Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Galactic Alliance T2 Dominion of Xagobah & Athos IV

Location: Xagobah Orbit
Objective: Change Over of the Guard
Allies: Asmus Janes [member="Choli Vyn"] [member="Owen Holst"] [member="Vance Caydence"] [member="Kal Blonde"] [member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Zark"]


"Stims!" Asmus shouted at the top of his lungs. "I don't care if you usually use them or not, if you've had a drink you get a shot."

At the base of the ladder to his own X-Wing he waited patiently and turned his head aside for a stim shot. He wasn't usually partial to them, as popular as they were among pilots. They sharpened the senses, kept one alert and aware at the helm and with almost no side effects.

Even though he'd only had a little to drink, it took the edge of his focus. An edge that the shot almost immediately honed. He clambered up and went through his pre-flight ritual. He shook off the cobwebs from the drink and a rather stimulating and vivid day dream involving one of his squadron. It didn't help that there were memories to fill in the blanks.

"Alright R12, keep power to the sensors. Run the engines as smooth as possible so keep sensor noise down."

As he eased the ship off the deck he opened a channel to the Rogues. "Follow my vector for now and wait for flight plans from control. We're going ahead of the rescue shuttles to try and find the ship. It's cut all emissions and we're having trouble getting an exact location. Space big, ships small and all that."
Post: 9/25
Location: Athos IV
Objective: Rebuild the Shattered Lands
Allies: [member="Saffron"]
Enemies: Unknown

"Next stop: secure the funding for the decontamination of the Shattered Lands with the local authorities"

"Your Grace, do you have any coordinates to whom to send such information about land reclamation, regarding the Shattered Lands?"


"There you go"

"I think we will have public support for this rather easily. Then again I believe it is best to decontaminate in several stages"

The Alliance had pretty decentralized finances, so most projects at that level were handled locally. Only when projects were too much for the particular planet to handle, or were critical Alliance-wide, did the Alliance request the financial help of participants external to the planet. To the Alliance, since each planet was sovereign, the financial burdens were equally sovereign, too. So Cathul whips out a datapad and writes a letter addressed to the high-level officials, Cabinet-level even, requesting an audience with them regarding the Shattered Lands.


To whom it may concern,

I sincerely grieve for the tragedy of the Shattered Lands, and wish well for the future. However, the time has come to request an audience regarding the decontamination and the subsequent reconstruction of the Shattered Lands. it turns out that the cost of decontamination on such a large scale will require equally large-scale funding to carry out. We estimated the cost of reconstruction at a minimum of 20 million credits per square kilometer, and perhaps more, depending on what's actually built there, 5 of which is to be devoted to decontamination, so it is painfully obvious to us that it will have to be carried out in multiple stages. Further discussion about terms and conditions will be carried out in due course.

Dr. Cathul Thuku
Owner, IGR Brokerage

Location: Departing Xagobah's Orbit.
Objective: Duty Calls Once More.
Allies: The Galactic Alliance, Rogue Squadron, [member="Zark"], [member="Asmus Janes"], [member="Choli Vyn"], [member="Owen Holst"], [member="Kal Blonde"], [member="Allyson Locke"].
Post Count: Two

Running a gloved hand across the polished exterior of his X-wing, Lucius felt a small measure of pride surge through his veins. He was thankful that the technicians and engineers aboard the Rebel’s Hope were able to salvage his old girl from the aftermath of Coruscant, and was even more grateful that they had gone through all the troubles of bringing his mechanical steed back from the abyss.

Wrapping his ebony-clad fingers around the length of the entry ladder, the Silver-crowned Pilot waited as the Ship’s Medic went down the line, injecting the Rogues with Flight stims. As the uniformed officer had reached Lucius, he paused for a moment before placing his hand on the man’s shoulders. “Are you sure you can handle these, Son? I know about your gifts, and the side effect of this may interfere with them.” Violet eyes narrowed as the Flight Officer turned his gaze towards the Medic. “I’ve been through hell and back, having some silence while I fly won’t be a bad thing.” The Medic pursed his lips and then shrugged. “Alright. If you say so, Twelve.”

“What happened to Songbird?” Lucius asked as the injector hammered home. “Command wasn’t sure you were alive three months ago, you’re lucky to have been pressed back into service. So, as you can imagine they had to wipe your Callsign.” The man paused, offering up a sly grin. “I hear some Flygirl in the First Order’s using it now.” The Silvered Scholar scoffed as he watched the medic pull the Injector away. Though it had yet to rifle through his veins, he could already feel his world narrowing to a point. “So what, we’re buddy-buddy with them now?” He shook his head. “No, I don’t think the Eriadu-born’s in High Command will ever forgive them for what they did, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have deep cover Operatives in their space, rubbing shoulders with officials and earning themselves some juicy gossip.”

“Too true,” Lucius said with a smile chasing his words. “Well, guess that means I’ll working double time to earn a new one.” With a heavy pat on the shoulder, the Medic loaded another cartridge of the transparent emulsion into the Injector - before moving off to another Pilot on the Hangar Deck. Left alone with his hand around the handlebar of the ladder, the Pilot felt his muscles involuntarily spasm. Shaking his head and climbing the ladder, the Ocean-born vaulted into his refurbished craft and began his Pre-flight checks. Seeing that all systems were nominal and that his newly assigned BB-unit was sequestered within her socket, he ignited the Starfighter’s engines with a throaty roar. With the canopy closing and the fighter itself dusting off the flight deck, he angled it’s prow towards the exit and listened to his new commander’s words.

:: Copy that Rogue Leader,:: Lucius responded. :: I’ll follow your lead.::
Post 6​

Soft drinks. Owen wasn’t quite sure what hurt the most, his face or his promptly bruised ego. His eyelids dropped into an unenthusiastic face as flat as a slab of durasteel but it didn’t last long before it was replaced by the same old smile that the man kept up at pretty much all times. A soft drink, ‘pop or ‘soda’ was still a way for him to participate with the others without technically putting himself at risk. Because if there was one thing Owen had found out about now it was that danger and tomfoolery went hand in hand when it came to him and his friends.

He wouldn’t really want it any other way. Yet even then, almost as if the forces beyond had known what he was thinking, the alarms went off. He wouldn’t allow his disappointment to show. This was what they had signed up for after all. This was their job. He took a quick sip of his drink and then followed the others as fast as he could towards the hangar deck. His cane thudded against the metal of the hallways as others rushed passed him and by the time Owen was with the others in the hangar they were all just about suited up to go.

He waved. That was about all he could really do. A casual salute went out to thirteen, Lucky, but for everyone else they’d get a wave. If anyone would try to approach him he would look at them, shake his head and wave them back while continuing to simply stand there and stare as the heroes set off to save the day again.

When the last fighter had left the bay, and when the sound of their engines had finally gone quiet on the horizon; the hand would fall and smack him by his side. Teeth gritted from the unintended slap and Owen turned on his heel and shuffled on back to his bunk.

He had a book to finish and a bed to keep frenetically clean.

There’d be another time for him to fly. It just wasn’t today.
Location: Xagobah Orbit
Objective: Change Over of the Guard

Rogue One/CO – Commander [member="Asmus Janes"] “Slick”
Rogue Two – Flight Officer [member="Aedan Lochlan"] “Beardface” [OCC LOA]
Rogue Three – Vacant
Rogue Four – Vacant
Rogue Five – Lieutenant [member="Loske Matson"] [OCC LOA]
Rogue Six – Flight Officier [member="Cal Sedaire"]
Rogue Seven - Lieutenant [member="Choli Vyn"] “Smalls”
Rogue Eight – Flight Officer [member="Vale Endriss"] "Eight Ball"
Rogue Nine/XO –
Rogue Ten – Vacant
Rogue Eleven – Vacant
Rogue Twelve – Flight Officer [member="Lucius Varad"] “Songbird”
Rogue Thirteen – Flight Officer [member="Allyson Locke"] “Lucky”
Rogue Fourteen – Lieutenant [member="Owen Holst"] “Pie”

"There she is!" Asmus called as he picked something up on his scanners. His call had maybe been premature, there was a heat signature but not EM. He narrowed the focus of his sensors and adjusted his course. The Rogues had spread out to scan a wider area, but now they would likely start to converge on the location he'd placed on all of their tactical overlays. As he closed in his ship registered a very faint IFF signal. It was the Zayden Star.

Her engine mounts were still warm, but everything had been shut down. Everything took a long time to cool in the vacuum of space. It was as if someone had attempted to prevent anyone from finding the freighter.

"Rogues, everyone conduct a wide sensor sweep for any hostiles. Thirteen and Fourteen, follow me for a close sweep and visual inspection. If this was pirates they did a very quick job and I want to look for ingress points. I'm picking up a stable atmosphere in there still."

Asmus had a bad feeling about this one. No need to have a particularly strong affinity for the Force to pick this one up. On the ship the released spawn had scoured every corner of the ship for their prey and were now sleeping off a good meal.

Location: Athos IV
Objective: The Shattered Lands

With the relative closeness to Bpfassh and Omwat the PharmaTech BioDome Facility there, it would make it easier to provide reconstruction and build a biodome on Athos IV. There, they had a large bio-agricultural force with the Morodin, Ithorians, and the Ho'Dins of Moltok. It would be the Morodin, however, that would provide the key research and experimentation at once again bringing fertility to the impoverished toxic caldera of the Shattered lands.

Once the plants for the construction of the bio-dome were underway, the next part of the plan was to detail how the Morodins will commence their research. The data on the toxic marshes on Sump had proved to be invaluable and allowed them to figure out how to neutralize those toxins or remove them. Most would at first consider the Morodins to be rather curious creatures, but they were vital to this program.

Morodins were a species of large, sentient herbivores. Often mistaken for massive herd animals, the Morodins had long, slender bodies that could grow up to twenty meters in length. They possessed six legs and two forearms, as well as a wide spoon-shaped snout. The most distinctive feature of the Morodins was their ability to secrete a nutrient slime trail that promoted growth and mutation in plant life that it covered. The composition of the secretion varied with the Morodin's diet, and they were always experimenting with new combinations by eating plants, exuding the secretion to create a new, more nutritious, strain of flora which then entered their food chain.
Location: Xagobah Orbit
Objective: Change Over of the Guard
| 15 |
Rogue One/CO – Commander [member="Asmus Janes"] “Slick”
Rogue Two – Flight Officer [member="Aedan Lochlan"] “Beardface” [OCC LOA]
Rogue Three – Vacant
Rogue Four – Vacant
Rogue Five – Lieutenant [member="Loske Matson"] [OCC LOA]
Rogue Six – Flight Officier [member="Cal Sedaire"]
Rogue Seven - Lieutenant @Choli Vyn “Smalls”
Rogue Eight – Flight Officer [member="Vale Endriss"] "Eight Ball"
Rogue Nine –
Rogue Ten – Vacant
Rogue Eleven – Vacant
Rogue Twelve – Flight Officer [member="Lucius Varad"] “Songbird”
Rogue Thirteen – Flight Officer [member="Allyson Locke"] “Lucky”
Rogue Fourteen – Lieutenant [member="Owen Holst"] “Pie”
[member="Zark"] [member="Kal Blonde"]

[ Rogues, everyone conduct a wide sensor sweep for any hostiles. Thirteen and Fourteen, follow me for a close sweep and visual inspection. If this was pirates they did a very quick job and I want to look for ingress points. I'm picking up a stable atmosphere in there still. ]

One didn't need to be sensitive to the Force to realize there was something very, very wrong with what they were getting into. Choli may not be the best trained or most powerful Force User, but she had ample enough to have the tiny hairs at the nape of her neck rise in concern. Flying in her X-Wing, the brunette copied over what she found on her sensors.

[ Copy that Rogue Leader. ] she began, giving a slight frown. [ I picked up an ingress point over starboard side. ] a grimace followed.

[ Is it to late to say I have a bad feeling about this.? ]
Post: 10/25
Location: Athos IV
Objective: Rebuild the Shattered Lands
Allies: [member="Saffron"]
Enemies: Unknown

By now the answer to Cathul's request of meeting with in person with the local officials she feels are closest in role to what is relevant to the project of rebuilding the Shattered Lands, would arrived. In the meantime, while she waited for the response, she wasted no time in detoxifying the poisons around her position and locating the coordinates of said officials she requested an audience with regarding thwe Shattered Lands. Here was the time, more than ever, that IGR could do land reclamation and rebuilding on reclaimed land like the Mara TibX Fuels of this galaxy. She realizes that the finances of the entire operation can be a deal-breaker. She wanted to build a better galaxy, true, just that doing so wasn't free. Cathul was more than enthusiastic, she wanted to do the very things Ugohr would never even think about. Just that rubbing the local authorities the wrong way may mean that IGR's ventures in that area may well end up being over.


Dear Dr. Thuku,
CC: Saffron

After due consultation with the finance and environment experts, 5 million credits per square kilometers appear to be rather par for the course for decontamination given the technical details of what has been provided from other sources regarding the reconstruction of the Shattered Lands. We hereby issue you, alongside [member="Saffron"], a guest invitation at a summit organized pertaining to the reconstruction of the Shattered Lands. The summit is to be organized by the Environmental Agency at the edge of the Shattered Lands. Will you accept the invitation?

We hope to see you at the Summit.

Environmental Agency

Post: 1/25
Location: Xagobah
Objective: Revitalize the Malvil-Trees
Alt. Objective: Discover the site in which Grievous killed the Iron Knight, Firkrann.
Allies: Galactic Alliance Members and Allies
Enemies: None yet.

Let's be honest here.

He wasn't the most astute on the ways of the Force, nor did he know anything that was likely to be helpful to the Galactic Alliance's mission on Xagobah. He was only here because he had a driving desire to do good, to feel as though his life meant something. Perhaps that wasn't the noblest of causes to endeavor upon, but it was all he had after his previous home was ripped away from him -- albeit not purposefully, but by his own choice. The Silver Jedi had changed their cause, limiting their ways to that of the fallen Republic Jedi Order. He was a member of the Silvers for their openness to all who had the desire to do some good, no matter the means in which that was achieved, so long is didn't involve open slaughter and murder of innocents. It was a faction united by goals to end the oppression of the Sith. They had changed. So, he left them - though still chose to honor them as Allies. They were still his home, the only one outside of Midvinter that he had known, he was just no longer a member of their Order specifically.

The eight foot Valkyri boy was now standing on a fungal planet, his body protected by a form-fitting environmental suit due to the complexity of the atmosphere and the spores that filled the air. He did not know how he would react to the atmosphere or the environment and truth be told, he had no desire to find out. It was better to play it safe than to be sorry afterwards. He had joined with an exploratory squad tasked with finding a way to revitalize the Malvil-Trees, a vital semi-sentient species to the Xamsters culturally, as many families shared a bond with the trees. There was also the secondary objective of finding the remains of the fallen Jedi and Iron Knight, Firkrann.

The padawan had read in the libraries of the New Jedi Order of the fall of the Shard Firkrann, trained and mentored in the ways of the Force by Jedi Master Aqinos. It was a curious thing for the Valkyri boy to come across and his curiosity seemed to have gotten the better of him in this way. He did not know if he could find the remains, or even if there were remains to be found. The Clone Wars had happened a long time ago and time had a way of erasing the past. It might require some digging to find what he was searching for, which was another reason for taking the Exploratory squad with him. He had little knowledge in the way of Artifacts, or even beginning to look for them, but the very name of the squad that was with him would certainly aid him in finding what he was looking for.

First things first, he needed to try and discern how to revitalize the Malvil-Trees, a culturally significant part of the Xamsters lives. He recognized the significance of Culture and what gave to the people; a sense of Identity - something that set them apart from the rest of the trillions in the galaxy. He was Valkyr, a proud and powerful people whose very lives were centered around culture and honor. If he could help preserve the Xamsters way, he would. He just needed to figure out where to begin.
Location: Athos IV
Objective: The Shattered Lands
[member="Cathul Thuku"]

Saffron's datapad would beep, drawing her attention. She was in the middle of researching more details on Athos IV when the message from the Environmental Agency came. There was to be a summit?


Hazel eyes would blink, thinking over the latest updates from the MaraTibx and PharmaTech teams down on Athos IV. An environmental summit would be interesting. Arceneau Trade was pushing to be the leader in the reconstruction of toxic and depleted worlds. Their Green Energy campaign utilized proprietary technology as well as that of Salacia Consolidated.

With a nod, the woman sent a message back confirming that she would join in the summit.
Location: Xagobah
Objective: Aggressive Negotiations
Allies: @Michael Sardun | [member="Chaal Narsadal"] | [member="HK-36"]

"Grand Marshal Rhen has requested me to aid the Pyre's efforts here, Prex Kreelan. I am yours to command for the duration of this operation."

Now there was a way to start the day. That had taken a bit for the Jedi to say, but Aeron wasn't going to press the matter. They had a job to do. This was one of the many terms of contract the Pyre had made with the Galactic Alliance, providing military aide and help when required.

"Good." at least she was succinct. "You'll be with me. We have reports of the Warlord's camp at these coordinates." a beckoning of a finger and then the group would move to a nearby holotable. The map would highlight the areas she'd just mentioned.

"We will move in from the south side, with air support from the Alliance as well as the Pyre. New Jedi order units will come from the north. We have intel to suggest the warlord is there." bright blue eyes shone to the man.

"We'll gather a group of volunteers and head there."


Engineer, Caydence Naval Yards
Location: Leaving Xagobah Orbit
Objective: Rescue/Salvage Ops
Allies: Galactic Alliance, Rogue Squadron
Post Count: 3/25

Hangar Deck, Rebel's Hope

*As the fighters launched, Vance was already processing the flight logs on his datapad. He noted Lieutenant [member="Owen Holst"]'s status as being "PMR," as he was pending medical release due to his recovery from the bar brawl that had occurred only a few weeks ago. Vance considered how deep their need was to have the time necessary to regroup and possibly recruit new talent. Just under half of Rogue Squadron still needed to be staffed. Vance had a full crew compliment for the Rebel's Hope, though. For that, he was grateful. Most of them were still in the former Deck Chief's back pocket, though. And for that, Vance was more than a little concerned. Regardless, when it came down to the grit of it, the crew pulled together and got the job done. They knew better than to fail in their mission. That could cost lives; no one wanted that on their conscience.*

*Having completed his task of launching the alert fighters, Vance knew he was going to be needed over on the Port-side hangar deck to begin prepping the rescue shuttles. He finished his report, and began issuing electronic orders to the Port-side deck while he was in-transit. More than a few of the four-man crews should have been there already, beginning the shuttle prep. Once he received a few pings from them, he got on his comm link and connected with the deck's intercom. He still wasn't used to hearing his voice over the loudspeaker, but he had a job to do, and knew that this was part of doing so efficiently.*

:: Deck teams Two, Four, and Six: continue shuttle prep and fueling. Test vessels for hard-seal and pressurization. Deck teams One, Three, and Five: finalize fighter deployment and retract lifts. Prep for possible emergency docking and stand by. I say again... ::

*Repeating his orders as he continued walking, he eventually made it over to the Port-side hangars. Already, shuttle teams were taxiing their vessels into their launch stations. Vance assisted the closest shuttle team, guiding them along their taxi path from the far side, keeping the shuttles clear of obstructions. He watched as fuel drones were moving into their stand-by positions, docking with the shuttles that had touched down in their bays. Already, several of the shuttle crews were showing up, emergency responders and tac-teams both. Vance noted how everything seemed to move in graceful progression, with only a few minor mishaps here and there. It was good to know that this crew could handle the stress of an emergency response with a greater degree of success than most. And now, he was a part of that success. It felt...satisfying.*

[member="Zark"] | [member="Choli Vyn"] | [member="Lucius Varad"] | [member="Asmus Janes"] | [member="Kal Blonde"] | [member="Owen Holst"] | [member="Allyson Locke"]
Post: 11/25
Location: Athos IV
Objective: Rebuild the Shattered Lands
Allies: [member="Saffron"]
Enemies: Unknown

Knowing that her main partner for this operation was Mara TibX Fuels, Cathul hoped that IGR would also gain a piece of the cake, although she likely expected that Mara TibX Fuels wuld get a larger share of the land reclamation part, while IGR would do more with the actual construction over the reclaimed land. The Environmental Agency invited all corporations in range capable of assisting and the awarding of contracts to other interested parties. But the main two off-world guests were to be [member="Saffron"] and her. At the summit, held in a conference room in a hotel close to the Shattered Lands, she would expect the attendees to be mostly local in nature: she knows it is best not to antagonize them. But zoning the entire area industrial, while lowering the decontamination costs, poses a greater risk of such a disaster to occur again, and she knew it. Her opening question is important for determining the scope of the project, as well as the standards required of the project. She believes a map of contamination levels acros the Shattered Lands is very helpful in determining what can and cannot be built in a given area. Which is being displayed right in front of all the attendees.

"The Extraordinary Summit of the Shattered Lands Reconstruction is now declared open! Now, we shall begin with the opening statement" the maître de cérémonie told the guests assembled.

"A grave tragedy has occurred in the Shattered Lands. We all agree on the necessity of rebuilding so that the wounds heal, and that proper damage evaluation is the first step. To this end, we summoned the representatives of several major corporations, the most notable of which are, in alphabetical order, IGR Brokerage and Mara TibX Fuels. Remember, folks: we need to work together and properly allocate the tasks to be made so that the reconstruction process for the Shattered Lands can proceed as smoothly and as efficiently as possible, all the while we respect the locals' wishes and desires, as well as the environment"

"One of the main issues that could cause it to be a financial factor is: what use do we intend to have for the Shattered Lands upon reconstruction? Decontamination standards are not the same depending on whether we want to build industrial property vs. residential, commercial or factional property"
Post: 3/??
Location: Xagobah orbit
Objective: Observe the test

Allies: None (stats of Sithspawn are in my first post)

Enemi... I mean subjects: @Asmus James [member="Choli Vyn"] [member="Zark"] [member="Owen Holst"] [member="Kal Blonde"] [member="Vance Caydence"] [member="Allyson Locke"]

"You might want to have a look at this," a scientists said, handing Eldaah a datapad. The screen was split down into several different camera angles, all of them inside the now derelict and rather... messy freighter. The cameras had been installed by her probe droids while the crew had been distracted moving the shipping containers onto their doomed vessel. The current test creatures seemed to be digesting their meal, but she knew they would be at battle readiness as soon as they were alerted to a new prey or enemy.

"Alliance ships moving towards the freighter, ma'am," another scientist said.

"As I had hoped," she said, uploading the data stream to her helmet's visor so she could watch the proceedings in privacy. "Any movement towards our former facility on the ground yet?"

"None as of yet, but they'll probably scour the planet once they find what is on board the ship."

She settled back into her seat, the transport's stealth systems keeping them nice and obscured from the Alliance so she could remain in system and watch the horror be unveiled. To wait until then, she placed an alert on her HUD for when current activity raised and went back through the camera feeds to watch the crew be massacred. Her master would want all data, including notes from Eldaah on the effectiveness of the creatures and their capabilities.
Post 3/20
Location: Xagobah

Objective: Aggressive Negotiations
Allies: Michael Sardun , Aeron Kreelan , HK-36

Chaal followed the Mercenaries and prepped his equipment silently and methodically. His thoughts centralized on the idea of the hunt and the kill. He carefully cleaned his new blasters and checked the fastenings of his light body armor under his jacket. He checked his side to be sure his last resorts or on hand. He cleared his mind of all banter going on around him, and walked in a cold wide eyed trance silently going over what facts he knew. As Aeron began to reveal the details, Chaal slowly tuned back in.

"We'll gather a group of volunteers and head there."

Hearing this, Chaal piped up. "That's my mark, so I'm going with you. No question. " Chaal said to the two jedi as calmly and collected as possible.
Location: Athos IV
Objective: The Shattered Lands
[member="Cathul Thuku"]

Saffron sat in her section, listening in. A frown grew over her face. For her, it did not matter what the land was to be used for. Ultimately that was left to the government of Athos IV. What MaraTibx could do is continue the ongoing clean up. It wasn't an instant matter; it could take months or maybe even years before the entire caldera could be fit for anyone to live, much the less use the land.

"Right now that doesn't matter." Saffron would state, her hazel eyes frowning at the thought.

"What is required is having an extensive research of the caldera and determining what exactly is the damage. This preliminary step could take months, maybe even a year. Reconstruction and terraforming efforts to bring the Caldera free of toxins is not an overnight affair."

Her frown deepened.

"Much the less, we are not even aware if the full process may be successful. Only time may do that." all the while, Saffron would use the heightened instincts and empathic abilities she'd been slowly progressing through the Force to get a feel for the situation.
Post: 12/25
Location: Athos IV
Objective: Rebuild the Shattered Lands
Allies: [member="Saffron"]
Enemies: Unknown

"Cleaning the caldera free of toxins is a long-term process: that much everyone could agree upon. Surveying is important" the chief surveyor of the Environmental Agency told the attendees.

"I propose that Mara TibX Fuels and IGR survey each 1/3 of the caldera and the final 1/3 be surveyed by us"

It is obvious that Cathul and, ultimately, IGR had more of a stake in knowing the use of the land than [member="Saffron"] - she looks at the big picture but to her, land reclamation had to be made with a clear purpose in mind. But Saffron had a point too. Decontamination may not even work to a level where even heavy industry plants could be built, let alone residential or commercial areas. That was a big risk but a risk both corporations were willing to take. If Mara TibX Fuels and IGR could agree to survey and decontaminate 1/3 of the land apiece... that's a start. And, after IGR's 1/3 of the pie was done, then they could be hired by any party wishing to build on said 1/3 to build on a portion of it. Cathul had in mind that the least-affected areas should be zoned for commercial or residential use and the more heavily affected areas, assuming that they can be rebuilt upon, to industrial use. It made sense but on an urbanistic level that could mean that the resulting area may well have the because she sees that the affected area has uneven contamination, unlike one big bomb, where the contamination diminishes gradually the further from the epicenter one is.

"Such large-scale decontamination is going to be best conducted in a patchwork: once we ascertain the damage in one area, we can act based on it on that area, and survey the next area simultaneously. That way we can decontaminate and rebuild in a much more gradual way for the years this process it will take. If reconstruction is possible, it is best to set clear standards for what can be built where"

"Oh but the standards already exist: just abide by the local standards and you'll be fine"
Location: Xagobah Orbit
Objective: Change Over of the Guard

Rogue One/CO – Commander [member="Asmus Janes"] “Slick”
Rogue Two – Flight Officer [member="Aedan Lochlan"] “Beardface” [OCC LOA]
Rogue Three – Vacant
Rogue Four – Vacant
Rogue Five – Lieutenant [member="Loske Matson"] [OCC LOA]
Rogue Six – Flight Officier [member="Cal Sedaire"]
Rogue Seven - Lieutenant [member="Choli Vyn"] “Smalls”
Rogue Eight – Flight Officer [member="Vale Endriss"] "Eight Ball"
Rogue Nine/XO –
Rogue Ten – Vacant
Rogue Eleven – Vacant
Rogue Twelve – Flight Officer [member="Lucius Varad"] “Songbird”
Rogue Thirteen – Flight Officer [member="Allyson Locke"] “Lucky”
Rogue Fourteen – Lieutenant [member="Owen Holst"] “Pie”
[member="Eldaah Aderyn"]

"It's not too late no. But...I'm picking up faint life signs."

Asmus used very gentle motions of his thumb to use thrusters to edge his ship sideways, parallel to the hull. No other signs of damage. Of course, the Sith spawn had been released from cargo containers inside the vessel.

Every ship had a compact med kit and a blaster rifle. An emergency tool kit for field repairs as well.

"I'm going into the hangar bay. If that does set off any traps follow me in. We can't wait for the evac team. Do not activate any systems and watch for traps. Sometimes pirates leave bombs or rig the generator to blow."

It was a rash decision, perhaps a foolish one for his first. He wasn't about to stay out here and watch those faint life signs fade away. If only he'd known they were the dormant spawn.
Location: Athos IV
Objective: The Shattered Lands
Cathul Thuku

The proposed agreement was fine. As it was, PharmaTech and MaraTibx had plenty of experience doing exactly this sort of work. From Corellia, Sump, Vjun, and other damaged and toxic worlds.

"Patchwork methods are fine." All they were here for is to conduct the preliminary surveys and continue from there. "One third of the Caldera. If possible, we'd like to negotiate the permission to establish a Biodome facility to help with the progress of the decontamination. This will also serve as a base of operations for not only the decontamination process but for ongoing research."

PharmaTech and MaraTibx had no desire to claim any property. This belonged to Athos IV. The caldera was rightly theirs and would be used to best serve the natives.

"A small section for the establishment of facilities is fine." the man would state. "How the government uses the land will be up to our discretion."

"Agreed." Saffron replied.
Location: Xagobah Orbit
Objective: Change Over of the Guard
Rogue One/CO – Commander [member="Asmus Janes"] “Slick”
Rogue Two – Flight Officer [member="Aedan Lochlan"] “Beardface” [OCC LOA]
Rogue Three – Vacant
Rogue Four – Vacant
Rogue Five – Lieutenant [member="Loske Matson"] [OCC LOA]
Rogue Six – Flight Officier [member="Cal Sedaire"]
Rogue Seven - Lieutenant Choli Vyn “Smalls”
Rogue Eight – Flight Officer [member="Vale Endriss"] "Eight Ball"
Rogue Nine/XO –
Rogue Ten – Vacant
Rogue Eleven – Vacant
Rogue Twelve – Flight Officer [member="Lucius Varad"] “Songbird”
Rogue Thirteen – Flight Officer [member="Allyson Locke"] “Lucky”

Rogue Fourteen – Lieutenant [member="Owen Holst"] “Pie”
@Zark @Vance Caydence

[member="Eldaah Aderyn"]

Making sure that she switched to a private comm with [member="Asmus Janes"], Choli added,

[ Are you sure that is the best idea, Rogue leader? ]

She didn't want to question the newly promoted Squadron Leader publically, but Choli couldn't shake the odd sensation that was making her skin crawl.

[ Something just doesn't feel right, over. ] she added, frowning. Moving up and leveling out, Rogue Seven peered out of her viewport to see Asmus fly into the hanger.

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