Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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That's Not Common--Or Is It? (PM for Invite)


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Outside Belasco
The Free Lady moved through hyperspace on an old route towards Belasco. It was a planet that used to be at a hyperlane crossroads. But through various battles and conflicts throught the centuries, those hyperlanes were abandoned. Belasco was still wealthy, run by a Monarchy. One of the tools used to gain it's entry into the Commenor Systems Alliance was to reopen the hyperlanes and increase trade in the area. An unofficial alliance and opening of a new trade route for the Galactic Empire was a big help in that. Now it was time to visit for the 'official' opening of the route and sign some contracts. It was just for publicity, but some people just ate that sort of thing up.

Kay sat in her quarters, sipping her tea as she felt the Free Lady exit hyperspace. They were finally there. She got to her feet and stretched before she started to gather a few of her things.

Instead of the usual message coming over the comms from her pilot, Terrac indicating their ETA for landing, she was met with a message of a different kind. ~Doll, you better get over here to see this.~ It had been ages since he'd called her that. After her rise to Queen, Terrac had more or less stayed away from her. But [member="Veiere Arenais"] got him to change his mind. And ever so slowly, he was working his way back into her service. It was a good thing. Now that Kay had regained her memories, she discovered just how much she missed the old grump.

Rather than answer him on the comm system, Kay just left her quarters and walked quickly down the corridor to the cockpit. "What is it?"

"Are you blind?! Look!"

And she did. Though instead of just seeing Belasco with the usual traffic, she saw something else. A Star Destroyer in between them and their destination. "I don't think that's one of ours..."

"Gee, you think?" Kay just shot him a look. Terrac knew that he could get away with his lip, all the more reason for him to continue. "Shields are remaining up. You want me to hail them, Doll? Or should we just go around them?"

"Hail them. We have to find out who they are. But just stay put. We don't know if they have itchy trigger fingers."

"Yeah, let's hope not." Terrac cleared his throat up a bit before opening a channel to the unknown vessel. ~This is the Free Lady of Commenor Systems Alliance calling out to the uhh...big Star Destroyer. You're in Commenori space without authorization. State your business and affiliation.~

They both kept their eyes glued to the viewport while they waited for a response.

Star Destroyer Argent Dawn
In Space near Belasco

The Argent Dawn. The crowning achievement of months of work and the focus of the collective efforts of the Shrouded's senior government official. This was the ship that was supposed to secure them a future. An expensive security measure which came with a hefty, seventy million credits pricetag, although a portion of that money was used for bribing law enforcement and the shipyard owners into keeping quiet about it. Kainan Wolfe, the Lord of Shrouds, sat in the command chair on the bridge of the massive, thousand-meter warship, commanding it for its first flight.

The ship was still a long way from being finished. The majority of its weapons had yet to even be installed and out of those that were, only a small fraction were functional. This was a test run, to put the ship's engines and hyperdrive through their paces, so that they may be fine-tuned and adjusted later. So far, the ship was performing wonderfully, a testament to Wolfe's talent for designing ships and the skill of the workers who built it.

The navigation officer interrupted Wolfe's musings with an trembling voice. "Uhh, sir? We have a problem," said the man, who had been under Wolfe's employment since the days the warlord was running a run-of-the-mill mercenary outfit. "What is it, ensign," asked Wolfe in a half-bored tone, expecting to be informed of yet another one of the technical problems which were normal at this stage of a ship's prototyping and construction. "A small ship just jumped from hyperspace," responded the officer. Now Wolfe snapped out of his relaxed mood. "What? Sithspit! That laserbrain said this hyperspace route was abandoned!" yelled the Lord of Shrouds, making a mental note to have an assassin pay a visit to the law enforcement officer who had been bribed to keep any curious onlookers from stumbling upon his ship.

"Sir, we're being hailed," said the comms officer. "The ship identifies itself as the Free Lady. They're stating we're in Alliance space without authorization and are demanding that we state our business."

"Blast it, we've got an official on our hands," responded Wolfe. Running several scenarios through his mind, he decided on a course of action after a few seconds. "Tactical, what is the status of our tractor beams?" he asked. "Two out of four have been installed, sir," answered Wolfe's weapons officer. "However, only one is currently functional."

"That will do, tactical. Have it powered up and lock onto the intruder. Comms, open a channel," he instructed, counting down the seconds it would take for the tractor beam to power up and finally responding to the Commenori ship after it fired, trapping the small freighter in its grip. "Attention, Free Lady. This is Lord of Shrouds Kainan Wolfe, head of state of the Shrouded Republic. The existence of this ship is a highly classified military secret and as such, your presence here is a threat to the security of the Republic and I can not allow you to go free. Stand down and surrender. I guarantee that you will be treated fairly and shall not be harmed," he said, waiting for a response from the small vessel which was now being pulled into the Star Destroyer's belly.

As the Free Lady was pulled in towards the hangar, its occupants would be able to realize that the Argent Dawn was still under construction and that it was missing most of its weapons. It would then be impossible to hide the fact that this ship was being built in Commenori Alliance space and not smuggled here from Ession, yet another reason for Wolfe to keep the officials confined. He did not want CSA authorities to figure out how well-organized and resourceful was their growing faction of former Dominion refugees. It was safer if they believed that the Shrouded were no different from the other groups that came here after the Dominion's tragic end.

Inside the hangar, a military force swiftly assembled, to take the crew and passengers of the Free Lady into custody. Disciplined men in full uniform and combat armor would then escort the highest ranking official on the ship, to meet with the Lord of Shrouds, while the rest of the crew would be confined to the brig.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Both Kay and Terrac remained unmoving as they waited in silence. What was taking so long for them to respond? Probably arguing it.

"Should I try again?"

"No. Any signs of weapons getting online?"

"None that I can see. Maybe they drifted from battle? Came in for repairs in a safe place or--" Terrac was cut off as the Free Lady's sensors came to light. "--Oh that's not good. Hang on, doll!" He flicked a couple of switches and hit the throttle, intending on diving the freighter out of the way. But there wasn't enough distance to make it work. "This isn't my fault. You realize that, right?"

Kay frowned as the Free Lady shook as it was caught. "No...More than likely I'll get the blame for it."

The answer to their hail came soon after. Kay furrowed her brows as she listened to it. "Shrouded Republic? Just who do they think they are? And in our space?" Was it an invasion? As the Free Lady was pulled in closer, the two of them realized that the Star Destroyer wasn't under repair. It was under construction. She just had bad timing. "If they think that we're going to surrender, they've got another thing coming."

Terrac only snorted and rolled his eyes. He took out his flask from his jacket pocket and had a large swig of his whiskey, the liquid burning his throat in a soothing sort of way. It could be the only comfort that he'd have for a while. As they were pulled inside, he set the landing gear down and turned the engine off. "Now what, doll?"

"Lower the ramp. We can't very well shoot our way out. So we'll just have to talk our way out instead."

"I'm not so sure about this..."

"I'm not either."

Terrac balled his hand into a fist and hit it down on the button to lower the ramp. Then the two of them left the cockpit and headed out of the Free Lady. Neither put their hands up as neither of them were surrendering. Instead they just walked quietly to their destinations, each working towards memorizing their route that would take them back to the Free Lady. It wasn't as though they planned on being there long.

As Kay was brought to [member="Kainan Wolfe"] , she narrowed her eyes slightly. "This is a hostile act. Classified or not, this is Commenori space. It should be you and your crew that surrenders to me. So I'll give you the chance to do so."
Orders had come through from [member="Kainan Wolfe"] of an unidentified ship entering their space, which was a problem considering the secrecy of the ship and its current state of unfinishness. She assembled the marine sunder her command into the hanger bay, awaiting the arrival of the craft as it was pulled in by the tractor beam, "get flanking shoot in every side", Kiso was not one for unnecessary violence outside of battle, but she had to make sure nothing went wrong.

Soon the ramp lowers and a woman of obvious nobility excited the craft accompanied by what appeared to be the ships pilot, she gave a slight graduate for some of the shoulders to guard the ship while keeping the rest on hand, "My commanding officer would like to see you". Soon the group was headed back to the bridge of the ship, the two new arrival being very calm about their situation, most likely they were very diplomatic or held some sort of power, enough to know they were not in any immediate danger.

The blast doors the bridge opened revealing [member="Kainan Wolfe"] to [member="Lady Kay"], Kiso gave a quick salute "these are the occupants from the ship captured, they didn't put up any resist, Ian Eastwood and I feel they may want to speek with you". She stepped to the side and allowed the woman to approach and very surprising making demands of her own, who was this person, how much power did they have in the commoner alliance, for now she just remained to the side listening on the conversation.

Jagen Wren

H Y P E R S P A C E , P A S S I N G B E L A S C O
8 5 0 A B Y
"It's bloody hopeless, R9."

Jagen cupped his exhausted features in his hands, moving them down until he began stroking his beard. Behind him in the void of space, the R9 astromech droid that sat in the dorsal port of the hermit's 'borrowed' StealthX starfighter gave a small chain of whirs and whistles. He obviously understood it as he continued with the conversation "There's no point, I've tried them all: The Galactic Alliance, the Silver Jedi Order, the Dominion. Their sects are hypocritical and frankly downright militaristic." The Wren grimaced.

He dropped his gaze from the azure tunnel of hyperspace to the controls and displays below it. The Jedi eas checking the Tibanna gas reserves when he felt it, a disturbance in the Force; something was calling him to stop the ship. He directed his attention at the navicomputer "R9, what information can you give me on the Belasco system?" He queried and at that text began to appear on a display.



"Very well, I'm taking us out of hyperspace." The middle-aged man informed, taking hold of the StealthX's controls while pressing down on several switches. Once more, the Force called on the Sand Hermit to do its bidding. He did not know what was on Belasco, but he was going to find out.

The ships would soon revert into realspace, the Jedi activating the stealth suites, unprepared for what he saw next.

A star destroyer tractoring in a freighter.

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Kainan Wolfe"] | [member="Kiso"]
Star Destroyer Argent Dawn
In Space near Belasco

Kainan Wolfe received [member="Lady Kay"] in his office aboard the unfinished Star Destroyer. The large room was located just a short distance away from the bridge. A large wooden desk sat at the back of the large room, with several comfortable chairs facing it and the large viewport that extended from wall to wall behind it. The chair destined for the ship's commander was large, high-backed and covered in velvet padding. Book cases lined the other walls and there was a reading table in the center, surrounded by couches. The room was bathed in a soft golden light and the remaining wall space was decorated with intricate carvings, depicting wolves running in a forest and scenes from the battle at Krayiss II, telling a story of soldiers putting up a heroic and doomed resistance against an advancing Sith army. This warlord, which had taken over a signifficant portion of the Dominion's assets following its collapse, had expensive taste.

The man who identified himself as the Lord of Shrouds was standing by the desk when the marine squad led by Staff Sergeant [member="Kiso"] brought in the Commenori official. He was a man of slightly above average height, with white-streaked dark brown hair that made him look much older than he was and intense eyes the same blue color as the cold winter sky. He wore a simple, military-style uniform, on top of which was draped a heavy leather cloak, with fur padding on the shoulders, held in place by a pair of etched belts connected by a silver clasp depicting a wolf's head. The warlord did not carry any weapons, aside from the intricately-crafter lightsaber which was revealed to be hanging from his belt when the man stepped forward and extended a hand to the Commenori head of state, as if his men had not forcefully abducted her and he was receiving a guest, instead of a prisoner. A look of recognition lit on his face as she was brought in.

"Thank you, Staff Sergeant. I would like you to search their ship for any hidden transmitters, please. Oh and inform the brig officer that our other guest is to be treated well and given a meal," he said to the marine officer, responding to her salute with a curt nod. Tapping a button on his comlink, he then ordered the kitchen staff to have dinner for two brought to his office. His eyes then met Kay's, responding to her demands with a bemused look. "Lady Kay Arenais, I believe? Forgive me, I did not expect to receive such important guests today. In fact, I was not expecting any guests at all," he said to her in a polite tone. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kainan Wolfe and I am the elected head of state of the Shrouded Republic. We are aboard the Star Destroyer Argent Dawn, our fleet's new flagship," he explained, waving a hand at the ship around them.

"I'm afraid I can not consider your demands for our surrender," he said to her, finally responding to her earlier words. "You see, when we evacuated from Dominion space after the battle of Krayiss II, I made a promise to whoever chose to follow me: That I will find a new home for them, where we could rebuild what was lost," he continued, eyes drifting off into the distance. "I have four hundred thousand people in my fleet. Four hundred thousand who put their trust in me to lead them and deliver on my promises to them. The journey we will eventually set on will be long, arduous and fraught with danger. This ship is one of the primary means by which I intend to keep them safe. And if I surrender myself and this ship to you, I would be leaving them to face that journey without leadership and protection. It would be a death sentence," he explained, conveniently omitting the part where this ship was also meant to be used in acts of piracy, in order to obtain resources with which to feed the soldiers and refugees in the fleet. "So, you see, as a fellow head of state, I am sure you understand why it is important that the existence of this ship is kept from your government, especially after we spent seventy million credits to have it built. Therefore, I will be frank with you. How much will it cost me to get you to keep your mouth shut about this entire affair? A million credits? Two?"

Meanwhile, the Commenori ship which [member="Kiso"] had been ordered to search, had been moved to one of the side hangars, so as to free up space in the main hangar bay. As the ship was still under construction and had not yet received its full crew complement, that hangar bay was currently deserted of all personnel. It was the perfect place for the Mandalorian Jedi's cloaked fighter to sneak aboard the Shrouded flagship.

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Kiso"] | [member="Jagen Wren"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay didn't speak to [member="Kiso"] at all as they were escorted. She wasn't trying to be snobby or aloof, but being brought aboard someone elses's ship by force in her own territory was not the kind of situation that she thought she'd be in today. In fact it was the exact opposite.

She kept her eyes fully on [member="Kainan Wolfe"] as he introduced himself, not moving to shake his hand at all. Her hands remained clasped in front of her instead. Kay didn't care to indulge in any of his civilities right now. She just wanted answers. Some of those of which he was forthcoming about. Him and all those on board seemed to have escaped from the Dominion. What was happening in that sector of space she didn't know. War was everywhere but in her little section. It was no wonder that some would try to hide out here.

Kay quietly scoffed as he made an attempt to bribe her and buy her silence. She wasn't some common thief who would salivate at such an offer. Yet it seemed as though that was exactly what he figured her to be.

"You are in Commenori space without permission, in a Star Destroyer no less. And instead of handling things in the proper way, you chose to kidnap myself , my pilot and take my ship. We were on a diplomatic mission and are expected. So you'd be wise to let us be on our way." Kay made no mention of maintaining his secret or not. She wasn't going to be the type of corrupted politician that people expected her to become. "I have fleets of my own and as I said before, this is a hostile act on your part. You wouldn't want to see your credits wasted and have your precious Destroyer taken apart. The fault on not protecting those under your charge would fall on you."

Transmitters could be found in various sections of the Free Lady, including in her quarters. But whether they were taken or not didn't matter. She had a different means of getting the word out if she had to. Kay had her wedding rings, alchemized to enhance the Force bond that she already shared eith her husband. While most knew that he was a Jedi, they were unaware of her own Force sensitivity.

And as she said, she was expected. The people of Belasco would wonder where she was and would more than likely reach out to Commenor to find out. The whole situation could snowball from there.

[member="Jagen Wren"]
"Yes Sir"! Kiso game another quick salute before exciting the room, leaving the proper people to their diplomatic talks. She was not one for that kind of thing, and kind of felt sorry for the wolf guard that had to sit though the entire meeting, would most likely be boring. She strode out of the bridge approaching the marines under her command again "alight we have orders to search the person ship for any transmitter, trackers or anything that could give the ships location away, move out".

With a flick of her cape Kiso briskly made her way back to the hanger, The Free Lady being moved to a more secure location, "Alright I want you in team of two, comb the ship, don't damage anything unless your certain there is a transmitter in there". She removed followed up her cape and placed her hat on it, giving it to one of the deck hand, "hang onto this will you", before entering the craft herself, knowing she would have a better time fining the transmitter.

Coming into the ship she let her cybernetic eye and SES scan the the area, searching for any electrical devices, a small indicator came up on her HUD showing a small power source in the cabin area of the ship. She passed a few marines making her way slowly towards the back, a little careful encase of traps, though she didn't thing the craft would be fitted with any, it was always better to be safe rather then sorry. The door to the cabin opened, revealing a lush and decorative private quarters, no doubt the woman's, looking around her scanner picked up the source underneath the bed, "shame it look so nice".

She drew her saber and proceeded to cut a fine slice into the bed reaching in and feeling around, soon her hand touched a metal object, pulling it out she gave it another scan, confirming it to be the transmitter. "I've found it boy but keep searching for anything else, just don't take anything or you will have to do just as many push up as me during our next training session". "Come on sarge we know your a..." "And that's why is punishment, your muscles will scream to die, SO DON"T TAKE ANYTHING YOU HEAR".

She disabled the transmitter and walked back into the hanger bay, retrieving her cape and officer cap, "Search team to bridge we found the scanner, over and out". Despite finding the device she could not help but shake the feeling that something was still wrong.

[member="Lady Kay"] /[member="Kainan Wolfe"] / [member="Jagen Wren"]

Jagen Wren

The Jedi Knight steadied himself, maneuvering the ship away from the direction of the star destroyer. R9 whistled behind him "No, I don't think this is just a coincidence. That there destroyer is still under construction." Jagen mused, observing it from the safety of his StealthX "Only a particularly powerful and wealthy government could afford to build something like that. And given that there's only backway hyperlanes in this sector, I reckon that they didn't want it to be found that easily."

He considered his options for a moment, his eyes returning to the controls of the starfighter. "Prepare the landing cycle, we're landing in the main hangar bay. I fear that the occupants of that freighter are in danger." He babbled, moving from actively avoiding the construct to racing towards it. A series of reproachful beeps from R9 indicated his desire to avoid being blasted into a million pieces "Don't worry, an under-construction ship is under-staffed. At least...I hope it is."


The hatch to the cockpit raised and Wren climbed out of his ship into the abandoned hangar bay, he turned to face R9. "Keep the ship running with the stealth systems on, I want to be prepared in case we need a quick getaway." He requested, receiving acknowledgement from the droid. The Jedi Knight looked around and approached the blast door, deciding against opening it at the last minute and ripping a ventilation grate out of its frame with the Force.

He got on his hands and knees and squeezed in, replacing the dented grate against the opening as he went in deeper. He had no idea where he was going, none at all, but something seemed to be guiding him at every fork in the path, at every intersection. Sometimes another grate would come into view, allowing him to peak into things like crew dormitories, the mess hall, or storage rooms; it wasn't until he found himself slinking around the bridge did he find something interesting.

"-Therefore, I will be frank with you. How much will it cost me to get you to keep your mouth shut about this entire affair? A million credits? Two?"

"You are in Commenori space without permission, in a Star Destroyer no less. And instead of handling things in the proper way, you chose to kidnap myself , my pilot and take my ship. We were on a diplomatic mission and are expected. So you'd be wise to let us be on our way."

Below him was [member="Lady Kay"], whom he had read and heard about on the holonet, and [member="Kainan Wolfe"] along with others he did not recognize. He observed silently, knowing full well that if any of them were to look up they would most likely catch a glimpse of him, prompting the Jedi to attempt to cloak both his Force presense and his physical self, powers that had served him well during his exile.

Star Destroyer Argent Dawn
In Space near Belasco

A heavy weight seemed to settle on Wolfe's face and he seemed to bounce some thoughts around. He clearly was unsure of how to handle this situation. Finally, he seemed to decide. With a heavy sigh, he turned away from her and towards the viewport at the back of the office, clasping his hands at his back, his eyes staring into the expanse of stars. "Then, I'm afraid we have a problem," he said.

Turning back towards her after a moment, he continued. "I gave you my word that you will be treated well, therefore you will. But the lives of almost half a million people hang in the balance and I need more than your word. I need assurances," explained the warlord.

"These are my demands: I want guarantees that our ships will not be seized or attacked. And I want official recognition as an independent and sovereign state for the Shrouded Republic. Until such a time when I have something more than your word that these demands will be met, you and your pilot shall remain our guests," spoke the Warlord in a clear, matter-of-fact voice, as if to underline that these terms were not up for debate.

An electronic bell chimed from the door and one of the guards outside opened it. It was one of the kitchen staff, delivering the dinner which Wolfe had ordered for himself and his 'guest'. The cook had done an excellent job, delivering them what was supposedly a traditional recipe on Ession. "I have taken the liberty to order a meal for us. I am sure you must be hungry, after your trip here," said Wolfe, his hand waving towards the reading table at the center of the room and the silver tray which the servant had brought.

Taking hold of his comlink, Wolfe contacted the bridge. "Navigation, this is the Lord of Shrouds. Set a course for Sigma Site. You may jump when ready," he instructed. Soon after, the ship lurched slightly as it jumped to hyperspace.

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Kiso"] | [member="Jagen Wren"]
With the current task of removing the tracking device over, and having given orders to the other soldiers to carry out their duties Kiso started to make her way back to the bridge deciding going back though the main hanger, hypothesizing different routines to put the men though when one of the disobeyed and order. Sure she was a more lax officer, was not always for the whole strict military code when around subordinate, but she was still a instructed and NCO and did not think any differently.

Walking though the main hanger she felt as though something was out of place, looking around her bionic scanner picked up some sort of anomaly in the area. The HUD kept showing sight as if something was there but at the same time was not, her sonar and sound detectors picking up and object but her other imagery software not. "Am I malfunctioning, no I did a check yesterday, somethings off". She started to walk forwards and came in contact with a hard surface, "wait a second this is a s...... ", Before she could finished her sentence a message came over the loud speaker, "Wait don't just we ha...... ".

In that second the ship jumped to hyper space, causing Kiso to fall over, but send a quick message to the ground crew, ordering the hanger bay doors be shut, who ever was on bored was not going anywhere.

[member="Kainan Wolfe"] / [member="Jagen Wren"] / [member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay furrowed her brows as [member="Kainan Wolfe"] gave his demands, wanting assurances other than her word. How was she to do that? What was almost laughable was the fact that he thought that she had some sort of pull in intergalactic affairs or with the other governments. That couldn't be further from the truth. She was just a figurehead in a very small government that meant nothing to the rest of the Galaxy. But he was right with one thing. Having Kay on board his destroyer would prevent her own people from firing upon it.

She just stood there in place as the food was brought in, contemplating on what to say and how to go about the situation in order to save herself and Terrac. Obviously talking her way out was the way to go. She had to reason with him. Hopefully such a thing was possible, even if it meant swallowing her pride.

As the destroyer jumped into hyperspace, Kay closed her eyes. For the moment they were trapped. They couldn't get any messages out until the jump was over. Although...Her wedding rings. They were special, forged and alchemized in a way to enhance their Force bond and allow them to communicate over vast dustances. Whether or not it worked during hyperspace, she wasn't certain. While spinning the rings slowly on her fingers, she focused on [member="Veiere Arenais"] and reaching him. ~Veiere...I'm in a bit of a pickle, but try not to worry just yet. I've been taken hostage with Terrac on a Star Destroyer that's headed to..Sigma Site. I don't know where that is. They want recognition as a government, some Shrouded Republic, plus guarantees that they won't be attacked. They have half a million refugees from the Dominion too. I was supposed to be on Belasco. Hopefully I can get word to them and send my apologies. I'll get out of this soon, I hope.~

She opened her eyes and headed over to the small table, slowly taking her seat as she looked to the food that was offered. "Thank you." After taking a small bite of meat, she looked to her 'host'. "What kind assurances do you need if my word isn't enough? Do I have to broadcast it on the holonet?" She took another bite of food, unaware of [member="Jagen Wren"] listening and watching above them. Her thoughts were dwelling on Terrac and what he was going through. Hopefully he was okay.


Jagen Wren


He was there but he didn't know how to act at the moment. Before him was the opportunity to attempt the rescue of [member="Lady Kay"] and her compatriots, but there also ran the risk of getting swarmed by marines before he could leave the bridge.

He didn't necessarily have a reason to save them, he had been a Jedi exile for almost half a decade. That was when he saw it, cracks that he had only encountered before on Jedha beginning to appear out of thin air in front of him.

Unwittingly the Jedi Knight had activated Shatterpoint.

Jagen examined the fault lines that the Force created in that moment, determining his best course of action until they disappeared with his interference. The man cracked a grin, he knew what he needed to do and the prospect of such a thing was hilarious. His hands found their way to his utility belt and he unlatched one of his sabers, the hilt was worn by time and the elements.


A blue blade pierced through metal as the Jedi spun in a circle, the newly-created slab falling to the ground with a resounding thud; Jagen Wren landing softly on top of it. Flourishing his weapon, he raised it into a defensive stance, the tip pointing straight at [member="Kainan Wolfe"]

"Hello there." He greeted sassily "Sorry to interrupt dinner, but you seem to be in the middle of abducting someone."

Raymus paces quickly down the corridors. The argent dawn was functioning but the hyperdrive was not yet tuned to perfection and as such gave off plenty of unnecessary heat, which could lead to several complications if left unfixed. He was about to update the archlord on the state of the ship when he heard a hiss. A hiss he knew all too well. That was the sound of a lightsaber. Then came the clanging of metal. Someone got onto the command deck via the ventilation. "Kiso, i need a full squad up on the bridge right now. We have a lightsaber wielding intruder on board." He whispered into his communicator. Kyle unclipped a smoke grenade from his belt. He snuck up to the blast doors silently like a predator stalking its prey. Then, in fluid motion, he opened the door, and fired at the jedi. He aimed for the lightsaber, hoping to catch the jedi off guard and disarm him. Without waiting to see if the shot hit, he set of the smoke grenade and charged the jedi, knocking the man off his feet. "Archlord, get outta here!" He declared as they retreated towards the exit. " we have a squad moving to our position as we speak"
Star Destroyer Argent Dawn
In Hyperspace

Wolfe smiled, seeing that the conversation was going his way. "A formal announcement would do, yes. I would also like to arrange a more official diplomatic conference than this, perhaps sign a non-aggression treaty, once you get back to Commenor. In return, I am willing to offer you help with patrolling your trade routes for pirates and the like," he said to her.

"Please do not mistake this little incident for a kidnapping," explained the warlord. "You are not a prisoner and we will not hold you hostage. However, given the nature of this ship, you understand that unauthorized personnel can not be allowed to roam freely--"

That was the moment when the Jedi carved himself a door into the room and landed in the middle of it, hi lightsaber ignited.

Four slugthrower rifles raised up simultaneously as the Wolfguards jumped into action. The Lord of Shrouds swiftly lifted his arm up, fist closed, prompting the four guards to freeze. "Enough," said Wolfe, his tone authoritative. Standing up from the ornate table, his looked upon the Jedi with curiosity. "It would appear that we have another guest," he remarked, lifting up his comlink to answer the excited chatter which came from his officers.

"Lieutenant Raymus, Sergeant Kiso, this is the Lord of Shrouds. Please summon a squad of Wolfguards and join us in my office," he instructed. "In the future, master Jedi, I would appreciate it if you did not carve holes into my expensive Star Destroyer," Wolfe said to Jagen Wren in an indignant tone. "If you wanted to join our discussion, you could have knocked."

"As a matter of fact, nobody is being abducted here. Lady Kay, her companion and now you, are our guests for the duration of this journey. The lady and I, were in the middle of negotiating an important treaty, but if you wish to give us your input, please, have a seat," spoke the warlord, as if a squad of elite guards hadn't just been summoned to their location.

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Kiso"] | [member="Jagen Wren"] | [member="tsarwars"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"]
Her com-link blinked to life buzzed to life and a voice came over the channel, it it was Lieutenant Raymus, "What?" needles to say she was not to fond of the guy, pointing a gun to her head on the first meeting did not really sit well with her, combined with the fact the guy was promoted to Lieutenant. "I copy, on my way........ ", "You don't seem to like him very much sarge", said on of her men, "Ya think wise guy, now move it double time".

Making her way up to the bridge she received another call over her cocmlink, this time from Wolfe, "Already on it Sir", she passed by the armor guarded by some of the Wolf guard, "You men with me, to the bridge, my guys stay here and take over guard duty". Using her bionic implant she raced ahead making good time, reaching the room in question just in time to hear the end of Wolfe's proclamation and asking the attendants to take a seat.

l [member="Kainan Wolfe"] l [member="tsarwars"] l [member="Jagen Wren"] l [member="Lady Kay"] l


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
The sound of [member="Jagen Wren"] dropping from the ceiling nearby caused Kay to jump to her feet, knocking over her chair. She didn't recognize the man and wondered how and why he was on board in the first place. Did they capture him too? Was he sent here?

Her attention turned to [member="Kainan Wolfe"] as he ordered more soldiers into the room, followed by again stating that she wasn't being abducted. It was absurd. She wasn't on this ship willingly. He brought her there.

Kay stepped closer towards Jagen Wren, commiting herself to whatever he had in mind, though she kept her eyes on her 'host'. "I am a prisoner and you are holding me hostage. Negotiations for treaties aren't started with capturing a Head of State and taking them against their will to some destination that isn't their home. There are better ways, smarter ways. I request that you show your good faith by letting us go. Drop out of hyperspace and let us be on our way in our ships. Then on a date in the near future, you could come to Commenor for a truly diplomatic meeting, with no hostilities on either side."

Surely he could agree to that.

[member="Kiso"] [member="tsarwars"]

Jagen Wren

"Are you attempting to deceive a Knight of the Old Republic? With such a terrible lie no less?"

Jagen stared indignantly at the Archlord, his lightsaber still drawn in a defensive stance. The bearded Jedi stared around at the Wolfguards with their raised slugthrowers at him. "You are forcing me into action, my Lord. I haven't taken a life in years, but I will do so if you do not release this woman and her pilot immediately." The middle-aged man growled, a glare overtaking his wizened features that were further amplified with the bright blue light emanating from the lightsaber.

His eyes glazed over slightly as he sensed or rather saw something happening that simply wasn't. Knight Wren turned suddenly while the blast door to the room opened and a man shot at him and throwing a smoke grenade into the room, his lightsaber angling to direct the bolt in the wall. Attempting to move before the guards could react, he waved his off-hand and crushed the barrels of their rifles with the power of telekinesis.

Enhancing his speed with further help from the Force, he dashed forth and grabbed [member="Lady Kay"] by her waist before racing out of the room past [member="Kiso"], but not before trying to slice the controls behind him in an attempt to jam the blast door closed. Finding him way into a turbolift off of the bridge, he paused and let go of the Commenori woman and pressed a button to them to the brig's deck level.

The Jedi turned to her "My name is Jagen Wren, I am formerly a self-exiled Jedi Knight of the Galactic Republic. There's not enough time to argue the logistics, but the Force has sent me here to rescue you and your crew from that man's clutches." He informed matter-of-factly, deactivating his saber and giving a half-hearted bow.

[member="Kainan Wolfe"] | [member="tsarwars"]
Finally coming to a stop she was just able to see [member="Jagen Wren"] bend the barrels of the Wolf guards weapons and take [member="Lady Kay"] by the hand, zipping past her with force speed, though not fast enough, he had dealt and tracked faster before. Turing quickly around and putting the servos in her legs to full use Kiso launched forward back down the hallway in to pursuit of the Jedi, just managing to pass thought the blast door, but her cape getting caught in the process.

"Note to self, get a proper officer uniform", taking the cape off she again flew down the hall way after the Jedi, drawing her side arm just in-case, speaking into her com-link she relayed another order to the marines in the hanger. "Lock down the hanger bay, don't let anything out or in, secure the ship, its a stealth model, it is currently cloak but is there". Kiso drew her blade as she turned a corner coming into view of the Jedi and Lady Kay, "Halt"! Before she could react the two entered into the tubro lift intent on getting of the bridge, "That was a bad mistake".

[member="Kainan Wolfe"] l [member="tsarwars"]
Kyle thought things had settled down and the jedi was no longer causing trouble when the rogue grabbed Lady Kay and charged off, right past Kiso. The seargent immediately took off into the chase using her mechanical augmentations. In such a race, Kyle had no chance, but by no means was he going to play by the jedi's rules. He raised his communicator and opened a channel to the engineering room. "Engineering, cut power to the turbolift. Activate the ray shields at every turbolift exit. I want that jedi trapped."
The enginneers responded instantly. All the turbolifts stopped and stood still. Not moving. Red walls of energy sprung up in front of every turbolift entrance.
"Wolfguard, position yourselves at every turbolift exit and in the hangar. I want his ship detained, all the docks locked."
"Ah, seargent, would you like to greet our guests downstairs?""
Kyle walked up to turbolift number 9 and used his clearence code and the control panel to override the power down and rayshields prior to sending the turbolift to the hangars. He really wanted that stealth ship.

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