Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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That Awkward Moment...

Darren Onyx

That awkward moment when you realize you are the only person online....

Post all your awkward moment jokes, or real life experiences, here!

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
I woke up five minutes ago to discover a puddle of drool on my shoulder. The awkwardness of this moment was compounded when I realized that, in my dream, I had been trying to spit.

Darren Onyx

That awkward moment when you are half asleep, trip in your dream, and then spaz out in real life until you open your eyes.

Shawn Drax

That awkward moment when you think your cousin (that you have never met) is cute..........


Well-Known Member
I have had to many. awkward moments. One off the top of my head,kinda adult so I spoilerd it.

I was hanging with a close friend and his wife. We had just started playing video games, literally just started, and this woman I had never met shows up. At first I was like oook whatever. I don't know you so I'm going to sit here very quietly. So she starts talking to my friend Ciecel, then leans in and outta no where puts him in the most professional choke hold I've ever seen! She chokes him out for a solid 5 seconds, then just suddenly flips the script and is all happy n loving again and wants a hug. I thought at this point that ok she must just be a close friend so it's fine they probably have done this before. But then outta nowhere she starts licking/biting his ear! I'm sitting there like trying not to cry as I'm laughing that hard at this point! So to get her off him Ciecel was like Joti (his wife) likes hugs! So this lady runs over nd starts hugging Joti REALLY hard, I was 6 feet away and could hear bones pop. Then to go even further into awkward-ness, she starts chihuahuaing her leg! Then, to my aabsolute disdain, Joti has the "great" idea to say, Zach likes hugs! So now I'm sitting there with this old lady hugging me really...strangely. Then she starts kissing by my ear! And tries to kiss a line to my lips! Being that it was not my house, and this woman clearly was wasted, I held my hands in the air (I have a fiance and didn't want it getting to my lady in any twisted way XP) but kept twisting trying to get away. Then she tries chihuahuaing me on my full front!!! At that point I jumped up and ran outta the house and went home

Lmao i know that it sounds to stupid to be for real, but i swear it is completely true!

Darren Onyx

Cool story bro.

When I was in middle school (eighth grade) we went to a small school with a total of maybe fifty. My best friends, Spencer and David, and I filmed everything we did for our youtube series, "The Jackasses of Las Vegas." As the title suggests, we do really stupid things. So David and me had a weekly job, to take out the trash. The garbage had to go in the can across the street so we had to walk there. One day we were doing our business as usual and David starts filming. We try and find something to do when I say, "I need to p**s really bad bro." Nearby is a old piece of garbage sports car. David looks at me and tells me to pee on it. I laugh and do it. I pee on the windshield, tires, and door. Suddenly we hear "HEY! YOU CANT DO THAT!" I turn, my coconut and pencil hanging out of my pants, to see a women that was sitting in her car. Embarrassed I zip up my pants only for it to get caught. I'm in pain and yell at my friend saying he is a retard. The chick thinks I am talking to her and rants more. David, being my best friend, said he didn't know me and he was just taking out the trash. When then ended up running and trying to not let her see where our school was. We were never caught.

How about that for a awkward moment?


Well-Known Member
Lol sounds like the time me n my little brother were at a friends birthday party when I was like 16 and I hadn't eaten yet. Having not eaten, I was rather hungry. Being hungry, I went into the friends fridge and started eating. After a few mins I was better so I turned n went to play. My friends mom saw the food missing and starts flippin. So to avoid the yelling I was like hey David lets go outside. So as were walkin down the road David realizes he has to pee. So now as were walkinhe's hed got his junk out n was peeing. So of course karma makes it soI have pee to so I started to do so to. Little did I know that as David was finishing and I was starting, this little girl from the party comes running up. So just like Dark Onyx, I zip my jeans hard I screamed and hit the floor. My baggage was caught in the door so to speak. Not my friend..the baggage..I cried. There was blood! :'"(

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
I was bouncing on our trampoline, and wasn't paying attention, and I went too close to the edge, i.e. one leg hit the trampoline, the other didn't. The bar went right between the legs. Needless to say, I went down fast.

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