Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Fall Of Darkness

Silus would be right behind them all, though at that point his eyes had moved from the [member="Eliza Downheart"]. Needless to say, since he was behind them, he would notice the chair. His devaronian body, being heavy and stout, was hit by the chair but just barely though his stride wasn't altered and he continued on his path and positioned himself to dock.

"Eh-heh, you should worry about yourself," he winked. The way he phrased it, and as crazy as Silus was, who knew just exactly what he meant by that.
Adan smirked at what Eliza did to silus. "Man I thought I was insane but this guy needs some crazy pills or something." Adan looked at Eliza "watch yourself when you are in there we don't know what that psycho will do at any given moment." Adan said this with a concern look on his face. Knowing his fellow devaronian race they were a very unpredictable kind of race and a thought ran through his mind if he was the only one more civilized than the rest.
"Well hey, I figured I would give it a go, no harm in trying right?" She looked at Adan and then refocused herself on the task at hand. She had never killed in this scenario before. She hoped that she wouldn't wimp out or hold back. On a holster attachted to her hips were a set of four throwing knives.
She thought to herself, atleast I have some sort of protection.

[member="Adan Jax"] [member="Silus The Psycho"]
Roze sends hailing to the trade ship and waits anxiously for a response. "Hey! This is Hazard Beauty! Surrender! And we might take it easy on you!"
[member="Romeo Sin"]
Romeo snickered to himself. "My dear I do love you so. [member="stardust"] do we have a id on the trade ship? Can you tell me who it is that we just shot?"

"[member="Maverick"] go see yourself to Carnage Squad and let them know...the bridge is yours to take. Kill em all..but the captain."

He adjusted himself in his seat. "Does Steelfang see the corvette heading his way?!" He asked quickly. [member="Michael Steelfang"] [member="Tiberius Rex"] [member="Roze Sin"]
Tiberius and his crew made their way to the boarding entrance, not many words were exchanged between them they all knew what they had to do. He saw [member="Wes Brin"] playing with his blaster and gave him a solid whack in the back of the helmet "di'kut, stop that before you get someone killed. Follow me when we get in there I don't want you killed" Tiberius said looking at the young Mandalorian. As they prepared to board he had them line up with [member="John Cross"] being first. He started going down the line of his squad patting each on the shoulder or the chest plate telling them all good luck. As he got to John Cross and stopped at the big man and gave him a slight nod "I would normally go first...I want you to know that, I am the type of leader who is the first in and the last out but the defenders have set up a barricade and it sounds like another ship is on its way so we need this to be fast. When you go in try to take out as much as that barricade as possible, I'll be right behind you. Understand?" he said his voice having a hint of sorrow for not being the first in.

He didn't wait for a response as he said "we go in, in five..." Tiberius silently mouthed the rest but was also counting down on his fingers so the whole crew could see. Four...Tiberius took a good look around at all his men one last time. Three...he listened to the blaster fire on the other side and heard screaming. Two....he held one blaster in the air preparing to tell his men to head out. One...Tiberius hit the button allowing the door to open and the sound of the battle to fully reach them, he started waving his pistol forward telling his men to move out. The Carnage Squads first test began...
Michael yelled into the comms as he was kicking the head of one a repulic marine's head in"[member="Romeo Sin"] yes I see it coming in my crew can handle it " As he said those words back on board his own vessel turned it's guns in the corvette the vessel was bombarded with a deluge of laser cannon fire and turbolaser bolts quickly break through the ship's shielding it The Executioner began to focus it's assualt on the command deck of the incoming corvette tearing large chunks out of the vessel the corvette stopped for a momment before it began to list to the right and it didn't stop whatever the guns hit it had disabled the corvette for now.
Roze gets a reply. "This is the captain of the trader ship speaking. You say you might spare us. Have no mercy. Let's do this! We shall not surrender!!! MwahaahahHahaahahaahaAAaaa!!!!" The reply rang out. "So be it. You have chosen your your path and I can assure you, it only leads to certain demise." Roze replied wholeheartedly.
[member="Romeo Sin"]
stardust watxhed the doors open and ignited her sabers blockikg a few shots that entered bacl at the shootet hitting two while a few ducked down as stardust rushed forth towards the enemies one being ballsy enough to fire at het she quickly put a saber away drawing her pistol and fired at the man puttibg several shots threw him as she stopped and used the force to throw a thermal detanator to the other side
[member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Tiberius Rex"] [member="Adan Jax"]@silusthepsycho
Adan with his sword in hand running as the door opened, blasters firing everywhere it was complete chaos and boy did it feel great. Adan getting attacked by a man, it didn't last long before Adan lobbed his head off with his sith tremor sword. Looking arcross the area he saw stardust taking care of business as she always does. Eliza wasn't doing a bad job herself. Adan further in knocking a guy into the wall with his big shoulder, to the point where made the guy go inside the wall. [member="stardust"]

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Wes jumps out from the door into the fray and begins to shoot at the enemies just hoping to get one of them, he could still feel the slight stinging from [member="Tiberius Rex"] hitting him in the back of the head, after a couple failed attempts at shooting the troopers Wes attempts to roll into cover only to get grazed in the side as he slides behind a box he wails in pain tears already streaming down his face, poor Wes was not ready for such a heated battle. He hid behind the box and shot blindly at them only for a rain of shots whiz by him he hides back down and covers his small wound crying fearing that he might die.

Ravi Savak

Inactive Character
Rillik Savak, with Ravi in tow, moved on with the others into the republic vessel. While his adoptive father began to open fire on the various republic troopers that had showed to defend themselves from the attackers, Ravi stood at the back of the group with a rdiiculously sized heavy blaster pistol, barely able to lift it. "Hold still so I can shoot you!" Ravi yelled, trying to aim the huge pistol at one of the troopers, which he failed miserably in doing.

(Sorry for short post)

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Wes crawls up to shoot a couple more times hitting one trooper square in the chest knocking him dead, He squeals with excitement since it being his first kill in a while but his awesomeness was short lived when a sneaky trooper crawls over to him and tackles the distracted kid, Wes screams as he tries to fight back with his fists but the big man just laughed and began to beat poor little Wes to a pulp, he screams flailing his arms and legs about defenseless against the man.
Silus Aran's skin developed chill bumps at the mere sight and sound of screams and blaster fire. He could see the fear evident within the eyes of his opponent and so he made sure that he was one of the first to come upon them. Both arms cocked, angled slightly downward in a diagonal fashion. As he made his approach, the blast bolt whizzed past him and he was almost sure that one would hit him however they did not. As his comrades cut down their first foes, Silus called upon the force and summoned its essence within his palms. His piercing amber eyes widened and animated with excitement and blood-lust as he lifted both hands--as though a rotary the hands went into a half-circular motion upwards as the force itself seemed to pull his opponents from their feet. That being said, four or so were thrusted towards the attacking group as he pulled them with seemingly no effort at all.
One headed straight at the devaronian, which he was met with an expression that epitomized chaos and hate. A single hand ventured towards his saber, igniting it as the seething hot ray of red plasma manifested in extension from the hilt in a brilliance--the hum lost within the chaos and pandemonium of battle. Before the man knew it, his head was lopped off, as Silus delivered a clean slice with his saber that left the man dead. From there he would leave the rest of the downed targets to his group as he moved forward--slicing through one man at a time with periodic swipes to deflect blaster bolts that were otherwise set on a path of trajectory to put down one of the newest members to the Hazard Beauty.
[member="stardust"] [member="Adan Jax"] [member="Ravi Savak"] [member="Roze Sin"] [member="Tiberius Rex"]
Adan saw Wes Brin on the floor struggling with a behemoth of a man on top of him, Adan decided to help the poor kid, Adan ran towards him with his sword swinging in every direction trying to clear a path, at the same time ramming enemy in near distance. Finally getting to Wes "hey pal why don't you mess with someone your own size" Adan saying this as he snatched the guy off of Wes and thowing him into a wall. The man was big but not as big as this 6'7 ft devaronian. Adan looking at Wes "okay kid go I got this one". [member="Wes Brin"]
Eliza didn't try and hit everything that moved, she tried to focus on small groups of one or two. She was focusing hard enough to trip people here and there by pushing their feet from under them with Telekinesis. She wanted to try and use only this. No weapons, just her mind. Broken pieces of armour lay around and she chose to use it as a shield until she found better use for it.

[member="Adan Jax"] [member="Silus The Psycho"] [member="Wes Brin"]
stardust laughed as she sliced one dowm to half size then a shot clipped her left arm in which she dove for cpver"ahh damnplz tell me it didmt hit the worimg"she said looking with with a breath of relief as she looked at [member="Adan Jax"] amd [member="Wes Brin"] "hey kid just aim and shoot dont ve shaky"she saud as she grabbed a man approaching her cocer threw him over her and snapped his neck by stompinh on it
Keltin ran out with his sword in hand and slashed stabbed and even decapitated people he was killing like there was no end men would fall to the ground dead as the mandelorian ran dodging blasts and killing men under his mask a smirk as he mumbled "3 and 4 and 5 and 6" he was counting all the men he was killing "and 20!" he said at his 20th kill he ran around paying no attension to his allies he focused on fighting until something went wrong very wrong a blast nearly hit him he turned around and saw a few men then more surrounded him he ran up and stabbed one and ran from the rest

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Wes is completly dazed from all the pain he slowly looks at [member="Adan Jax"] before rolling over and crawling off to let the devorianian do his work on the man. He crawls his way to a corner covered with crates and hides blankly staring at the dark lit corner he slightly chuckles at how close he was to death then double takes his thoughts and violently sobs thinking about his past life and how it would have been diffrently if his dad was here, he moves a bit but regrets it as he screams from the immense pain that racks the poor boys body from the heated battle with the beast that had got him in his moment of glory he wails in shame and fear curling up and shaking.

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