Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Battle Begins

Trace Xyston

Lilaste Elghaseki
LOCATION: OUTSIDE THE BUNKER DOOR Kavir lashed out with a kick, and the door succumbed to the attack, breaking in two, then crashing to the ground. By the time the debris had settled, Kavir had already downed two of the pirates inside with shots to the back.

"Ah! It's an attac-" The Nikto that was screaming was shot in the chest, as was his buddy, still in his seat. There was one man left, leaning on his console...with headphones on. The Weequay was nodding his head and talking, presumably singing along, and was unaware of everything else around him. What surprise he probably felt when a blaster bolt pierced his back, and he fell onto his keyboard.

"Alright, let's find out what this is," Kavir ordered, holstering her pistol (having left her sniper behind in the bunker).

She pushed the Weequay's dead body out of the way to clear the console. Ignoring the smears of blood on the keyboard, Kavir began to navigate through the screen. Eventually she found herself in a folder containing messages. This was a communications station. Kavir suddenly had a thought, and took the headphones off of the Weequay's ears, and fit them to hers.

Now to see if she could intercept any communications...or give the defending pirates false information.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Objective 3 Trace Xyston Trace Xyston

As Sergeant Kavir settled into the communication console, she donned the Weequay's headphones and began to listen in on the pirate communications. The channel was alive with chatter, and she quickly discerned that it was the primary means of coordination for the pirates on the battlefield.

Amidst the cacophony of voices, she picked up the following exchanges:

Voice 1 (Pirate Ground Commander): "All units, hold your positions! The Lilaste Army is pushing hard on the warehouse. We need to reinforce the northern barricades. Keep them at bay!"

Voice 2 (Unknown Pirate): "Commander, we've got an issue with the eastern defenses. They're breaching the perimeter. We need support!"

Pirate Ground Commander: "Send a squad to reinforce the east immediately. Don't let them through! And someone get me a sitrep on the southern front!"

Voice 3 (Pirate Scout): "Southern front is holding for now, Commander. But they've got those damn walkers advancing, and it's making our positions untenable!"

Pirate Ground Commander: "Understood, scout. We need those anti-vehicle launchers in position ASAP! Don't let those walkers get any closer to the storehouse!"

The pirate ground commander's voice was authoritative, issuing orders and maintaining control of the situation. It was evident that the pirates were in a state of urgency, and their coordination was crucial to their defense.

As Kavir continued to listen, she realized the potential advantage of this situation. With control of the communication center, she could manipulate the information being disseminated to the pirate forces. This newfound advantage could be used to sow confusion among the pirates and give the Lilaste Army an edge in the ongoing battle.

Eden Io

Location: Approaching Dusate Storehouse - Rampagi II
Objective: Dusate Storehouse
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Tags: Laphisto Laphisto

The walkers plodded ahead as the resounding cracks of their mass drivers propagated through the air. All the while, the resistance of the pirates within the streets was slowly beginning to crumble as they were continually grinded down by superior firepower and discipline of the Lilaste forces. Nevertheless, the pirates’ resistance was still strong in a number of areas and they even managed to muster together what was left of their vehicles, including battle tanks and speeder bikes.

Just as Eden finished reloading the weapons on her right gauntlet, the distinct howl of repulsorlift engines met her auditory sensors. A moment later, the sensors in her bodysuit registered a number of repulsorcraft signatures moving in on the main walker force.

“Enemy armor, ahead!” A gunner called out over the din of slugthrower fire as he swiveled the mass driver under his control to meet the new threats.

“I’ll intercept the speeder bikes!” Eden piped up. Suddenly, the gynoid took off from the hull of the walker she had been sitting on, before disappearing around the block with dazzling speed, intending to come up on the pirates’ charge from their flanks. After dipping into an alleyway, Eden emerged in a different street behind a group of charging speeder bikes, at which point she launched herself towards the formation and opened up with a veritable hailstorm of slugs from her SMGs, targeting the riders, rather than their bikes. Accordingly, the torrent of projectiles ripped through flesh, bone, and light armor in quick, successive bursts, causing three of the bikes to crash outright as the stricken riders lost control. The two remaining riders at the head of the formation split up in order to evade the gynoid’s attack, but Eden didn’t let them slip away. From a distance, she emptied her SMGs’ magazines into the retreating riders until they simply went limp on top of their bikes, their bodies riddled with blood-stained holes.

“Woo! Splash five bikers in sector 21-Besh! That should help cover the walkers’ flanks.”

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High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Objective 2 Ground assault Eden Io

Commander Tarian observed the unfolding battle from his vantage point within the walker's cockpit. The arrival of the enemy armor was a concerning development, and he knew that they needed to be dealt with swiftly to ensure the safety of the advancing Walker force.

As he watched Eden's rapid and precise assault on the approaching speeder bikes, Tarian couldn't help but be impressed by her combat prowess. Her actions had just prevented a potentially devastating attack on the walker formation's flanks.

"Eden, excellent work on those speeder bikes," Tarian commended over the comm channel. "You've given us some much-needed breathing room. Look for any more threats and provide cover as the walkers advance."

With the immediate danger from the speeder bikes neutralized, the walkers continued their relentless march forward. The resounding cracks of their mass drivers reverberated through the streets, serving as a reminder of their formidable firepower. The Lilaste forces were slowly grinding down the pirates' resistance, but pockets of stubborn resistance still held out in various areas.

Tarian knew the battle was far from over, and the pirates' armored vehicles, including battle tanks, posed a significant threat. He relayed orders to the walker crews, directing their fire toward the advancing enemy armor.

"All walkers, target those enemy tanks and take them out! We can't let them get close to the main force," Tarian commanded.

The walker gunners responded swiftly, swiveling their massive mass drivers to aim at the approaching enemy tanks. With Eden covering the flanks and the walkers' firepower focused on the armored threats, Tarian hoped they could maintain their momentum and push through the remaining resistance to the pirate storehouse.

Trace Xyston

Lilaste Elghaseki

A devious grin appeared on Kavir's face when she heard the pirate communications. Time to cause chaos. She cleared her throat, then opened a channel and spoke. "Sir! An entire armada of those walkers approaching from the west! We need more defenses!"

A reply came instantaneously. "What?! Quickly! Get some anti-tank weaponry over there, now! No..not some. A lot!"

Kavir's grin widened as she cut the channel, and brought out her own comlink. "Commander Tarian, this is Sergeant Kavir, Team Two. We have rerouted a good portion of the enemy's anti-vehicle defenses to the west. We have convinced them that an entire armada of AT-AE's are approaching. We'll take 'em out, sir," she reported.

"Let's go, back to the bunker. We're gonna ambush them."

Minutes later, Kavir caught a gleam maybe a hundred meters away. She mounted her sniper in a small firing slit and looked through the scope. A dozen or so pirates carrying missile launchers slung over their shoulders were crossing the street. There were four other slits to her right, as she was on the leftmost one. Four of her fellow snipers also took up positions and awaited her order.

Once she had the lead pirate in her sights, she gave the command.

At once, five laser bolts rang out from the bunker, and ripped through six enemies. Taron had gotten a collateral. Another volley, and only one missileer was remaining. She turned around and dropped her weapon, and she would soon be out of sight behind a taller building. Kavir didn't give her that chance, and squeezed the trigger. She went down with a shot to the ankle.

The sergeant commed in to Tarian again, and reported, "The anti-tank crew is down. I'll have them send more."

And she began the short journey back to the comms center.
Evvar decided it was time to go to battle again. Apparently, the ground attack was going well...but he could make it better. Once he was out in space again, he opened a channel to Entirr Mokuze Entirr Mokuze . "Sir, do I have permission to provide close-air support for the ground invasion?"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Objective 3 Trace Xyston Trace Xyston

Commander Tarian monitored the situation from within the walker's cockpit as the battle unfolded around him. He couldn't help but feel a surge of relief when he received Sergeant Kavir's message about the enemy's anti-vehicle defenses being redirected to deal with the supposed armada of walkers.

"Outstanding work, Sergeant Kavir," Tarian commended over the comm channel. "Keep them occupied, and we'll press on toward the storehouse. ."

With the enemy's anti-vehicle defenses diverted, the walkers faced less resistance as they continued their relentless advance. The enemy pirates scrambled to reposition their weaponry to face the supposed threat from the west, leaving them vulnerable to the real threat approaching from the front.

As the walkers plodded forward, the resounding cracks of their mass drivers continued to echo through the streets. They focused their firepower on the remaining pirate forces, including infantry and fortified positions, systematically breaking down the pirates' defenses.

Tarian knew that the key to their success lay in reaching the pirate storehouse, and every step forward brought them closer to their objective. He watched the streets ahead, ready to adapt to any surprises that might arise as they continued their push through the pirate stronghold.

Eden Io

Location: Approaching Dusate Storehouse - Rampagi II
Objective: Dusate Storehouse
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Tags: Laphisto Laphisto Trace Xyston Trace Xyston

"Eden, excellent work on those speeder bikes," Tarian commended over the comm channel. "You've given us some much-needed breathing room. Look for any more threats and provide cover as the walkers advance."

“My pleasure, sir!” Eden answered in a peppy tone as she dropped the empty magazines out of her SMGs and slotted in fresh ones. From there, the gynoid began to fly back to the walkers, but it wasn’t long before she caught sight of another threat—rather, a target of opportunity. A lone battle tank hovered along the street, the vehicle having already sustained damage from a mass driver hit. Seeing its crippled state, Eden immediately accelerated into range of the rocket launcher on her left gauntlet, intent upon destroying the tank. The Trandoshan gunner on the top turret caught sight of her as she closed the distance, but the gynoid moved much faster than he could draw a bead on her. In doing so, Eden triggered a break boost that accelerated her body violently to her own right as the gunner’s laser fire sought to follow the seemingly impossible maneuver. Less than a second later, Eden locked onto the stricken battle tank and fired two of her plasma rockets into its ventral hull—where the armor was weakest.

On cue, a pair of explosions went off in her wake, consuming the tank and its hapless crew in a searing inferno of superheated gas. Eden spared a single glance back to verify her kill, but otherwise didn’t break her momentum as she adjusted her course to return to the walkers.

“That’s one more tank! It almost got away. Not this time!” She said, before unleashing a particularly wicked, yet girlish giggle over the comms!

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Objective 2 Eden Io

The relentless cracks of the walkers' mass drivers continued to punctuate the air as they pressed forward, methodically breaking down the pirates' defenses. Commander Tarian sat in the rear compartment of one of the walkers, around a holo computer, leading the battle and directing forces from the safety of the walker. seeing Edens FIV tag go flying of course he was about to address something before hearing her on the comms.

Tarian couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm, even amidst the chaos of battle. Eden's actions had proven instrumental in neutralizing enemy threats and ensuring the walkers' safety. "Excellent work, Eden," Tarian commended over the comm channel. "Keep up the pressure, and we'll reach the storehouse soon. We're counting on you."

With the walkers steadily advancing and Eden providing vital support from the skies, Tarian remained focused on the ultimate objective: reaching the pirate storehouse and achieving their mission's success.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
*laphisto was still aboard aurora station should the Dusate pirates decide to attack their home while the main fleet attacked the system, popping up on entirrs holo computer laphisto had his arms crossed over his chest " yes commander?, the operation is under your command, do as you feel necessary, i have faith if your capacity", Entirr Mokuze Entirr Mokuze
"Oh, sorry for disturbing you then." Entirr quickly replied to Laphisto's response. Then, Entirr's Star Destroyer and surrounding ships started going down to the planet's atmosphere.

The ship arrived near the location of the street where the ground battle between the Order and the Pirate's forces occured. He then ordered to his squadron: "Remaining fighters on the Star Destroyers, go out of this ship and start attacking enemy tanks."

Then, in the sky of the planet the Order's Star Fighters can be noticed. They began attacking enemy tanks.

Laphisto Laphisto Evvar Roxupa Evvar Roxupa Eden Io Trace Xyston Trace Xyston
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Objective 1 Naval superiority Entirr Mokuze Entirr Mokuze Evvar Roxupa Evvar Roxupa Dravin macovish Dravin macovish

As the ground battle between the Lilaste Order and the pirate forces raged on, the arrival of Order starfighters added a new dimension to the ongoing conflict. These agile and versatile spacecraft swiftly moved to engage enemy tanks, providing aerial support to the Order's ground forces.

However, the situation took a severe turn in the vast expanse of space above the planet. Several ships emerged from hyperspace, heralding the arrival of significant pirate reinforcements. This new fleet consisted of 30 Terrik frigates, swift and deadly, and 15 Sand Panther cruisers, heavily armed and imposing. The appearance of these reinforcements marked a significant escalation in the conflict.

Caught off guard and outnumbered, a Hammerhead frigate was isolated and facing overwhelming odds. As the pirate fleet closed in, the captain of the Hammerhead frigate realized the direness of the situation. With the star destroyer they had been relying on for fire support now out of the battle, the space conflict began to shift to the order's loss.

"Attention, all allied forces! We are facing a massive pirate reinforcement fleet—30 Terrik frigates and 15 Sand Panther cruisers. We need immediate assistance!" the captain transmitted urgently, their voice filled with determination and desperation.

But despite their best efforts, the Hammerhead frigate was outgunned and outnumbered. The relentless barrage of enemy fire overwhelmed the ship's defenses, and it was ultimately destroyed in a brilliant burst of light, leaving only debris as a grim testament to its valiant stand.

The fate of the captain and crew remained uncertain as the Hammerhead frigate's remnants drifted amidst the space battle's chaos, a solemn reminder of the sacrifices made in the ongoing conflict.
Entirr received the transmission from the Hammerhead frigate and noticed that the ship was destroyed. Entirr quickly transmitted to some of his ships: "There are enemy forces coming from the space above the planet. You need to try to protect this Star Destroyer."

After the transmission, the fighters that received it started protecting the Destroyer from the back.

Laphisto Laphisto Evvar Roxupa Evvar Roxupa Dravin macovish Dravin macovish

Eden Io

Location: Approaching Dusate Storehouse - Rampagi II
Objective: Dusate Storehouse
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Tags: Laphisto Laphisto Trace Xyston Trace Xyston

More targets of opportunity.

The pirates were in disarray now, with some groups in full retreat to make a final stand at the storehouse, while others sought to leave the battle entirely in the hopes of avoiding capture. Eden spotted one of the former groups as she jetted out from an alleyway, at which point she opened up with her SMGs as her targets sought to cross the street, jink-boosting to her right as she did. The pirates were swiftly overwhelmed as the hail of bullets ripped into their backs, then their flanks, immediately cutting down three of their number. A second jink-boost in the same direction put Eden between the remaining pirates and the landspeeder they had been attempting to reach. At that point, the shotgun on her right gauntlet gave a pair of booming reports as two 10 gauge slugs exploded out from the barrel, blowing open two skulls in a scene that saw the street painted with blood and chunks of brain matter.

Seeing the fate of their comrades, the remaining three pirates attempted to make for a building on the opposite side of the street, but before they could reach their destination the gynoid was on them, her vibroblade humming with lethal intent. Sweeping in low, Eden sliced a Trandoshan pirate crosswise in twain through his lower torso, causing both halves of his body to drop to the ground as greenish blood splattered the pavement. Less than a second later, her vibroblade ripped through another pirate’s neck, swiftly removing a head from its shoulders. Then, Eden jumped high into the air, at which point she threw her body into an acrobatic flip before descending on the last pirate and plunging her blade through the top of his skull.

Mmmmf. Where are the rest of them? Probably holed up in that storehouse!” Eden hissed as she deactivated, then cleaned her vibroblade. All the while, Eden took stock of her ammunition supplies. With the exception of her pistol and shotgun, she was starting to run low. Nevertheless, after slotting two more slugs into her shotgun, she jetted skyward, before moving to link back up with the main force.

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High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Objective 2 Breaching the store house Eden Io Trace Xyston Trace Xyston

Commander Tarian observed the chaos unfolding on the streets on the walkers holo table. The battle was reaching its climax, and the pirates were clearly in disarray, attempting to make their last stand at the fortified storehouse.

As Eden continued her relentless assault on the retreating pirates, Tarian couldn't help but appreciate the precision and agility with which she dispatched her targets. Her presence was a welcome asset to the Lilaste forces, and he knew that every pirate she eliminated brought them one step closer to victory.

Inside the walker's command post, Tarian coordinated with his troops and monitored the progress of the walkers as they approached the storehouse. The massive machines breached the storehouse walls with thunderous crashes, the walls crumbling under their relentless firepower.

"Push forward, everyone! We have them on the ropes!" Tarian's voice resounded over the comm channel, rallying his troops and encouraging them to press on. The storehouse was the pirates' last stronghold, and they were determined to bring the battle to its conclusion.

The fate of the pirates' final stand now hung in the balance as the Lilaste forces closed in on their position, and Tarian was prepared to lead his troops to victory.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Objective 1 Entirr Mokuze Entirr Mokuze

The space around the planet was now filled with the flash and roar of combat. Order starfighters engaged in dogfights with pirate fighters, weaving and dodging through the void as they exchanged blaster fire. The Terrik frigates and Sand Panther cruisers of the pirate fleet closed in, firing volleys of turbolaser bolts and missiles at the Order's ships.

In response, the Order's fleet maneuvered to defend their Star Destroyer, forming a defensive screen to intercept the incoming pirate vessels. It was a chaotic and intense battle, with starfighters darting in and out of the fray while capital ships exchanged broadsides.
Just as Evvar broke through the cloudy atmosphere of Ropagi II, he recieved a comm call...and was ordered to return back to the space battle. More pirates had arrived. "Just when it was about to get fun. Talons, we're going back," he told his squadron.

As he pulled back out of the atmosphere, he could see the insane fleet the pirates had brought to bear on the Order's navy. It seemed the pirates outnumbered them. Well, the Lilaste Order did love quality over quantity. It was time to see if that would pay off.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Objective 1 Evvar Roxupa Evvar Roxupa

As Evvar's squadron received their orders to return to the ongoing battle above Ropagi II, the situation was one of intense chaos and turmoil amidst the expanse of space. The battle comms were a constant flurry of voices, each conveying a unique slice of the frantic struggle.

"Command, this is Venon 2-0, roger that, returning to the fight," came a voice from one of the nearby Basalisk fighter squadrons as they rushed crossed the battle field

Above the turbulent atmosphere of Ropagi II, the scene was one of cosmic warfare in full swing. The pirates had amassed a staggering fleet, a disorganized yet formidable force that seemed to blot out the stars themselves.

"Brace for impact! All ships, form up and prepare for engagement!" the centre Air'mar cruiser began to lead the charge taking up the formation and trying to defend teh star destroyer. The Lilaste Order's fleet, a testament to precision and discipline, fought valiantly against the relentless tide of pirate vessels. turbo laser fire crisscrossed the void, and explosions illuminated the dark expanse like celestial fireworks.

"Reinforcements, we need a defensive line at sector nine! Pirates are closing in fast!" came an urgent voice over comms. as a Drak'iv frigate begins to be swarmed by pirate fighters and bombers

"Omega Squadron, on our way to sector nine, hold your positions!" responded another pilot, as several Basalisk fighters soon pushed over trying to intercept

The pirate ships, a chaotic medley of scavenged technology and individualistic design, maneuvered erratically, creating a chaotic battlefield fraught with danger.

"Port-side shields are failing! We need immediate cover!" cried out yet another voice, urgency lacing their tone. which was quickly faced with the comm going static one of the Hammerhead frigates soon exploded in a fireball of destruction, shrapnel and debris scattering crossed the battlefield

The battle was a relentless ballet of death and destruction, where every ship was a target, and every moment was fraught with peril. The Lilaste Order naval forces were, determined to eliminate the last of the pirate vessels and secure their claim on Ropagi II. Amid the pandemonium and the voices clamoring over the comms, the outcome remained uncertain, hanging in the balance of the unrelenting conflict.
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