Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Temporal Trouble

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
"Best plan we have so far," he then turned to the soldier, "We'll help with your war, have Revan and any other military leaders meet with us on the Unbroken after the battle is concluded, I am sure they would like to know the extent of the tech we have available." So far none of the soldiers or jedi even knew that the Commando droids in the armor were droids, they were even using augmented voices that sounded like living beings' voices when they spoke.

[member="Reggie Faayare"]
The soldier nodded and walked off to take care of his other duties, first being to relay the message to his commander. Reggie was both excited to see the Mandalorian war play out, and scared that he wouldn't make it back home in one piece. One way or another, he had to prepare for the battles ahead.

"I suppose our presence here changed a few events. Cassus Fett wasn't fighting in Taris in our history, and most definitely didn't die here. If things go the way I think they will, Revan and Malak should be going to Dantooine soon, which is where they will find the Star Map."

[member="Commander Firestorm"]

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
"The laws of time prevent changes to the layout of any one timeline, we merely created a new parallel timeline, and I know what happens with that star map, we'll be dealing with a whole new wave of Sith if they head for it, I am not sure about you but I personally don't want to be fighting off hordes of Imperial troopers and Dark Jedi, but if it does happen, we do know that Revan was injured, then had a severe case of amnesia which made him forget ever even becoming jedi or sith, then he meets Bastila, who travels with him until she falls to the Dark Side at the hands of Malak during the quest to find the Star Forge."

[member="Reggie Faayare"]
"That is true, but we have a little while before they completely fall to the dark side. One way or another, you make a good point. Maybe we can prevent all of that from happening....but that could possibly change events in a negative way. Revan was one of the Jedi to fight the Emperor of his time. He lost, but still put things in motion for other Jedi to succeed."

[member="Commander Firestorm"]

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