Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Girl and The Robot

Eggs Anakin weren’t one of those dishes Kaili had ever considered. She wasn’t much of a recipe follower as much as an ingredient taster. Did it taste good? Would it taste good with the taste she already had going in her meal or not? If yes, add it, if not, taste another. It mixed the curious and adventurous sides of Kaili into one. Why follow the roads often travelled when you could make your own? It was the kind of spirit that had lead to her owning the very shop the two girls were residing in this very moment.

A fork and knife carefully sliced and diced it’s way through the food she had been provided. Kaili put it in her mouth and moaned in delight.

“This is good.” She nodded and poked her fork at the eggs. “This is so not what you do on a ship.”

“I would know, trust me.” The kid took another bite. “I mean, comsh on. How cansh thish be ship foodsh? I had to eat carbohydrate packages and insta-bake bread when I was aboard ships. This, this is like a royal thing.”

“... Then again, I only really went into space with Mara, or with school.” Kaili bobbed her head back and forth from side to side. “If this is what you have to offer, I might just need to get over myself and come with.”

Soft chuckle.

“This is awesome, Allyson. You’re a great cook.”

[member="Allyson Locke"]
“Blame my mother, she wouldn’t let me out of the house till I could cook anything and everything.”

Allyson smiled as she took her plate and sat next to Kaili. She started to dig in herself and smiled happily. Anakin Eggs were something her mother used to make for her on her birthday, mostly because of the process that it took. Each bite brought back tender memories of her mother and their home on Corellia. They were happy memories and she didn’t fear remembering them. Looking at her plate she finished one side of the eggs and then popped the next one and looked towards Kaili. “I eat like this when I head into port. Along with a few weeks later. Food stays decent enough, but after a few weeks its back to the dehydrated stuff. Though, with the right spices it actually tastes pretty good.” Chuckling softly, she shook her head and took another bite.

“You’ll have to come on the ship to actually experience good Ship food. Promise you won’t be disappointed!” Allyson began to eat her second egg and pondered on the thought of school. Kaili had gone to the LAA and Allyson remembered getting accepted there, but picking the Corellian academy over it because of the whole national pride thing. Taking another bite, she continued to think and then looked towards Kaili.

“Speaking of school, I’m thinking of going back. I could probably get a better job and not stick to smuggling. I mean you can’t smuggle forever eh?” Allyson never thought she’d say that, but the more she thought about it the more she didn’t want to leave Borleias. She never felt this way about any port before. She usually just grabbed what was needed for refueling and then took off as fast as she could. She felt so grounded here and it was a feeling that was welcomed, it was also a feeling she had never felt before. Her smile faded and she sighed softly, “I really don’t want to leave here.” [member="Kaili Talith"]
“Then don’t.” Kaili said and extended her hand towards Allyson’s. “I’m not making you, I wouldn’t ever want you to think that.”

“There are alternative to smuggling, they may not be as exciting, but they can pay well
nonetheless. Whole companies dedicated to space. Exploration, legal shipping and such. I am not saying you have to get there right away, but if you ever need an entry point to those branches I can always poke around.”

“Allyson, I’d do anything if it meant I’d know for sure you’d always come back.”

[member="Allyson Locke"]
Allyson looked over and at the hand that was extended. This was a different Kaili than the one she had met. She wondered beyond the obvious what had changed. The girl had been interested in learning more about the Smuggler, but beyond that she was done with her after the three days, but now she wanted her to stay. It made her choices harder and Allyson beyond any means wanted to stay here with Kaili. She wondered if she could live this quiet life just fixing droids and doing whatever job she could get her hands on.

She reached and grabbed Kaili’s hand and held it. Words lingered on the tip of her tongue. She wanted to say them, she wanted to solidify what they had and make it official and real. Yet, she knew it was too soon, too early to even be feeling that sort of pull for someone. Allyson chuckled and dropped Kaili’s hand. “I’m not ready to hang up my smuggling boots. There’s so much more to it than just grabbing the Richs and spreading them out to the world that needs them the most.” Allyson took a moment to ponder the things that she liked about smuggling and tried to compare them to the woman she was with. Nothing came close to her, but the girl wasn’t going to let her know that. Not just yet.

“There’s still stuff for me to do out there, but I’ll always come back to you [member="Kaili Talith"].” A toothy grin as she finished her Anakin Eggs. “My offer still stands; you can go to space with me whenever you want. I’d love to have you aboard; I want to show you everything that I see… I can show you worlds that you’ve never been too.” Remembering she will probably quickly turn down the invitation, Allyson waved her hand in front of her. “Don’t worry, the offer won’t ever leave the table so when you’re ready – it will be here for you.”
What had changed was that Kaili found something in Allyson that made her want to live again. Perhaps it was an exaggeration, but Allyson had become undeniably interesting and much like anything else, Kaili had changed her mind about where she wanted it to go. She wanted Allyson, and she wanted her unlike any other. It was this woman that had made her come out of her shell again. It was this woman who had managed to both understand Kaili’s torment as well as soothe the crippling damage to the girl’s urge to live. Quite frankly she would question her own sanity if she hadn’t started to cling to Allyson.

“I’d like that.” Kaili smiled at Allyson’s offer. “... Someday.”

Kaili patted her hand on top of Allyson’s before dragging it across the surface of the table. She didn’t really want to separate herself from the Corellian, but there wasn’t much left for them to do, was there? Life had to go on, even if Kaili didn’t wish it so. Orange eyes peered into hazel.

“So what was your plan for the week?” A certain sense of melancholy fell over Kaili at the mere question. She didn’t really want to know. Small talk was just the easiest way to build up towards the part where they separated. At least for now. “Anything exciting?”

[member="Allyson Locke"]
There was a weight that came off her shoulders as Kaili had accepted the offer for the most part. The last time it was given, she quickly declined it and Allyson was left feeling like a moron for suggesting it. The feeling she had back at the beach, the rejection that she had felt seemed so long ago, but Allyson remained aware of it. The girl was still a mystery of back and forth, today she seemed open to showing affection, but it didn't cement the actual feelings they shared. Allyson would just go along knowing and hoping that her feeling matched Kaili's to some degree.

The girl walked away, her hand disappearing from Allyson's. There was a coldness with her hand gone and Allyson stood and followed seeking the touch again. She followed and placed her hand over Kaili's and shrugged. "All I have now lined up is Elrood and Coruscant." Allyson's nose wrinkled at the mention of the latter planet. "I hate going to Coruscant. Too many Sith - gives me bad vibes. " she sighed and shook her head, her hand tightened over Kaili's. "I find too much trouble there."

Looking back up from their hands, she smiled. "I always get out of it though. So don't worry. With those two jobs I should be back in about a month. I'll catch whatever jobs I can heading back out here before hand." She paused and stepped closer to the Jedi girl. "I just want to see you as much as I can. If that's alright." [member="Kaili Talith"]
Kaili squeezed the ever living life out of Allyson’s hand. To hear the Corellian say she was often on Coruscant and found trouble there was just about the last thing Kaili would have ever wanted to hear Allyson say. It was right up there with “I’m dying” and “I hate you.” Both of which weren’t particularly implausible results of a smuggling trip gone wrong to that particular planet.

“Don’t say that!” Kaili’s eyes had been blown open in worry. “Coruscant is just about the last place you want to even utter the word trouble in!”

“Force’s sake, Allyson. If your plan is to scare me, you most certainly managed.”

[member="Allyson Locke"]
Allyson winced slightly as her hand was squeezed, she really didn’t comprehend what Kaili was worrying about. There was something in the way she looked at her, the worry that was etched across her face. Allyson blinked and sighed softly. “I wasn’t trying to scare you, I’m sorry. I’m not used to someone worrying about me and wondering if I’m okay.” Turning her hand over, Allyson gave Kaili’s a reassuring squeeze. Stepping closer, she cornered the girl in the kitchen against the counter. Resistance to what she wanted to do was a consistent struggle. In so many ways she wanted to make Kaili hers, to reassure herself of her own feelings and of Kaili Talith’s. Allyson held her breath for a moment pondering what she would do or say next. Time was running out and she needed to leave this planet knowing that there would always be something and someone here for her.

She licked her lips for a moment and then peered into the Talith girl’s orange hues. As always, they were captivating and unique. Allyson knew she could get lost in them and never return to the conscious world, she didn’t mind it at all because she would be with Kaili. Her free hand reached up and caressed softly against the girl’s cheek. The evening before when every emotion came crashing down through them as they sat in the speeder only broke down a few walls. They were still wary about each other and Allyson wondered if this was a good thing for Kaili.

“I…what I do is dangerous. I put my nose into things that I probably shouldn’t. I want to help people, I want to stop the Sith and the criminals. Everything that makes this galaxy ugly. I want to save it more, because you’re in it” A smile spread across her face as she closed any remaining distance between them. She wanted to, she wanted to release every emotion she had, confess everything she held in her chest for the blonde girl. How did she get into this situation? Why was it Kaili that taught her the importance of her life? Leaning forward, she stopped herself and whispered softly to the girl as she held her as close as she could.

“Keep me in your heart... Because you’re forever in mine…[member="Kaili Talith"]"
Allyson had Kaili in her hands. A thumb stroked back and forth against the soft pale skin in an attempt to calm Kaili down. The part where she feared for Allyson wasn’t something that Kaili would drop in the matter of a few strokes along her cheek. She had gotten it from her mother, a deep sense of caring. The girl cared about all those she called her friends, much like Micah did. People jokingly referred to it as tunnel vision because of how incredibly motivated, angry even, they got.

Allyson was now on that list.

“I know.” Kaili whispered as her head was planted atop of Allyson’s chest. The Corellian’s heartbeat was mere millimeters away from the young girl’s ear. She heard every opening, every closing. The horrifyingly soothing beat. Kaili’s arms wrapped themselves around Allyson’s lower waist and shoulder in another cramped hug.

“Always.” She whimpered. “You’re too important.”

“Promise me again. Please, stay safe.”


[member="Allyson Locke"]
Allyson felt the comforting hug from the other girl, it was tight and she returned it tightness and all. She wanted to remember what it was like to hold Kaili, to keep her like this. She really didn’t know the time frame of her return and hoped that even if it was almost half of a standard year, that Kaili wouldn’t forget her and move on to someone else. The thought made her hold her tighter and Allyson tried to think of a way out of her upcoming jobs. As much as she fought it, she knew the little fairytale had to end and they needed to return to reality.

“I promise, I’ll always be safe and I’ll always come back.” Hands moved along Kaili’s frame till they pulled her face away from Allyson’ shoulder. She needed to see her to make sure she understood and saw the seriousness in Allyson’s face. Holding Kaili’s face in her hands, it felt like the right moment and that emotion started to resurface. She wanted to tell her because she knew it would ease both her mind and the girl in her arms. Yet, there was this fear. Everything that had happened moved so fast, there wasn’t a moment that Kaili wasn’t on Allyson’s mind and that scared the smuggler.

“Kaili I…” she started and then stopped. She couldn’t be the first one to say something like that, the fear of rejection resounded in the back of her head while she remembered the beach. Knowing that it was still a possibility, Allyson shut down her desire to say something and just smiled. “I told you I’m durable, takes a lot to get rid of me.” The little smile spread across her face and she nodded.

The overwhelming urge to kiss the girl she had cornered in the kitchen took over and once again, she kissed her like the few times before. Hands fell from Kaili’s face as she ran her fingers through the mess of blonde hair holding her. Pulling away for a moment she rested her forehead against other other’s and whispered quickly. “I’m sorry I just can’t…I can’t help myself…” A smile and another kiss followed the apology. [member="Kaili Talith"]
She felt miserable. Kaili couldn’t hold Allyson back and she knew that. The way the slightly older woman looked at her with that Corellian kind of assuredness. Kaili reluctantly let her guard down to let the last few kisses stifle her worry. She focused on what she said, put all faith into what Allyson was saying. The woman had survived getting flung into a tree by someone more than capable in the force. Durable felt like a pretty inaccurate word in when put up against that.

Another melancholic smile set on Kaili’s lips as she was separated from Allyson. But only for a short while.

“Me neither.” The girl whispered before she kissed Allyson back. “I worry, it’s what I do.”

She didn’t let go. One kiss was followed by another as Kaili threw herself on top of Allyson. Hands tugging at the smuggler’s jacket to bring her down to the same height as Kaili. She wanted it to last, something for both of them to remember the other by. The three simple words were lingering right there on the tip of both women’s tongues, yet none of them seemed to have the courage to utter them. The fear of rejection was a double-edged blade.

“I love you.” Kaili froze up like a deer in a headlight.

[member="Allyson Locke"]
It hurt to know that Kaili worried about her, but in a way Allyson was happy she did. There was no one to worry about her, she had no parents and no family to wonder if what she was doing was safe. Yet, somehow she had found Kaili and managed to win the girl over enough to have her care. In return, Allyson cared about Kaili as well. She worried too, knowing that Kaili was in the shop and wouldn't really know until it was too late if something had happened to Allyson. She also worried if some other dashing young smuggler would wander into her shop and whisk the girl away. That last thought was quickly shut down.

It was sudden and Allyson didn't expect it. The younger girl jumped and clung onto her, hands quickly came to cup her bottom to hold her up and avoid her from falling back onto the counter ledge of the kitchen. Holding her there, Allyson looked at her confused, what was going through that blonde head. Staring, Kaili finally spoke and said what they were both thinking. The frozen deer in the headlights look was returned as everything seemed to fade away from their surroundings.

Were these rush of emotions what she was feeling? Was this love? Never experiencing it or anything like this, Allyson nodded and began to move away with Kaili still attached to her. "I love you too." It was a good thing the shop's apartment was small, Ally cleared the kitchen and found the nearest clear wall Kaili had in the place. The girl would feel her back pressed against the wall, as Allyson leaned her weight into her attempting to keep them as close as possible. She didn't put the girl down, she held her where she was and kissed her again an affirmation of their confessions.

Allyson pulled away from the kiss and nuzzled against Kaili's chin for a moment before pressing her lips several times against the crane of the other girl's neck. She caught herself and paused, slowing it down and giving the blonde a chance to make the next move - everything was in her control - even this. [member="Kaili Talith"]
Kaili was never afforded the moment of relief. Her back was pushed against the wall, her eyes closed and she let herself get lost in the torrent of emotion that fell off her shoulders. She didn’t want it to stop. It was like a toxin that caused her heart to beat heavier and heavier for each moment that passed. She gasped in between kisses as the tension was finally blown right off the lid. Her hands ran wild along Allyson’s backside as their heads bobbed back and forth in a loving battle for the ‘upper hand’ in a fight that was had for all the best of reasons.

The game was ramped up. Her neck arched in anticipation as Allyson began to drag her hands alongside Kaili’s slender waist. Her legs shivered, her arms grew weak. Kaili’s mind drew the courage to make the next move. She let her legs ease up, set her foot on the ground and took a moment to separate herself from Allyson. She withdrew her arms inside of her top, grabbed the bottom and tried to pull it off of her exposed body.

... Only, it didn’t quite work out that way...

The neck of the shirt got stuck around her neck, and with it Kaili struggled back. Her arms flailed, and flailed, and flailed until eventually Kaili was bested by gravity. Knocking her head against a nearby counter the girl cursed her luck out loud.

“Farking-fark-fark-FAAAAAARK!” The top was lowered to cover her again as a hand moved up to rub at the zone of impact. Kaili grimaced from the pain.

Maybe it was a sign from the force (or the dice gods) that now wasn’t the time. Kaili sat up on the floor and rubbed at side of her head.


[member="Allyson Locke"]
The build up, Allyson felt every movement from Kaili. She had been in this situation before with a few others, the next step was a place she enjoyed it brought a euphoria that no drug could ever mimic. Here she was about to have that experience with someone she actually cared for. There was a difference, she wanted to make the experience enjoyable for Kaili, she could care less about herself. It was something she had never done before and that made her nervous. To actually care about the person you're about to sleep with.

Kaili pulled away and Allyson was able to catch her breath, her head spun and was clouded with her emotions. Watching Kaili move to take off her top, Allyson took that as a queue todo the same. Minus Kaili's 'grace', Allyson effortlessly removed her jacket and shirt from her frame. She had done so before Kaili and watched helplessly as the girl hit her head on the counter. "Kaili!" A

Helping the cursing blonde girl back into her shirt, Allyson smiled forgetting that she had removed hers already. A hand followed the other's and rubbed against the slightly forming lump. "You alright?" If it was anyone else, Allyson would have been irritated, with the others it was about obtaining one thing. Kaili was different and this moment proved it, her concern was always and will always be with the young Talith's well being.

She sat down with her and trailed her hand from where Kaili was rubbing the bump and caressed the warm and tender cheek of her clumsy lover. "You're so beautiful." [member="Kaili Talith"]
Kaili pouted, but not for long. The shirt was disentangled, the bump was caressed by the one person she had come to care the most for within the last three days. There were some involuntary twitches in pain for each second that passed. The bump at the side of Kaili’s head seemed to pulse out of the corner of her eyes, yet once they set on Allyson it all just seemed to set itself aside. Kaili smiled at the compliment before looking to the ground.

“You too.” She let out a soft chuckle before going for eye contact again. “More than anyone I know of.”

“I guess, I just killed the mood, huh?” Kaili laughed for realsies as she reached out for the edge of the counter to get herself up from the ground. “You telling me you survived a fall like that, huh?” The kid grunted as she got herself up from the ground. Her teeth gritted from the pressure in her ‘wound’ but she managed. “Impressive.”

Another hand went up to caress the wound once more. The pain still caused her eye to twitch bad.

“My head hurts.” She groaned. “Where is a healer when you need them?”

[member="Allyson Locke"]
"That bump is going to be there for a bit." Allyson winced and chuckled softly. It would be as the Force wanted, it seemed it wanted to make sure that they didn't go too fast. Standing up, Allyson looked at her comm and signed. Her opening to get off the planet was in a few hours and she remembered how much of a pain Borleias was when it came to people leaving. Putting the comm back into her pocket she retrieved her own shirt and slipped it on. She left the jacket and draped it on the counter top. "You keep that, seems my clothing looks better on you." She nodded making a point to the shirt Kaili was wearing.

They had destroyed the boundary for the most part, Allyson knew that Kaili wanted her as much as she wanted her. The tension lingered but this time it was different. Reaching out, she pulled the slender girl by her waist and grinned. A finger trailed under her chin and brought their glances level with each other. "I have some time before my window to leave here happens. I just want to spend it with you." Quickly kissing the blonde, she nodded towards the capsule. "You have a holoscreen in there? Let's holoflix and chill till I have to leave."

Shrugging she just smiled, "Sound like a plan [member="Kaili Talith"]?"
Kaili perked her brow before looking at the shirt she was wearing. A sudden moment of silence fell over her as she realised exactly why it felt like wearing something new. It was a welcomed gift, and to see Allyson leave her jacket behind, as small as it may have seemed, was most likely just the first of many items that she would leave around the house. Obviously not at this stage, but in the future. A future that was only as distant as the two lovebirds made it.

Now that was a weird thought.

“Thank you.” Kaili smiled in gratitude as Allyson leveled their gazes once more. She too wanted to spend the remaining time together. Their lips touched once more and Kaili looked over at the sleep capsule. She too nodded and took the first step towards what was promising to be a good morning.

“I got time for a movie.” Or several. “What did you have in mind?”

Kaili opened the hatch for Allyson who had already had enough trouble getting it open once before this morning.

“I’m down for whatever.”

[member="Allyson Locke"]
[SIZE=10pt]“Pretty open to anything film wise, minus uh non-human films – I’m not good with languages that are outside of basic and binary.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Allyson walked over towards the capsule and looked inside. She remembered seeing the holo screen and cursing it because she didn’t know how to turn it off. Though she was tired enough last night to not care about it. It was pretty snazzy the whole set up, but it was obviously meant for one person. Probably a good thing both girls were on the slender side of things. Looking from the capsule Allyson, nodded towards the couch. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Any plans on getting a new one of those? Kind of need somewhere to sleep when I come back to see you.” The Smuggler gave her a shrug and a smile. She hoped that the girl was fine with them sharing a bed, but then again, she glanced towards the capsule. If this was something Kaili wanted, she tried to imaging things and wondered how it would all work in there. It would be interesting…that’s for sure. [member="Kaili Talith"][/SIZE]
Not being good with foreign languages made a lot of sense. There were after all more than just the five, the galaxy was a big place. Kaili nodded about the couch before she went inside the coffin again. She shuffled to the side in order to let Allyson slide on back into her bed. It was tight, but it wasn’t too tight. Just the way Kaili liked it. Her arm wrapped itself around Allyson as she reached out towards the screen to open the interface for the Holoflix app.

It flashed to life and Kaili reached out once more to dial in a movie. She didn’t have anything in particular, but it wasn’t really as if the movie was what the two girls would be occupying themselves with, or even cared about.

Neither was it what they had already attempted in the kitchen, but heyo!

“So, what do you think about a pretentious Zeltron movie while we make these last few moments last?” Kaili placed her head on Allyson’s shoulder. “I’m fine with whatever you want to see.”

Part of Kaili told her things were going to get better from here on out. It was a feeling in her gut that screamed of... An end, once and for all. No more loneliness, no more silence. A new start, and she was going to make it count.

... Only, with cautious baby steps. But this was only first out of many.

[member="Allyson Locke"]
[SIZE=10pt]Crawling into the capsule she situated herself and felt Kaili take a place against her. Arms wrapped around the other girl as she held her close. Allyson tried to think of ways to get out of her responsibilities. She needed to be here, she wanted to be here. Unable to really think of a way she could do this, she settled with what she was going to get. The next few hours were going to be the best. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“HA! I love Zeltron films, they’re so corny and just… yes please!” Picking the overly dramatic Zeltron film, Allyson couldn’t help but laugh at every corner. Looking at the girl beside her she smiled and kissed her on the forehead. She had something to say, but decided against it. Kaili knew how she felt. Adjusting her frame, she rotated her body slightly so that Kaili was laying against the bed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Smiling, Allyson leaned down and kissed the other girl softly. As much as she wanted to see the film, feeling Kaili with her was more important. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]The film would continue and another one would play. Allyson would miss her time to launch and the shop would never open. There was a lot of paper work for poor Allyson, but it was worth it.[member="Kaili Talith"][/SIZE]

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