Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Girl and The Robot

That wasn’t exactly the prettiest grin that Kaili had seen. The blood seeped between the teeth and even if most of it had been wiped clean there was still that red-brown residue left. Kaili would like to say she was only able to imagine what her friend’s mouth tasted like, but they both knew by now that she was very well aware of how it tasted. That hint of copper still lingered there like a bad... Well, taste.

Allyson wanted to stay and Kaili wasn’t going to stop her, and yes, old jedi were pretty badass.

“I don’t know how to meditate for centuries, but I do know that they used to work textiles here, I think.” The kid shrugged. “And I mean, yeah, I’ve thought about going big but I don’t really want to draw that kind of attention to myself. I am not exactly corporate material.”

“... I mean, just look at how I handled our competition. Imagine what I’d do if I was in charge of a whole company.” Slow shake of her head. “No, I’d be more likely to drive myself into the ground than have it take off.”

That said, she had plans set in motion to cover that, but Allyson didn’t really have to know about those yet. Not because Kaili didn’t trust her, but because they were still in a drawing board phase. There quite simply wasn’t enough to actually show her to begin with.

“Alright, well, follow me and I’ll see about finding you something to fix yourself with.”

With that Kaili tugged her friend into the factory, ensuring she had first entry not just in the competition, but after it as well. Call it a double victory, if you would.

[member="Allyson Locke"]
Allyson mused over Kaili’s comment about her dealing with competition. Shrugging, she spoke trying to sound encouraging. “Being competitive isn’t a bad thing, I mean you’re the type that sees what you want so you go and get it. Destroy the competition! Total Annihilation!” Allyson thrusted her free hand into the air. “I think you’d completely dominate the market.” Tilting her head from side to side as if she had a song playing in her mind, “Unless someone tackles you, then we’re all doomed.”

It didn’t go unnoticed; Allyson saw the determination with Kaili on being the first one into the building. There was more on her mind than trying to beat the girl, also Ally wasn’t quite ready to deal with another one of those Force Pushes. It was a possibility that she could develop some sort of sense for when something like that was coming at her, it would be a skill she would value above a lot of things. Allyson licked her lips as she felt them becoming slightly chapped, a down fall of the cloth in her mouth. Another downside to the cloth is that she could feel herself drooling slightly in the corners of her mouth. She wiped it the best she could without drawing too much attention. After teasing Kaili about the drool a few times, the last thing she needed was to give her fuel to tease her. After giving up and growing tired of the rusty iron taste in her mouth, she would casually spit out the saliva and blood mixture from time to time when it built up too much.

“Textiles, that’s interesting especially for being out in the middle of nowhere.” Allyson wiped her mouth again and continued to allow herself to be dragged along the facility. She kept her eyes open for anything that would resemble a first aid or some sort of medicine cabinet. “I really hope we find bacta…ugh that would make things so much better.” She chewed a little on the cloth in her mouth and wiped away any drool that collected. Her shirt was ruined, but it was better than standing there drooling saliva and blood. “Remind me next time I fall out of a tree to close my mouth or cover my face better. Never want to go through this again.”

Looking over towards the end of the room, she wrinkled her nose. “There’s a sign with a red cross on it or something. I could be blind I did hit my head pretty hard.” Narrowing her hazel eyes, she tried to focus harder on the small sign. “Maybe we should check it out that way, I know sometimes places like this had in house infirmaries and stuff. Especially if it was government owned or whatever.” Tilting her head, she chuckled, “If we find a first aid kit do we get to play doctor?” Yeah, she hit her head pretty karking hard. [member="Kaili Talith"]
They stepped into the factory proper and right away something felt wrong. Kaili hadn’t thought about it particularly much, but a textile factory on an island this remote did indeed seem a bit off. Problem with this particular factory was that it wasn’t a government facility at all. In fact, it was privately owned by a renowned family off of the capital island. The kind of family that was big enough for people to start spreading rumors about corruption and other illicit activities. There had been a raid a little over a decade ago, but little ever came of it. In fact not even the DeepNet had anything to say about it. The family itself had even gone quiet.

Remembering the details had Kaili’s stomach in a knot to the point where she completely blanked out as Allyson talked about the benefits of being determined as well as her hopes for finding a bacta tank. Kaili merely nodded and offered a ‘yeah’ that made it rather clear she wasn’t listening as much as she was keeping an eye out.

At least until Allyson herself pointed out where they could find a kit at which point Kaili quickly made her way over to the small infirmary in which it was to be found. Kaili looked around. It was way too clean. Five years or more of abandonment shouldn’t have this place in this good of a shape.

“Yeah, I’ll be the doctor. Take a seat on the table.” Kaili sounded worried. “Allyson, I don’t think we’re supposed to be h-”

The sound of a speeder echoed from outside and filled the warehouse like a bad indicator of what was to come. Kaili looked at Allyson wide eyed.

“We need to leave.” The kid begged. “We should grab the kit and go.”

[member="Allyson Locke"]
Allyson had plopped herself onto the table and was ready for Doctor Kaili to start patching her up. It was then the speeder echoed along with Kaili’s worried face. There was something about this place and they weren’t supposed to find out. Something inside of Allyson shifted and turned on. Not only was she in danger, but so was Kaili. What made things worse was that Kaili lived here, if they caught that – she wouldn’t be safe. Remembering the blaster on her leg, she felt for it – it was still there. Sighing with relief she slipped off the table and grabbed Kaili’s hand. Her free hand, pulled out the cloth and tossed it away.

“Okay we’re getting out of here. Whatever it is that this place is hiding someone doesn’t want us to know.” The blaster was removed from his holster on her leg and she removed the safety via the side of the hilt. They moved to leave the room and Allyson remembered. “Grab the kit if its light enough, if not just leave it – no need to bring unnecessary things.” She had been in this predicament before – the less you had the faster you were.

Mentally checking things, Allyson dragged Kaili out of the room they were in and back towards the entrance of the building. The sound of footsteps echoed in her mind and she quickly took a turn down the opposite hallway. Something told her there was a window here that lead in the same direction as their own speeder. Turning down the long hallway, they found the window, but the only thing was is that the window was locked up. Cursing, Allyson pointed the blaster at the lock and shot it. Didn’t work. “Oh well guess the holofilms are a lie. Kai can you get it open, I’ll cover you.” Instinct took over as she could pick up the sound of footsteps and voices.

“Whatever they did here, it was serious business, these guys don’t want use to find it.” Pulliing down one of the desks that was laid against the wall, Allyson created a cover for them to hid behind. She angled it high enough for Kaili to stand and work the lock. Not looking over her shoulder, Allyson spoke loud enough for the other girl to hear. “It gets sticky – make sure you get out and to the speeder. I’ll cover your back…” [member="Kaili Talith"]
“Boss says the boxes leaves port tonight or they ain’t leavin’.” A voice called in the distance. “Could they even imagine the amount of spice we sitting on here?”

“Not so loud, you moron!” A distinctly Rodian voice exclaimed. “That’s Wiretap 101 you’s breaking there. You born without a brain or sumthin’?”

“Eh, maybe he’s the rat Boss Salvadore talked about. Maybe we should jus’ whack ‘im right here.” A third voice chimed in.

“Haa-haa. Very funny, you two.”

The three men’s footsteps had an eery echo as they walked through the warehouse. Kaili reached out with the force. They weren’t close to the office just yet, but they were coming closer for every second the two girls wasted on inaction. Kaili looked to Allyson and raised the fingers. Using her index finger and long finger to symbolise a walking man she then proceeded to point at the ground between them.

Three men, walking, here.

Turning back to the window Kaili closed her eyes and focused on the lock. The internals ran on an older yet modified version of a key logging algorithm that she herself had found work for a while back when she first started out creating and destructing locks of her own. It took her a few seconds to find the correct pattern to follow, the right link to pull, but once she found it, she tore it off the damned rails. The window clicked open and Kaili proceeded to thrust the bottom panel open for her and Allyson to climb out...

... Only to find themselves staring down a steep incline. Not far enough to cause death, but most certainly far up enough to warrant a broken bone.

“Oh fark.” Kaili quietly whispered in shock as she took a shaky step onto the small grass ledge before the cliff. “That’s a bad fall.”

“You coming, Allyson?” Kaili turned back around to catch her friend.

[member="Allyson Locke"]
Allyson bit her lip as she did usually when she was nervous. A part of her wondered if they were close enough to hear the lock being shot at. Seemed they didn’t notice it and Kaili was able to unlock with. That skill was something useful and she would have to practice to get better at it. She continued to hide behind the desk that she had pulled down quietly while Kaili went to check the situation about the window. There were three of them and two of them, though it seemed Kaili was in no hurry to fight them. Allyson wiped her nose as she started to think how she was going to handle this. Her blaster was fully loaded and shot rather quickly. She was a decent shot which meant that she needed to down at least two of them with headshots.

If she was able to knock two down quickly it would be one on one. She tilted her head as she continued to run scenarios through her head. If she knocked out one with a headshot and took a little longer to handle the second, it would still be in her favor, but also a bit more dangerous. Looking over her shoulder she saw Kaili staring out the window and heard her ask if she was coming. “Uh yeah?” Wandering over to the window she looked down and then shook her head. “Nope.”

Heights weren’t something she did and with already falling out of a tree, she was somewhat done with falling from high places. Her voice was quiet, but she quickly explained herself. “I fell out of a tree, I don’t think I can handle falling out of a window as well. Its way too far up…” If they broke something and these guys heard them - they would be sitting ducks. Kaili couldn’t heal and neither could Allyson. Kaili though could at least use the Force to maybe guide herself down. “You can use the Force, I’m no better than if I didn’t have it...You go get the speeder. I can distract these guys.” She shook the blaster with a grin.

“The last thing we need is both of us to jump out and break something. We’d be easy pickings. So the way I see it is, I stay and distract while you get the speeder or we could work our way back down to the first level to make a break for it.” Shaking her head, “Getting hurt can’t be an option if we can avoid it.” [member="Kaili Talith"]
“No.” Kaili said rather bluntly. “You will come out here, or I will come in there and make you.”

She looked down the cliff, and while Allyson’s hesitation was understandable it wouldn’t do to see her get hurt just because she wanted to do the right thing. The men didn’t know they were there, they had no reason to get involved in this fight. As much as Kaili didn’t want to really think that particular thought she still couldn’t help but placing herself and her own interests first. If these people were in any way able to tell who Kaili was she was doomed. Allyson insisting on fighting them was just as equally dangerous. Who was the last person Allyson had been seen with for almsot three whole days?

Kaili Talith. She would become a target by association.

“Allyson Locke!” Kaili hushed her scream into a growl. “Get out here, right farking now!”

“These men aren’t just some gangsters, their like a farking mafia! They will hunt both you and me down if they get the chance!”

[member="Allyson Locke"]
Allyson blinked as she heard her full name and Kaili’s demands. The threat to come back in and get her was something Allyson really didn’t want to have to experience, especially since she had a feeling how she would ‘come back and get her’. Vague memories of the tree and the pain floated in her mind and she turned on her heel headed back out the window. As much as she would more than likely tell Kaili that it was the threat that got her to do this, they both knew it was another reason. Allyson could handle whatever Kaili decided to throw at her – that part was apparent. The reason was that this was bigger than the both of them.

There was the mob or the mafia type of situation. The fact that this spice run was probably a minor money gain for these guys it would be taken very seriously if two girls decided to interfere. Allyson can leave this planet, Kaili on the other hand…this was her home. Knuckles went white as she thought about the inevitable consequences that would happen if they messed up this operation for these guys. Kaili would still be here after she left, but the girl would be alone and they would hunt her down and then go after Allyson or worse use Kaili to bait her. This of course made Allyson want to decimate the guys and the group they belonged to even more, but Kaili had a point and she wasn’t going to go against it.

“Okay, just you have to go first. If they end up seeing someone – I’d rather it be me and you just remain unknown to them. If something were to happen to you – I…” Allyson didn’t know what she would do beyond utterly destroy every being that belonged to that group. “I don’t want to think about it, let’s just get the chaos out of here alright?” Putting the gun back into the holster on her leg, she flipped the safety back on. Holding out her hand she nodded. “Let’s jump together?” [member="Kaili Talith"]
“No.” Kaili smiled and curled Allyson’s back into her palm. “Jumping at the same time is riskier, I’ll go first and help you down.”

There wasn’t really any time for Allyson to argue her point. Kaili flung herself down the ledge of the cliff and landed on both her feet. Air somewhat knocked out of her lungs, but otherwise pretty good. She turned around back towards Allyson and extended her hand in what was mainly a sign of trust. Because if Allyson was to make this one, she needed to place her complete faith in Kaili’s abilities. Something Kaili wasn’t quite sure if the other girl would be willing to do or not.

“Come on, I got you:” Kaili urged her friend. “We don’t have time to argue, just go.”

“Now, Allyson. Please. You need to trust me.”

[member="Allyson Locke"]
Kaili had a point. Allyson watched as the girl bounced from where they were and she landed safely. Getting up, Kaili turned towards her and urged her to come. Allyson peered over the edge and gulped. This was way different than when she was in the tree, mostly because she was aware now. She contemplated everything and she wondered if she could make her way through the building. As she pondered her options and stared at Kaili, the men were getting closer. She could hear their voices echoing close to where she was.

Seeing that she had no more time to think she jumped out of the window. She had to trust Kaili to catch her or do whatever she need her to do. Allyson of course being scared of the fall closed her eyes and hoped for the best. [member="Kaili Talith"]
Only the fall would seem to last forever. Kaili extended her other hand towards Allyson to grab a hold of her mid-fall and she began to float gently through the air, down towards the ground. They younger kid would have lied if she said she hadn’t laughed to herself, the way Allyson kept her eyes closed in the lack of danger -- other than the men were slowly creeping up on the office in which the two girls had previously been in -- was absolutely amusing. Arms and eyes followed the controlled fall of Allyson until eventually the brunette’s feet would touch softly like a feather against the ground.

Placing one finger by her lips and hushing Allyson, Kaili pushed her against the wall as if to seek cover from a rockslide. Which, if looks were rocks, was just about ready to fall down in greater numbers than Kaili was even remotely comfortable with. An arm reached up to gingerly keep Allyson pinned against the wall and pressed against far too close to the regions right above her waist. Another finger was raised towards her lips and she hushed Allyson once more without a single word or noise. Three fingers extended themselves towards the skies again before her index and long finger pointed towards her eyes and then at a spot a few feet away from them.

They are suspicious.

And sure enough...

“One of you’s open the window, guys?”

“Whatcha talkin’ ‘bout?”

“The window. It was open, boss.”

“Yeah? Well, close it then ya’ doof. What do we have to fear? The island is as remote, as remote is gonna get.”

“I don’t know, man. I gotta bad feelin’ ‘bout this.”

“Eh, you should go join them Jedi with all the bad feels you gets. Calm down, it musta been the other crew.”

“I guess you’ right, boss.”

“You’re damn right, now-”

The men were cutoff and mumbled as the window was shut tight again. Kaili gave it a count to five before she finally let herself breathe again.

“Oh thank the force.” She exclaimed in a hushed whisper. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

[member="Allyson Locke"]
The fall felt like forever and Allyson wondered if she had died and was floating up to heaven. She touched down and sighed with relief. With the brief moment, she got the cloth and wiped her teeth and mouth. The bleeding had stopped and so did the disgusting iron taste. Grinning she ran her tongue over her teeth to give it a final once over. Of course this lovely moment of hygiene was cut short by Kaili pushing Allyson against the wall.

Wide eyes, she stared at the blonde and nodded seeing the instruction she was telling her. If it was any other moment, any other time besides them trying to not get killed...Allyson would have been in heaven. She held her breath which was a lot harder than she had thought. With Kaili's slender frame pressed against her she had to catch her breath and stay in the comfortable, but uncomfortable position against the wall. She was scared to breath at their closeness, she didn't want to make the girl aware of it. If she could make this last for just a moment longer she would.

The men closed the window and she signed either relief with the girl. They were safe for now, but instead of pulling away, Kaili stayed where she was. Allyson didn't know what to do because what she wanted to do would probably be the one thing that Kaili didn't want to do at this moment.

All she could do was catch her breath just once more, memorize the girl's sweet aroma and savor the brief closeness. Her voice still quiet whispered softly into Kaili's ear as she avoided eye contact. "K-Kai-Kaili..." [member="Kaili Talith"]
The arm slid away from Allyson’s lower chest. She never really registered Allyson whispering her name, she just remained vaguely aware of it. Kaili took the first step into the open and cautiously set her eyes on the window above. One of the mobsters were leaning against the it and crossing his arms while talking about the fact that the table was flipped over. It was barely audible over the sound of nature, but it was there. This was the part where trusting her gut would have to be her guide. Her eyes were set on the man above them and her mind focused on each step backwards that she took. Each of them placed with precision, each of them in the place where her mind told her it needed to go.

“Just need to round the corner behind me.” The corner Kaili hadn’t even seen yet. “Then we should be good to go...”

“Don’t look, just follow behind me, Allyson. Quietly.”

Kaili’s heart beat like a kick drum. She was afraid, she was near petrified, but she kept on going with Allyson by her side.

She wouldn’t crumble, or lay down and die. No, they would survive this.

They would survive.

Anything was possible with Allyson by her side.

[member="Allyson Locke"]
Allyson was relieved by the focus Kaili had right now. With her head spinning, Allyson wasn’t much help. Kaili was starting to look like a blurry image in front of her, but she kept her attention on her voice mostly to help guide her where she needed to go. There was a forward motion with Kaili’s steps and something in her subconscious told her to keep moving forward. There was some wording about a corner and if they made it there – everything would be better. Allyson wondered if her fall earlier was starting to finally wear on her, her eyes struggled to keep focus.

Quietly, she had to stay quiet. Allyson didn’t say anything and followed Kaili’s footsteps the best she could. Her feet stepping into the marks that the other girl had previously made. If they only assumed one person was around they wouldn’t look further for more. Rounding the corner they were seemingly out of harm’s way. Allyson didn’t dare bring up what happened earlier, not until later if it even came up. She needed to learn to focus herself and as they continued to move she scolded herself.

In the past three days she had learned more about herself than she ever could have just ridding the hyperlanes. She needed to focus her mind, especially after remembering that today was the last day she was to be with Kaili. Wrinkling her nose she continued to follow the girl, her headache growing stronger and her vision becoming more blurred. How were they going to get home if she couldn’t drive the speeder?

Allyson pressed her hand to her forehead as she groaned slightly. There needed to be some way they could get back with the speeder and back to Kai’s shop without the girl having to drive it. She knew the crippling fear the girl had with the machine. The situation wasn’t looking good for either of them right now. Though, at least they were safe from the mobsters right? [member="Kaili Talith"]
They made their way towards the corner. The man in the window remained oblivious to their presence, which was good. At the corner of her eyes Kaili could see Allyson tread in her path. Clever girl. One path was far less incriminating than two. But there was a problem somewhere. Kaili felt it, like a small headache at the back of her head. Allyson began to wobble. Not by a lot, but the steps became a lot less imbalanced, far more shaky. It must have been her head, she had hit it pretty bad before. It was one of the worse downsides to having been dropped from a tree.

Eyes diverted away from the window, arms wrapped themselves around Allyson before hauling her away from the window at speeds that would seem surreal. They were behind the corner and all the men would be left with was the murmur of swearing they had seen something zoom on by. They were shut down by the boss, but it was close. Around the corner from the factory Kaili brought Allyson against a wall. It wasn’t what you usually did when someone had a concussion, but she had little choice.

“Allyson, are you okay? Can you walk?” Kaili grabbed Allyson’s cheek and began to twist and turn her head in all directions trying to find any sort of damage again. “Any nausea, burning limbs or other kinds of discomfort?”

“You need to talk to me, come on. Tallk to me.”

[member="Allyson Locke"]
Allyson didn’t feel or recall much from the quick movements from the girl with her. Once again she was against a wall, but this time she wasn’t too aware of what was going on to draw any conclusions. Her eyes laid half open and her pupils dilated. She should have checked herself for a concussion when they had arrived at the factory – there she would have been able to tell Kaili what was wrong and they could have made a trip home before everything started to sink in. Adrenaline had kept her coherent, but now that everything was starting to slow down, she began to succumb to the concussion.

Dizziness, confusion and a sudden urge to sleep clouded Allyson’s mind. She just wanted to curl up and sleep the headache off which continued to grow worse and worse. Alas, she was pressed against a wall and her face being grabbed at and examined. She couldn’t focus on anything and at times she saw the sky, then saw Kaili and then the ground. Her attention couldn’t focus anywhere and she tried to remember what Kaili had asked her. Talk to her? Talk to her about what? Allyson thought silently to herself as she attempted to gather some sort of thought.

“Face hurt, sky is upside down…pretty Kaili…” She grinned sheepishly as she raised her arms in front of her face. “Arms itchy. I want to sleep…” Allyson let the weight of her body start to sink and settle where she stood. Here seemed like a good place to sleep. The sun was warm, the breeze was cool and even the wall provided the necessary support for no back pain. Her body fought against her sleep though, something in the back of her mind, instinct perhaps forced her to stay on her feet for the most part. The grin turned into a pout as she looked at Kaili. “My head hurts. I fell out of a tree and then a window.” [member="Kaili Talith"]
This wasn’t the time for jokes. Kaili’s training kicked in and she started looking around for things to use. Loose branches, trees to place them against. Allyson was eased down to the ground and with it Kaili began circling around the clearing. There was nothing of use here. Sand wasn’t much to build shelter from. An arm extended itself towards Allyson again and with a gently tug she was back on her feet again.

“We need to find somewhere less exposed.” Kaili urged Allyson to come along once more. They needed to find somewhere that had enough materials for Kaili to set up a camp. They could have went for the speeder directly, but if there was one thing Kaili knew for certain it was that neither of them wanted to fly that. Or perhaps more accurate would be to say that one of them wanted to and the other refused.

They wandered for a few minutes until eventually they found themselves in a clearing overlooking the factory. It wouldn’t have been a bad spot to just stay for a while had it not been for the criminal elements down below and the concussed smuggler in Kaili’s arms. Allyson would find her back carefully placed against a tall tree and eased down to the ground. The sound of a furious girl running around the camp picking up branches and sticks from all around.

“I am building you a shelter, Allyson.” Kaili conversed in an attempt to keep her friend awake. “What do you think of the weather? Think it will hold up?”

“I hope the sun lasts all week, don’t you?”

[member="Allyson Locke"]
At this time Allyson really didn’t know what was up and what was down. They wandered and Allyson could feel the support on her back from the tree Kaili had rested her against. Allyson fought to keep her eyes open as she watched Kaili roam around gathering things. She didn’t really register what was going on, but it was funny to see the girl almost in a frantic state. Allyson didn’t even know what was going on with her, which meant she was more of a hindrance if something happened, it was a good thing that Kaili had moved them from where they were.

“A shelter? Why are you doing that?” Allyson asked and chuckled softly. She looked up towards the sky and stared at the sun as it crept through the canopy of the tree. It was warm, but on occasion, Allyson did like the rain. She stayed quiet for a moment as she contemplated Kaili’s remark about the weather. She wouldn’t be here for much longer, she had to remind herself that today was her last day here. So the sunshine and the weather was something she really wouldn’t be too worried about, but Kaili wanted it to be sunny, so she wanted that too.

“I hope it does too. The sun it feels so nice, I’m going to miss it.” Being aware of her time line was a good sign, but she soon faded back out and looked down towards Kaili and sighed softly. “If you would let me sleep for like an hour – my headache would go away and I could drive us back to your shop.” The half open hazel eyes started to blink longer and longer as she felt her head heavy. “I really just…need…a little…nap…please” [member="Kaili Talith"]
“Because you need to rest in someplace that isn’t full of dirt that could enter any potential wounds.” Kaili explained herself and why she panicked. “If you rest right now I can’t help you anymore, and if I can’t help you anymore there is the very serious chance that you might die.”

Or well, Kaili assumed so. She wanted control when part of her was already starting to give up. She refused to, but she was considering it.

“If you die, that’s most certainly because of me. That’d be the second time people have died because of me, and I refuse to let that happen again.” Kaili positioned the branches and tied them together with vines. It wasn’t the most technological of solutions, but she had both read about and tried it herself with varying results. “So I am building you a shelter because we might have to stay here for the night in an environment where I am in control. I need control, I love control. Control is why I do what I do.”

She continued work on the shelter rather frantically. It didn’t look bad, all things considered.

“So that’s what I want. I want to control this... This setback to the point where I can rightly claim you will survive.” Her voice shook, fear was really there and getting to her. She swept on over to Allyson. “Don’t close your eyes! Not yet.”

Because I need you to get yourself into the makeshift bed later.

“Talk to me, Allyson. Say things, words, anything. Sing a song to keep yourself awake.”

[member="Allyson Locke"]
“I won’t die, not like this – calm down.” Allyson opened her eyes the best she could as she looked at Kaili. The girl seemed to be reacting in a grand way over everything that was happening, but she couldn’t blame her really. Things that had happened to her in the past from what Allyson knew of, this was just an extremely mild case of what happened to make her this way. Sighing softly, Allyson nodded and fought sleep a bit longer. She knew that Kaili felt terrible for throwing her into a tree, but Allyson had started it – so in the end she messed with the bull and got the horns. Reaching out, she cupped Kaili’s cheek and smiled. “It’s okay, I’m not bleeding or anything – just tired and my head hurts.”

The hand on Kaili’s face patted the girl’s cheek and then fell back into Allyson’s lap. A smile crossed her face as she shook her head, but doing that made her wince slightly. A hand moved to the back of her head to rub it and she felt something wet. It made her realize that this was probably worse than she had just mentioned, but it was best to keep quiet about it. Her hand folded hiding the red stained fingertips, her other hand folded over the other hiding it in her lap. Subject needed to change, for the both of them especially Kaili.

“What are you going to do when I leave?” Allyson chuckled and shrugged. She moved to teasing the girl slightly, hopefully to take her mind off of what had happened in the past few hours. “Your life this exciting every day? Or was I just lucky to catch you in the middle of all of this?” [member="Kaili Talith"]

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