Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Galactic Alliance: No pain no gain.

Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
Galactic Alliance Mag-shift Training Facility​

Sergeant First Class Joseph Allen stood at ease next to the remains of what used to be a long ago Rebel military facility. He had chosen this particular spot to begin physical training to remind his nugglets of the kind of force that they were going up against very soon. In the open area, he had set up a formidable obstacle course as well. They were going to pay the price one way or another this day. That was a guarantee. No pain no gain was his motto.

How had he gotten there? 10 years of cold hard service, that was how. Allen had been in combat and on the desks, busting his butt to get to the position he was now in: Chief Drill Instructor.

He was in an Army BDU, and wore a drill sergeant’s round top hat on his head with an unlit cigaro in his mouth. Allen watched as newly minted Galactic Alliance soldiers and pilots alike, maybe even a spook or two made their way into his hell. The dark-skinned man smiled, and told himself to calm down. His ‘new friends’ would meet their 'best friend' soon enough.
Commander Mao was always keen on getting in deep.

This time around, she was doing it while taking off the rank. There were few that knew the Firerreo and her rank, and right now she wanted it that way. There was a desire to see just what sort of grit the boys would have, and if she could join them in training, she would be able to see them at their worst and at their best.

Ain't no better way to get a good karkin' idea if the man or woman at your side is gonna be a chit stain or something worth their salt. With a simple black bodysuit that would flex with her every movement, the two toned blue and black haired solider stood staring through a viewport at the side. She'd join them soon enough, but she was curious on just who would show up today.

Working with Sergeant First Class Joseph Allen was as good as it got, and the frakker could whip any pup that was as green as goblin moss into shape.

A smirk drew over her golden lips.

Oh aye, this was gonna be a karking good time.
Riggs was up for some PT. It had been a while, but being a Navy man, he'd never let his exercising slide, he couldn't. Russo would have kicked his ass all the way to the treadmill if he had let his six pack turn into a keg. They lovingly pushed each other to stay in shape. Hearing about the obstacle course, Riggs sent an invite to his lover and challenged her to a little friendly competition. Ther was chocolate pie and Caf on the line, as well the activities which came after, provided Riggs played his cards right. He knew how it worked, when she won, he won. Not to say he'd let her win, but he knew when to fold and when to press.

"Sergeant," Riggs said stepping in. He outranked him, and even though this was a training exercise, there was protocol. His verbal greeting let him know he didn't expect it at this juncture. After all, Riggs was in his PT's and not wearing his rank anywhere, except his dog tags.

His PTs were simple, a gray shirt, black sweat pants, and black runners. He had a water bottle with him knowing enough to remain hydrated. Bright blue eyes settled on the wall hiding the course. Riggs looked right through it, hoping it would let him have a peak of what it was hiding. All in good time he supposed. If he knew, he wouldn't be in a hurry.

[member="Mao"] [member="Alexandra Russo"]
She heard the call of the Alliance, and having worked for the Omega Protectorate for a stint before going solo and trying to figure out just where she was in the galaxy. Where she belonged, who she was. It didn’t matter right now, chasing down this company that had leads all over the galaxy, working with advanced genetics, cybernetics, and biotechnology wasn’t getting her anywhere. Somewhere in Sith space, she thought. It didn’t matter.

What did matter was Peyton knew that there was someone in the galaxy who was going to help take down the darkness and restore peace. It might not be order, but let the systems figure that out for themselves. The blonde knew she’d be used as an agent of sorts for the Alliance, not so much into wet-work, but she could easily be used for listening, tracking and trapping. That was partly why she was here, her handler wanted her to get some real world experience with some of the other folk around.

Black leggings, black tanktop, hair up. She was in light gear, she wasn’t going to need to be carrying massive weapons around, just… what she had. Waiting quietly, she surveyed the group around her.
There was something lovely about something so familiar.

Rook was missing his usual kit for today; leaving the armor at home in favor of some rather short, sporty shorts and gray a T-shirt with the letters GA printed in black on the front. His hair had been cut short, and his beard shaven. The former commando would have looked like the common man, had he not stood well over six feet and weighed enough to fill it in.

He hadn't participated in any kind of excessive like this since his days on the Prime Minister's personal guard. His team had spent every morning running through the usual PT routine. Then he'd decided to try and kill the Prime Minister, and the entirety of her staff. It was a crime he was rather proud of, given what that woman had done to him and his brothers.

His eyes fell to the Sergeant. The man looked busy at the moment, but Rook was sure they would begin momentarily.

"It'll be good to get back into the swing of things." He stated openly to those around him. Some folks nodded, most just ignored him. It was a start.

[member="Peyton Steele"]
[member="Alexandra Russo"]
[member="Damon Riggs"]
Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
Russo downed the last of her caf, then tossed the to-go cup in the trash receptacle before entering the PT area. She'd already been in the simulators for two hours and needed that pick me up before hitting the obstacle course. It was going to be a long day.

The starfighter pilot was dressed in her usual workout attire consisting of a navy blue sport tank and matching long leggings along with a pair of cross-trainers. Her sun-kissed brown hair was pulled up into a messy bun, and she was free of makeup. No use wearing any when one was just going to sweat it off. A towel and water bottle was carried in her hands.

While Alex and [member="Damon Riggs"] had been off smuggling, they'd turned a part of one of the cargo holds on the Inquisitor's Revenge into a small gym, and with a workout partner right there it made it easy to actually keep in shape; especially when both were competitive by nature.

The sergeant had his back turned to Russo so she just took her place in line, giving the blonde and commando-looking fellow a friendly nod and her lover a wink, then the brunette began to stretch out. She had the feeling this was going to be the workout of her life.

[member="Peyton Steele"] [member="Mao"] [member="Rook"]
Though it'd been years since he'd been active military, the habits he'd formed during that time in his earlier years had stuck with him to this day. He still trained, and trained hard, for the Force could only enhance what the body already had. There was no denying it - at six-foot-six and two-hundred-and-seventy pounds, Peradun was a tank. Without the Force, he was still a terror to his opponents, and with it, a nightmare. So what was he doing here, amongst a smattering of others that he so clearly dwarfed?

Nostalgia. That had to be it. There was just no other reason a sane person would do this for fun, if you asked anyone else.

So there he stood, to one side of [member="Peyton Steele"], hands folded behind his back, body in a position of at-ease, and acid-pocked face assuming a look of stone. He knew how this worked; he'd never forgotten. All in all, a grueling day was expected that could be only as bad as that which the Sith he'd encountered in the past had put him through. It was a miracle sometimes that he still had his tail - opponents seemed to have a fetish for tails as trophies, and the ensuing horror of being without was a thing he wasn't fond of thinking about, but his mind still went there, from time to time.

Still, what was that smell? He furtively glanced around at the other gathered to see if anyone else noticed, but if they had, they were hiding it well. More likely was the fact that he was smelling what only he could smell, as one of the feline persuasion. Oh, he knew what it was, but who was doing it? That it was happening here would be enough to cause his citric eyes to roll, were it anything other than the wrong place to do so. There had to be another way to let off steam at the niggling annoyance that was growing within him. Maybe the blonde in black to the left of him...

Hey, don't freak out, it's just the guy next to you, the thought came, Jedi, you know the drill, right?

Face still stony as ever. He wasn't expecting a response, of course, but surface thoughts could be gleaned. His mind wasn't exactly warded, and this was one of the few times that was beneficial.

[member="Alexandra Russo"] | [member="Damon Riggs"] | [member="Mao"] | [member="Rook"]​

Liam Quez

Lets get physical, physical, I wanna get physical, lets get into physical. Probably the best song to walk to towards Physical Training to. My sneakers squeaked a little as I fought the urge to skip into the main area. The music played loudly in my ears and I didn’t care who saw me. These army dudes didn’t scare me either, I’m a Mandalorian, which meant I’m the best there ever was.

Deciding it was a good idea to stretch, since I really had no idea what was going on, I outstretched my arms out laterally and spread my legs open a bit wider than shoulder width. Reaching across my body I touched my left toe with my right hand and vice versa. My face scrunched up a bit as I could feel the tightness in my bottom, I had been sitting on it far too much lately. After stretching for a bit, I stood there with my headphones hanging now around my neck and my hands on my hips.

I looked around trying to pick up if there was anyone I knew. Seeing the ladies walk into the area I nodded like any typical teenage boy would do and grinned. Seeing the brunette ([member="Alexandra Russo"] )toss a wink out there, I quickly assumed it was for me and I winked back and then blew a kiss towards the bamf looking one ([member="Mao"] ).

Oh yesssss...

[member="Meeristali Peradun"] [member="Rook"] [member="Peyton Steele"] [member="Damon Riggs"]
A snort was the reaction towards the baby faced [member="Liam Quez"].

Green as Goblin moss and likely barely a drop of his frakin' balls, mused Mao, crossing her arms over her chest. Nicitating membranes would sweep over the bright oceanic orbs of the solider, her hair tied back in a smooth ponytail at the nape of her neck. This was Sergent First Class Allen's show, and she was gonna run with it with her all.

"Eyeballs to the front, kid," Mao spat out, gruff but stern. There was bite but no venom to it. In fact, there was a slight upward quirk to the corner of her mouth. A flex of her fist made them crack.

This was gonna be good.
As if the smell wasn't bad enough, the very moment that he had begun to 'converse' with [member="Peyton Steele"], another blonde had shown up to the right of him, acting like the hormone-soaked, wet-behind-the-ears juveniles that marked the tail-end of his experience in the home militia, when he'd just begun taking up the mantle of instructor. As such, what came next was old habit - a knee-jerk reaction that the boy wouldn't see coming, but feel - when his right hand disengaged from the fold with his left and smacked the immature Mandalorian upside the head just as [member="Mao"] spoke much the same sentiment, hand returning to behind his back faster than whiplash.

"Not the place for it, kid," he growled low, an aside to [member="Liam Quez"], "unless you'd like the Sergeant chewing you up and spitting you out like tabac."

He'd never met this boy before, but recognized the shape of his chin - a thing the boy had gotten from his father, and if he knew Joanes Quez well enough, he knew that the gruff old mando would have (possibly) done much worse for this behaviour. The senior Quez had beliefs and convictions where women were concerned, and further standards when it came to separating work and play.

To say, he was doing the old man a favour.
Asking the clone not to laugh would be a crime against nature. He knew young folks could be a bit on the rough side when it came to matters such as this, but he'd never actually seen it up close before. During his early training back in the CC, those that did such things were quietly euthanized away from the rest of the corps. They were seen as faulty. Now though, he was allowed a bit of mirth at the boy's expense. After a few moments he managed to regain control of himself. One moment he was having a giggling fit; the next he was the personification of silence.

His eyes fell upon the monster of a man that was Meeristali. He cracked a thin smile to show his approval, and turned his attentions to @Mao. He'd had reservations about a woman having some form of military power at first. It was what he was taught at the CC. All soldiers were male, and at peak condition, lest they be discarded for being faulty. Still, he was trying to have an open mind about things, and Mao's quick reprisal of the boy gained her some respect from the clone.

If he was lucky this wouldn't be the only amusing thing to come out of this evening.
Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
Allen watched them all file in, including Commander Mao. If the Commander wanted to join the nugglets, then he wouldn’t exactly be one to deny her that. However, there would surely be no quarter given to the senior ranking soldier.

Relatively speaking, they filed inside the mag-shift training area in a fairly efficient manner, and they seemed to do a decent enough job of forming up, but not nearly well enough for army standards, or more so his. A number of them seemed uncertain of what they were doing in the formation, and some of them just looked plain bored or too nonchalant for his taste, and his tastes were very well refined having been taught by the legends of drill sergeants past.

“What the hell is this!?” Allen screamed at them. “They told me that I’d be getting a batch of decent recruits I could make something of… Form up, people! This ain't no high school field trip!!!” He charged up to one poor fella who had recoiled slightly at his remark, and got about an inch away from his face. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” the sergeant belted out. “You’re a board! You don’t move! I don’t care if a freakin' Wookiee is trying to pull you apart, you stand still! Get on your face and give me 25!” He screamed, and the guy dove to the ground and began doing pushups.

He began strafing the line of young and seasoned faces alike, arms held slightly away from his sides, and leaning forward a little in an aggressive stance. “Welcome to my physical training 101, Sweethearts! If you think I’m a little too rough, then get the sith outta my face and go home crying to mommy!” The sergeant saw another recruit give a small grin at his insult, and he proceeded to charge up to the recruit and scream, “Do you think I’m funny!? Do you think I’m some kind of friggin' comedian!? Well, there’s one thing you won’t like, Giggles. If you so much as smile within 5 kilometers of me ever again, I will twist off those lips of yours and hang them on my wall as a trophy!!!”

Allen turned back to address the whole group once more, and proceeded to shout, “I am Sergeant First Class Joseph Allen, but you will always refer to me as Drill Sergeant! If you call me sir, I will put my boot so far up your butt that you’ll be tasting foot for a month! You will always respond to any question with, ‘Yes, Drill Sergeant!’ If I hear a no from any one of your mouths than you will be on the first transport back to no-where-ville before you can say ‘that was a dumb answer’. Now, everyone get on your faces and give me 30. I want to see your noses in the mud, people!”

The sergeant turned back to the nugglet who'd already gotten on his bad side. "And that means 25 more in addition to your 30, Giggles, because I'm feelin' generous."

With that said, Allen's unlit cigaro came back out and was stuck in his mouth as he walked around inspecting the nugglets bopping up and down. How pathetic they all looked. Well Commander Mao was doing okay, but he was going to treat her just like the rest of his sweethearts.
[member="Rook"] [member="Meeristali Peradun"] [member="Mao"] [member="Liam Quez"] [member="Alexandra Russo"] [member="Peyton Steele"] [member="Damon Riggs"] @GA
It was finally showtime and Asahara was not the Type to be less that motivated for the exercise. She dropped and made her workout as well as she could, every single ounce of her upper body rocked into motion as she finished the 25 push ups using her excitement and motivation. I Hope we Get to shoot something today! Her line of thought was predictable as she shrugged off the Warm up not letting her being Female hold her back with playing with the Boys. She had always fared well but in this situation it was all about getting ready to smash some Faces.

In her mind the only thing that was crossed over her Green Lipped Smile was the Obstacle course she was now drawing up in her mind, every jump and every single swing line was being slowly accounted for as she removed the thought of her companions from her mind. She was not a team player, hopefully this exercise would teach her that a Unit was better than a Solo Twi'lek blasting like an Action hero. Instead of her more commonly seen Gowns outside she was well prepared in her soldier Uniform. Finally! The Galactic Alliance had opened their secretive doors to her and allowed her in with the Main Line infantry. Licking her lips she narrowed her eyes aggressively as she prepared for the next task, so far, she was not sweating much or get her Lekkus knotted, she was hoping that would soon change and she would get to Blast her E-11 angrily at things for a while! Boots and Flak vest in all she was ready to become a Galactic Alliance Soldier!

[member="Alexandra Russo"] @Rook @Meeristali Peradun [member="Mao"]​
Peyton wasn’t the one to come in and ruffle feathers. She was an operative, or at least she was hoping to be an operative. She’d done work for private companies, executives and the like, and they used her for her variety of skills. Yes, they ranged from anything of infiltration and being a honey-pot to the street smart skills one gained by being a criminal, working to replicate works of art, forge documents, and perform heists and be going and out of the system before anything was reported as missing.

Looking over as she heard the voice in her head, what the feth, rude. She immediately retracted her opinion when she saw the mountain of a Felacatian. She shook her head and grinned, though, all the same. A naval officer calling rank on the leader of this little training regime, and the fact that the Cat singled in on what she was suspecting, yes, without the Force, thanks. Now if only this writer found a Felacatian species for this character, that was a wolf, but not a weird wolf. Just a wolf that ate people.

She also couldn’t help but let out a little stifled snort.

Then the training started. The Aryan dream got down as fast as she could, starting to work her way through the pushups, pacing herself, but not as if she was on the film stripes. She had something to prove, more than her features, she had guts, she had drive.

[member="Asahara Velin"]
[member="Alexandra Russo"]
[member="Meeristali Peradun"]
[member="Damon Riggs"]
Nostalgia was a lovely thing. The Drill Sergeant, as he'd ordained himself, reminded Rook far too much of his older trainers in the CC. With the colorful words and the enthusiasm, it was like going back to his early childhood. The soldier's features were stone as other men were drilled for minuet things. He wasn't going to disappoint this man. That would be a disgrace to his brothers.

He fell to the ground without hesitation. His eyes fell to the floor. These other people no longer existed. He was here to perform - to show what he was made of. The rest? They were competition.

An exercise such as this was little to a man that did such things in his daily routine. He did not pace himself as he should have; Rook was excited. He'd gone through the motions within a minute or so, just beginning to break a sweat as he fell into the front leaning rest position.

Getting up while others were still going through their exercises? Bad idea.
Riggs continued to look on straight as the Drill Instructor picked through some of the less disciplined of the group. Flashes of early days as a cadet flooded his mind, and had Riggs been able to use the force, he would have told Russo what he was thinking. Riggs was certain that wasn't needed though. She was likely thiking the same thing about all this.

First, that the blonde kid had better understand who the wink was for and who the bid was for. Second, that her academy days were a lot like this one. Whoever this guy was, he'd done this for a living. Speaking of the wink, Riggs was glad she'd made it. He and Russo hadn't been seeing a lot of each other lately, and Riggs was starting to feel the frustration of the lack of alone time, and by alone time he meant sex.

This Allen character was going to get everyone in shape. Wherever the GA found him they needed to get more of him. Maybe Kamino was a good place to take this guy. Wait, clone troopers had been done before. Okay so maybe that was a bad idea, but this guy was good. It was likely Riggs wouldn't be saying that when he saw the course, but no one had yet. Idiots were still doing push ups becaise they couldn't keep their back straight and their butts out of the air.

[member="Alexandra Russo"] [member="Rook"] [member="Peyton Steele"] [member="Asahara Velin"] [member="Meeristali Peradun"] [member="Mao"] [member="Liam Quez"]
[member="Damon Riggs"] @Rook @Peyton Steele [member="Asahara Velin"] [member="Alexandra Russo"] [member="Meeristali Peradun"] [member="Liam Quez"]

Mao hit the dirt with a cocksure grin that said she was looking forward to it. The scent of dirt, sweat, and the cries of “AYE, DRILL SERGEANT!!” were a choir to her ears. Ahh… just like the good ol’ days.

Gold hands hit the deck, and in time with the others, up and down she went. Pumping push ups, she went all the way down until her elbows were parallel to the floor, then all the way back up, back straight. Physically fit, this was a typical warm up for the Firrerreo. She was looking forward to what would come next.

“One, two, three -- FOUR! One, two, three -- FIVE!! One, two, three -- SIX!”

On and on it went. On to the double digits now. The stretch and flex of sinew and muscle. The slow buildup of lactate, the burn.

One could get off on it.
There was so much to worry about. She wasn’t sure she was always able to perform his change, but… she seemed to do it now. The blonde didn’t know how to control it, well, not as well as she’d like. She knew that sometimes she just… things happened and she went and ‘wolfed out.’ When she was angry, excited, hurt, afraid… turned on. All of those, it was hard to deal with.

Right now though, she was determined. There were so many people here, so many being shouted at by the drill instructor. She watched the one that seemed to just be a real touch queen, HBIC, was going to be her new moniker, even if it was @Mao. A commander, maybe, for the Alliance, she wasn’t sure.

All the agent knew was that she was doing push ups, and the strain in and arms, shoulders, checks, it all felt good. And no, she didn’t need to do the wimp style ones. She was strong, lean, toned. She could do this.

Maybe slower than that crazy woman though.

[member="Damon Riggs"] [member="Rook"] [member="Asahara Velin"] [member="Alexandra Russo"] [member="Liam Quez"] [member="Meeristali Peradun"]
Push-ups? Old hat. He was down and doing them like it wasn't no thang. He did this stuff on the daily, before breakfast, but after a run - old habit, deeply ingrained, he did the whole drop, lift, repeat (ad nauseum) and went about his day. The run, the push-ups, they weren't the only things he did to stay fit, but they were routine, and nothing would change that if he could help it, hell or high water.

The blonde next to him, though, the female, she had a particular scent to her. That 'one of us' scent, the 'not human' one. File that for later, might be useful. Mayhaps they'd be working together, in the future. Maybe, maybe not. He could see the benefits. This and other considerations were what ran through his mind as he worked his body through the paces of this act that was as second-hand as breathing.

He wasn't one for overconfidence or bragging, but the very real possibility crept in that he could cream the lot of them. A little competition was never a bad thing, and it had been a while since he had some of that. Galactic war had a way of keeping a Jedi Guardian a tad busy and focused on more important things, and he hoped that the Alliance would make the whole deal a little less frustrating with some progress.

[member="Peyton Steele"] | [member="Mao"] | [member="Damon Riggs"] | [member="Rook"] | [member="Asahara Velin"] | [member="Alexandra Russo"] | [member="Liam Quez"]
Jake Faron entered the area as people were gathering and beginning a workout. Unlike the other he wasn't there to workout, but little did he know he would be joining them most likely. He wore medium brown cargo pants, a black shirt with rips in it and burns, and a open leather jacket of a lighter slate black. He carried over his right shoulder a backpack he held by one strap and looked a bit lost.

He arrived here in the Galactic Alliance as a refugee from Panatha that was conquered by the Sith. From Jake's point of view he only saw Sith with guns and knew nothing about lightsabers, the force, or the battle between the Jedi and Sith. He arrived at the GA only moments ago, ignorant to the full scale of this battle, but here to join nevertheless. He would describe this moment as nothing less than overwhelming. All around him, people who were battle harden and looked like Titans and here stood a fleeing boy of 16 who made it here on a ship never meant for the journey that Everytime you entered hyperspace it would shake and you'd pray death would not soon follow. His nerves were on edge, but he knew that this was no excuse.

He entered the area more and looked around for the leader, but his lack of knowledge in military ranks and protocol made this impossible. He approached the closest person who seemed older and knowing what she was doing, [member="Peyton Steele"] "Excuse me, is this the Galactic Alliance?"

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