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The Force Is a Tool [Mandalorian Knights]

Ravelin - Capital City
The Mandalorian Knights were a sect most would find intimidating in their own right. Mandalorians by themselves were an entity not to be trifled with, and the idea of adding the Force to such a foe's arsenal wasn't exactly a heartwarming thought. It wasn't as if any of them needed a new method with which to take life. For those of the Empire gifted with the ethereal it was a place they could call home without being needlessly shackled by this or that dogma or code. The only maxim they followed was the Resol'nare and the word of Mand'alor himself. The Force itself was viewed as just another tool of war, nothing more and nothing less. And it was high time those of the number learned more of how to utilize it effectively.

Which was, for some reason, where Keira came in. Her brother had thought it a wise idea to appoint her as the head of a group of Force using Mandalorians, and who was she to turn the Mand'alor down? Of course, her being in charge meant less orthodox training methods, and the best way to learn was out in the field and on one's feet. And thusly, Bastion. Despite The Primeval having relinquished its hold on the planet years ago, there were still remnants and whispers of a handful of remaining cultists eking out some kind of meager living on the planet, which was where they came in. As her old mentor once said, combat was the purest form of learning, and as Mandalorians it was something they should know from the very beginning.

As the transport neared the planet she shifted slightly where she sat, eventually standing with her helmet tucked under one arm so she could better address the lot of them. "Normally this would be the part where someone else would give a speech, but I'm not that person. The long and the short of it is that we're here to eliminate people that would otherwise be a threat to the Empire. Consider this a training mission for the lot of you, and your introduction into working together as members of the Mandalorian Knights." No one had ever called her eloquent, nor dubbed her suitable for this kind of thing, so really she couldn't be blamed. Isley had been the one to put her in charge, after all.

The vessel rocked slightly as it settled on the ground, and she pulled on her helmet, HUD lighting up before her eyes. "Oya, vode." Within seconds the landing ramp descended, and she stepped out of the ship, extending her ethereal senses about herself. They had landed on the outskirts of the capital, the Imperial Palace a beacon of the power this world had once held. Bastion was a planet she was all too familiar with for all the wrong reasons, having been held as a slave of The Primeval on their former capital world. And it seemed things hadn't changed, as the taint of the dark still radiated seemingly from its very core. But there was something familiar about that darkness. A presence she hadn't felt in years. Hopefully it was just her paranoia, otherwise they were in for a very interesting day.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"], [member="Gray Raxis"], [member="Dredge"], [member="Varian of Myrkr"], @Mandalorian Knights
Gray had visited Bastion plenty of times in the past to secure phrik to sell on the open market, but this was the first time he was coming to the planet to do anything other than shoot up some pirates and reclaim the phrik they had stolen. He was also not use to being around so many other force users like himself. He had met a few in his travels, but this was the first time he was in a group this large. It was odd for him to feel so many other force signatures around him. He would have felt more nervous about it if not for the effects of his sword Calm on his back and the gentle hum of his light saber crystal Whisper which the hilt of was hung next to his revolver that was strapped to his right leg. He was wearing his Reclaimer armor today and had his Arc rifle in his hands. He was loaded out with several weapons, but they were mostly there for options than because he expected to need all of them. He wasn't expecting this to get turn into some kind of extremely hostile situation that would test his abilities to their limits just to survive. That would have been a crazy idea for a first mission for a group just getting together like that.

Gray listened to everything their leader, a woman with a darker aura about her. She was direct and to the point, which was a good thing for combat situations. The overly talkative and vague types in battle tended to get others injured or killed from Gray's experience. It seemed their mission was to eliminate some kind of threat to the Empire, but that could be anyone or anything. Information was always helpful, so it looked like it might not be a bad idea to get some right now before they jumped in. Besides, it would be a good way for them to figure out what kind of guy Gray was if he started being himself here. He looked to the leader and said, " What kind of enemy are we expecting to find? Anything we should look out for? Pirates? Soldiers? Angry mob of jawas?" He wasn't joking about that last one. He still had nightmares of the jawacide he had to commit that one time to get his aunt's ship. He would follow along as he spoke, since there was no reason to delay when they still had to get to where they were going.

[member="Keira Ticon"]
Varian's Music.


A planet that the Mandalorian had never visited before yet an integral part of the Mandalorian Empire's dominion.

Varian's two signature blades - his imbued rancor-bone blade and his beskad had been sheathed on his back. While, his simple Mandalorian Armor, which barely could be called armor as it only consisted of beskar chest and back plate, beskar vambraces and plates on the upper part of his legs. Reinforced leather made up the rest of his garmaments, mobility was vital in his way of combat but not as much as to sacrifice all the benefits of a good defence. There was still time before Varian could get used to the standard Mandalorian armor that his kin donned. The time would soon come but before that could happen they had this training mission to complete.

Varian's helmet stood clipped on his belt while he listened to what their Knight Commander spoke. He'd only been told her name - Keira Ticon and nothing else. The Mandalorian did not need to know more anyways, as long as she was capable to lead the Mandalorian Knights. Her directness and get-to-the-point attitude was something that Varian noticed and appreciated. The hunter himself was not a man of many words and was often told about his laconic behavior. At the end of her 'speech', Varian simply nodded and kept on looking through the viewport at the land below, he also had positioned himself a bit further than the rest. A life long habit of being a lone man in the wild. Focusing on his senses, the Mandalorian could feel the darkness that reigned. It was on various spots rather than a complete reign over the planet but it still existed.

The Wolf of Dxun un-clipped carefully his helmet as he felt the dropship hit the ground. Putting it over his head, it took him half a minute to adapt once again to the contemporary technology that they provided. Unlike the armor, Varian was much more adept in utilizing the Mandalorian helmet. He watched the horizon of Bastion - hills upon hills upon hills. A rather uneven surface was the geographical signature of the planet. Caves could be a common feature as well, caves with numerous entrances and exits. Before he could ask more about the threats, one of the other knights tried to guess what they might be but for Varian it was something completely different.

"It's the shroud of darkness that engulfs various places here, isn't it ?" Varian spoke calmly as he continued watching the horizon. He could only guess, as well, based on what he felt aboard the drop ship a few minutes earlier.

Were they in need of a hunter, The Felucian was the best one they could get.

[member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Gray Raxis"] [member="Zephyr Carrick"] [member="Dredge"]
Factory Judge
I looked down at my hand. My new hand. It was covered in skin. I could feel the weight of my clothes on my arm. I could feel the heat from the electronics housed within my forearm. I had no scars on my arm. My arm was... perfect. Breathing in, I still didn't trust it. I felt weird. To be a few weeks without an arm was an experience. Even now, gaining it back felt weird. I felt so different than before. I didn't know if I wanted to trust my arm or not. Having only one or two practices with the weapons I carried, I knew I could use my arm to the same proficiency that I once had.

I just didn't trust it. Breathing in deeply as Keira went over the basic, we were here to kill people, I clenched and unclenched my hand. Over and over again. The dropship landing with the various people aboard, I decided that I would need to forget it for now. Standing up, my Battle helmet activated. The sliding of the ribs over my head and face was completed with the eyes flashing yellow to identify that it was on. The yellow-gold hud in the eye sockets turned on giving me the various items that were there at my disposal. I reached down and made sure that the bracer I wore on my left arm was active, and ready to be used at a moment's notice.

Walking out, my boots made hollow pounds on the ramp with everyone else who had decided to join. I looked around as some were asking questions, and others made comments of where we were at, I stayed silent. There was no reason for me to talk. I would be wasting valuable time, and breaths to speak towards people who I either, didn't know all that well, or people who I felt didn't deserve my respect yet. Reaching down to my left thigh, I pressed the release mechanism on the holster that housed my pistol. Only to let it drop back into the holster and click back into the lock. Making sure that it worked, I pulled without having the mechanism off. To my liking, the pistol didn't move.

Good, I didn't want anyone to feel like taking it from my holster without my knowledge. And it was nice to be used from the resisting of the force. They would only pull myself towards them. Making it all the much easier to use my Lightsaber. I stood in the center of the group. Looking around at the planet of Bastion. The almost stuck form of the sunset due to the atmosphere, all of my chrome colored, or reflective items had a slight orange-yellow-red hue. I looked down at my arm one more time. Hoping that I wouldn't lose either of my arms for a second time. Adjusting my jacket, I zipped up, and buttoned the cover over the zipper.

I want this done and over with. I didn't want to be here any longer than necessary. I wanted to go back to my apartment, and be in her arms. I wanted a hot meal, and maybe a drink. I just wanted my old arm back. But there are somethings in this world, that we can't fix.

[member="Varian of Myrkr"], [member="Gray Raxis"], [member="Keira Ticon"],


Well-Known Member
As the dropship hit ground Katbiyre readied himself loading his rifle, and grabbing a few extra clips as well, he put on his helmet after the woman's speech, glad to be learning about the Force again. He realized that it looked like he was the only one who wasn't readying a lightsaber, or sword of some kind. His Tn-3 loaded he walked out onto the ground.
[media] [/media]

The Mandalorians were right about one thing, there were caves. Big caves, small caves, deep caves, caves that went on for miles and miles in the more rugged parts of Bastion outside the capital. But there was one particular cave right outside of their dropship where a strong presence of the dark side could be felt. It oozed and pulsated evil and power as if it could be tapped into and harnessed. All that power just sitting there waiting to be taken, all of that pure unrefined evil waiting to corrupt and drag one into the darkness where one might never come out.

So as the Mandalorians gathered outside their dropship there was a rather strange sight coming forth from the cave. A very large predatory cat at about the length of five feet and weighing it at about three hundred pounds of fat stumbled out of the cave. It's large and spoiled form arched their back and stretched as it appeared to be warming itself up for today's hunt. The grey malk then looked over to the group of Mandos and in a flash it simply vanished. Gone in an instant. No flash of lightning, no sparkle or boom, just gone.

"You know I knew a Mandalorian boy once, he had a rifle just like that." A smooth rich and deep Oxford imperial accented voice rang out from behind them and if they turned to see the fat malk would be laying carelessly on the ramp of the dropship.

"I always loved that rifle, I asked him if I could have it when he died. A Tal'Verda if I remember correctly. Shame I never got it." The talking cat then let out a heavy sigh before speaking once more.

"Not one for small talk I suppose. Very well then." The Malk cleared its throat in a upper crest manner and looked to [member="Keira Ticon"]

"My master has expected thee and so he has designated me to guide ye through dangers that be, the dangers that be are challenges three to smite those who have yet to flee. So go forth little mandos and when in a place of need, call upon me to guide you through challenges three. Cabur." And with that the Malk simply vanished into smoke and nothingness.

And from there it was up to the Mandalorians to decide what to do, where to go, and how to handle their business.

[member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Gray Raxis"] [member="Varian of Myrkr"] [member="Zephyr Carrick"] [member="Katbirye Rekr"]
I'd boarded my own shuttle and headed into the fray behind the Mando dropship. Having put the shuttle into auto-pilot and engaging the automated landing sequence to fire up after the dropship landed hopefully I'd come in directly behind it. Standing from the pilot's seat I headed to the rear of the shuttle and began dressing down for all possibilities. Pulling a pair of my olive cargo pants on I pulled my field boots on. Strapping the durasteel shin plates around the front of my boots and securing them around the back of my calves I strapped on my combat belt securing my silenced pistol into the holster on my left calf.

Pulling a black crop-top over my head I pulled my black combat vest on and zipped it up before I pulled on and secured my combat harness around myself. Clipping everything secure I turned and slid the two sheathed Echani honor blades into place on either hip before I grabbed the katana and slid it's sheath into place over my shoulder. Grabbing my small collection of knives I slid them into place on my combat vest and harness. Grabbing both of the wakizashi daggers I slid them into place on my combat harness before calling my sabers to my hands. Sliding them into holsters on the back of my belt I turned again and grabbed my silenced rifle, making sure to grab a few extra mags I secured the extra mags to my combat vest and clipped the rifle so it sat dangling by my hip on the shoulder rig.

I'd been thinking about the casual caramel colored leather jacket but with as much gear as I was carrying I knew that wouldn't work. Instead I'd go for the Valkyrie look. Pulling my black riding jacket from a hook by the cargo ramp I pulled it on making sure everything wouldn't get caught and then the landing sequence started. If he was here there was something I needed to give him. A gift of sorts, a wolf signet ring. I wore the other one on my right ring finger. Pulling it out of the footlocker in the shuttle I slipped it into a pocket and upon landing hit the hatch release on the right of the bay. Pulling the black hood over my head obscuring the view of my face I walked down the ramp and closed the hatch behind me.

Extending my senses I saw his presence in The Force. Strolling over to him I said so only he could hear, "Afternoon cyar'ika, I have something for you."

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
The weird cat like creature was disturbing. Even more so when it commented about wanting a rifle from someone, and wasn't able to get it. Likely the man it was talking about was long gone dead. I looked at it, and watched it as the creature spoke. Wanting to taunt us, wanting to make us fear something that was unknown to us. I kept my cool. Trying to steel myself against whatever this person was trying to do. It was clear by the footsteps behind me that someone was walking. Turning around to see who it was, my complexion changed from a rather steeled face, and tough, to one of a soft demeanor.

I exhaled the breath I had realized I was holding in. While she couldn't see my face due to the helmet that was active, I bowed my head a little as she came closer. She whispered to me afternoon, and that she had something for me. Sure, I would love to accept whatever it was, but did it have to be right now? This was kind of important. I guess you could say both were important, but what was more important at this moment. A gift she might have for me, or the fact that we being hunters of whatever was taking place, might actually being hunted.

"Um, thanks hun. But there is something happening at the moment. Can this wait till we are in a safe situation?"

I took work seriously. This was a time for us to train. This was where we would have to fight, and could possibly die. I didn't want to lose focus and lose my other arm, or even die. Let alone in front of the woman who I cared for deeply. I felt like I might hurt her for saying this, but I wanted to look out for both of our sakes. If I couldn't stay focused on the task at hand, then I could lose myself.

I needed to control my emotions better. Not let them control me. I was trying, and somehow, I felt like I was failing.

[member="Celiana"], [member="Katbirye Rekr"], [member="Dredge"], [member="Varian of Myrkr"], [member="Gray Raxis"], [member="Keira Ticon"],
"Of course it can wait, that's also why I came with my whole assortment of various arms. I came to work." Looking around at the assorted hunters I realized I was in dangerous company and was suddenly very glad Arja had trained me to the extent she had. "Any idea of what the weird cat-man was talking about? All I gathered from that chatty, crazy cat was that there were three challenges in the form of three groups of people we have to hunt down. That and he's got an eye for that rifle which he will either leave be or try and take later on."

Ejecting the mag from my rifle I smacked it against my palm before slapping it back in and racking the slide. Tightening down the silencer I waited to see what the next move of the group would be.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Keira knew. As soon as the apparition manifested, she knew full well who was responsible. [member="Dredge"] was the last person she wanted to cross paths with, especially with a group mostly made up of learners. But she knew he wouldn't be easily avoided by any means. And so, with [member="Gray Raxis"]' inquiry, she would respond honestly with what they were facing now that they had been roped into this game, "At this point, expect a Yuuzhan Vong. Force sensitive. One word to describe him? Demagolka." While she didn't necessarily want to worry any of them, there was no use in disguising just what they were going up against either. They were Mandalorians. That wasn't how they operated.

When [member="Varian of Myrkr"] spoke up she nodded, "And that darkness is going to be slow in leaving. Don't let it intimidate you. You're stronger, better than it. All of you are." And she meant it. "Now, you're all going to think this is a bad idea, and it probably is. But you have to understand that he isn't going to let us leave until we play his game. Just stay behind me at first." She was the only one of their number that knew exactly what they were going up against, and she loathed the fact that they would have to face the same. But their Mand'alor had wanted a training mission, and there was no better method of learning than in the field.

"You're nervous." She clicked her back teeth, silencing the helmet's annunciator in order to keep this conversation between herself and the AI. "After what happened? I would hope so. But I'm not letting that get to me this time." "Third time's a charm?" "Something like that." Her helmeted gaze cut to [member="Celiana"] as she arrived. Jetii. Another clicking of her teeth allowed her to speak once more, "So long as you can fight, you're welcome here. Just as the rest of them, stay safe." It was rare for her to be protective over much of anyone or anything, but their safety had been placed in her hands as the Commander of the Mandalorian Knights. These lives were her responsibility.

Taking in a deep breath she exhaled slowly, flexing her hands slightly. She studied the entrance of the cave for a long few moments, recognizing what she had detected through the Force for what it was. "Alright, follow me. We're going to take a little detour and deal with this threat." Nodding once, she moved forward into the cave, HUD adjusting for the lowlight conditions. "Okay, Dredge. I'm here. Let's play."

[member="Zephyr Carrick"], [member="Katbirye Rekr"]
I should have known that at least one of these Mando'ade would refer to me by that term. Jetii it was almost a curse in Mando but it shouldn't have surprised me I'd just have to prove to her that I wasn't an outsider. "I am Jetii, I'm not however an aruetii. I was trained at least partially in the Mando'a way. To the hunt and the elimination of this Demagolka hut'uun then?"

I didn't know any of these hunters other than Zephyr so I figured I'd rather hunt with someone I'd already sparred against and trusted implicitly than an array of wild cards. Along with that if I paired with their group I could at least try and prove I was worthy of my Mando'ade training. Hopefully distinguish myself to the degree that I wouldn't be insulted in the future for carrying my sabers.

Stepping into line with the small group behind Zeph I followed them into the cave immersing myself in The Force as I did.

[member="Keira Ticon"]
[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
[member="Katbirye Rekr"]


Well-Known Member
"I was unaware of the fact that Yuchs could be force sensitive. But, in that case I believe I should probably use my saber instead of a blaster" Katbiyre said, as he slung his gun over his shoulder and drew his lightsaber.

The appearance of the cat had only triggered his sight senses, no sound, no smell. It had immediately led Varian to draw not his beskad but his force-imbued rancor bone blade. That was the weapon for such...creatures. The hunter's eyes did not leave the cat, the HUD on his T-visor not even recognizing the cat that vanished and reappeared behind them with a riddle. The cave from which the cat had arrived was engulfed in darkness, Varian could feel it in the back of his head. His watch over the talking cat ended when it disappeared and did not reappear again.

There was chatter going on behind him between one of the Mandalorians and a woman that had come with them. The Wolf of Myrkr deemed it unimportant and glimpsed at [member="Keira Ticon"] as she began talking before once again laying his sights on the cave that was ahead of them. His mind finally put some sense to what the cat might have been telling them and Varian instinctively held the hilt of his sword tighter. Listening to what a few of the rest tried putting sense of the cat's words, Varian abruptly interrupted the chatter.

"Culling." Varian said with a sour taste in his mouth, giving his own comprehension of what the cat might have meant. "Smite those who have yet to flee. The culling of our group is what we're going to face."

Of course, it was only his guess and his own understanding of what the phantasm had said. With a greater resolve now, Varian followed the leader of the Mandalorian Knights into the cave.

"Oya, Mando!"

[member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Dredge"] [member="Gray Raxis"] [member="Zephyr Carrick"] [member="Katbirye Rekr"] [member="Celiana"]
As the Mandalorians entered the cave system one by one the light from outside world seemed to vanish almost immediately followed by the sound of rocks shifting and the entrance behind them closing shut. It was clear that they would have to fight their way through these trials to get through the darkness.

Soon a large set of big blue cat eyes showed up ahead of them floating in the air staring directly at them. The eyes wandered around the group until a large grin of razor sharp teeth opened up beneath them to smile and let out another smooth rich intelligent laugh.

"Your first trial is but a breeze, to place you all at ease. For if you wish to appease you must kill those who you see as a disease. Those who have mocked your claim, and have been forgotten even by name. Or perhaps you are more tame and choose to save those who are to blame." The eyes and smile soon dissipated and the Mandalorians were left in the fog of darkness.

But that fog soon began to clear and light would shine for the the group of Mandalorians to see a rather gruesome sight in front of them. A group of large hulking Graug (locust from GoW basically) stood around a group of men and women chained to the cave wall in front of them.

Each man and woman chained to the wall had a mark branded to their body. A scarred image of a United Clans of Mandalore symbol burnt into their bodies to forever mark them for what they were. And upon closer inspection it could be seen that these people were essentially ghosts. Hair and beards untrimmed, nails long and yellow, bodies wrinkled and aged from time. Years and years of neglect, malnourishment, and torture had left them into nothing but shells of their former selves. Almost longing for the sweet release of death.

They were Mandalorians. Or at least were. Taken from the battle of Vozyrd years ago they had spent over a decade living under Dredge's roof. Suffering the countless horrors of his twisted games.

The graug looked over to the Mandalorians and honestly hadn't expected them. They were simply told to chain up the prisoners. The four of them let out roars of challenge before drawing blades of their own and rushing the group of Mandalorian Warriors. It was time to play Dredge's little game.

[member="Gray Raxis"] [member="Varian of Myrkr"] [member="Zephyr Carrick"] [member="Katbirye Rekr"] [member="Celiana"]
Seeing the Mandalorians chained to the wall as all but shells of who they'd been angered me greatly. No warrior should have been treated as such even as a prisoner. Still immersed in The Force I'd known something would likely happen in this cave. I'd called my dual sabers to my hands and ignited them upon having entering the cave having seen the Mando prisoners I knew a choice would have to be made on whether to free them or fight the creatures moving to attack us.

The prisoners wouldn't be any help whatsoever in this fight, but it was a matter of honor to not leave them here. As the creatures attacked I made the decision and a dark one at that to eliminate these foul creatures and following that do what I could to help the prisoners. i just hoped that my squad would fight with me even though I am Jetii.

[member="Varian of Myrkr"]
[member="Katbirye Rekr"]
[member="Keira Ticon"]
[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Last on the scene, the newest and by far the youngest. Only Seven seasons have passed since his birth, Corvus followed the group silently. He looked to the leader of the group, [member="Keira Ticon"]. Her signature tasted familiar. Maybe someone his father met?

Then, in the mist, the kat appeared, speaking in riddles. That boiled Corvus' blood, intended to obfuscate their meanings. Corvus liked clear cut lines and clear cut definitions. Took the work of thinking out of the equation. The look on each other Mandos face was to be expected based on their respective signatures. Even so young, Corvus was adept in the art of Empathy.

Following still in silence, dressed in leather armor that his mother had fashioned for him, and carrying only his father's Fett Kal fighting knife, Corvus had sensed the lifeforms in the darkness. The prisoners had such a light signature, Corvus thought them to be only critters. When the eyes of one prisoner met his, the symbol branded upon him, of his clan, bloodlust rushed the young Detta's veins.


Darting forward without forethought, Corvus aimed for the prisoner. One Graug stood in his way, and with the agility of his mother and power of his Father, Corvus jumped, deflecting the large blade, he scrapped the knife along its length. The metals cried together until an audible 'Shulk' signified a direct connection between the point of Corvus' knife and the Graug's throat. Blood poured from the wound as it grasped for air. Slowly it began to fall backwards, using its momentum, the youngling rolled through the fall and right up to the captured Rekali'vod. Bloodlust still burning, he hesitated. His mothers words filled his head, and he paused.

"How fortunate." Was all he muttered.

[member="Celiana"] [member="Dredge"] [member="Varian of Myrkr"] [member="Katbirye Rekr"] [member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Tempist, Adriel Daemon, daughter of the Daemon Clan and Verd alike, had taken to her fathers ancient tactics upon arrival. Letting the others speak, until it was time for a word from her they would get none. Such it was while she eyed the others around her. Most it seemed were as she was, untrained though wielding high potential.

When they made for the caves, the Witch followed, eyes darting about them. Soon enough they entered, only to be stopped by apparitional eyes, and the appearance of Manda that were in bad sorts. She concentrated on each quickly, recognizing the symbols etched on their bodies, but not making connection to their respective names. One she noticed was Rekali, and did make that connection, as her father had shown it to her once upon a time...

The next she noticed was the Daemon ensignia, which left her blood to freeze. There were not near enough of the reclusive Clan to sustain common spotlight as others were, but there it was carved into the bare chest of an elderly man that bore a scar on his left cheek... in the shape of a star..

Nein. I always wondered where you had wandered off to. Came her fathers voice in her mind, proof he watched her now, as he always had, Get him from them my dear. Don't worry, trust the Force, and your abilities. Plus Tantibus. As his voice rang through her senses, she felt a sudden weight droop against the large of her back.

Her father's first Masterwork, Ak'hanz'a Tur'ohna, the Sword of the Dark as she understood it, had just arrived via her fathers graciousness. It had been the blade of a people dead for millennia, powerful enough to battle sustained lightsaber heats, as well as deactivate them under the proper circumstances. Oh, there was also the Poison and Force Fear - Masters of the Force had acknowledged that it was potent, and those that felt the poison tended to lean toward death.

Reaching a hand over her shoulder, Tempist gripped the hilt of the massive blade and drew it from its sheath. Each inch revealed, rose the sensoral fog that touched all in its vicinity. While the weight of the blade took getting used to, she was lucky in the fact that her body was not a simple Human's. Her strength was well above the average, and so she quickly brought the Impervium blade to the fore. Instead if charging as she saw another do, she let the Fear spread through the area, using her Reverse Empathy to attempt to guide it in the direction of the Gruag.
Oh, how she hated him. There weren't many people Keira utterly despised (surprisingly enough), but [member="Dredge"] was indisputably on the top of the list. Disgust roiled through her at the sight of the decrepit prisoners chained to the cave wall, and and she barely registered Thalia's guidance to, "Breathe. In and out. Don't let it consume you." Already she was prepared to commit to slaughtering the Graug present, but that sort of recklessness wasn't wholly becoming of her new standing. Besides, something else caught her attention before she was able to sink too deeply into the darkness and forget herself entirely. And that was the nigh thoughtless charge of [member="Corvus Detta"].

While she respected his initiative to a degree - and she certainly did - he was a child. Mandalorian, and thusly capable of defending himself, but a child nonetheless. "Stop!" Should nothing prevent her from doing otherwise she would reach out through the Force to telekinetically wrench him backwards and towards her. The move wasn't as gentle as she would have liked, but it wasn't excessively rough either. He would remain unhurt. "You can't save the prisoners if you're dead yourself. Think, then act. You can fight. Just fight smartly." He needed to learn to keep his emotion under control. If he was to survive for any amount of time on any battlefield, that was paramount.

But that would come later. For now, the fight. When one of the Graug charged her she sidestepped, extending her hands and ethereal senses in the same moment, channeling her hatred into that single movement. Then there was an audible snap. And another that followed in quick succession. Soon enough the sound of bone breaking in unison echoed similarly to a gunshot all at once, and the Graug went unnaturally limp instantaneously. She let the corpse crumple to the ground, entirely broken and discarded. Once again she had given in to the darkness that always swam somewhere inside of her. And it felt good.

[member="Tempist"], [member="Celiana"], [member="Varian of Myrkr"], [member="Katbirye Rekr"], [member="Zephyr Carrick"]


Well-Known Member
As one of the Garuag charged him, Katbiyre extended his hand and from it came blue shafts of lightning. Electracuting the beasts, and bringiing it to the ground at his feet. <Brainless imbecile.> he thought simply, "What are these?" He asked gesturinh towards the two dead ones at his feet, "And who brought the kid, he looks like he's five." He saw Ticon yank the xhild back, and threw his lightsabee aiming for anothwr one of the monsters.

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