Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Army of Light

The Army of Light
Our Creed
You shall protect those who cannot protect themselves.
You shall fight for the Light, with all your might.
You shall preserve life, wherever you can.
You shall know peace, yet cherish love.
You shall learn, yet understand your ignorance.
You shall experience serenity, yet avoid detachment.
You shall strive for harmony, yet accept the origins of Chaos.

What is the Army of Light

  • A Jedi and Neutral Force Army
  • A Light Against the Darkness.
  • We are a multi species, multi race, multi faction task force.
  • We take in any faction members to fight Sith under our banner, who can remain within their own faction
  • We take in NFUs or Force Users to meet the threat, any character who has reason or motivation enough to stand against the Sith.
  • For now we are the underdog, fighting a huge force, this adds to the tension and the scale of the task.
The OOC Goal

Fun. A place to have Fun plotting threads. Speaking with Sith who want Fun in their threads also. It's only fun if everyone in it gets some enjoyment out of it.

You can Join to Help us here

What kinds of threads will we run

  • Protecting and Defending Innocents
  • Pursuing Sith.
  • Raids, Invasions.
  • Going after Sith relics.
  • Hit and Run attacks unexpectedly.
  • Attacks on temples.
  • Defending from Sith Reprisals.
  • Liberating populations
  • Dropping Agents in behind their lines.
  • Hitting their shipyards.
  • Wrecking their companies
  • Starving them of funds, damaging their economy.
  • Hitting opposite sides of their Empire, splitting them.
  • Causing uprisings on their worlds. - Taking people into our ranks
  • Stealing their ships. - To slowly increase the navy.
  • Attempting to cause schisms within the empire.

What we need

  • Contacts within Sith Space NPCs or otherwise.
  • Agents in Sith Space NPCs or otherwise.
  • Ships, Manpower, Weapons.
  • Surprise Opportunities.
  • Good Plots with Sith
  • Credits to finance this.
  • Companies to back us up.
  • Fun

What you won't get inside the faction:

OOC drama for anything related to fighting Sith, go have fun with stopping the Sith, however that comes about.

What we expect:
You to be excellent to one another OOC, and those you plot or fight with OOC.

Leadership and Structure

You can be just as an individual fighting the Darkside.

For the bulk of the forces they are structured as an army, with Jedi Lords leading the force users, and Generals leading the Non Force users. Commanders are below them, force user acolytes and soldiers making up the main bulk of the forces. It is a very simple chain of command and it allows you to be an individual drawn to the cause, or a military orientated character and still be a force user. People can have ships, they can have troops, or they can be solo, have fun with it.

Policy towards other Factions

We are 100% focused on the Sith, having an open non aggression pact with every other single faction out there for anyone, completely neutral to the rest of the galaxy. If Sith in another faction were killing people, or hurting them we'd be open to stopping them, but other than that we have no interest in anyone but the Sith.

Will this make us a target for the darksiders the board over. - Yes. It'll be a struggle, and that struggle against the darkness is part of what this faction is about.

Army of Light Canon Inspiration

Thank you for reading and have a great day.
Sure I can add a further section if it will help, I'll run it by the other admin before posting it however. The nature of it is designed to be a stopping point for some fun for anyone passing by, and a place we can plot out threads. With no OOC drama involved.

Here are just a few off the top of my head, the Jedi Order has many great traits, ours are different.

At present its already distinguishing itself as separate on several key issues:

  • We are an Army. - This is the biggest one.
  • We are involved in a war.
  • Open to Any Faction who wants to contribute to the army in passing.
  • Open to Neutral Characters
  • Open to NFU's
  • Jedi and Force Users can be in the army specifically, as military or fleet commanders.
  • We have a different Creed than the Jedi Order's code.
  • We have different goals to the Jedi Order, ours is very much focused on the Sith.
  • We are able to hold territory for the war effort, and have Jedi as noble Lords administering it loosely.
  • We are Open to Diplomatic Invasions from other Lightsided Factions/Neutral Factions who want to govern those planets.
  • We may well use tactics the order wouldn't, still coming from a perspective and goal of saving lives, or freeing people.
  • OOC As above. With the nature of the faction you can commit a heavy amount of time, or virtually none and just have some fun when a thread catches your eye.
Flint Dexen said:
@[member="Kei Amadis"]

Interesting. Does the army have any allegiance whatsoever to the Republic and the Jedi Order?
@[member="Flint Dexen"] No We are entirely neutral to all factions in the galaxy, except the Sith. Any faction's darksiders can be fought however if they cause harm to innocent lives or others. That's the policy at the moment.

It's sole purpose IC is to fight the Sith actively, seeking out the darkside when it harms people. OOC its sole purpose is as above a drop in point for people to plot together from any faction, and make threads that are fun for both sides.
Factory Judge
Fabula Cavataio said:
Is it bad that I'm okay with this? Dunno which of my faux Jedi is more excited about it. Codi's all like "YES! Decisive action!" Fabula's all like "YES! Obliterating the Sith!"
You should so put Fabs with them. I might be joining with my Writer as a Soldier.
@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] @[member="Tegaea Alcori"] We are checking our wallets right now and having a collection :)
We've got a thread that will help with that about to be put up.

@[member="Fabula Cavataio"] Wow! Your input in its construction would be very welcome. The more people that give the input the better the idea will be.

@[member="Moira Skaldi"] :D. Saves on the paper work.

@[member="Zack Danheir"] Welcome, be happy to see another voice there giving their input into how things are setup.

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