Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Covenant

Aela Talith said:
Unlike the Jedi Order, The Silver Jedi Order, or many other galactic organizations the Covenant has no Grandmaster or single leader. Each member is allowed to speak, and each member is allowed to hold their own opinion. Most decisions are reached through popular consensus.

Aela Talith said:
It is also accepted, that in times of extreme strife or urgency the word of Aela Talith and Mara D'Lessio Merrill is law.
Uhh...this can't possibly go wrong at all.

Let's hope you don't have a Cromwell come and crush your Covenanter faction....


Well-Known Member
[member="Valiens Nantaris"] this faction does seem to have a little new model army about it.

Though I wish you look.

Oh and how do you feel about sith who struggling to redeem themselves?
[member="Aela Talith"]

I might have a character idea for this but I'm not sure how interested I am in large amounts of PvP (just not my style). Would that be a set back to being a part of the kinds of things you all will be doing or is there still a place for those that prefer PvE? (The character is obviously still along the lines of a fighter for justice/chaotic neutral-y and all, this is mostly a reservation as a writer for PvP-type activities.)
[member="Jorj Kell"]

Not going to lie to you, a large part of what we do will be PVP.

However, when I make faction I strive to create an environment everyone can have fun in, so yes, we'll also be doing PVE in the form of faction threads, open threads, and eventually Dominions. We know that not everyone likes PVP, and ultimately were here to have a fun story and enjoy ourselves. :)
Jorj Kell said:
[member="Aela Talith"]

I might have a character idea for this but I'm not sure how interested I am in large amounts of PvP (just not my style). Would that be a set back to being a part of the kinds of things you all will be doing or is there still a place for those that prefer PvE? (The character is obviously still along the lines of a fighter for justice/chaotic neutral-y and all, this is mostly a reservation as a writer for PvP-type activities.)

And training threads!
Valiens Nantaris said:
Uhh...this can't possibly go wrong at all.

Let's hope you don't have a Cromwell come and crush your Covenanter faction....
I think they will do a great things - where others failed.

/me ponders


/me goes off to make character anyway

My experience with PvP is notably limited. So maybe I find out I enjoy it, maybe not. Who knows? Only one way to find out. Regardless, the more I try, the less capable I am of getting this character idea out of my head. So count me in (still LOAing a bit though, so I won't be too terribly active for the next two weeks).


Well-Known Member
[member="Aela Talith"] it was genuine question about sith who try to redeem themselves but having a hard time doing ti
As stated before, redemption is one of the paths. However, any Sith trying to redeem themselves would likely be on the outs of the faction. It isn't easy taking oneself away from the darkside, in fact canonically its one of the hardest things to do.

Very likely any Sith that was seeking redemption would be watched very closely, and not trusted until they have proven themselves. There would also be a very strict policy around them that if they are seen using the darkside, harming anyone, or returning to their old ways, they would be imprisoned.

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