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Approved Starship The Manta

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  • Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
  • Affiliation: Jaeviko Fitzsix
  • Market Status: Closed-Market (Was Mass-Produced, later customized by Jae)
  • Model: Venture Class Prototype TR-18
  • Production: Unique
  • Material:
    • Starship components
    • Durasteel
    • Titanium
    • Plexalloy
  • Classification: Personal Transport / Corvette
  • Length: 105 Meters
  • Width: 125 Meters
  • Height: 22 Meters
  • Armament: Low
    • x2 Vaapad-class Laser Cannons, one under each "wing" of the Manta
    • The Manta was never designed for combat. It was meant to be quick, protected, and unobtrusive. The Laser Cannons are quite functional and work nicely in case of emergency, however they are the only weapons the Manta has.
  • Defenses: Very High
    • MRS-02 Jotun Defensive System
    • The Jotun Defense System was made perfectly for smaller ships like the Manta, and allows it the defense that it needs. It does take up a bit of room in the mechanical bay of the ship, but it's well worth the space it takes. The ability to deploy a shield at a moment's notice without shutting down any of the Manta's other features has proven to be one of its strong suits.
    • Plexalloy Windows & Viewports
  • Hangar Space: None
  • Hangar Allocations: N/A
    • Starfighters: 0 squadrons
    • Support Craft: 0 squadrons
  • Single Craft Hangar: No
  • Maneuverability Rating: High
  • Speed Rating: Very High
  • Hyperdrive: RMR-H11 Meili Hyperdrive - 1.0 Speed
  • Agile: The Manta was designed to be aerodynamic and sleek. It is able to handle great speeds with its Hyperdrive, and maneuver well around larger objects. Due to having Sam aboard, Jae doesn't even have to be piloting in order to make its tight turns and smooth high speeds.
  • Unobtrusive: The Manta is small, and doesn't have any outward decorations or clear affiliations. Because of this, it is easily ignored, and flies under the radar of large vessels. It also is able to park in most spaceports, even with only small ports available.

  • Poor Attack Capabilities: The Manta has its two laser cannons, but those are the only attack capabilities it has. If it is forced to fight, it relies on its Defenses and Speed in order to get out of combat. However, if fighting a more well-armed or larger vessel, The Manta is almost guaranteed to take and sustain damage.
  • Small: Similarly, The Manta may be Defensive, but when it takes damage, a lot of the ship takes it. This could mean easy damage to the Hyperdrive (the most delicate part of the ship) or other vital functions.
The Manta is Jaeviko's baby. She bought the ship secondhand, and tuned it up with features that she was able to afford over time. She wanted the ship to be fast, protected, and able to fly without her needing to be at the controls all the time. In her work with the Rimward Trade League, she's been able to better afford some materials, including finally fixing the weapons system and upgrading to the Lucerne Labs canons, adding a brand new hyperdrive, and adding Sam. Sam is technically SAMS, the Starship Automation Management System, the AI that assists Jae in regular tasks and piloting of the ship, but she often treats them as if there were another person in the room.

The Manta's best aspects are its Defense and Speed. It is not meant to engage in combat, and only happens to have weapons because Jae was able to afford them. If it does engage in combat, it can be overpowered by any larger ship with more substantial weaponry. However, the ship is small, unobtrusive, and purposefully designed to fly under the radar, so unless she's being hunted for, it's obvious to most larger ships that she isn't a threat.

The ship can be operated solely by Jae, and usually is, with only the aid of Sam. It can take passengers, however there is limited room for passengers on longer trips. The only real bed on the ship is in Jae's room. She's managed to add a few cushioned couches into the main lounge area for people to sleep in, but it's no luxury cruiser.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Jaeviko Fitzsix Jaeviko Fitzsix

Very nicely made ship! One ask, please move the Purchase/Permissions' link to the Permissions (OOC section). And you asked one item from everything (permissions), so you can put these only a Unique production scale ship, not to a minor ones. If you want to use them on a minor-production scale, please ask a new permissions. Or change your ship's production scale to Unique.
Jaeviko Fitzsix Jaeviko Fitzsix

Very nicely made ship! One ask, please move the Purchase/Permissions' link to the Permissions (OOC section). And you asked one item from everything (permissions), so you can put these only a Unique production scale ship, not to a minor ones. If you want to use them on a minor-production scale, please ask a new permissions. Or change your ship's production scale to Unique.

Thanks so much!
I switched the production scale to Unique, and moved the Permissions. Let me know if there's anything else I need to take care of!
Jaeviko Fitzsix Jaeviko Fitzsix

Yes, the old spreadsheet is bugged, and yes, it is overpowered (+3) now. If you need advice or help in this, just let me know here in the thread and I'll help you with suggest some ratings to reach the balance.

Ah, yep that'll do it. Knew the sheet seemed weird. I swapped Armament back to Low, and Maneuverability back to High. If you have other suggestions, please tell me, I'm very new to building a ship clearly lol
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