Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The False King's Fall

[member="Kira Fenn"]

Leva nodded at the famous Huntress. "Its only fair I tell you why I've had you all brought here. We're at war, that much is obvious. We're not winning, nor are we loosing. We need a figurehead, someone to rally behind. Someone with fame, and skills" She explained as she waved her hand, urging the hunter to follow her.

She lead them a ways into the tunnel system to a room absolutely heaped and piled with charts, maps, terminals and all the other assorted materials of an information based campaign supporter. She pointed at a large Tower, the only building really left standing after this years long campaign

"Here...We need to take the Palace and force the Loyalists out of hiding. With your help we can rally the remaining population and free ourselves once and for all. But we need someone to act as our Icon. " She turned to face Kira completely "And thats where you come in. Lead the charge with me, and help make things right for those that have been oppressed too long"

She took a step forward and gazed into the Huntress's eye steadily as she extended her hand, offering it to her "What do you say? Will you stand with us?" She asked, the hood falling away from her face revealing her white-blonde hair and alarlmingly green eyes
[member="Leva"] [member="Kira Fenn"] [member="Mira Starwind"] [member="stardust"] [member="Ghorua the Fish"]

Salvor watched as the Herglic and Romeo left the bridge headed toward their resepecitve ships with relief. This misson or excursion or what ever the fuck this was, was turning more and more sour by the moment and they hadn't even reached the surface. His patience had run out and after speaking to Romeo and Ghorua, Salvor was little more than a can of rage ready to burst, eager to lash out at anyone.

He rounded on Celty who seemed to have forgotten she was no longer on the Ryuk and under the ever present and soft hearted eye of [member="Romeo Sin"]. Salvor was sure the Vhala let his first mate get away with much and contribute little, but Salvor would see she knew what place she held here on The King's Justice.

"Miss Toligan, if yo-" He started in on her with cold fury before being interupted by a shout coming from another part of the bridge, near the comms.

The shout had come from Garron, one of Salvor's personal guard. Specialized soldiers who were plucked from regular units for their skill or bravery and placed at the warden's side directly. There was no higher position to be achieved in the Erebus company.

"Warden." Garron began, voice almost shaking with excitement. "We've been trying ever since we returned to real space...and we did it...we ...we broke in to Eclipstica's radio channels...well one of them but still." Garron said barely able to keep from stumbling over his words.

Garron was tall, blonde and far smarter tech wise than Salvor had ever known, none of which was discernable under his armor of course but it was all true. Salvor was for the first time since arriving on Hoth a week ago, happy. A break like this was welcome and absolutely needed if morale was to be raised after the spectcale minutes earlier.

"Citizens of Elipstica! Your king, your government, your home is being threatened!" a velvet smooth accentless voice rang out from the hacked radio channel, Salvor could not descern the race of the speaker or any detail other than it was a male's voice.
"We must rise and meet the threat of these rebels who threaten to take from you all that you hold dear!" The voice continued. "The rebel threat wants to take the throne by means of murder and anarchy. They want to see your homes burned and your family in chains, your King would see you all as free people, free of fear, free of slavery and free from harm. Show your loyalty and report all who whisper treason. Show your loyalty or be considered yourself a traitor to the crown."

"Is that the voice of the pretender?" Salvor asked eagerly?

"I, cant say, Warden. Could be or it could be a general or just someone who sounded good on the radio." Garron answered back.

So they worried about rebellion on Eclipstica? Perhaps this blockade was not for them, perhaps they had a chance at surprise. Salvor looked foreword to seeing what the Herglic could do, especially with surprise on their side.
Solan sat in the chair of a now abandoned Cafe, across from him one of his shadow legionnaires in full armor as the former man looked at a datapad and drank from a drink in his hand. "You know, i never was a fan of this place too much Therin. A bit too dark for my tastes. I miss the vibrant and crisp air of Kesh already..." He looked up at the man across from him. He was human, one of the most trusted people Solan had, and the leader of the Shadow Legion's main assault force. This assault force was composed of the three most highly skilled squads and even now those men were getting set up in a nearby building while Solan sat there like there wasn't all the current excitement going on.

"I wonder how long it was going to take Romeo, you know?" Solan looked at Therin who just nodded in return while keeping an eye out for loyalist or other interruptions that might be in the area. "I mean the man is normally so impulsive that judging his next moves are as simple as tossing a stone in any direction. Yet, it took him a considerable amount of time to move on here, and i almost didn't even get here in time to enjoy this wonderful drink while they went and took back the planet by force." Solan's voice ended when the sound of the man over an open channel annoyed him. "Who in their right mind thinks that would work... also, this ass is taking my thing... im the one who announces words meant to annoy the enemy. I mean i don't really do it anymore but..." He sighed and set the glass down before pushing up out of the seat and straightening his clothing. "Well. I guess i better go see what this is all about. Come on Therin, we can pick up the squads on the way to the Palace. Im going to need to talk to someone one this all goes out of control."

There were only two people he needed to know about to be honest. And he could sense the both of them somewhere up above. "Tsk Tsk. You would think you would have invited me Shadow King." He wasted no time as his feet carried him for where he wanted. A light whistle started to sound from him and at his sides were the Zin Daisho blades he had gained off a little auction he won. Along with them was his saber and a collection of other little tricks and treats. His illusion fell and he let his skin turn chalk white, the color draining until it was nothing but a skeletal like appearance in both color and fullness to it. His veins grew ever more apparent in first placement against the skin but then color as well, turning ebony black as per the corruption's effects on his body. His eyes slowly shifted from blue to a crimson red, their shape changing and the very look of them going from a gentleness to nothing but a cold stare.

It felt good to lose the Illusion, and at the same time he felt sick. He hated what it did to him to have this corruption in him. If it wasn't for the fact this battle would need his full attention, he would have kept up the small illusion to keep his appearance like it used to be. But now was not the time to be remorseful over his damaged heart and mind, as well as the corruption of his physical being too. "Therin, Make sure that the men know only the loyalists are to be fired on, any civilian casualties will result in removal from the legion and return to the Army... The Legion is a privilege, not a right." The man just nodded, Solan knew it would not be a problem but threats like that kept his men in line. A legionnaire had a life of a minor noble on Kesh, nothing fancy granted. But they lived a life much better than that of a normal soldier. They were his best and he would not have them tarnishing what a shadow legionnaire is.

Reaching up he tapped the side of the helmet he wore and smiled. "Romeo. You sure do like to put on a show for us fans down here... talk to you at the old hangout?" Romeo would know he meant the palace. He wondered how many others would know what he meant, probably not many. And certainly not those in the palace right now. Boy will they be surprised when they find thirty one soldiers appearing from no where.

[member="Salvor Arnex"] [member="Leva"] [member="Kira Fenn"] [member="Mira Starwind"] [member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Tiberius Rex"] [member="stardust"] [member="Gren Reaper"]
Kira Fenn. What was a bounty hunter like that doing on Eclipstica? It wasn't hard to miss a lady walking around with a metal giant in a city like this; she wore a different expression to the locals. Many showed the face of resignation to the current regime, others held a suppressed hatred. Left alone and soon enough all will become like the former. But that wasn't what Jynx was here for: leaving things alone. She'd been called to this planet a day before the blockade, "Look for the resistance". What a vague set of instructions... At least those instructions came with a check, else she wouldn't have even been near this planet.
Her eyes traced the bounty hunter and robot pair as they entered a nearby corner shop lead by a teen boy.
"Hey Spud, use your lifeform sensor to trace her through the building." The droid was still for a moment before replying
"It seems that they are below ground level, with another person. "
"A basement? In an abandoned shop with another person already there to meet them? Sounds like a very resistance-like thing to do.." Or so she had hoped, she'd only been on this world for a day and it was already boring her. This better be the resistance I'm was looking for and not the oppression appreciation club.
She pushed open the door and entered the shop, "Lead the way Spud." The droid directed her towards what seemed to be the entrance of the basement. Well, here goes nothing.. She opened the door and stepped in.
"Oh I'm not late to the party, am I?

[member="Leva"] [member="Kira Fenn"]
[member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Salvor Arnex"] [member="Mira Starwind"] [member="Deus Gor Bel"] [member="Xavka Duquo"]

Ghorua had just finished adjusting the coolant system in the Whalebone when a few deckhands ran up to him, concern on their faces. The man in front, panting and with a flushed face, held out a transmitter in front of him. "This was just broad-casted on the planet a few minutes ago. We thought you should see it, since you're helping us now... I think... You are, right?"

Ghorua looked down at them, amused. "At gunpoint, yeah." He gestured to the man with a meaty hand. "Go on. I'm listening."

As the propaganda played, Ghorua's smug demeanor melted into a familiar anger. He was still angry at the Warden, sure, but this was a different anger. Ghorua was fine with scum, he practically was scum. But when you're scum, and you lie about it, that pressed one of Ghorua's buttons. He clenched his fist around the tool he was using, straining the metal. "Tell your Warden," he said venomously, "that the Whalebone is ready to bring the hurt when he gives the word."

After the men had left, Ghorua lost it. He threw the tool in his hands towards his ship. The metal object bounced off harmlessly with a sharp ping. Ghorua was done with lies, and strategy, and waiting. He was rearing to go, but he supposed he had to wait for the rest of the fleet to prepare.
Romeo moved towards the shuttle, ushering the two to get on the with him. He wasnt sure what today held, but it held something great, the force had shown him that much. "Come, home awaits us."
He jerked his head towards the shuttle.
"We're going to provide some form of covering fire, then have a shuttle take us planetside."
The Vahla checked his two lightsabers, and his head gear. All was functioning other than the fact a giant whale was about to be their key to getting in, but he had seen worse. Manaan had been much worse than this.

[member="Mira Starwind"]
[member="Adan Jax"]
Stardust sighed and pulled her blaster out checking it making sure it was fully charged before looking at her left and causing it to move and shift till three barrels came out to which she checked the ammom count before turning it back into arm mode, next she made sure her saber were on her left side and her sith sword on her right before noddimf"home....I've not called a place that in so long"she said as she boarded the shuttle and sat down grinning as she looked to romoe"so what are we to expect down there Rome"she said and chuckled"or we heading in blind
[member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Mira Starwind"]
Home. Home was in that shuttle. Mira stared at it for a moment. That shuttle was home. Home would take them into a space battle before dropping them off on a planet. A planet that Mira had never been before. Home would take her into the unknown. But that's all she's done. She was rescued from the slaver ship by an unknown man, who took her onto an unknown ship. He introduced her to unknown 'generals' and 'lieutenants' and 'captains'. He showed her the power of unknown forces. Showed her the mystique of unknown crystals. Mira forced the panic in her chest to subside before she followed [member="stardust"] into the shuttle.

When her master took a seat, she immediately slid over to sit next to him. The shuttle let out a groan as it detached from the airlock. Mira felt it move away from the ship of [member="Salvor Arnex"]. She glanced around, taking in the sights of Stardust and [member="Romeo Sin"] checking their weapons. She glanced down at her belt. Her lightsaber sat on her left, clipped to her belt. That was all the checking she needed to do. Mira stared at her feet, forcing herself to keep calm.
([member="Gren Reaper"])

Rex nodded slowly at the short answer, ​"Yeah...neither do I, it just seems...". Rex paused as he looked around the near deserted city "that something is about to happen, you know?". Tiberius wasn't one for talking but after his self imposed exile he found himself in a more talkative mood. "So what brings you here to the heart of the Shadow Empire?" he asked not really caring but trying out this thing called small talk he had heard about.
[member="Tiberius Rex"]

Ren had his usual serious face on as they talked. "I had a similar thought." He began talking more than usual. After a pause, he resumed speaking. "Unless the people are dead, its unusually quiet." The city's buildings looked as if they were crumbling, and not taken care of.

The man spoke of an empire. This brought curiosity to Ren, as he didn't know anything of an empire on this planet. "Shadow Empire?" he asked not knowing what that meant.
[member="Gren Reaper"]

At this point Rex had gotten off his speeder and was leaning up against it talking to this man. "Yeah...this is the capital of the Shadow Empire, [member="Romeo Sin"] was the king/emperor here last time i checked. Although that has been almost over a year now". Tiberius decided not to tell this stranger about how he was the interim ruler here when Romeo stepped down. Or how shortly after Romeo came back to reclaim his throne that Tiberius had put himself in a self imposed exile and lived by himself with no other contact for about a year. The bounty hunter took off his helmet and shrugged, "who knows what's going on here, with Romeo you can never really tell". Rex chuckled a bit thinking about some of his friend's shenanigans. "I'm guessing you are pretty new to this area then?" he asked already pretty certain of the answer.
[member="Tiberius Rex"]

"The capital of the Shadow Empire huh.." he mumbled thinking out out. Ren was even more interested when he heard the name of the former king, [member="Romeo Sin"]. The name wasn't familiar but he swore he came into contact with a Sin before. Maybe he was thinking of someone else or another family. He exhaled and kept his crimson red eyes on the armored man as he once again spoke up.

"So.. this Romeo. Is he alive?" Asking such a question could be viewed as rude, but it was how Ren was. If this Romeo was alive, he might be hired since he was in a high position before. And maybe this Romeo had an agency he could join. If, he was alive.
[member="Mira Starwind"]

As the shuttle buckled from the airlock release with a loud clicking sound, Romeo watched Mira from the corner of his eye, wondering what she was going through. Teenager stuff perhaps? Hormones and all that jazz? Rome remembered being beaten, and abused as a child all the way to his mid teens, he didn't what growing up really meant, but he tried to understand.
"This is the plan. We need to get the Ryuk within orbit of the planet so we can launch dropships, and take down the Gundans planetside. We cant bombard Eclipstica, else we could hurt a lot of innocent people."

Romeo adjusted his mask some.

"When we hit planetside, we are going to have to take all five Circles. There can be no traitors left..none."
Stardust had sighed and in the back of her mind wondered about [member="Mira Starwind"], she could feel something was wrong that she couldn't quite point out..."

Right these are our people on that planet under rule of...the false king "she said and looked at [member="Romeo Sin"]" and that we can't haveshe listened to him and nodded"it be as said sir"she said with a grin"no bars held huh
A fight was approaching. Mira could feel it. A little tiny thing, like a voice in the back of her head, telling her that death was imminent. Was this the Force? And whose death? Her's? Stardust's? Romeo's? She didn't know if she should say it. She looked over at her master. How would he feel when she spoke of her worries, her fears? She swallowed down her fear. She had to be stronger. For Romeo. For the Dynasty. For herself.

Moving her hand over, she tugged lightly on Romeo's pants. "Master, I feel like someone is going to die." She looked back down at her knees, unable to meet her master's crimson gaze, nor was she able to look at @stardust.

[member="Romeo Sin"]
[member="Gren Reaper"]

"That's a good question...I don't know, I haven't talked to him in awhile". Rex said without even thinking about how weird it may sound that he hadn't talked to the ruler of an empire in awhile. He laughed a bit "I mean I haven't talked to anybody about him in awhile". He looked around once more at the abandoned city and started to wonder what his friend has been doing recently to cause the city to be in that state.
“Has the Herlic left yet?” Salvor asked impatiently, eager to get on the planet and claim the head of the pretender and those who supported his claim.

“Waiting for your word, Warden.”

“He has it.” Salvor said.

The radio that had been silent for just moment began to play another message.

“Citizens of Eclipstica, Marshal Law has been declared and a curfew has been put in to effect, please return to your homes. Those who have been entrusted in the protection of your dynasty have been dispatched to keep order and weed out those who would commit treason.” It was the same silky voice as before but now it was harder more commanding.

“Anyone found to be in a home other than their own will be considered a conspirator against the throne and will be treated as such. Those found harboring conspirators will be treated considered amongst their ranks and treated as such. Anyone found obstructing a peace keeper in their duty, such as but not limited to, the searching of homes or businesses, the stopping and search of vehicles, the arrest of criminals or any other application of law enforcement will be punished to the furthest extant the law will allow.”

“All hail our King, Hargo Vale. His rule is eternal.”

On Eclipstica its self the once empty city would now be filling with the sound of boots as soldiers loyal to the new rule of King Hargo Vale walked through the streets, blasters in hand, enforcing the law however they saw fit. Some were making arrests, others were handing out warnings but in the most extreme cases there were on the spot executions as houses and business were stormed and searched for any sign of dissension.

The average citizens of Eclipstica huddled in fear in their homes hoping beyond hope they had nothing suspicious. Some even went so far as to falsly accuse neighbors hoping it would take the heat off of themselves. Chaos was being perpetrated in the name of order, the rebellion would need to show themselves soon or watch as more innocents were affected by the foot soldiers of a dangerously paranoid monarch.
Ghorua the Fish jumped into the cockpit of the Whalebone, the targeting computer already primed with proton torpedoes. The second the Warden had given the okay, he had rushed to his ship. The Herglic's plan was brash, stupid, risky, and had a big payoff if it succeeded.

Detatching from Salvor's ship, the Whalebone flew through space perpendicular to the blockade, trying to distance himself from the Resistance fleet. Turning at a sharp angle, he rode straight for the large battle-station, opening his comms to the blockade. "This is the Whalebone, requesting permission to come aboard. I've got some intel you might be interested in."

The answer came back, a shrewd voice coming over the commset. The moment of truth. This would determine whether he would risk his life out here, or return empty-handed to the Warden, and get his head bitten off. "We hear you, Whalebone. What do you have that we could possibly want?"

"Fleet positions, leadership, you want it, I have it." Not a lie, but Ghorua wasn't planning on telling them anything. Hopefully, their conversation would be short, and explosive.

"Alright, you're clear to dock," replied the man, "But we have our eye on you."

"Yeah, yeah." Ghorua edged the ship closer and closer to the battle-station. When he got within range, their tractor beam took hold. Ghorua noted the position of the beam. Just before he was pulled into the docking bay, he charged up his shields and fired his forward cannons at the tractor beam. The apparatus exploded in a shower of sparks, and the Whalebone lurched forward, flying across the surface of the station.

The various turrets and guns on the station immediately opened fire. Ghorua's ship was too close by then, though, and the guns couldn't get a clear shot. Now to do what he designed the Whalebone to do. Ghorua leaned back, munched on a biscuit, and let the targeting computer do its thing.

A constant stream of proton torpedoes rocked the battle-station, weakening the shields as he went. The concussive blasts jostled the cargo ship too, but Ghorua's shields protected the Whalebone from most of it. After a few seconds of constant battering at this close of a range, the station's shields fluctuated. It wasn't long before they fixed their shields, so the Herglic had to use this time.

Rocketing around the ship, he found a few of the shield generators. A barrage of cannon shots, and they were history. Even if they got the shields up and running again, this station wouldn't stand a chance against the Resistance fleet anymore. Ghorua kept buzzing around the station, dodging blaster fire and firing torpedos, severely weakening it. Ghorua opened his comms to the Resistance Fleet again. "This is the Fish, the station is hurt, this is your chance." The Bounty Hunter crossed his fingers. If the fleet didn't come, eventually his own shields would fail.

[member="Salvor Arnex"] [member="Mira Starwind"] @stardust @Romeo Sin
[member="Tiberius Rex"]

Ren, for a moment, thought he'd get a job or something if this person was alive. Maybe like taking the crown back, or killing the present king. He exhaled and looked away. "I'm an agent so I figured I'd get some action." he said getting frustrated.

The armored man said he hadn't talked to anybody for awhile, or that's what Ren heard. "Isolating yourself is a wise decision. I'd do it if I could survive that way." he explained showing his dislike to deal with people.
[member="Gren Reaper"]

"An agent for whom?" Rex asked warily. Since Tiberius used to be a enforcer for [member="Romeo Sin"] he had got to know many of the agents that worked for him. This guy he didn't recognize and was unsure by what he meant when he said "get some action". The bounty hunter though he was many things to many people he was fiercely loyal to his friends. As there were distant explosions high above them and troops starting to march down the streets enforcing some sort of curfew and arresting folks that were accused of treason.

"Buddy...what are you doing?" he said more to himself then to the man he was currently talking to. Snapping back to what the man was saying to him he responded distracted "yeah...I just needed a break away for awhile. You know?"

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