Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Liberty Concord [[Non-members can join through PM]]

I like this. I like it a lot.

Calico stood on the bridge of the Thundering Spire, the only frigate of much note in the tiny flotilla that was the Liberty Concord. The name didn't exactly roll of the tongue, but it represented everything the group was striving for. Unified preservation of freedom.

He paid little mind to the OSTs scurrying across the bridge. The vast majority of them were in smaller freighter orbiting the Ardent-Class Frigate. The ones on the ship were adept at repairs, and were making sure the technology on the small flagship was up to date. Eventually, they would be turned toward the monumental task of building homes within the frigates. Gardens, schools, as much as could be fit inside. For now, the Concord would live on the hyperlanes, but they would not forget the comforts of home.

"My name is Calico Tal'verda." He began into the long range communications system. It was transmitting on multiple open channels, to anyone who would hear. "I represent the Liberty Concord. We will take any clones, Jedi, or others fleeing the oppression of the galactic powers. Seek us out over Bayan. We won't remain long."

He cut off the comm there, and set it to receive any incoming messages. The Chieftain let out a heavy sigh, and stared down at his new armor. It was less protected, but much lighter. The massive retractable vibroblade mounted unto his arm was pretty nice too. He ejected the weapon, and it shot a full foot forward with the speed of a jackhammer.

That'll do it. Hope nobody with bad intentions comes for us. That'd be a shame.

The vibroblade slid back into its sheath with a shnnk. Calico turned away from the view of space, and began trying to adjust to his new helmet. The HUD wasn't very different from Katarn armor, and its technical systems were far more advanced. He blinked twice and keyed into Sigma's live-views. The four Commandos were busy putting together what looked to be a wooden box. Where they found the wood was beyond Calico. just adjust.

@[member="Alliera Verd"]

@[member="ARC-117 Canal"]

@[member="Dieter Jusik"]

@[member="Galaar Tal'Verda"]

@[member="Keziah Denko"]


@[member="Rafe Barune"]

@[member="Zius Aurus"]

Ori'Alor Tal'Verda

Leader of the True Mando'Ade
@[member="Calico Tal'Verda"]

"I feel horrible." Alliera said, she was sitting at an unused chair on the bridge and looking at Calico "I can't abide by the CIS abandoning the Republic like it did, but abandoning my family after just finding them again..." Alliera had left Alex with @[member="Ember Rekali"] , she and Alliera had grown distant ever sense Rach had died, and Alliera didn't want to put Alex at risk. "I've failed as a Mand'Alor, as a Sister, and as a mother..." Alliera said, starting to cry "Is there something that I havn't failed at?"

Alliera's Templar Frieghter had not touched the Liberty Concord, she still had no idea what she was going to do about THAT...and she didn't know how she was going to live in the Concord, so having the ship would be nice to have later if she wanted it. For now though, she had moved herself into the Thundering Spire using an old YT-1300 to carry her stuff to the room she selected.
@[member="Calico Tal'Verda"]
"This ship is huge." Rafe muttered carrying a single duffel of clothes and stepping on board the Liberty Concord. He hadn't been oppressed as the announcement had claimed but found that he agreed with their motivations. If they could be a force for peace int he galaxy when politics wouldn't allow for the larger factions to help they this is where he belonged. Of course he wasn't exactly sure what they were going to do against an armed military, this fleet seemed little more than a battle group.
Rafe kept walking towards what seemed to be the gathering point for their recruits judging from the many belongings carried by the crowd.
Life had it's twists and turns and at times one didn't know where it was going to take them. Everything happened for a reason, Keziah believed that. She had read enough religious books to believe that even the beating she took during her childhood meant something. She had become a stronger woman, individual because of it. Her time at the confederacy as short as it was brought her to Calico whom she had fallen for. If it wasn't for him Keziah wouldn't be where she was today embarking on a new journey for peace and democracy.

Living on a Flotilla would take some adjustment however she knew that she would manage. She was used to change and she could adapt to this after all she did always want to see the galaxy. While she would miss land, oceans, and mountains this change had a plus side. Keziah would be able to see Calico on a daily basis and they wouldn't have to hide anymore. That she was very much looking forward to as well as continuing to train. If they were to protect what they had she couldn't forgo her training it was important. Training in space would be different and that was putting it lightly.

"Need help," she grinned as she stepped upon the Thundering Spire. He seemed to be having helmet difficulty at the moment. "I think the new armor suits you." Keziah wasn't used to wearing armor and as such didn't wear it much at the moment though she had promised when they did fight any wars she had promised that she would put it on.

@[member="Calico Tal'Verda"]@[member="Alliera Verd"]@[member="Rafe Barune"]
"I think I've about got it cyar'ika. Just a bit...clunky." Calico gave a half shrug. Adjusting to things was...difficult, but do-able. He had a general idea as to what needed to be done anyway. The Chieftain reached up and removed the helmet, clipping it to his belt. He had no sooner pecked @[member="Keziah Denko"] on the cheek until he heard @[member="Alliera Verd"].

"Hey, ner'vod." He gave Keziah an I've got this look. "You haven't failed us, and that's a big one. You had our backs where it counted, Al'ika. Aliit ori'shya tal'din, staabi, ner'vod?" He strode on over to Alliera and set a firm hand on her shoulder.

"Not like you won't see any of them again either. We move about, you can always visit. Besides, this'll be exciting. Our boys are free." Calico cracked a big grin. "So relax, alright? It'll all work itself out."

He turned partway and gave Keziah a soft smile. "Cyare, do you mind helping the recruits unload? I'll join you in a moment."
"Of course darling," she turned peaking @[member="Calico Tal'Verda"] on the cheek before going to help the recruits. They were going to need assistance getting settled in and she wouldn't be surprised if they had questions. She would be the welcome wagon of sorts and Keziah was happy to do so.

The young woman had a bubbly sparkly personality which seemed to draw others to her so it made sense. "It is isn't it?" Keziah smiled as she approached @[member="Rafe Barune"] whom had congregated in front of the ship with the other recruits. "If you would like I can give you a tour before you settle in. It's quite easy to get lost on here. I still get lost sometimes myself. I'm Keziah by the way, it's nice to meet you."
Krest stretched out, working his way to the group. Today was already an interesting day, leaving the CIS, becoming his own master. No more would he answer to those above him, cause there wasn't any above him. @[member="Calico Tal'Verda"] was ahead, and he walked right up to the clone, grinning. "This is awesome to put it bluntly. Why didn't we do this before?" He just looked around, a stupid smirk forming. Man he was happy.
@[member="Keziah Denko"]

Rafe turned as he was addressed from behind. He grinned slightly at Kezia's comment about the ease of getting lost on board. "I suppose it would be, but me and my clan have been working on these freighters for as long as I can remember, It's a good way to follow the work I suppose but It was always uncertain what would happen if you crewed up on a ship with valuable cargo. That's why i'm here though, this fleet might actually make a difference, no political or religious ideologys."
"Dunno. I figure it was fear." Calico turned and clamped a hand on Krest's shoulder. "Yeah, definitely fear."

A sigh escaped the former Grand Marshal as he turned toward the systems dashboard. "I have new armor ready for you Krest. Same issue as mine." He grinned, big and wide--shooting a glance back at Alleria to make sure she was doing alright. "We gear up. New ships, new tech, new allies. Maybe merc out to a border skirmish here or two for the credits. Then we find a home and stick to it."

Calico turned to face the group in its entirety. "That alright with everyone?"

Krest clasped a hand to @[member="Calico Tal'Verda"]'s shoulder, grinning wide. New armor? This he was going to have to see for himself. But for now..

"If the plan is to merc ourselves out for a bit, @[member="Ven"] and I will use her ship, go around ti find some high paying jobs and stay small. Small means easier movement. Grab a couple of other people and have a bit of adventure and all that." He grins wider, looking around to the rest of the people. If they were fine with the plan, he'd start finding the people to round out the crew.

Ori'Alor Tal'Verda

Leader of the True Mando'Ade
@[member="Calico Tal'Verda"]

Alliera wiped her eyes and listened to Calico, smirking after it all.
"Sounds good." Alliera said, after his latest pronouncement "I can even rework Mandalorian Securty Services into something that can work to our benefit."
"As long as you don't draw any attention to yourselves. We're unpopular enough as is."

Understatement of the century.

Calico gave a quaint nod and went back to the control console. They would only stick around a few more hours before another hyperspace jump. Admittedly, it was growing tiresome, but precautions had to be taken. People were dangerous, and Calico wasn't sloppy enough not to recognize that. "And yes, armor. Stylized just for you. I understand the glowstick is fancy, but it won't be much good when some di'kut sneaks up on you."

Calico made a fist and thumped it against his chest. "This will. I don't want everyone mercing out. People need to learn a trade. Sigma is trying to learn woodworking..." Calico set his helmet back unto his head, and winced at the result of their...tries. " least they're trying. I figure we clear out the aft hold in the Thundering Spire for a garden. Stay as self reliant as we can."

He went on to rail off about all the little renovations that would need to be done to the ship. Near the end, he finally said something of importance. ...and we'll need someone to survey the planet below. I don't have any information on it. Maybe we could pick up something useful if it's civilized."

@[member="Krest"] @[member="Alliera Verd"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
@[member="Calico Tal'Verda"] @[member="Alliera Verd"] @[member="Krest"] @[member="Rafe Barune"] @[member="Keziah Denko"]

From the darkness of space a ship uncloaked itself, its black hull gliding silently towards the Thundering Spire along with few others, docking with the frigate. It was the Knight of the Eclipse, stealth vessel of droid claiming title "Iron Knight"

He didn't came with an army although he did came in his usual armament, by now it was just his usual outfit by now, the heavy armor with commendations from the Protectorate. The droid also brought two guards with him, two of his Iron Knights, well armed and well trained veterans of many battles they took place in along with the droid, the three of them knew each other well by now. HK thought of them as friends, many more prestigious figures came and went from droid's life but the two guards seemed to stick around with him through all this time.

Either way, it wouldn't take long before the droid was clanking down the hallway in soft footsteps, his grey cloak cascading off of his pauldrons and trailing behind him slightly.

The door to the bridge where others were gathered would open as the tall armored figure of the droid came in.
"The hour grows late and a new power rises in the Galaxy. Liberty Concord, a peculiar name if I may say so."
HK would nod to Krest before looking to Calico
"I am called the Iron Knight, First Baron of the Protectorate and Observer of Abregado-Rae, I am a teacher as well as a warrior, in fact I have trained one of you lot."
He would slightly glance to Krest before turning his attention to Calico for his response.
General Jusik sat aboard the Frigate he'd "borrowed" from the CIS when he and the rest of the OSTs had left their corrupt leaders. The larger ship was surrounded by hundreds of others his Corp had used to escape the cowardly tyranny that had become the norm for a formerly noble government. The newly appointed leader thought of his responsibilities to the 40,000 OSTs he'd led out of CIS space and onto this.... Flotilla they appeared to be collectively constructing. As it stood now the troopers were spread out across the varied ships and set about performing whatever task they could since they seemed to be the largest organized force defecting.

OSTs tended to be a resourceful bunch.

Gray smoke rose from the cherry on the end of Jusik's cigar. He sat in the former commander's chair in his full dress uniform, now that he had appearances to keep he'd have to look the part.
Krest grinned wide at @[member="HK-36"] when he entered. This was a man.. Er. Machine he knew well. A friend. He stepped right over to the droid, clasping his shoulder. The Zabrak was more then excited to see him, and he'd stand up for the droid should anyone have doubts.

"36, it's a pleasure to see you again!" He turned to Calico, winking. "You send for this one?"
@[member="Calico Tal'Verda"]
"Umm sir?" Rafe said speaking up as he heard Calico say something about investigating the planet below and possibly trading with the locals. "I've picked up a knack for blending into a colture while I was travelling with the trade fleets, Maybe I can of help in that department, figure out what they all think and advocate for our fleet." He offered not knowing if he would accept a recruits advice, all these people seemed to know eachother and held a comradery that he didn't share with them. 'Damnit Rafe, have you put your foot in your mouth already?'
That was a face that Calico had certainly not expected to see again. Well, faceplate rather. He and the Iron Knight had fought together during the Akala crises; HK proving his prowess in times of conflict. The Knight was resourceful, that was for sure.

Everyone shows up now that we're free. Go figure.

Calico grinned big and wide under his helmet. He strode up with all the confidence of a man leading holy movement and took the Knight's metal hand. He and Krest were nothing but affection, it seemed. "HK, a pleasure, as before. I'm glad to see you haven't fallen apart since the...event."

He let the Knight's hand go, as it should be noted Calico took it himself, and did not wait for HK to take his. "And yes, I suppose it's an odd name. Then again, oddities tend to be the ones that people remember."

The helmet made it impossible to tell if he was going to speak further, but if he was, the young recruit cut him off. Calico's towering form turned to the young man, his voice all enthusiasm. "What's your name son? Enthusiasm is good in a man." He turned partway so as to not give HK the body language that he was forgetting about him.

@[member="Rafe Barune"]

@[member="Calico Tal'Verda"]
"Rafe Barune, Sir." Rafe responded to the armored leader of this so called Mercenary band. "I caught your transmission a while back and had to work a bit to pay a pilot to get me out here but if the goal is genuine then I'll lend whatever aid I can." He wasn't sure if this group was going to laugh at his optimisim and he couldn't blame them if they did. Each one of them new each other and knew their abilities. He was unproven and already talking about success.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
@[member="Calico Tal'Verda"] @[member="Rafe Barune"] @[member="Krest"] @[member="Alliera Verd"] @[member="Keziah Denko"]
"I have came from my own accord."
The droid commented as he shook Calico's hand, glancing to Krest,
"During our last meeting you were knocked out only briefly but in this time I have done terrible things to you. Horrible, unspeakable things which will allow me to track your movements easier. I am surprised you have not noticed any changes in certain parts of your anatomy."
The droid quipped, joking, of course, but surely it was plausible enough.

HK looked over slightly to Rafe as Calico spoke to him, giving the boy a nod before focusing on the clone once more.
"Yes, the event, it was quite something unexpected, to say at least, I hope that was the last time I had to rip scales off of a dragon."
The droid would shift his arms and fold them behind him
"Either way, I will cut straight to business, I am here to speak with you about the views of your group on the Galactic Politics, and perhaps negotiate a set of deals. I speak, of course, as leader of the Abregado-Rae, I cannot speak for the Protectorate itself. Now, if the words around the hyper lanes are right, you have left the Confederacy because of their refusal to support the Republic in their conflict with the Mandalorian Clans?"

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
@[member="Calico Tal'Verda"]
On Board the Solomon
Ah,now this was a sight to behold,a entire flotilla of ships and over 60,000 soldiers splitting off from their government,its not really something you saw everyday,but Noah wasn't here to sight-see,he was here to deliver the weapons and get paid,and possibly make an ally for the Protectorate. After staring for a little while longer,Noah activated the Solomon's comms. "Thundering Spire,this is Colonel Noah Corek,I've got those weapons you wanted,shall we meet on my ship or yours?"

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