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Approved Lore The Solanaceae: Primer on Spirits, Witches, & Creation

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  • Media Name: The Solanaceae: Primer on Spirits, Witches, & Creation
  • Format: Book
  • Distribution: Scattered
  • Length: Long
  • Description: Many in the galaxy are unaware of the spirit realm, how it interacts with the material realm, and where Witches fit into that reality. This Primer was written to discuss these matters at a fundamental level so that those unfamiliar on the topics may have a solid foundation to pursue deeper and richer understandings. This book can be passed out to certain members of the galactic community to read if they show interest or aptitude in the spiritual realm (and not for abusing it); as well as required reading for initiates into the Solanaceae -- even Witches hold classes.
  • Author: The Solanaceae (AKA Mandragora)
  • Publisher: Self
  • Reception: Some acolytes enjoy it, others hate it. Young Witches aren't any different than any other body of learners.
Second Edition. You can always find a copy at any library with a Solanaceae Witch or Druid as a librarian.

Excerpts from The Solanaceae: Primer on Spirits, Witches, & Creation...

witch, noun : a woman who is believed to have magical powers and who uses them to harm or help other people

witchcraft, noun : the activity of performing magic to help or harm other people

spirit, noun : the spirit of a dead person, sometimes represented as a pale, almost transparent image of that person that some people believe appears to people who are alive

From whence do 'Force Ghosts,' 'Force Aspirations,' and 'Force Monsters' come? How is it that the Living may see, hear, and even interact with the Departed? What are Witches and why do they describe their power as coming from 'spirits'? To answer these questions one must first understand not only what is Seen, but what is Unseen -- the realms of the Living, and of the Dead.

Imagine if you will that all the energy that has existed, currently exists, or ever will exist is a lake whose distant shore cannot be seen by standing in any one place. And that the clear sky above excites this lake, as the sun would on a bright Spring day, causing a mist to rise from its surface. Now, suppose there were a physical realm represented by a leaf that hung over that lake while the mist rises. The finest particles of moisture would cling to this leaf, and soon more and more would gather together until at last a drop of dew clung precariously to that leaf, suspended over the great lake beneath it.

In time, this drop would become filled with greater and greater amount of moisture until at last it fell back toward the lake below.


Is it a surprise that the Water cycle should mirror the cycle of Life? Many civilizations often represent life sustaining or healing essences through a depiction of water.

The Lake is the Source of all Life. The mist from the Lake is the energy excited by Ancient Spirits or Gods that may have once been born of the Lake. When this energy interacts with the Realm of the Living it creates Life. Eventually, the drop falls back toward the Lake to become one with it once more in Death, and the cycle repeats.

However, there are times when the mist from the Lake does not reach the Realm of the Living, or when the drop refuses to rejoin the Lake. Neither can turn back in their journey, as the Will of Creation cannot be denied; but they can stay suspended between the Lake and the Leaf. When this happens it gives rise to what the Living call 'Spirits,' 'Ghosts,' 'Apparitions,' and 'Monsters.' Entities of energy that can come close to the Realm of the Living, even leave their mark upon it, but never tarry long for it is not their realm.

Some such Entities manifest or retain some or all of what the Living call sentience or self-identity. Yet, any that find themselves faced with such Entities should take a care not to assume they think in the way the Living do. Time has little meaning outside the Realm of the Living, yet the effect of existing outside a world bound by known physical Laws has an affect on those born to or residing in the Realm of the Dead. Their perceptions do not align with those of the Living -- indeed, nothing of their Realm can be said to abide by known Laws. Difficult is it for those who come into contact with the spirits to truly understand them, or what their offers of aid entail for one's future; and great care should always be taken -- for what benefits the Living often does not align with the desires of the Dead.

However, some have interacted with rational and familiar spirits of those that once lived -- 'Force Spirits' or 'Force Ghosts' as some call them. Such Entities do exhibit a great deal in common with the Living and are less subject to unexpected behavior or characteristics. For a time. How many of us have lived several lifetimes to say how true-to-form they remain? Indeed, the spirits of Ancient Sith Lords, whom linger longest, seem worse for wear in their refusal to pass on when found haunting their tomb.


Meanwhile, those that do not cling to the skin of the Leaf with every ounce of will have established new places to reside; and it is from here where the power and stories arise. The Netherrealm -- also known as the Nether, Netherworld, Underworld, or Afterlife -- is the precarious and formless void between the Living and the Source. Much power dwells there as it flows between the two states of being. A realm of existence that carries with it great knowledge and resides ever closer to the Truth of our existence. One full of danger, and countless opportunities. Many seek to uncover its secrets, and many pay the price for doing so before they are truly prepared.

The spirits may not be like the Living, but they are just as diverse. Perhaps more so, as they are not bound by the Laws of the material world. To categorize them would be akin to cataloguing every grain of sand on a beach. There are many that share similarities -- as sand does -- and many that have even become as one. Gatherings of spirits whose intent and desires have synchronized together are some of the most dangerous of sorts. Most balk at the sight of a single, 'massive' spirit that has absorbed the power of countless others as to the Living sight is one of our chief senses. But it is the so-called 'Lesser' spirits, if bound together by purpose and intent that remain equally formidable. Space and time have no meaning in the Nether -- what appears to be many may in fact be one.

Curiously, it would seem that which Presides Above All maintains a flow of time (albeit altered in some cases) to the Living that dares enter the Nether. Pity those trapped in the endless currents with no way to escape, for there are ways to become full and truly lost. Where a soul might join those that do not return to the Lake and not yet know it. Tormented by the more insatiable spirits until the amusement fades or they become fixated on another.


How does all of this pertain to Witches? How might you too obtain the power they wield so freely? Do not trouble yourself on how others lay claim to power. Instead, look within yourself. How is it that you cannot hear the spirits that haunt every world? True, most that pass on do join the Source and are not seen again as they once were. Yet over the course of so many thousands of years, and in the wake of so many tragedies known or unknown to the annals of history, imagine how many have not.

One does not command a spirit's attention, however. You earn it -- in a fashion. Each is different, as their interests are different; and unlike other Living creatures, the spirits can see through you and even predict your future. A humble Baker might one day become a King if the right circumstances come about. The greater the chance that future comes to pass, the more likely a spirit -- Great or small, 'good' or 'evil' -- will take note. Whether the Living subject consciously hears the voices of such spirits depends on whether they have opened themselves to the Greater Beyond. A selfish soul will find hearing the voices of others quite difficult, whereas a humble servant would be more receptive.

Lineage does carry with it greater potential to commune with spiritual powers. This is not the result of some invisible microbe or hitherto unidentified facet of our mortal coil. It is, quite simply, the 'aura' or 'signature' of your soul matching that of your progenitors that once or currently speaks with the spirits. A spirit does not see you as your friends and family do; their sight is not your sight. Yet they do see. What they see can clearly identify one sentient from the next with no margin for error; and the similarities and connection between you and those that birthed you is as clear to them as the difference between black and white. Whether you can get them to find a specific person or tell you their secrets, however, depends entirely upon their whims and wisdom.

Here is where we now encroach upon the subject, 'How do Spirits differ from The Force?'

Consider the question, 'What is fire?' Is it the heat radiated by the flame? Is it the flame itself? Or the chemical process releasing energy that we see as the flame? One could claim all three, and then you would have The Force. Or say the flame is the fire, as it is what is seen by the observer, and then you have spirits or a person. The process that creates the flame is merely the Source of all power, and the Heat is merely the manifestation of that power into the world -- Force abilities and spells.


Why then do Witches use spirits instead of calling upon the power of the Force directly as Jedi, Sith, and others do? Again, let us turn the discussion around. Would you rather be the flame, or the one guiding the flame? Those that call upon the power themselves become the flame; they tap into the Source and make their will manifest in the world. A Witch, however, conjures power through spirits; rather than become the flame they position it, fan it, and even feed it so that it grows and manifests their will in the desired manner. The benefit is that a Witch is not consumed or become their own restraint in tapping into the Source.

A Witch's will is not manifested as a Force User's. A Jedi leads a weak-willed person to believe a thing to avoid unnecessary conflict. A Witch has a spirit whisper to a person's heart and soul to change who they are -- often times over a far greater duration of time which the Witch does not always need to be present physically to maintain. Many know this as a 'haunting' or a 'curse.' Simple terms to convey nuanced and complicated spiritual matters, and often thrown about carelessly.

Such power can be tempting, and many do seek to learn the 'secrets' of Witchcraft not truly understanding that there is no 'secret.' It's a different perspective and understanding, a willingness to hear the Voice and Will of Creation; to not be weighed down by the countless physical and material wants, needs, or burdens.

So, why guide the spirits when you can control them?

There are those in the community that seek to capture, enslave, even corrupt or pervert spirits into carrying out their will among the Living. It is a tempting proposition many face. With seemingly limitless power at their disposal, amassing enough of the right kind of spirit might seem an easy way to obtain power. Yet, when I use the word 'risk' it does not adequately convey the true danger to one's life, the lives of those around them, and perhaps to the very world upon which they reside. Perhaps an accomplished Witch can enslave spirits and force them to abide their will upon command. Perhaps such a person can do so and imbue an object with that monumental power. And yet, such a person should always be prepared to pay the price for such dark arts. They will wake up the next morning like any other, shrug under a star's radiant gaze, and decry that the spirits, karma, and the gods truly have no hold over them... all the while their heart, their mind, their body, and their soul will be under attack. Whether they know it or not, there are forces in Creation that will support them in their perversion, but there as many that will oppose them -- and most do not care for the law systems of the Living in dispensing their own retribution.

The most terrifying of those for or against a soul are known as 'gods.' These are spirits of indescribable power that reside in the deepest or furthest reaches of the Nether. Many try to reach or control them, few ever even draw near; for a god has little use of one of the Living except as a means of breaking down the Veil between realms so they may rule over all. Commanding them is all but impossible, and convincing them of the worthiness of your cause is almost as difficult. But not all is lost; for those that worship or venerate these ancient spirits may not be ignored, and may even be touched by such entities. Not all of them have turned a blind eye to the Living, though few can truly be described as Shepherds mindful of their flock. Extra care should be taken as these are the strongest, most cunning of souls that will gladly bind you to their cause until Time itself runs out.


What then is the purpose that Witches seek to fulfill? A book could be written on that alone. There is no one purpose every Witch seeks. Witches are as diverse as Jedi, and just as prone to becoming corrupted by darkness if they are not careful. However, unlike the Jedi that fall into darkness, a Witch does not do so because she has aspirations, ambitions, or even causes others to suffer. They do not 'fall' at all. Every Witch is their own; though many form covens, clans, or other bodies of like minded and driven people. If a Witch is 'Dark' or 'Evil' it is because she has chosen to use the power granted to her -- likely by dark spirits -- to subjugate, oppress, maim, torture, or kill others. Whatever reason led such a person to commit these acts, inevitably the Solanaceae will be there to stop them. Not because they are Holy Crusaders or because they like meddling -- far from it, most Witches would happily sequester themselves in a thriving forest or jungle -- but because left unmet such 'Dark' members of their community would break the Balance.

The Balance is a tenuous and fragile equilibrium between existence and non-existence; life and death; the Living, the Dead, and the Source. Most don't see it as they don't see spirits, content to believe that despite the many worlds being destroyed and the countless wars that the Balance of all things tends to itself. They would be wrong. It is true that countless people throughout the Ages have been responsible for maintaining it -- and they were certainly not all Witches -- but it is the Witch that must take it upon themselves to ensure the galaxy does not go too far, or that a person does not threaten to send Life spiraling into an abyss leaving Creation an empty vacuum devoid of form or purpose. For, you see, the Leaf is not any more eternal than the dew perched upon it, and if it were to truly wither... Living or Dead it would no longer matter. There would be no cycle. Nowhere to remain suspended between states, and no rebirth. It would be The End of All Things, and that we all have an obligation and a duty to prevent.

What should someone do if they find themselves able to hear voices, see shadows move of their own accord, bare witness to things no one around them see? Seek out the Solanaceae. Even if you lack the means to contact them, there is a spell inscribed in the back of this book that can be used to draw their attention. They will come, and they will offer you guidance to understand your connection with the Unseen world; and if you choose they may invite you back with them to learn more about the mysteries of our world and the next. Whatever choice you make, however, know this: the Solanaceae do not seek to conquer, enslave, terrorize, or kill. Should any approach you claiming to be Solanaceae and yet teach these things are not only permitted but encouraged, know you are far from the company you seek.

Sister Jhyia of the Solanaceae, at the urging of Nightmother Vytal Noctura in 859 ABY, set out to write a rather substantial tome of her own on the fundamentals of spirits, spirituality, witches, and witchcraft. The desire was that this book would summarize at a high-level the 'basics' of their Ways so that promising people met throughout the galaxy or those new to the Solanaceae may have somewhere to begin their life-long journey in communing with the spiritual realm. Without a unified basis in understanding, there could be no cohesive effort toward delving ever deeper into the depths of the Nether and learning more of both worlds; without such there would be so much debate over terminology and personal belief little advancement would have been possible.

Once penned, the Solanaceae created many copies to be distributed to the various strongholds scattered about the planets to be used to inform new Sisters and Brothers, but also to help others understand their ways. While Creation is too vast for any one Living sentient to say they truly understand its grand design, it is not so mysterious that the common woman or man should be apprehensive at its existence, or that of Witches and Warlocks that commune with it. Such is the belief of Nightmother Vytal Noctura as she seeks to educate people on a world that they may not see, hear, feel, smell, or taste; for even the lowliest of creature can shape the course of galactic affairs.

Shortly after publication, the Mandragora religious order was renamed as the Solanaceae -- though still at times referred to as the Mandragora -- this tome was re-issued to incorporate that change as the Second Edition.

The original, First Edition tome was then placed into the Solanaceae's Vault for safe keeping.
Last edited:
Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

Hello, a few adjustments have been made to the submission:
  • Replaced references of the Mandragora with the Solanaceae (AKA Mandragora).
  • Replaced the original image with that using the new symbol at the original creator's request.
  • Removed credit/attribution of original symbol, added link to source of new symbol.
  • Format Information updated to indicate the current release is the Second Edition.
  • Updated the Historical Information with a note about why the Second Edition was released.
Please move this back to judgment, and let me know if there are any concerns regarding these modifications, and thank you.

Zak Dymo

Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura

This is exceptional. The only issue is with the Author field.

The linked submission has been archived and so cannot be used. However, within the submission are possible authors or founders that might serve the same purpose. Allya, for example, or connecting it back to the Witches of Dathomir religion writ large or as a derivative religious work.

Please tag me when you have completed any edits.
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