else we're doomed!"

"Y-yes sir!" The officer replied.

The Vindicator slowly shifted itself till it was ninety degree's parallel to the asteroid base, and began blasting it and its defences with a barrage of ion and turbolaser blasts. Parts of the asteroid fragmented into small, minute parts, and flew in all directions. "Keep at it boys!" Carlyle commanded, "We'll blast 'em all to hell!"

Objective: III - Mysterious Distress Signal
Location: On the way towards the seemingly hijacked freighter.
"You are re-assigned." The feminine voice came in right after the door to his quarters slid open. Jade. "Distress signal from a freighter."

"Didn't they teach you to knock first ?" Jude raised his eyebrow with a smirk and straightened his back from typing down his weekly report on the computer terminal. The blonde man took his glasses off knowing that he won't be using the terminal for the near future.

"Get up. It. is. happening. now."

"You're kidding, right ? A distress signal from a freighter here." Jude chuckled and half spun with his chair. "What's a freighter doing here in the middle of nowhere and getting hijacked ?"

"How did you know it was hijacked ?" A scowl covered the purple haired woman as her gaze pierced him.

"Read your mind."

"I to-" She began protesting but Jude cut her off.

"Jokes, got the info on the terminal, obviously." Jude said and stood up from his chair abruptly. There was a job to be done. "Is that all ? I assume I will get the rest of the information on the way."

"Correct. I came here to toss you this." She told him, her demeanor serious as always. A utility droid stepped in his quarters and laid on his bed a First Order Army Officer. Rank grade - Lieutenant. Not too low to be useless, not too high to be noticed. "We're not going in there, officially." She answered his unspoken question.

"I knew you've always been a bunch of schuttas up in the Bureau." Jude scoffed and began stripping his clothes while his superior was still on the threshold of the room. The Lorrdian was certainly no fortunate son. "So I take it this is considered strictly military operation for now ?"

"Exactly. Now dress up and prepare to leave immediately."


All dressed up in the fresh uniform of an Army Lieutenant by the name of Duay Lee, Jude made his way towards the boarding vessel that awaited him. The agent's eyes fully focused on the text that kept appearing on his wrist datapad.

.../:: Priority Level: High
.../:: Dispatched: Field Agent Falkrowe
.../:: Assignment: Monitor development on FIS Kleve --::> /:: Status: Halted.
.../:: New Assignment: Inspect distress signal --::> /:: Status: Ongoing.
../:: Brief: Freighter with unlisted cargo, possibly hijacked by unknown assailants. The Army and Navy have been immediately dispatched and a military-grade station has been detected on one of the asteroids at the third asteroid belt in the system. You are to uncover tracks, leads and clues all to lead answers to the basic model: 5W1H. Information gathered is to be withheld from Army and Navy personnel unless impossible or given permission.


The situation was certainly full of questions. What was a First Order freighter doing out here and how come was it with unlisted cargo ? Who attacked and why, how did they know ? The picture might be much bigger than Jude initially imagined.

His thoughts were full with this questions as he boarded one of the vessel bound to board. The sight of the white stormtrooper armor brought a smile to his face for just a moment. Not long ago he donned the same armor serving as a tech/communications specialist. Now he was here.

The engines of the ship ignited with a roar and Jude Falkrowe and [member="CT-47B"] were out on an adventure.

[member="Darth Veles"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]

Valessia Brentioch


Dr. Harrison looked toward the High Colonel, and took off his glasses. There was a small, careful smile that tugged at the corner of his lips, he studied the High Colonel for a moment. Perhaps another and then thought on his question, the glasses now folded neatly in one hand tapped into the palm of the other. "Science," he says simply, "why do anything? If not to learn, to gain knowledge and to use this knowledge for our own benefit." His blue eyes looked from the High Colonel to the Field Marshall, "Powering facilities and starships, is just one possibility out of many." He slipped his glasses back on and walked toward a holo-board and displayed for the High Colonel the equations. "Just one possibility, High Colonel, just one."

"When man took to the stars, did he not wonder - did he not want to know how it was they were? Did he not yearn for this knowledge, sought it and gained it so that he might better himself?" He asked, and then looked around the room as the scientists and engineers slowly came to a halt to listen to him. "And so we scientists, and engineers who work with the First Order Division of Applied Science, who work with the First Imperial Military. We too yearn to know how it is these singularities work. To use them not for our own purpose, but for his."

He motions to the emboldened logo above the door in which Commander Cyone had led them through.

"Kleve being the one to study, and research the singularity will be the one to test and use it because we are scientists, and that is what we do." Dr. Harrison said and his colleagues smiled, "if we can accomplish this, we can wean ourselves off the use of current fuels. Or, as - Field Marshall Vaas has suggested, create wormholes. Derive quantum singularity engines that would allow us to move faster than anyone else in the galaxy - but that, that and all those ideas that drive to be better, and to do better." Harrison turned and motioned to the encased model, "starts here, with us."

Outside of the high-security area, Lieutenant Friehaas was manning the station's day to day operations. Which included expecting assistance in materials from a former member of the One Sith. It seemed with their imminent demise few Sith have begun to trickle into the First Order. Friehaas no doubt knew that there would be more than a few in the near future, but for now.

"This is Kleve Tower One, please identify yourself." Communications was sent out to [member="Darth Banshee"], "stand by for docking instructions." Kleve Tower One came back to the freighter. "Proceed to Docking Bay 27A, and await further instructions."

Objective: Quantum Leap
Posts: 6
Allies: [member="Darth Banshee"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="Ludolf Vaas"]


Captain Meneer Chrome
The name mattered little. In fact, Meneer would be hard pushed to remember it. It was one planet after another and one sphere of dust and rock and pitiless heat oddly blended into the next industrial landscape with towering shards of durasteel and then to the following humid green jungle.

Their role in Meneer’s life was simple. They were objectives. Not planets. Not people. Just things to tick off a list. It was not that he was beginning to second guess the decisions of his superiors – but he was growing slightly weary of the monotony of it all. He’d turned down two promotions. Some suggested he had a death wish – not wishing to move further away from the front line.

It wasn’t even close to the truth. The fact was that others judged him the way they saw the galaxy. The weak had singular minds. Ambition and gluttony and a hunger for death was for others, not for Meneer. It may have been a refuge for some. The blood of First Order troopers seeping into the soil they walked on. In the near distance was sorrow and grief. But the captain wept for no man.

To weep for a fallen comrade was to display unseemly attachment, An officer did not become attached to people, to things, to places, to any world or its inhabitants. His strength was fed by a sense of distance.

At least, that was the ideal...


Captain Meneer Chrome
Weary, Meneer stood in silence, watching as efficient First Order troopers swiftly, methodically, and in perfect unison performed their various drills. Only a short while ago Meneer could name them all. His men and women, he’d considered them.

And then one by one they’d died and been replaced. To the point that, as he scanned the ranks in front of him, he realised that none one was remaining from his first attachment to the unit.

Not one.

At times he wondered why. He had no god complex. He did not consider himself to be immortal. But nor did he feel it right to move on. To accept promotion on the back of fallen comrades. For that’s how he viewed it. A perverse form of blood money.

He was suddenly aware that a fellow officer was standing alongside him and had been addressing him.

“Sorry,” Meneer mumbled, “I was…thinking.”

“I was just saying they are a credit to you. You must be very proud of them. Their list of combat accomplishments is indeed impressive. So many tours of duty.”

‘Not precisely,’ Meneer wanted to say. ‘Not by a long way. The unit has an impressive record but the men and women have been interchangeable parts. Like a ship that has been completely rebuilt, over and over again. The pilot knows it’s not the same ship, even if the number on the wing remains the same.’

“They are a fine group,” is what he actually said. “A credit to the First Order.”
Objective: Distress signal

Unstoppable in its goal to destroy and kill, the First Order’s war machines showered the hidden station’s defences in a well-aimed ejaculation of turbolaser fire that tore apart the automated and manned turrets alike, nibbling away small asteroids until those turned into pebbles. Soon enough, First Order’s fighters joined the fray to provide the boarding shuttles with cover and deliver precise strikes against the defence installations and hostile starfighters protecting the main base. That alone allowed most assault landers to survive the initial onslaught and penetrate the incoming hail of enemy fire released by the numerous turrets. Veles did nothing, handing his fate over to the pilot’s hands. Not much else he could perform while trapped in this metal coffin – and so the Sith Lord closed his eyes and meditated.

The Force sang to him even now as he feasted on fear and anxiety of others sharing this mass grave with him, moulding the powerful emotions swirling between the white-armoured men into power and readying himself for the welcome party undoubtedly awaiting them. Strong promises of a bloody battle reached his mind, given the defending party had a bit of time to prepare themselves – and because the hostile station’s presence strongly suggested a long-term operation by well-funded forces, strongly pointing towards at least some professional and disciplined forces present within the asteroid base’s bowels. For all the equipment and manpower brave and capable enough to face the First Order’s finest, none stood a chance against a Sith Lord, none expected one to happen upon their secret base.

Rocking violently, the entire vessel shook and moaned in pain after suffering a bad hit. Alarms rang out, red light filled the interior and smoke touched the air with its scent. Veles’s amber orbs fluttered open. Terror hidden behind faceless masks could practically be tasted, dooming uncertainty washing over everybody present. More sources of power for the Mon Cal to feast upon. Strangely calm, he had returned to his meditation, playing with the unseen, terrible currents running through the Force. Then came the thunderous crash, screeching of metal and finally the silence before the storm. Completely by accident, the barely controllable vessel had slipped right into one of the enemy hangers and rolled over the first group willing to defend the station. Infiltrated, the spies announcing their hurried rush with an approaching clap of heavy boots saw two red beacons emerge from the wreckage – the last thing they ever saw. Each received a deadly lightsaber kiss, each fell,never to walk again.

[member="Jude Falkrowe"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="CT-47B"]
Objective: Quantum Leap
Post: 5/20
Allies: [member="Asharad Graush"] [member="Valessia Brentioch"]

The science behind what Doctors West and Harrison were trying to do here was interesting, no doubt. Interesting and ambitious, but such was the spirit of the First Order. The Order had managed to attract some of the brightest scientific minds to its doors, as the Supreme Leader was always intensely interested in scientific innovation, not simply for purposes of conquest, but also for practical everyday use for the betterment of the population.

If the scientists of the Kleve Station needed phrik to continue their experiments in safety, then that was what they would get.

"Well then, doctors," Ludolf said, shifting his gaze between Harrison and West. "The Army is at your disposal. You tell me what you need to ensure the safety of your continued experiments, and it shall be done."


Captain Meneer Chrome
The other officer moved on. Meneer hadn’t even noted his rank, not that it particularly mattered. Not to Meneer at least. The other man’s words would not leave his head.

He stood there, motionless, for a good few minutes before a staff sergeant came up to him. “Any specific drills you’d like us to run, sir?” she asked. She’d been with her squad a matter of months but had quickly progressed to staff sergeant. Much as he had. And despite her quick progress, she was no doubt due another promotion. In an odd way, it was Meneer that was standing in her way. If he accepted either of the promotions on offer, he could move into the role of captain of the company and allow her to become the lieutenant of the platoon.

It was the natural way of things.

“Are you ready?” he asked, almost lazily.

“Ready for what sir? I mean…I’m ready for anything of course…but what specifically.”

He smiled at her response. It was textbook but it was also human. “Ready for what comes with being an officer?” Nobody had ever had this conversation with him. “Ready to have a name instead of a designation?” He’d found out by memo – and an assignment to his own cabin, albeit small.

For a split second she was silent. Perhaps it was unfair to ask. Maybe you should just decide for people. But that was not his way.

“Sir, yes sir,” she said, the excitement and delight in her voice obvious, even through the vocaliser in her helmet.

“Then prepare to lead,” he said and put a hand on her shoulder. “You’ll make a fine lieutenant, believe me.” Then he shook her hand and made his way to his cabin. He had a promotion to accept. Major was a step too far, for now. He’d try his hand as captain for a while. To keep an eye on…whatever name his staff sergeant was to be known by, and then move on – once she was ready to be a captain. It was not his job to keep every trooper alive. But it was his responsibility to serve the First Order and moving up the chain of command was as much a duty as securing a landing zone in a hostile environment. He realised that now.

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