Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Force Is a Tool [Mandalorian Knights]

Feeling the anger swell in him as he was yanked from his quarry, Corvus growled, much like his father. Too much. Looking up to Master [member="Keira Ticon"] with eyes full of Rage. For his age, he'd taken to the few abilities his father knew rather quickly. He regained his footing and shrugged off the command and berating that followed. His eyes turned to the prisoners and he forced his anger to subside.

"How fortunate."

He sheathed his knife and instead, took a fighting stance similar to his mothers. Very loose, yet coiled for a strike.

"We shall return the Vod to their homes, as you said Master Ticon. Smartly."

He had too much of his father in him, Corvus was angry, he wanted to fight. How that would effect his training, the Force only knows.

As Keira dispatched the first Graug, and another felt the sting of death through a thousand volts, Corvus would take a more hands on approach. Bestowing himself with a burst of strength, the slash from the Grubs large sword was easily parried with a palm strike against the flat of the blade. The blade sunk into the ground. A quick strike to the wrist, dislocated the thumb and fractured both bones in the forearm.

Corvus snatched the wrist and pivoted, lifting the beast over his shoulder and slamming it face first into the ground.

[member="Katbirye Rekr"] [member="Tempist"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Dredge"] [member="Varian of Myrkr"]
The last neck was snapped as the Graug hit the hard cave floor and died on impact, and with that every target was eliminated. Now all that was left was to play Dredge's game, and he very much intended them to look within themselves and understand that the world wasn't black and white, it was painted in grey and sometimes good people died, and other times the best ones had the worst endings. What were once proud Vod, proud Mandalorian Warriors were just husks of men and women who were mutilated and destroyed.

The malnourished bags of bones chained to the wall lingered for a moment before looking down at the younger vod, well at least the ones that had eyes did. They stared at them for just a moment before tears began to flow from their eyes and they let out small choking sobs. It was over, the nightmare was finally over. But it wasn't that they were going home, no they had given up on seeing that, what they longed for was permanent rest.

"k...k..." one of the Mandalorians said.

"k...ill... m-me..." the man cried softly then let out a ragged cough.

These men, they were beyond saving. The Knights knew it, Dredge knew it, hell it was the reason why they were dragged out here. They were little more than bags of meat longing for death, so now it was up to the Knights to make the call. Spare them the pain of life and suffering, or give them the death they deserved on Vozryd, a clean death at the hands of a brother and not a monster. A mercy of love rather than an act of hate.

[member="Katbirye Rekr"] [member="Tempist"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Varian of Myrkr"] [member="Corvus Detta"]
As the last of the creatures fell I heard the prisoners speak asking that we kill them. The boy who charged in had initiative but he wouldn't be the one to grant these poor souls their final request. I would and I hated myself for it knowing that they were broken and unable to even try defending themselves for an honor duel. But I wouldn't let them sit here and rot or be tortured further. That would be allowing them to suffer further which was unacceptable to me.

Trudging over to stand next to the prisoners I knelt by one of them and asked, "slug, Echani honor blades or the saber of a Jettii?"
"Honor blades, The Echani are a noble people and have my respect as warriors." Seeing the others nod I understood why this was part of the tests .Nodding I deactivated my sabers and unsheathed my Honor blades from both hip sheathes. Closing my eyes I saw each of them clearly through The Force and speaking a blessing of the ancients over their deaths making sure each of them heard I let them all take a moment then I decapitated the first before twirling and moving to the next letting my death dealer dance continue until they were all dead.

"Rest easy now noble Vod, your battles are at an end enjoy the glory and the honor you head in life for even to the end you were warriors." Wiping my blades clean I resheathed them before turning and facing the others. I realized I couldn't have saved them and neither could anyone else have, what I'd seen in them was they were kept alive only by the power of The Dark Side to taunt us. I realized they wouldn't have made it in an evac as their internal organs had all been destroyed time and time again. Yet I knew even though it was an already dead man's request this moment would haunt me.

I hoped Zeph hadn't seen what I'd done and if he had he'd forgive me for it. Kneeling by their heads I closed each of their eyes before turning to walk back to the group. Tears streaming down my face as I did. This filthy monster of Hut'uun would pay.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
[member="Corvus Detta"]
[member="Keira Ticon"]
[member="Katbirye Rekr"]
@Varian of Mykr
Having joined only to serve as a chaperone in case things went truly south, Nolan needed the exercise after his surgery. He was almost 40% cybernetic now and needed to get use to it all. For the last few minutes, Nolan had stayed back, watching the group and his son. [member="Keira Ticon"] was known and trusted by the Detta's, but Nolan wished to see his son in the field.

The burst of Detta rage was not unforeseen, but still it saddened him to watch his son suffer from it so young. Satine would surely have scolded him right in the middle of the fight. He had a mouth on him, again from Nolan's side. His mother would be proud of his combat technique though. Expert takedown.

Nolan approached when the prisoners were accessible, he knew some from combat, long thought dead. He went to each and took the plate of armor that held their clan insignias. When the young [member="Celiana"] granted them peace, he bowed and said a prayer to the Mand'a hoping to carry their souls to the halls of their forefathers.

"Corvus, we must reel in that temper of yours. I shall not have you suffer my fate." Nolan held up his new, metal arm.

"Master Ticon, I shall help return these Vod to their clans when we are finished with this [member="Dredge"] ."

He knew his son would roll his eyes, which is why he'd seat the back of Corvus' head before he had the chance. At his sons protest, Nolan let slip a wry smile.

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