Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The lost city of Paradise


Paradise City
Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam

"Why would anybody call this paradise city?" Valery grumbled, and turned her gaze away from the outpost in the middle of the desert to look at Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam instead. For once, he wasn't on a mission with Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , but exclusively with her. Both Kahlil and Valery believed in learning from a variety of Jedi to see different perspectives, so this was an attempt to broaden his horizons. She had also specifically chosen Rhemti because they were heading for a desert planet, which given the lack of water, she believed could be more of a challenge for him.

She wanted to take the Padawan out of his comfort zone and show him a different side of the Galaxy.

"We're going to start at the cantina. According to our sources, this town has contributed to illegal weapons trade into the Alliance. I'm not sure if they pass through here, but there has been communication with this outpost," she explained, and according to the intel she had, the signal came from the cantina. Either that's where they conducted business from, or they had chosen a public space so that no signal could trace back to them easily.

"How uh, are you holding up, by the way?" It was hot, and Valery could feel herself sweating even in her outfit.


It would be hard to see the young male from beneath the clothes he wore. All of it light colored, a mixture of tan and light brown. His head was hidden beneath a large hood, with more fabric coming up to cover the bottom part of his face, just enough so that only the nose up was visible. Other than his hands, none of his skin was exposed, and even those were beneath long baggy sleeves. Rhemti looked weird to say the least.

"Eh." He shrugged in response to Valery's question, moving a bit closer to his interim-master, pulling a canteen from his waist to take a quick sip of water. "Could be worse. Could be cooked enough to be considered someone's' char broiled dinner." He flashed a smile, not that it was visible behind the fabric wrapped around his neck and face. "I'm warm. But I should be fine so long as I keep hydrated."

"Where is the cantina exactly? This place looks barely big enough to be a village, let alone an outpost."
The padawan looked confused, glancing past Valery to this so called "Paradise City".

"Maybe they have a swimming pool the size of a freighter hidden underground? That would certainly be paradise in a place like this."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Paradise City
Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam

She couldn't see it, but Valery knew that he was smiling underneath all those layers of clothes. That was a bit of a relief because she had expected him to be a little grumpy over this — bringing a Nautolan to a dessert world was not ideal, after all. However, Rhemti was the type to always find a reason to smile. "Good, I know it's not the greatest place for you to be, but I just want you to have experienced everything."

At this point, the two stepped through the corroded gates of 'paradise' city, and it only seemed to get worse. Most of the buildings were makeshift homes, consisting mostly of cheap ribbed metal plates and other materials likely found in a scrapyard somewhere. The roads were terrible, the sidewalk was littered with garbage and homeless people were everywhere. Everybody here only cared about themselves.

"I doubt there's a swimming pool here, but I'll make sure to ask." She flashed Rhemti a brief smile and motioned to a larger building with flashy neon signs. It probably shouldn't be surprising that the cantina was the one place that looked like it had been maintained. People spent what little credits they had there on alcohol and gambling, and the few rich folks in town stuffed their pockets with it.

"Take this datapad and try to locate the source of the messages we intercepted from this cantina. Maybe we can trace whoever used it that way. While you do that... I'm going to have a chat with someone." She turned to the bartender, grinned, and made her approach, while Rhemti was left to look around.

There were consoles everywhere, and plenty of shady people glancing his way. It was quite strange to see someone completely covered the way he was, so he drew attention to himself.


"On it, Miss Boss Lady." He nodded, taking the datapad from her. The screen in his hands blinked to life, and the padawan flitted through the information as he slowly walked through the cantina. Rhemti wasn't aware of the stares he was catching, no, he was too focused on the datapad and tracking the source of the messages. The only way he'd notice someone watching him was if they tried to reach out to him with the force.

His search brought him around the bar. This. This is when he stopped to nonchalantly glance about, make sure there weren't any eyes on him before moving in to check the console the data had lead him too.

"Alright.. How do I do this again..?" He hummed quietly to himself, glancing up one last final time before settling in to find the transmissions. Tech wasn't Rhemti's strong suit, as such it would take him a little bit to remember what tech training he'd had.

Valery Noble Valery Noble



Paradise City
Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam

Miss Boss Lady?

It was similar to what he called Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble but felt very different from how most usually addressed her. It didn't bother her at all, but it was certainly amusing. Once Rhemti had taken the datapad and began to trace the source, Valery left and found the man she wanted to talk to near the dancers. If there was anybody who would often overhear conversations, it would likely be him, and she had her way of getting information out of these types.

At the same time, Rhemti had made his way around the bar without drawing too much attention. Everything here was rather old, so gaining access to the terminal wasn't that hard either, even for someone without incredible tech skills.

However, as encrypted files began to appear about shipments of some kind, he'd notice someone approaching. The rather tall Trandoshan shot a toothy grin and stepped up right to the bar. "What do you think you're doing?" he asked as he leaned onto the bar. "Thisss is no place for kidsss."

His voice was a lot more threatening than his smile.


"What do you think you're doing?" he asked as he leaned onto the bar. "Thisss is no place for kidsss."

"Who me? I'm not a kid!" Rhemti flashed that grin back at the Trandoshan, his teeth equally sharp and pointed. On the inside the Nautolan was sweating, mind working overtime to come up with a story that the Trandoshan might buy. "And I'm not sure if you're the person I should be speaking to. Do you know who I am? Well, of course you don't." He laughed lightly, making sure his voice was only loud enough to be heard between the two of them.

"I pride myself on staying hidden after all." Rhemti glanced briefly down at the shipping log, doing his best to work on transferring the data while simultaneously speaking to the Trandoshan. "I'm a wiz with tech. Sort of a surprise junkie. I swoop in to establishments in dire need of a tech upgrade; prove they need it by hacking them without warning, and in return sell them my security upgrades."

He'd played enough games with his siblings, pretending to be tides knows what. He wasn't as worried about his acting skills, he was more worried the Trandoshan wouldn't buy it. Thankfully he was wonderful at hiding his emotions, so that mischievous smirk was across his two-toned features the whole time.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Paradise City
Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam

The Trandoshan didn't seem to understand about half of what Rhemti was trying to explain. He was all brawl, and pretty much no brain. A guard that was hired not to think about complex issues, but to address troublemakers and ensure they'd never walk again. So as he stared at Rhemti and listened, he seemed to get increasingly more frustrated.

Was this kid serious? Or was he trying to play tricks?

"I heard nothing about any wizzz kid," he said sternly again.

"Why don't you come with me to the big bossss? He'll know what to do with you."

Another grin was flashed by the Trandoshan, who kept his eyes on Rhemti but noticed nothing about the attempts he made to collect data. All he cared about was saving his own skin, so calling in the boss to make the final call was his safest option.


Rhemti was internally sweating. He couldn't be discovered. He had one job! Get the data!

"Sure, you could do that." He continued to keep that calm demeanor as best as he could. "But you wont get the 'silence fee' then." He hummed, looking down at the screen for a few seconds before glancing back up to the Trandoshan. "Any staff who happen to find me out without revealing it to their boss, and I successfully upgrade their system, get an their own sort of 'finders fee'. A stack of credits. Enough for a month of drinks and entertainment..."

He was trying desperately to distract the Trandoshan while he downloaded the rest of the data.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


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