Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Point Of No Return

Fifth Moon of Shri-tal
Shri-tal, Asobi System

INT: Ranger Shuttle

There was only Connor and Nima Tann, the Knight and Padawan of the Silver Jedi, on board. It rocked gently on a course for the far moon of Shri-tal. Jedi were planet side already, but it was the moon that Connor needed to get to - or rather the vicious and brutal Taung spirit inside him.

It was on the Northern continent of the moon, where the old observation tower rested, that Connor first found the hammer. A hammer containing the spirit of the Taung and, once he had connected with it, had drained him of everything he fought for as an agent of the Light to become an twisted, warped servant of the Dark.

Hoping to find more of the Taung sprit on the moon in either relics or hidden information in the tower, Connor had Nima Tann following him, blinded by his deception and lies that the Taung was spouting out. It was there he would turn her to the darkness he now faced and take on the Silver Jedi and those who served it.

Expecting some retribution from the fact he had been freed by a Padawan from the holding cell, Connor sat in silence, staring at the shuttle wall in a daze. In reality the thoughts of what challenges lay ahead raced through the spirit.

Let the fools come if they must; they will not stop me. I am too powerful for them. And I have one of their own as collateral.

It was not going to be an easy task, but it would be one where Nima Tann would either succeed in doing or fall in trying. Either way, it was time for the Taung to take the dagger straight to the heart of those daring to challenge them.

[member="Nima Tann"] [member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Fifth Moon of Shri-tal
Shri-tal, Asobi System

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Nima Tann"]

Operation: Hammer Fall
Location: Unmarked Ship - pilot seat

Eyes flicked around the control panel of the ship. The black pupils, open to their full extent allowing what light was in the ship into them and Coci could see much more then most. The ship would remain in darkness for the trip and the landing. Her main focus was on the signal coming from the tracking device she had placed on Connor's ship as she had followed him after his escape. She did not have time to be nervous about the flight as she normal is, this mission taking all her thoughts and worries to be trifling with such things. She much prefers to be in control, it is better this way and so she continued to busy herself and prepare as they approached the moon.

Coci rested her back against the pilot seat, her hand coming to her face to cradle her chin as she thought about what must be done to save her Shadow Brother. This was not going to be easy and much danger faced her and another that is also on board the ship .. Thurion Heavenshield. Seems the man has stubbornness issues, not allowing her to go on this without him. She allowed a smile to cross her face at the thought of him, an indulgence yes, but one that would not be denied.

She could sense him close by.

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
Fifth Moon of Shri-tal
Shri-tal, Asobi System

LOCATION: Ranger Shuttle

She stopped thinking when she set him free, because after all, there was no explanation what she was doing. She was going a path that she never thought she would. But, everything was changing. They started to run through all the way to the shuttles, to find one of the Ranger shuttles nearby. It was a perfect chance for them to finally leave this planet and save the Order from its darkness, she thought, or believed, for a better explanation. She was out of breath, tired from all this running. But she had to continue moving. She had to, for her own good. I'll be left alone if I can't go on. There is no going back.

As they continued to travel, the silence disturbed her a little. She was already a criminal for setting one of the Order's prisoners free, and she felt the presence of multiple auras, it was like they were following them. That, she was looking to the windows, hoping that everything would be okay. She started to think what she would do if the things went bad. Was she going to fight a battle that she knew she would lose? Or... No... not or. No tolerance for uncertainties. She was going to fight, for the man she trusted. And why? Why was everything silent? Why the silence she loved once was making her nervous now?

No... she had to speak, she needed to be strong... She needed to hear his voice, that gives her confidence whenever she heard. As she couldn't endure the silence anymore, she started to talk. "Knight Harrison... I want you to know, whatever your plan is... we are in this together now." She wanted to touch him, wanted him to know she was near, and he could trust her. But remembering the last time, she immediately decided not to do that, because he would hurt her again, and her trust. For that, she only could look at his eyes and smile weakly. "And... I will help you, for a better future."

[member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Nima's soft, confident voice broke the Taung's concentration, and it returned to feeding from Connor's mind and his Force energy, once more filling his muscle and mind with distorted thoughts and visions of grandeur.

The energy Nima was radiating was exceptionally high, as she was masking it well, but her drive was clear and evident in her firm gaze and voice. No tears, no wavering eyes, just a focus and slight hesitation. Connor brought his eyes slowly to her, keeping his voice deathly serious and raspy, almost not his own.

"Nima Tann. You will soon subjected to things you will not want to hear, nor see, but when that happens you must trust me in everything I tell you. They will be following us as we speak, and I guarantee both Coci Sinopi, the manipulator, and Thurion Heavensheild, the betrayer, will be leading the charge."

He shuffled over in his seat to face her, sat opposite him.

"Coci Sinopi is the most dangerous amongst them. After Master Iella E'ron, and Aika, she is one of the most deceptive and unstable of all I have stood beside. You know her and Thurion Heavenshield are...close? That is not a coincidence as to why they will be after me. After us. She will kill you the minute she sees weakness as she thinks you are also weak and a danger to her power. angers me this is the truth, but you must know. It is time you gave yourself to me and everything I can teach you, Nima Tann."

Connor reached forward and place his hand on her red skin. Affectionately it may appear to be for her, but he focused his aura through her touch, weaving the darkness of the spirit around her sense of Force energy.

"This is not going to be easy, and I am going to be branded a liar, a danger and a deceiver. But have I deceived you at all, or hurt you? I have bore the truth about how fragile the Silver Jedi are, and also the galaxy as a whole, and I can not let them stand in my way. Nor must you. You will need to find the strength inside you to defend yourself and SHOW that you are powerful. Do NOT let them betray you the way they betrayed me all those months ago. Use my strength and my spirit to fuel yours."

He didn't take his eyes off her, boring into her fragile mind, finding any cracks he could to fill with his lies. If she fell more and more for him and the words he said, the more she would help distract the Jedi and also fall to the Dark.

The shuttle rocked again as it passed through the atmosphere of the Fifth Moon. They would soon be touching down.

[member="Nima Tann"] [member="Coci Sinopi"] Thurion Heavenshield
Aboard <unmarked ship>

[member="Coci Sinopi"]

This buisness with the hammers found across several worlds had him greatly puzzled, but not more so than what had happened to his good friend Connor. The sight of him locked away at the Temple was heartbreaking; anyone but him, he'd think to himself. And now he was on the loose, set free by another of the Silvers. With most of the more prominent members of the Order already off-world, it had fallen onto him and his beloved Coci to deal with the matter of bringing Connor home, as well as the one who'd let him free and followed him to Shri-Tal, where all of this nasty buisness had begun with the discovery of the hammers.

Coci was sat piloting the ship, as she was a far better pilot than himself. He stepped onto the bridge, walked up behind her and placed both hands on the back of the captain's chair, supporting his weight against her. "Are we there yet?" he teased as his hands then moved to caress the sides of her neck. Truth be told he was far from amused by the situation, but he tried his best to lighten the mood somewhat.

[member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Nima Tann"]
And so it begins...

Thurion Heavenshield | Connor Harrison | Nima Tann

Her lips turned up a smirk at his words. "Patience young one", she jested back, although her voice would betray her true feelings of a more serious nature. The ships sensors reading the shuttle carrying Connor and Nima showed on the screen.

"There", she pointed to it, showing him they are not far behind them. "We must try to remain concealed at least from physical view. I will conceal through the force, they will know I am about of that I am sure, but they will not know exactly". She stood up to face him, her face worried now as she looked upon him. She needed him now, she needed his help, this situation far greater then first thought and she is not strong enough in the force to handle this alone. The other Shadows away on assignment, as was most of the Master equally strong to aid. Thurion came without question and Coci knows he is powerful.

But more filled her mind around him, "Thurion this will be dangerous for us both, if something is to happen I want you to get out, you must as Nina needs you. Do not place yourself in danger for me in particular .. this is a constant I deal with daily and I have pledged my oath not only to the Silver Jedi but to all Jedi .. and to fight the darkside. I will willingly give my life for duty, it is what I do".
Aboard <unmarked ship>

[member="Coci Sinopi"]

Her words cut like a knife into him, as his mind went to places he wished never to visit. "Don't ask this of me, Coci", he told her, shaking his head. "We live together, we die together. I won't lose you, too. If I did, nothing would be left of me." He stepped towards her. "I've lost too many people I care about", he spoke softly before putting his arms around her, pulling her in for a loving embrace.

"I am yours, and you are mine - until the end of time", he whispered past her ear. He then cupped her face with both hands and placed his lips upon hers. "It'll be fine, you hear? We'll stop this thing and bring back Connor alive and well. I won't let it take him, or anyone else."

[member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Nima Tann"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
As she felt his hand on her skin, she felt her face was burning with embarassment, her red face becoming redder. Also, she felt her strength was growing, as if he was giving her power with his touch. She didn't understand why she liked to feel such strength, but she felt a hunger, for more. Her stepfather always said that such power starts to drive the wielder mad, and maybe he was right. The thoughts invaded her head again, but she didn't want to stay there, not saying anything. It would be awkward so she collected herself and talked, with a confident but a sincere voice, trying to conceal her embarassment.

"I... I already saw things that I.. shouldn't have, Knight Harrison. I saw the corruption of the Order, the Order that I thought as family and believed in. I was blind before, and you were the one that opened my eyes. That makes you a good person in my eyes and for that... I trust you. But..." Stop thinking...

He will save you... Trust him... The thoughts that was confusing her about the Knight, was now helping her to trust him. She didn't want to walk the path alone, she had to trust someone. And she was starting to think she made the right choice, she smiled, and felt that she was ready for everything that would happen.

" And thank you for your offer. I am... honored to learn from you, Knight Harrison. And when that time comes... if we have to fight with them..." she stopped there, she looked at her lightsaber, still hanging from her greatcoat. "I'll be ready to be your sword." her voice was so cold that even she was scared of herself. What was she turning to? Where was the innocent girl she once was? The only thing she knew was she was already gone.

[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Connor looked into Nima's eyes and searched for the pressure points in her connection with the Force; the sensitive pulses that are controlled by emotion, allowing one to turn either way if enough pressure was applied. He focused on those areas as he withdrew his hand and held them out before him, curling each hand into a fist and once more used slow, penetrating words with a soft, deep voice.

"Do not hesitate and show no mercy, not to any of them. They have filled your head with lies, trying to control you. Also, when we reach the surface, you must open yourself to the Force. Let me enhance your strength and embrace the darker side of your emotions. This is what the Jedi fear because they do not understand it. But you do. I know you do. You can be stronger than anyone if you wanted to be, and don't let them tell you otherwise."

Connor stood as the ship banked, feeling the descent in his stomach.

"If you limit yourself to how you are TOLD to behave, they will take your head at the first sign of hesitation. But if you use your emotion to use the Force as an extension of your hatred towards what Coci Sinopi, Thurion Heavenshield, even me when I hurt you, to what they have done, you will be unstoppable. That is what becomes of all great Force users. They become...immortal."

The Taung despised the Jedi, but the race knew enough of their kind to know what real power the Force could grant when controlled by one who simply acted and did not think. If the Silver Jedi could be brought down, then the Taung could find their way into the souls of the fallen and become an unstoppable force.

His body rocked and shudderd; the shuttle had stopped and the whine of the engines faded around them. Connor looked down to the Padawan, face eager and ready. He held out his hand.

"Let us go and change the fate of a galaxy, shall we Padawan Nima Tann? Don't worry. The atmosphere is breathable unless you go too high. Stick with me, and remember - you are their enemy no because you think for yourself, and they don't like it."

Connor turned and thumped the loading ramp activation switch, and the rear door lurched into life and started to descend, letting the cool air in from the moons surface.

[member="Nima Tann"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Coci Sinopi"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
As she listened [member="Connor Harrison"]'s words, she didn't understand first. Because both her stepfather and the masters have told her being merciful, and using emotions would let a person fall to the dark side. But, as the Knight said, the ones who changed history of the galaxy, fell into dark side once. Even [member="Coci Sinopi"] and [member="Thurion Heavenshield"], who are powerful masters, were in a relationship, if Knight Harrison was telling the truth. All of her thoughts and beliefs were changing, she couldn't understand what was happening. Maybe he was right, why would Jedi completely ignore their feelings, if they contained such power to change the world? Because they were afraid of having such power, but Nima wasn't, she was strong.

"Having such power... but being afraid of using it. Knight Harrison, I don't understand, if the Jedi had power to become immortal and destroy their enemies, why aren't they using it? To change the world... to make it a better place? I would gladly use that power." Then she recalled the last events, that creating a big question mark in her head. "You know... when you pushed me to the ground in Zyggeria. I was mad at you. I felt... I felt like I really want to hurt you. But instead, I saved you. And I think I made the right call.. Did I?" she asked, her confusion could be read.

As the questions appeared in her head again, the shuttle finally landed to the surface. As the shuttle's door descended to the ground, she felt the cold air, and her body shook from the sudden change. She wasn't really prepared for this, but there wasn't any choice. She slowly checked her belongings, because they probably wouldn't find any spare time after. Hearing Connor Harrison's question, she nodded to the man, it was the day that the galaxy would change... to become a better place to live, or she thought so.

"I am ready whenever you are, Knight Harrison. I trust you and will fight for you. Teach me how to become stronger... how to reach my true potential." She smiled, and slowly walked through the door. She really loved the idea of being stronger. Not for her own gain, but to serve the galaxy. Or... was it for her own gain? Was she really that hungry for power... or was she just confused, and need guidance? Everything was complicated.
Thurion Heavenshield | Connor Harrison | Nima Tann

She just allowed him to speak without interruption, she knew the answer before his mouth even opened and she loves him for it. The feelings go both ways, she would die for him, if that was the way of her destiny or what the force willed. But love is a powerful thing, an emotion that can cloud judgement if allowed and Coci and Thurion must be vigilant toward that. She had not wanted him to come on this mission for this reason, but now it would become a test for them both. However she would not voice her concerns, not now anyway.

"I sense we have not one but two to save, the Padawan is with him, I can sense her weakening to him. Her mind confused no doubt by his twisted words, this will made the situation far more dangerous, but we must do what we can for Nima", she looked up into his face.

Coci returned to the pilot seat, the unmarked vessel landing away from the shuttle and they would have to travel by speeder. Coci knew Connor's destination, however he would not find what he sort there, the Shadows had already located the Hammer and brought it back to Voss, that was the Hammer Coci held when she visited him in the holding cell. Besides their force presence allowed her to track them without hindrance. She was also aware, that was reserved and he would be expecting them.
EXT: The 5th Moon of Shri-tal

Standing at the base of the large cliff, the observation tower was still looming high above the moon’s surface. Shri-tal was clearly visible, a giant orb hanging majestically close to the atmosphere. As the 5th moon was relatively small, it was a quaint place for the observation tower to monitor the stars around the system.

It was here that Connor had taken a small team of Rangers, now dead, in the hope of securing the tower and establishing a secure base of operations for the Silver Jedi to monitor Shri-tal. But instead he had found a Taung hammer, isolated and glowing in the main control room as if it was powering the entire tower.

He now stood at the base of the cliff, possessed by the warrior spirit within the hammer and out to salvage the relic and bring down Nima Tann to serve with him, as well as the other corrupt Jedi, in bringing down the Order and then the galaxy.

For a moment it was peaceful, with no sound except the gentle wind rushing past their ears. The sky above was clear and looked like a gateway to the stars above and it was captivating, even for a Taung.

Connor stood with his hands behind his back, Nima Tann beside him and the shuttle a few yards back in a small crater. He suddenly turned to face her, serious and focused in his gaze.

”Forgive me, Nima Tann, but mercy will not be shown. I need to know you’re strong enough when faced with the evil of the Silver Jedi.”

He held out his palm, emitting a wave of Force energy that wrapped around her throat, gently strangling her and reducing her breath. The warrior felt nothing and would be more than ready to snap her neck, but if she was going to keep the Taung spirit inside her, she had to prove she was strong enough.

”I’m sorry Nima Tann. Use your power to stop me! USE IT!.”

While not killing her, this would be a panic inducing attack, requiring bold and brutal action to escape from.

[member="Nima Tann"] [member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
They started to walk slowly on the surface of the moon. Both Nima and Connor were silent, he was probably thinking about the mission like she was. So she moved beside him, looking to her surroundings. Except of the cold air and being small, the moon was a liveable place. Especially the sky, the color changing clouds and the calm winds... She thought that if everything went good and they saved the galaxy, she would leave everything and just move here, and die happy maybe. But... there was no guarantee of that of course. She immediately shook her head, there was no time for daydreams, they had a job to do. They continued to move, to the large cliff which the tower [member="Connor Harrison"] mentioned was at the top, the solution to all the problems.

They now stood at the base of the cliff, after a 10 minutes walking. She was tired, and a little cold. Looking at behind, she saw their ship at the crater below. It was silent... Actually too silent. She felt like it was the silence before the storm. There was something going on there, as she turned her back to look at the Knight, just to meet his cold gaze, even colder than the moon itself. As he apologized to her, she didn't understand. She was confused, did she say or do something wrong? "What hap..." Then suddenly she felt a big presence on her throat, cutting her breath suddenly. He was choking her with the Force, and she felt that her feet left the ground. The thought of dying like this just panicked her. She tried to break free from his grip, only to choke herself more. "Wh... why?" She tried to speak between the coughs. The one she trusted, was now killing her. She felt the fear inside of her was growing up fast.

"Knight... Harrison.. stop! Please..." she whispered, trying to calm herself and breathe, she wasn't doing good. She started to feel sleepy, her strength was fading slowly. Her vision started to get blurry. She was weak, she didn't want to hurt him first but if she didn't do something. He would kill her. He will kill you... Attack him... Kill him... The fear was slowly turning to anger. She started to feel such anger towards him, he betrayed her, just like the Order. No mercy...Kill him... The anger was filling her body with such energy and power, she stopped feeling anything but anger and she shouted. "STOP IT!" Then with the adrenaline, panic and the anger combined, she pulled the surface of the moon, tearing away a huge rock from it, and fastly threw it towards his face, and it hit him, stunning him for a moment.

She fell to the ground, taking a big breath from the coldness of the moon with tears coming from her eyes. She waited like a corpse on the ground, trying to control her breath. "What are you doing! You... you could kill me!" she shouted, feeling fear and anger at the same time. What she did before, she couldn't believe her eyes. She just broke the surface. Maybe he was right, maybe the anger was the answer of being powerful. The thing that scared her was she kind of enjoyed it, feeling absolute power and hurting someone. What was happening to her? She wasn't sure, but one thing was for sure. She would have to be careful around him from now on.

[member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
He applied more and more pressure to her dainty throat, feeling her pulse weaken, but her adrenaline surged. Connor nodded gently as she shouted at him; ROARED at him. Showing no emotion, he simply stood and held her before she passed out.

Around them, the ground started to shake gently, but he didn’t move from looking at her writhing in his grip.

Come on…prove you have it.

As Connor’s body was just a shell, the Taung simply waited for a repercussion, and with an almighty shockwave that seemed to come from Nima herself, a large portion of rock hit him across the side of the head, forcing her to drop the Padawan to the ground as he stumbled away.

Feeling no pain inside the shell, the Taung thrived on pain; anger; war.

Nima’s feeble plea could be heard – one step forward; two steps back. He turned to her, blood oozing down the left side of his head from the gash in his temple. The scent of blood was like fresh fruit to a Taung.

”Were I your enemy, I would have killed you. Plea falls on deaf ears. The Silver Jedi talk and talk and talk to cloud your mind, to poison it, and because you see nothing but their code and rules, your enemies see one thing. Weakness!”

He launched a mild, but heavy, Force push at her, sending her rolling sideways across the harsh rocks under her. She let out a cry of pain, seeming to echo around the caverns and cliffs.

”Control and embrace your emotion and USE them to make you stronger! Show no mercy and do not think about what you do, because that split second will give them the edge to strike you down!”

Rooting himself in the ground, he brought his arms up, pulling a large section of rock from the ground beside her and raised it high above her head.

”Be something great, Nima Tann. Show me why you are worthy to join me.”

He began to bring the rocks down to crush her.

[member="Nima Tann"] [member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
As he force pushed her without even listening, she felt like the last amount of trust she felt against him, was now being replaced by hate. She felt every rock on the surface was cutting her skin painfully, while she was rolling with the effect of his push. She only could stop after hitting to a big rock. She screamed in pain, her arms and feet were now full of wounds. She felt tears coming from her face, she couldn't endure much pain. At first, she couldn't understand what was happening. He was attacking her, with all his might and all she could do was staying on the ground and crying in pain. Was she that weak? No... no she wasn't. And she wanted to show it to him. As the giant rock falling towards to her, she dodged it, feeling the pain everywhere, she let out another cry.

She cleared her tears and slowly stood up, and took her lightsaber from her greatcoat, and activated it. She took her combat stance, because the fight was inevitable. She felt the anger... slowly consuming her, calling her. Only thing to stop him and prove herself was to answer that call, letting her anger slowly take and control her body, as she felt the power it gave, she smiled evilly. "Let's play your game then." she said, looking angrily at his eyes. Then, she started to cut the little rocks that he was throwing. He was too fast and rocks were too much, but she had to focus. She had to prove herself and destroy the man that was threatening her life, even if it meant to kill him. Then suddenly she started to run towards him, with the thoughts of anger and revenge, she shouted, like a battlecry.

As the rocks continued to fly towards her, her only target was him and she just continued to run one point to another, using her surroundings as a shield. Maybe she wasn't that ready to fight a Knight, but she was doing good so far, she didn't know that she had such a strength inside, and she was thankful to Knight Harrison for showing her. Then, she felt that the stones stopped coming for a second and it was her chance to attack him. And she threw another rock, again aiming for his head. But this time, it was only a confusion to open him for her real attack. Then she would use the confusion to attack him from behind with her lightsaber.

[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Hearing the snap-hiss of the blue lightsaber flaring into life, the Taung recognised the threat of the Jedi weapon. It was good to see Nima was becoming more aggressive in her actions.

As he continued his distribution of the small rocks, like bullets propelled via the Force, Connor turned to push back a projectile she launched at him. But as he did and felt how ready she was, he had no other choice before being taken unprepared.

He stumbled back and crouched down on the surface, hands up above his head.

"Nima Tann, wait! Stop! Please, don't...ok, don't hurt me!"

He stared at the ground under his arms, hearing her run towards him.

[member="Nima Tann"] [member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
She felt a great satisfaction from his pleas, and this reflected to her face. As she continued to move quickly towards him, she finally came face to face with him, she held her saber near to his neck in order to stop him from attacking again. "Am I... worthy for you now?" she asked, still trying to catch her breath after the fight. She really thought about killing him right there, because she had no trust for him anymore. He attacked her, and he surrendered. If she let him live, then he would attack her again, but this time he would win, because her strength was fading away slowly. But.. on the other hand, the Order was their common enemy and he knew the answers to her questions. Questions without answers again.

She started to think what's the best action to take here. But... she felt like it was something strange about this, because he surrendered very early. Being a strong Knight of the Order, he could easily dodge her attack and he was not the type of surrendering. So killing him... No... what was she thinking... She couldn't kill the man who would save the galaxy... She ran from the Order for this and if she acted like this what would be the difference? As she decided to let him go, she slowly deactivated her lightsaber, immediately regretting afterwards. She just gave the man a chance to attack, hoping that what she thought wasn't true and waited his next move. No mercy... Kill him... He will hurt you

[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
The hum of the blade sounded in his ears. His right hand curled on his saber hilt. He counted pebbles beneath his boot as he waited....and waited....

She spoke, but he ignored her. And then with a satisfying hum of energy, the blade deactivated.

In the second of her defence dropping, Connor shot upwords, activated the blade with a violent hiss of energy, holding it out to his side. Blood down his face, his hand shot out and gripped her throat, this time, his eyes bore into hers, pupils dilated and surrounded by light blue.

"And the SECOND you show mercy they will TAKE YOU DOWN!"

The Taung raged inside Connor, relishing the touch of another being under his grip, and the warrior wanted to squeeze and squeeze until the Jedi died in his hand. But this was just a lesson, and a tough one at that. With a violent kick, he took her right leg from under her and helped her fall back with a crack against the surface, crouching down above her, blade held high ready for the kill.

"You are strong, Nima Tann. Use that strength, and be confident in your actions and what you do, because that way no-one will EVER stop you, maniupulate you or use you ever again."

The blade hummed for a few seconds until he killed it.


He let go of her throat, stroking her neck with two of his fingers, a peverse pleasure taking over in besting the Jedi that he was so near to killing. He watched her, taking in her young beauty and feeling something proud that her eyes were stung with tears.

So weak.

"I have done this because...I care for you, and I want you to survive if anything should happen to me. Don't let them take us alive, Nima Tann."

Rising from the ground, Connor fixed the hilt back to his belt and held out his hand to the fallen Twi'lek.

[member="Nima Tann"] [member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
After she deactivated her saber, she expected an attack from him. She thought that she would easily dodge the attack because she was sure that he was weakened by using the Force, pushing all the rocks with that speed must have been hard. She was tired too, all that running made her wounds worse, so she lost her focus on the Knight to look how bad were them for a second, thinking nothing bad would happen. But... she was wrong, very, very wrong. She heard the voice of a lightsaber activating, turning to him but she was too late. The second time she dropped her defence, he suddenly jumped towards her with such speed, and she felt the cold, strong hands of him on her throat, that immediately started of her trying to break free.

Everything was too fast... He started to squeeze and squeeze and as she was losing her ability to breathe slowly, she felt the fear and panic growing inside. She wanted to talk, but she couldn't, the only thing she could do was making sounds to breathe, it was like she had lost her voice. Her strength was fading away again, her vision was all blurry. She tried to push his hands away, with all the strength but that caused him to tighten his grip. A painful kick to her leg interrupted her thoughts of dying, as she felt she was falling. Now, she was all defenceless, and she was at his mercy. As he held his lightsaber above her, preparing his last attack, she closed her eyes and waited her death. But then... voice of the lightsaber stopped, he deactivated it. The silence after it was disturbing.

After he let go of her, she took a deep breath, filling her lungs with air. As she continued to breathe on the ground she looked at him to see he was watching her weakly trying to breathe, and he was smiling. Then, with such a sincere tone he spoke, she couldn't believe her ears. With such sincerety, he told her that he cared for her. Again, everything got complicated. She didn't know what she had to feel about this. She was embarassed, her red cheeks become redder after hearing him talk "You... you care for me?" she asked, her voice was shaky but a little emotional from the last events, as she held his hand, using his strength to slowly stand. She smiled weakly. "Knight Harrison... I understand. I could have died, if it wasn't you I was fighting. I will not back down from now on, I will be merciless to them... even to you... as you command." she said with a cold tone, cleaning the tears from her face. Then she looked to the big tower above them. "It would be better to go there earlier than our enemies."

Silver Jedi...No mercy... even for you... care for you... The thoughts filled her head, confusing her more. What was this feeling she had... It was nothing like before.

[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Coci Sinopi"]
Aboard <unmarked ship>

[member="Coci Sinopi"]

He knew well the score - they both did; [member="Connor Harrison"] had brought with him the padawan, [member="Nima Tann"], to act as his collateral, his hostage if need be. It showed that the spirit which inhabited his body was not strong enough to face both of them in battle, should it come to that. He prayed that it wouldn't, that Connor would find himself and combat the spread of this disease that had overtaken him. Without Connor's internal struggle, expelling the spirit could prove even more difficult, and could potentially damage Connor's mind in the attempt. All of this depended on him and Coci getting close enough to even begin such a ritual, which was doubtful at best. It knew they were coming.

"There, the observation tower", he said while pointing in the direction. "That's where they're headed." He looked over at Coci and noticed the determination in her face. There was just as much at stake here personally for her, not counting the fact this entity sought to destroy the Silvers, and who knows where it would stop? Next it would most likely go after the Republic, or the Levantines, as the two are closest to Silver space.

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