Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The False King's Fall

[member="Tiberius Rex"]

Ren grinned at his question. "I'm not connected, I work alone." his reply may of been confusing. By "not connected", he meant not in an agency. The working alone bit was quite literal though. He tended to work alone. The grin faded as he noticed smoke in the sky from explosions and the sound of marching soldiers coming his way.

The soldier didn't appear powerful so Ren didn't rush on their conversation. "It's understandable. I'm surprised you came out of hiding though, especially during a time such as now."
I've been there, in Eclipstica, for a few minutes. Maybe hours? My internal clock wasn't good, anyway. A few days ago, I've been contacted by [member="Kira Fenn"] who gave me a good job opportunity: Work for the Shadow Dynasty to dethrone the False King, who's been turning the planet - or the whole kingdom I guess? Can't remember exactly to be honest - in a terrible and chaotic anarchy apparently. She offered money and I couldn't say no. It has been quite a few days since I got my last job, so it was a good way to pay my bills and... Well, obiously eat.

Hiding between the buildings of the capital, sneaking throught the alleys, I was looking for Kira. Working together and with some directives, I could easily progress on our mission. Everything went fine, until I've heard an... Announcement. First, a smooth, charismatic voice said that rebels and traitors were attacking Eclipstica and threatening the king - which was truth. I didn't knew what side was right or wrong, what was light or dark - I never understood those concepts perfectly - but I knew my side, and that was enough. A few moments later, another announcement, now about Marsha Law, go to your homes, do what I say or you're a traitor and blah blah blah. Everything I sincerely expected from a dictator.

But it was bad for me: Proably guards would now patrol the capital and if they find me, I would be damned. Not that I couldn't take down a few of them, but I simply couldn't take down a whole guard platoon! Quickly, I reached my small Comm device, and tried to reach the one who contacted me: Kira. I turned it on and whispered with the device almost touching my lips:

- Here is Dave. Kira, where are you?! They've declared Marshall Law and I'm all alone. I gotta find ya, or they will soon blast me away.

With the other hand, I reached my blaster pistol and lowered myself down, touching my back on the alley's wall. I should be ready for anything. Also, there was a possibility that Kira couldn't answer me - and that would be the worst situation right now.
The shuttle slowly drifted into the Ryuk as Romeo stood up from his seat, and rubbed the back of his head, unsure what to think about the situation that was conspiring before him. So much was being done at once, he could feel the people on the planet working together to prepare for a war. Fear, hope, anger, it flooded the force like a dam being released. The master of the darkside, cleared his throat some as the shuttle finally docked with the Star Destroyer, and was ready for it's passengers to exit.

As he walked out the shuttle, the crew of the Ryuk stood aligned, military like, all saluting him in respect, and fear. Romeo walked passed them all nodded here, and there, ignoring most the hundred upon hundreds of people that could take time to greet him. "Status report."

Officer Hurlin, a young woman ran up beside Romeo with a datapad in hand. "Engines are hot to go, batteries are also being readied. All pilots are standing by, while we have our ground forces are debriefing on their missions. Scan's show a lot of movement planetside, both hostiles, and neutrals. We are unsure if the neutrals are the rebels or citizens trying to escape the massacre."

Hurlin was a Vahla, like much of Romeo's crew, who had just been assigned to the Ryuk a few months ago, so far, though, Romeo approved of the transfer.

"Let me know when we can go."

"Say the word, and we can go now."

"Then get us moving the opposite side of Eclipstica, get us flanking. They can't scan the Ryuk."

The order was giving, and the Ryuk moved like a shark in the water, circling for the kill.

Romeo looked over at [member="stardust"], and nodded at her.

"Get to the pilots Star, get them debrief them on the mission. We need those fighters distracting theirs so we can land as many forces as possible."

Romeo was working fast, his mind taking in all the details, removing, and adding plans. He was a genius strategist in the arts of war, and that was all he was good for in his head. He couldnt lead a planet, but he can lead people into war, and come out victorious.

[member="Mira Starwind"] was his next concern. "Mira, what should be our next move? Should we lead the forces when they land, or stay aboard and help with the space battle that is about the occur?"

[member="Salvor Arnex"]
[member="Tiberius Rex"]
[member="Kira Fenn"]
[member="David Abarth"]
[member="Gren Reaper"]
Stardust shook as the ship docked and closed her eyes letting a sigh out and stood before exiting standing behind Romeo and to the side as she looked forward

She then nodded as she was given her orders and walked off in a brisk pace to the pilots who sat gathered together in a room"

Alright folks"she said he ing to the front if the room and looked out amongst the collection of different species men and women "I've been given orders from sin himself to debrief to you all, we will be serving as escorts and distractions for the landing parties, we at all cost must distract any and all fighters making a attempt to intercept the transports" she said as they all talked to each other for a moment before going silent"I won't lie...this will be hard some of you won't come back...however it is my job to make sure you do and I'll do anything within my power to bring us to victory "she siad as a cheer erupted from the room as she smiled" all pilots prep your ships for battle and get them ready to take off second we get the orders"she said as all pilots stood and started walking to the hangar quickly prepping and getting ready as star commed to [member="Romeo Sin"]"Romeo we are ready

[member="Mira Starwind"]
It seemed that Romeo either ignored her concerns or didn't care. Someone was going to die. How could he not be concerned with that? Didn't he care? It could be someone on the crew, someone important. Mira shook her head slightly as the shuttle they were in docked in the Ryuk. Standing with her master, she followed him, quickly reaching forward to grab his hand. Hand in hand, she walked with him down the rows of soldiers. Her gaze darted from one side to the other. So many deaths. They all would die. She was going to die. She barely registered the woman run up and deliver a status report.

When Romeo turned to her, she expected him to tell her what to do, where to go. When he instead asked her what to do, it forced her to stop dead in her tracks. She glanced around at the assembled army, positive that everyone was staring at her. Were they? No, she was imagining things. She looked up at Romeo, then looked away. There were two simple options in front of her, but she couldn't know what was the right thing to do.

If they stayed on the ship, then her and her master's life would be spared, but the army might grow resentful at the fact that they were out there risking their lives and the leaders were sitting plush and comfy from space. Watching everyone meet their demise and it would be her fault. They could go planet side, but something might happen to her and her master. And it would be her fault for leading him to his death. Either way, people would die and it would be on her hands.

[member="Romeo Sin"]
[member="Mira Starwind"]

When one could see the stress in another's eyes, they had two options, act upon this notion, or ignore it. Romeo removed his mask, and brushed his hair out of his face for a second as he took a knee to reach Mira's level. He looked deep into her eyes.

"War is nasty. It's death with a different name. You can't think about those things. Those men you saw earlier, those standing attentive? They're probably all going to die. That's what being a leader is about, making that decision that's too hard for the grunts to make."

Romeo placed a hand on her shoulder, and smiled.

"But they wont be forgotten. Each life, each name, will be remembered, and honored. I will make sure they are. Lesser of the two evils. Do we let those citizens who can't fight back die alone? Or do we send men to help them and most of those citizens will survive, and those men will die doing something good."

His officer ran up to them with new data to give.

"My lord, our forces are ready to descend. If you join them, the Gundans will be no match for us. But the enemy forces outnumber them four to one."

"You decide we stay, or do we go?"
Mira's gold eyes tracked her master kneel in front of her and remove his mask. She had no idea why he wore the mask. He was too attractive to hide it. She glanced down at the mask, reaching out to place a gentle hand on it. Then she stared into his eyes, absorbing every word that he said. She couldn't think about it. People would die. That was a fact. She had to lead. She had to grow up. The men would be remembered. Honoured. That made her smile on the inside, even though her face was ever so void of emotions.

When the officer ran up, Mira looked over at her. She gave data, that they'll be outnumbered but somehow have the advantage. But Mira knew what she meant. Or she thought she did. She only looked at Romeo, only talked to Romeo, only gave Romeo her attention. She couldn't even afford a glance at Mira. She couldn't even look at the girl who outranked her. Mira's small fist clench. This officer would respect her. She would listen to her. She would give her attention and full eye contact. Romeo asked Mira again what to do, but his words were out of focused, as all of Mira's attention was on this disrespectful weakling.

"Officer Celisa," she spoke in a tone louder than anything she ever produced in her life. "When you are in the presence of two Jedi who outrank you, speaking of matters that concern both of us, you will address both of us. Understood?" The officer immediately snapped to attention. Mira could see the shock in her eyes as she was told off by someone half her age. "Ma'am, yes, ma'am."

"Give the order to descend." She immediately began to walk towards the hanger, snapping her fingers to order the Officer to follow. "And prepare a ship for us as well. We're fighting with our soldiers." The officer nodded quickly, running off to give the order. Mira kept walking. Even though her eyes glittered with confidence and anger, her fists trembled in fear. She wasn't used to talking that much.

[member="Romeo Sin"]
[member="Gren Reaper"]

Tiberius chuckled a bit "Yeah I seem to have terrible timing with these kinds of things." He shrugged, he wasn't too concerned about what was going on he had been in worse situations than this and he had come out unscathed. He watched as the Soldiers slowly made their way up the street, it would be quite some time before they actually got to them but he did notate their location just in case.
[member="Tiberius Rex"]

The sky seemed exciting as he looked at it. It was true he wanted in on some action but not in the sky. The land was where his battles were. He scanned the area noticing the soldiers were getting closer. Though he didn't sense a great power within them, anybody could be unpredictable. Just in case, he began calling on the force slowly to build up power if things went bad.

Turning his attention back to the conversation, Ren continued his replies. "Even with bad luck, I'm sure you'll be glad when you see your friends again." he never knew what true friends were like. In his past, he killed, robbed, and hurt many people. He still does. No one wanted to be around him because of his way of life.

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