Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Girl and The Robot

“You don’t know that!” Kaili almost pleaded as Allyson swept her hand across her cheek. “Y-you could have a wound or something that you aren’t aware of, maybe... I don’t know, something.”

The kid pushed herself off of the ground and began poking around the campsite for the last few things she needed. The main partition of the shelter was finished in no time, but the issue still remained with the roof to keep away any potential (though highly unlikely) raindrops from falling on Allyson. Kaili wasn’t really in control of this anymore, the fears and worries had her running through the same standard procedure, making the same classical assumptions and errors as anyone else in her seat would do.

“No, my life is usually pretty boring. I get to see my family twice a week, but that’s it. Maybe I see Micah more often, but no, I have a pretty boring life outside of my workshop.”

To say Kaili was afraid of losing Allyson in this state was an understatement.

“I think I got the very basics of this down now.” Kaili clapped her hands together and swept on over to Allyson again. Shaky arms wrapped themselves around her and propped her up on her feet again. The stress of the situation, though quite possibly one sided, was increasingly evident. “We need to get you to the cot.” Kaili stammered. “And then, you can rest. Okay?”

[member="Allyson Locke"]
Kaili was in a state worse than Allyson, which made the smuggler sigh softly. The fear of losing someone was strong with Kaili and she wondered if that was why she was in need of control in any and all situations. Allyson let her take care of her, it was something she needed and Allyson was okay with letting this happen. She wanted to show Kaili that she can take care of people and when things happen things don’t always take a turn for the worse.

She felt the shakiness of Kaili’s hold and smiled at the girl. They were still close and she kissed the blonde’s cheek. “I’m fine. You looked me over yourself. Remember?” Allyson smiled and moved to the cot. Sitting on it she sighed and looked out towards the direction of the factory. “Kind of scary - I want to go back and check it out more. Hopefully not when the mobsters are going to check out a shipment.” Allyson chuckled and then laid down. Sighing softly the headache still rang in her head and started to work its way down to her neck. She was going to be sore for the next few days.

“So we can both get what we want, how about you watch out for me while I sleep. Just wake me up every twenty or so minutes. That way I don’t fall into a deep sleep and I still get some rest.” Looking at the other girl she flashed her a grin. “I’m more durable than you think, Master.” Yawning, Allyson rubbed her eyes and relaxed slightly.

“The shelter looks awesome by the have everything under control.” [member="Kaili Talith"]
Kaili didn’t really rest up once Allyson was safely resting on the cot either. She wished she could, but something just prevented her. Whether it was because of the thugs down below them or the fact that she was holding Allyson’s life in her very hands didn’t seem to matter much. She felt the nagging at the back of her head screaming at her to help Allyson in anyway possible.

With a deep breath, Kaili focused on herself much like a master would and tried to push the fear and worries out of her mind just like her mother had shown her when she was younger. Kaili still wasn’t a firm believer in meditation, but she couldn’t deny that it had worked on more occasions than just the one. Because even if the measure of peace she found through it was only a small measure, it was still a peace she would need.

It was this peace she projected onto Allyson. A soothing, slightly erratic and panicked, wave of emotion looking to just... Lighten her up and make her drift off, calm down and understand exactly where and what Kaili was coming from.

Was it the crash that had turned Kaili into someone so utterly obsessed with control?


“We’ll see.” Was all Kaili offered in the way of actual conversation. “Just rest, and I will try to make sure nothing happens.”

The peace lingered between the two as Kaili continued her projection.

“Let the force flow through you, guide you and ease your mind.”

[member="Allyson Locke"]
Allyson took Kaili’s advice and allowed herself to be open for the projection. She could feel her heart rate drop and her body relax into the cot as she laid down. It was hard, but not as hard as the couch was back at the shop. Her back was thankful for the most part just to be on something to support her that wasn’t her feet. After one more look back at Kaili she did her best to reassure the girl that everything was going to be okay.

Sleep took over her quickly and Allyson felt her mind begin to flash images from her past quickly as she slept. Dreams didn’t come by too easily to the girl, but she wondered if it was because her body was so relaxed that her mind was allowed to dive deep into her subconscious. The images stopped flashing and she found herself standing on top of a mountain of rubble. The Corellian summer beat down her as she stood there with gloves on. It was familiar and she quickly recalled what part of her mind this memory came from. Cursing under her breath she knew what was going to happen and what faces she was going to find.

Still to finish the dream she had to go through the motions and find her brother and mother. The rubble was heavy and she worked quickly knowing exactly where to find them. The dream was something she had before, but it always happened when she was stressed. Sighing softly, dream Allyson worked her way through everything till she dropped down into the makeshift shelter. Wandering through the corridors she wondered why it was so long – it never took this long to get to her brother and mother.

Finally finding the door, the room changed dramatically and she was standing outside of Kaili’s workshop. Raising an eyebrow, she realized this was something different from the usual dream. Allyson could feel her heart begin to race, she could only imagine what she would find inside and that was the part that terrified her. Clutching her hand to her chest she moved towards the entrance to the shop, opening the door she slipped in and saw the place ransacked. Fear filled her mind as she moved through the mess and nearly ripped the door down that lead into the apartment like quarters. Inside that was destroyed as well and she moved towards the coffin bed Kaili usually slept in. Allyson struggled to get through the room as the open hallways for some reason continued to get longer and longer as she walked down them.

Reaching the bedroom, she looked at the wall where the coffin slipped in and where Kaili slept every night. Allyson could feel her, remembering how the girl felt when she was nearby. A hand shook and reached out for the coffin bed and pulled it out. Inside was [member="Kaili Talith"], a bullet through the head and a note attached. Inside the note Allyson read about how the mob had followed Kaili after they had left the factory. Somehow they knew she wasn’t there alone and knew that she would come back. Allyson ripped the cover of the bed off and pulled Kaili’s lifeless form from the bed and began to cry.

Shooting up from the cot, Allyson took in deep breaths and felt the cold sweat clinging to her face and body. Looking around, she found her voice and called for Kaili. “Kaili, Kai, Kaili where—where are you?”
Kaili hadn’t disconnected, so to speak. It was a bit of an intrusion, but she allowed herself to truly connect to the mind of the incapacitated woman with nothing but the best of intentions. She could monitor her consciousness from the inside rather than the shallow outside where the cold of the evening was starting to kick in. What had started as good intentions quickly slipped into the bad kind as Kaili struggled to withdraw herself from Allyson only to end up in an observer role for a bad dream. She couldn’t see what was going on, but she could by all means feel it. Something had Allyson going through a wave of emotion. From fear to devastation to outright anger and if Kaili drew her own parallels to what she dreamt of she could make an educated guess she wasn’t the only one with nightmares.

“I’m here!” Kaili quickly exclaimed as she wrapped herself around the twitch-awoken Allyson. “Calm down, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”

“It was just a dream. I am still alive, don’t worry.” Deep breath, lingering grip. “Just a dream. Dreams cannot hurt you, no matter how real they feel.” Or so her mother had told her during the first few weeks of therapy. Kaili let go of Allyson and turned her towards herself. She stared deep into her eyes and smiled. “Just be glad it wasn’t a vision through the force. Trust me, those are far more terrifying.”

Kaili would know. The numbers 40 58 40 67 and -122 39 17 11 kept flashing before her eyes at an increasingly frequent rate, but Kaili could never figure out why. It always started on her beach, faded to the corridors of a spaceship of ancient design before finally settling on a planet she had never seen before. Lush green forests and overgrown cities. Breathtaking mountains and with air so clean it would cause any city slicker to choke with a crisp edge down their throat.

“You are safe, we’re still on Borleias and the factory seems long abandoned since a few hours back.” Kaili wrapped her arms around Allyson again. “It was just a dream, okay?”

[member="Allyson Locke"]
Comfort came quickly as she felt Kaili wrapped around her to comfort her. Allyson took a few more deep breaths as she woke up to see the small cap around her. She remembered what had happened the past few hours. The massive factory they had wandered into, the men that were more dangerous than anyone they could have ran into and falling through a tree. Her chest continued to rise and fall deeply, but she was calming down especially with having Kaili wrapped around her. A hand worked its way out of Kaili’s hold and Allyson rubbed her eyes for a moment. The dream felt so real and she looked down at her hand and sighed with relief.

“It was just a dream.” Though why did her mind replace her brother and mother with Kaili? The had known each other for a few days no and the girl had gained some importance while we they were together, but still] just a dream Seeing the girl, she pulled her up and dragged her into the cot. Laying there she was able to work her other arm out and hold Kaili tightly as if she was a stuffed animal. There were no words between them for the time being as Allyson just needed someone to hold and someone hold her back. They were close again, like they were when they were against the wall, Allyson could feel Kaili’s heart beat again – which acted as a reassurance that the girl was still with her and Allyson wasn’t seeing ghosts.

“Just a few moments longer…” She whispered softly into Kaili’s ear as she stayed there and let her body come down from the fear. Allyson knew she cared or Kaili, but she didn’t know how much she did care about her. Seeing her the way she did in her dream scared her. For the first time in a long time, Allyson Locke was scared. [member="Kaili Talith"]
Kaili was well-aware of what Allyson felt in this moment. She was well-acquainted with that panic that was coursing through her friend’s veins. Like a poison it caused your body to tense up, breathing got harder and your heart began pumping as if you had been running a marathon. Being tugged into a close embrace didn’t bother her very much, not if the closeness of the hug would make Allyson feel better. Kaili wrapped her arm around her friend and pulled her as equaly close as she was getting pulled herself.

“Anything.” Kaili whispered back to Allyson. “Take all the time you need. I’m here.”

With Kaili’s arm overlapping Allyson’s waist she promptly proceeded to stroke her fingers up and down along the incapacitated woman’s forearm. She heard the two heartbeats, felt the panic within.

“I will always be here, Allyson. Always.”

[member="Allyson Locke"]
It was comforting to have someone with you, someone that understood you and what was going on with you. Allyson took a deep breath as she caught the end of Kaili’s whispers. She wanted to respond, but the inevitable sleep took over and she closed her eyes and snuggled the best she could against the blonde girl. It didn’t occur to her that they were still out doors, that they were still near the factory that they had invaded, none of that mattered. Her sleep was peaceful and her dreams pretty much normal minus the occasional appearance of a certain blonde girl.

Shivering slightly, Allyson opened her eyes and blinked. This wasn’t the same place she had been waking up to the past two or so nights. She blinked quickly and realized there was someone with her, someone who was somewhat warm and seemed to be the source of her heat. Vision focused and she recognized the girl’s smell and blonde hair. She blinked again not really remembering the nightmare or her grabbing the girl and dragging her into the cot.

“Kaili?”, she didn’t know if the other girl was awake, if she was she’d probably respond to the whisper, if not then ALlyson would just lay there for a few moments before unraveling herself from the girl. Sitting up, she looked around and then remembered slightly what had happened. Every inch of her body hurt and felt as if a transport speeder had ran her over. A few pops and cracks later, Allyson laid back down and looked over at Kaili, the cot was small and they were as close as they were on the wall - of course Allyson remembered that moment rather vividly. She laid facing her and deciding to be a little brave, she wrapped her arms around the girl’s waist and nuzzled against the mess of blonde locks.

The rare moment and Allyson took proper advantage of it. [member="Kaili Talith"]
Kaili remained with her head against Allyson’s shoulder. They had both managed that one measure of peace, but that wasn’t really enough for Kaili to fall asleep. Ultimately she too collapsed but it was long after Allyson had fallen asleep. The excitement of the earlier near-entanglements were draining by their own rights. And so with her arm wrapped around Allyson’s chest and with her head on her shoulder, Kaili had fallen asleep as well. She wasn’t particularly proud of the opening she left for anyone to find them, but in the end she really couldn’t keep it up for much longer. As such it came as a surprise that Kaili would slump to her side no more than ten minutes later as Allyson wrapped her arms around her.

She found herself quite literally face to face with Allyson who had a hand running alongside her waist before it came to a stop. Kaili who was still tired didn’t think much on it. It was starting to get cold and the extra huddle for warmth was very welcome.

At least until she thought on that one particular chain of keywords.

It was starting to get cold. Either the two of them needed to go make a fire, or they really needed to get home. The sun had already set, the skies were clear. The warmth they had now wouldn’t matter much compared to the cold that would sweep over the landscapes within a matter of one or two hours. A very tired Kaili Talith let out a soft giggle before she opened her mouth to speak.

“No, not now.” She groaned almost unconsciously before leaning in for a kiss on Allyson’s cheek. “We need to find someplace warm.”

Mind always on survival and getting ahead. That was her.

“My bed is so good for that.” Kaili groaned once more as she got up from her prone position. “I miss my bed. I want my bed. We should get to my bed.”

No, there was no real thoughts put behind the words and language she insisted on using.

“My shop, is nice. We should go to my shop.”

[member="Allyson Locke"]
Allyson sighed softly, that rare moment was brief and now gone. Still, she had it for just a second and was given a kiss on the cheek. For some reason those soft kisses against her cheek always got her to do whatever and could get her to do whatever Kaili wanted her to do. Slowly sitting up she crawled out of the cot and began to gather whatever things that needed to come with them. Allyson stood in place for a moment and leaned back slightly to crack the lower part of her back. There was hope. The comment Kaili made about sleeping in the bed made her happy on both ends. One, she would sleep on something soft for once and two she would hopefully get to return to that lovely place of snuggling [member="Kaili Talith"] while they slept.

A fitting end to the 3 day vacation, for the most part. After breaking down some of the survival things, mostly to cover any tracks that someone was here, Allyson looked over at Kaili. “Thank you for taking care of me.” Allyson felt like a burden, but she was lucky it was Kaili that she was with when all of this happened.

They were both exhausted, but Allyson’s headache at least was nearly non existent. Remembering the spot of blood she had felt earlier, she made a mental note to take a quick shower in the refresher and brush her teeth. A bit of bacta would mend whatever she had still cut up and she would be good at new, for the most part. It was a good thing she was durable, just not so durable to constantly get flung around by the overly competitive Kaili. She would need to learn to dodge that.

Slipping her hand into Kaili’s she smiled and held the girl’s hand, they headed towards the direction of the speeder. Getting to it didnt take long, Kaili seemed to know the way, which Allyson had figured out where they were going slowly afterwards and kept the pace with the girl. Arriving at the speeder the droids had kept an eye on the mode of transportation. Giving Bait a pat on the head, Allyson moved to open the door for Kaili and help the girl in. "Time to go home." Moving to the driver's side she slipped in and turned on the speeder. She made sure everything happened slowly so that Kaili could adjust and get situated in the speeder. After a few moments of warming up the engine, the speeder took off slowly and Allyson cruised towards the shop. It would still be an hour ride, but it was worth having that time with the girl in the passenger seat. Titling her head, she smiled. “So I get to sleep in your bed tonight?”
Kaili struggled as she was almost outright carried through the forest. She struggled as she got into the speeder and she struggled even more as the speeder set off. The small bouts of turbulence that gently caused the girl to sway back and forth...

Kaili’s head was hunched and she herself was unresponsive. But there was that sound. A wheezing sound. Mouth agape, air seeping in and out in a calm rhythm...

Kaili was deep asleep. Any question posed by Allyson went right by her.

[member="Allyson Locke"]
Blinking, Allyson looked over at the girl completely passed out. Remembering what usually came along with this sort of Kaili, Allyson cringed slightly and second guessed her desire to sleep with the girl tonight. Though, in a weird sort of way...Allyson found this overly exhausted sleeping Kaili to be one of the cutest Kaili. Shaking her head, she flipped a few switches on the speeder and unleashed it. The girl was out for the night and she could get home a bit faster.

The trip time was cut down by almost twenty minutes. Parking the speeder in the garage, she moved over and grabbed Kaili from the front seat and cradled the girl in her arms. Henry of course was a huge help getting them inside. The droids went off to their docks and Allyson brought Kaili to the room, digging around for her PJs or something that looked like PJs Allyson dressed her for the most part. Being who she was, she slipped the girl into one of her t-shirts. “There we go souvenir for you.” Putting Kaili to bed wasn’t as difficult as she thought it was going to be, once it was over she went to take care of herself and bandage anything that needed bandaging. Also, to brush her teeth and shower.

Getting herself ready for bed took a bit more time. After the mending and her routine in the refresher, Allyson walked out of the bathroom in her shorts and a t-shirt with a bandaged wrapped around her head. The wound to the back of her head was worst than she had expected, but her hair kept it well hidden. Heading back over to the capsule she sighed softly and crawled in, adjusting herself she prepared herself to wake up in a puddle of drool. Shrugging it off, she had already made out with her so it wasn’t a big deal. Yawning, she pulled Kaili close to her like they were in the forest before the girl’s instincts kicked in for survival. “Goodnight [member="Kaili Talith"], I….” Allyson mumbled the rest of it as she nuzzled against the girl beside her.
Eyes slowly flicked awake only to be met with the sight of a blank holoscreen blinding her to her surroundings. Part of her wanted to question how she got herself into bed, the other wanted to question why she wasn’t on an island half-frozen to death. But that was all answered as she rolled over to her side. An arm swept on over to her side and with a soft thud Kaili found herself entangled with something... Or rather, someone. Warm smile spread on her lips as she found out who it was.


Although it could have been seen as somewhat something of an intrusion, Kaili did her best to not freak out. A quick recollection of the last few things she could remember started with Allyson falling from a tree and then Kaili getting driven home several hours later. The choice to sleep in a capsule, rather than on a hard couch, was something she could have understanding for.

Which was beside the point that Kaili had taken to her friend in what they would most likely come to call a bottleneck romance. Start out thin at the start, but expand exponentially until finally there was enough room for any and all. There were better analogies and comparisons to be made in the situation, but Kaili was far too freshly awoken to think of any.

She pulled herself closer to Allyson to let her lips touch upon Kaili’s.

“Good morning.” She murmured as a small grin started to spread across her face.

[member="Allyson Locke"]
Sleep was a little tight, but Allyson enjoyed the closeness. It had been some time since she had slept with someone and usually when she did sleep with someone – they usually left in the middle of the night leaving her alone. She wondered if those days would come back, where she was constantly trying to find someone to protect her from the nightmares she was plagued with. Did meeting Kaili cement that there was someone out there that would be near her long enough? Only time knew those answers, but she would try her hardest not to mess this up, like she usually did. Her sleep was plagued with the thoughts, but she slept quite peacefully. If this wasn’t something forever, at least she would enjoy it while it was here.

Urges were fought, even the smallest ones of just wanting to touch her skin that poked up from the t-shirt Allyson had given her. It was hard, but there was more care involved than just the lustful thoughts of the smuggler. Kaili meant something more, she wasn’t just a random girl Allyson picked up from the cantina and meant nothing beyond a good time for the night. Kaili felt like something different, something and someone important.

Morning came too quickly and Allyson fought to stay asleep as she felt Kaili’s body move. A part of her awaited the scream or the smack for invading the capsule bed, but instead she felt the girl move closer to her and gently place a kiss against her lips. The kiss made her smile, it had been the first time Kaili had initiated a kiss without it being a competition or her emotions spilling over. Allyson opened her eyes lazily and looked at the girl. A soft lazy smile spread across her face as she fixed the bandage on her head slightly. “Good morning, you know what sounds good?” the lazy smile flashed into a devilish grin.

“Burnt eggs.” As she spoke she moved closer and placed a kiss again on the blonde girl’s tender lips. She lingered for a second and then pulled away. “I…” The smile faded as she looked at Kaili, today was the day she was supposed to leave for however long she was going to be. Everything depended on the jobs she picked up, she was a freelance smuggler along with a freighter pilot for Clan Rekali. She had gotten lucky with her time of to come here, but even then she had made a delivery first before taking the three days off. “I leave Borleias today.” [member="Kaili Talith"]
“Then I think,” Kaili returned Allyson’s kiss with yet another of her own. “We should,” She rolled on top of Allyson. Arms surrounding her, she dipped down once more to deliver a third. “Make the most of it.”

The fourth one lingered even longer. Yes, there Kaili was kissing a woman she had met only three days ago, wearing a shirt that wasn’t her own while fully unaware what the meaning of them sharing a bed for the night had actually entailed. She most likely wasn’t acting in the most sanest of ways, and part of her understood that and was fully aware. Allyson was still an unknown, but she wasn’t a great unknown. Kaili herself was still an unknown, but she hoped, deep down, that with time neither of them would be. They cared, and they cared for each other a lot. That much was obvious. After all, there wasn’t a whole lot of people who could say that they had ever gone on a date that lasted for three days, but Kaili and Allyson could. In a way.

The younger one pulled away from Allyson. A lopsided grin spread from cheek to chin as she let out a satisfied sigh.

“Eggs are on you.” She joked. “It’s no fair that I have to take care of you every single morning, don’t you think?”

[member="Allyson Locke"]
Color Allyson surprised as she was given another kiss, and then another with the girl on top of her. As much as she wanted to push this to the next level, she stopped herself. Everything needed to move at Kaili’s pace, if it didn’t then she risked losing the girl. It was a truth that she had learned that second day on the beach. Kaili was different and it was a good different. Looking up at the girl, she chuckled softly. Kaili was right, most mornings she had made breakfast, all of course burnt eggs. Allyson wasn’t complaining – she quite enjoyed the burnt eggs mostly because she knew she was the reason they were burnt. Nodding, Allyson leaned up slowly and rested her weight on her elbows.

“I take care of you every evening, I see that it’s only fair.” Tilting her head to the side, she continued to smile. “Besides, I love your burnt eggs, but you win today – I’ll cook for you. Though…” Allyson reached up the small distance and ran her index finger under Kaili’s chin. She did suggest making the most of their even more limited time together. She laid back down as she pulled Kaili with her the short distance. Her other hand hesitant and unsure on where or what to do.

She kissed her, she kissed her like she had wanted to kiss her since the beach. The kiss wasn’t a peck or something just gently resting against the other girl’s lips. Allyson kissed her in the same fashion as in the car, there was something desperate and longing with the emotions tied to the kiss. Allyson knew she needed the blonde girl, in a weird way she knew Kaili needed her as well, but for what? Her heart raced again, but in a good way and not out of fear. The hand that had drew the blonde into her rested against her soft cheek, while her other hand gained some courage and hesitantly rested on the girl’s thigh, it was only a matter of moments before finger tips slowly caressed the exposed skin from the shorts Kaili wore for pajamas.

Allyson was determined to make sure Kaili knew that no matter where she went, this was where she would always come back to. She wanted to be here and Kaili was making it hard for her to leave, there was a silent curse being said in the back of Allyson’s mind set upon the needs of the business Clan Rekali. [member="Kaili Talith"]
And it was a good ‘though.’ The finger that caressed Kaili’s chin gently tickled in anticipation. She sucked in a shaky breath as Allyson grew ever closer, and closer, and closer, until eventually they met once more in the fiery kiss that she had dreamt about before. It was the beach all over again, the previously impossible dream to give her entirety unto Allyson was proving itself to be anything but. She was lost in the clouds again, drowning in a heated exchange between herself and Allyson. Her hand dragged itself across the brunette’s hair, a reminder of the things she had panicked about last night.

And even though she had no memory of ever having bandaged Allyson, she still found some small amount of pride in knowing she had managed to do so while utterly phased out of her mind.

The gentle touch of her thigh sent the exact right signals. Kaili wanted to, she really did, but even so it was far too early. She didn’t stop Allyson, but she made it felt nonetheless. Gradually the two began to slow down. The kid withdrew her lips from the Corellian and slowly opened her eyes to let the smirk return.

“Passion, yet serenity.” Kaili let out a soft laugh. Never had the Jedi Code felt so inappropriately appropriate. “You are my rock, Allyson Locke.” The kid within her held back the urge to laugh at the rhyme. “It’s crazy, but you are, and I... I will be here for you. Always.”

She had tried to throw in the three word sentence in there, but something stopped her. Told her it was still too early, yet here they were in a relationship that seemed to have stretched well beyond just a mere three days. Maybe it was one of the things that never changed between people. They loved each other, no doubt, but the words still seemed so hard to speak.

“Me and my burned eggs, always.”

[member="Allyson Locke"]
Separating was difficult, but Allyson let it happen and she was there on her back staring up at the girl who was still sitting on her. It was hard not to go back up for another one and see if she could persuade the Jedi to continue and see where this would end up. Allyson would keep the lovely thoughts and dreams of where this could have gone to herself. It would keep her warm at night while she was in space. Taking in a deep breath, she felt her racing heart calm down, her cheeks begin to return to their normal color. The little coffin was getting hot and if it could fog up it probably did. Reaching up, Allyson poked Kaili’s forehead and laughed.

“You’re such a Jedi.” She couldn’t help it, knowing Kaili when they actually gave into their urges she would probably find a way to quote the Jedi Code again. It was cute though. “You’re my reason Kaili Talith.” A grin, “You’re my Mallet, Ms. Talith!” Taking advantage of the teasing and knowing that she should probably dip out of the coffin, she leaned up and kissed Kaili quickly and tried to wiggle her way out of the capsule.

Frustrated she patted around for the escape hatch and ended up turning on other things that were inside the capsule. She pushed the buttons again to turn them off and then looked towards Kaili. Shrugging, she smirked. “Well I guess we’re stuck here forever.” Allyson chuckled nervously, she really needed to use the refresher, but it seemed it was easier to get the thing open last night when she was half asleep than right now. [member="Kaili Talith"]
“I know.” Kaili grinned back. “Good thing you have a reason to dock, Miss Locke.”

Allyson had tried to get the hatch to the coffin open but saw little success. Kaili reached out from above her and tried it herself. The hatch could get like this at times. It was one of the design flaws of sleeping in an enclosed space much like the two of them were right now. She applied some more pressure to it, pushed the hatch outwards and up to make it give way and allow the fresh air to roll on in and suddenly it was that the temperature seemed to plummet dramatically. Enough for Kaili to realise exactly how warm it was in the tight enclosed space.

The thin layer of sweat that had built up overnight and from recent co-operative experience had the kid, by all accounts, hot and bothered. In a good way. She was hot and steamy, yet slightly bothered by the lowered temperature. A natural reaction.

A hand went up to turn off the boot-up sequence for the massage function of the bed. Allyson didn’t need to know about those. At least, not just yet.

“You are free to leave, wouldn’t want to starve after all this, do we?” Kaili snuck on out of the coffin. “Eggs are still on you, Space Master.”

“Show me how you do it on the ship, give me a good reason to come back for more...”

[member="Allyson Locke"]
Allyson watched and then slipped out after Kaili. She did a little dance as she looked at the girl and then nearly sprinted towards the refresher. It only took her a few moments to deal with what she needed to deal with and the water echoed as she washed her hands and splashed a bit of water on her face. She needed to relax and to calm down. Opening the door, she looked at the girl and stuck out her tongue. In so many ways the way she worded it made it sound like a challenge.

“Well then Force Master, I will show you how we do it in space. Come now, sit, sit and watch the true Master work.” Allyson smirked and pulled out a pot and filled it with water, she set it on the stove and heated it up. Using the cap of the vinegar she had found, she poured the right amount of vinegar into the water. She kept the heat low as the water would heat up while she prepared the rest of it. Turning to the fridge she found some ham and tossed it onto the counter. Her next search was for butter and eggs which were once again easy to find. Another pot was needed and she quickly tossed the butter into it and began to clarify it, which meant she was just straining the pure fat from the whey and dairy product in the butter. It didn’t take long to get the right about from the butter.

“I’m going to knock your socks off so much that you’re going to beg to go into space with me.” Grinning, Allyson began to cut the ham into thick slices and prepare them for the pan that was slowly heating up as well. She put the butter pot into the sink and quickly washed it and returned it to its home. The girl was good about cleaning as she went along in the kitchen. She hummed a soft song as she worked and separated the egg yolks from the whites in a small bowl. The water was starting to simmer and she used the heat from the bowl to semi cook the egg yolks in the small steel bowl. She whisked away till the yolks started to thicken. It was then she whistled and Bait came around the corner with two English muffins. “Toasted em like I like em Bait.” The droid whistled again, then used his newly attached 3 day old arm to first slick then torch the inside of the bread. He flung the slices onto the cutting board and they waited for when Allyson needed them.

The bowl she hand in her hand was whisked quickly, she slowly added the clarified butter to the yolks and continued to whisk and add the fat slowly. The buttery hollandaise sauce began to form and she smiled and kept the sauce warm over the simmering water. A pinch of salt and pepper went into the sauce along with a squeeze of lemon juice. She whisked once more to keep the sauce together as she tossed the ham into the warm pan. The sound of sizzling echoed as she lifted the sauce bowl and cracked four eggs into the water. Slowly the eggs poached until they were a beautiful pure white color and set to about easy medium.

It was time for assembly. Allyson reached up and grabbed two plates and placed the toasted English muffins onto the plate. She forked the ham from the pan and placed them on top of the open faced English muffins. From then she spooned out the poached eggs and put them right on top of the ham, then to finish it off, she poured generously the buttery lemony hollandaise over the eggs. To finish off the dish, she sprinkled a little bit of paprika and smiled.
“There you go, uh Anakin Eggs.” She never really understood the name, the guy betrayed his people and joined the dark side. Shrugging it off she placed the plate in front of Kaili. “Go ahead and try it.” [member="Kaili Talith"]

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