Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Temporal Trouble

The ships headed towards the planet Taris, which wasn't too far away from them.

"Alright, the Mandalorians have already taken Taris and its our job to take it back. Some of our men are already down there on the battlefield, so we need to back them up. We'll start from the upper city, and push them back to the under city."

As they drew closer, they landed and quickly got out the ships, going through the doors to the bridge. Mandalorians, Republic soldiers, and Jedi were all fighting for control. The Republic were on the defense, taking cover behind whatever would keep them alive on the bridge. When Revan and Malak joined the Frey, things started to change.


"Alright Alex, it looks like we have no choice but to fight."

[member="Commander Firestorm"]

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
"I'll take down some Commando Droids dressed in Phase 2 Clone armor, better protection and less noticeable," Alex climbed into and LAAT/i gunship with a group of armored commando droids, all reprogrammed, he drew his lightsaber and one of his DC-17 pistols. "Let's go."

[member="Reggie Faayare"]
"Alright, lets do this."

Reggie was not the fighting type, so this battle was going to be much different than anything he had ever done. He drew his lightsaber, and went towards the battle on the bridge. Reggie went to protect the soldiers that were injured, deflecting shots coming there way. Mandalorians began to close in on him, some wielding vibroblades, which meant that they were most likely more skilled than he was in close to close combat. He cut a few down, and pushed some away from him and the soldiers using the force, but there were a lot of them coming his way. One of them closed in on him and attacked, which Reggie blocked. He was getting overwhelmed, but wouldn't retreat. He was going to protect the injured soldiers as much as he could.

[member="Commander Firestorm"]

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
The Mandalorians were just be crushed by the Commando Droids, who also wielded vibroblades and E-5 blaster rifles and Alex just blasted them, electrocuted them using force Judgement, or cut them down with his lightsaber, one group charged him and the commando droids thinking they were Republic troopers only to get cut down by the disguised droids. "Commando Droids are perfectly capable machines in the right hands, the separatists just never used them properly." Alex said as he walked up to Reggie.

[member="Reggie Faayare"]
"I see that. I'm glad they're on our side then!"

He said this while using force heal to help the downed soldiers. The droids were giving them a considerable advantage over the Mandalorians, who were no slackers in this battle. The droids were greatly appreciated for this battle.

Eventually, the Mandalorians were pushed back, giving the republic control over the upper city. Now it was time to take back control of the under city. The soldiers began entering the elevator to the Under city, groups of them going down and the next group awaiting to go next. Other groups traveled to another area that would also take them down to the Under city, allowing the army to attack on two fronts.

Revan entered the elevator with his men, motioning [member="Commander Firestorm"] and Reggie to quickly get on.

"Seems like we have more work to do."

Reggie went towards the elevator to join the next assault.

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
Alex helped Reggie with healing the wounded. He also helped a few of the seriously injured to the back of the lines, meanwhile striking down any Mandalorian dumb enough to get too close to him or shoot at him.

[member="Reggie Faayare"]
After healing most of the soldiers with [member="Commander Firestorm"], Reggie began to help push back the Mandalorians as much as he could. He stayed close to Alex, knowing that the troopers skills would make up for his own.

"Thanks for having my back Alex! These Mandalorian soldiers are a lot harder to face than I thought they would be!"

Reggie mostly used the force to take down oncoming enemies, allowing his allies to get a advantage over them. When he needed to, he would use his lightsaber to defend himself, but he wasn't always able to fight off his opponents. He made a mental note of this for when they get back home.

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
"Good thing I am also technically a Mandalorian, and one thing you should know about Mandalorians, they are fierce people who have a warrior past unlike any other, heck they have waged wars for millennia, even resulting in part of a moon being blown to pieces and the surface of their home planet becoming barren from constant war. Here is my advice, use the force and force them to collide with each other and knock them out, that way you can take out groups of them, better than trying to cut through their armor, it may not be made of cortosis, but it is still resilient enough against lightsaber a to give you a hard time and if you must go for a kill blow, or at least a crippling attack, aim for the neck and exposed joints in their armor, or even the visor of their helmets."

The droids formed a circle around the injured, keeping the Mandalorians out, even when they managed to hit the droids with blaster fire, it didn't phase hem as the clone armor plus their own armored bodies made them highly resistant to blaster fire. Alex shot the weak pints in the Mandalorians' armor, dodging the return fire, he took a hit, though it just left a burn mark that he wiped away, his armor was specially reinforced so it was hard for their outdated blasters to damage it.

He then deflected the blaster fire back at the Mandalorians, causing them to get knocked off their feet and groan in pain from getting hit by their own blaster bolts.
"I'll keep that in mind."

Reggie took the information to heart and used it to his advantage. They were surely tough enemies, but his allies were stronger. Revan and Malak kept pushing forward, taking down their enemies like they weren't a challenge at all. Defending their position was Reggie's top priority though.

As the battle continued the Mandalorian fighters began to lessen, and Revan was faced with a single enemy captain: Cassus Fett. Reggie realized that something was wrong, that the republic weren't supposed to win this battle. He had read up on this battle during his research and knew that the republic didn't win back Taris, and that Cassus became one of the most wanted men in the galaxy after boarding a fleet and putting the captain down. This time though, the republic pushed back the enemies and took over the territory, Revan and Cassus being the final battle.

The battle was long and no one interfered, but in the end, Revan's defeated Cassus and achieved victory. The battle was won and history had changed slightly. Everyone was cheering and celebrating for a short while, and Revan walked over to [member="Commander Firestorm"] and Reggie.


"Thank you for your assistance in this battle, you gave us a considerable advantage over our foes Commander."

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
Alex removed his helmet, revealing the face of what would be Jango Fett in a few thousand years, maybe bearing some resemblance to Cassus Fett, "Happy to help, Supreme Commander Revan." Revan could see the scorch mark from a Mandalorian heavy blaster on Alex's armor, which with any armor of that day, would have still resulted in a considerably painful injury, yet it did not look like it had even penetrated the armor's surface, the blaster that Alex held was also unrecognizable. The lightsaber he wielded was also blue in color.
[member="Reggie Faayare"]
Revan had many questions for the strangers, questions that he would soon ask. These men had helped them through this battle, so he would help them get back home.

"So you say that you came here through a time anomaly? Which, I suppose you guys aren't from here then?"

This was the first time Revan had encountered such a thing, but from the name and different gear they had, he could figure out what it meant.

[member="Commander Firestorm"]

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
"Mostly correct, we are from this galaxy, just several thousand years in the future, the ship we arrived in is know as a Venator-Class Star Destroyer, my full CHOSEN name is Alex Firestorm, I am a clone of a rather dangerous man from my time, whose last name you would most definitely recognize. I was part of a clone army that was created to serve the republic in a large scale war against droid armies of the Separatist Alliance."

[member="Reggie Faayare"]
this surely intrigued Revan, but for now he decided to keep his knowledge of the future to a minimum. Knowing a future that he won't see was like discovering when his life would end without being able to do anything about it.

"Well [member="Commander Firestorm"], its nice to meet a person such as yourself. Tell me, do you know how I can help you get home?"

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
"That's what we need to figure out, a rogue black hole appeared out of nowhere and we were unable to escape being sucked in, not even trying to jump to hyperspace worked. It would seem we were pulled back in time to the Old Republic era and the Mandalorian Wars, so the Great Sith War is over." He thought to himself now, 'That means the Jedi Civil War and First Jedi Purge are close to follow.'

[member="Reggie Faayare"]
Revan thought about what he was being told, but was interrupted by one of his men. apparently, something urgent had come up that he had to attend to quickly. He left quickly, telling Reggie and Alex to hold on. After a couple minutes, another Man had came up to them and started speaking.

"Supreme commander Revan had some business to take care of and has instructed me to assist you. From what I was told, two aren't from here, and I will be helping you get back to your time."

The man seemed like an ordinary soldier, but there was something different about him.

"From my understanding, you two were pulled back here through a black hole. Honestly, I don't think there is a way to get you back home, but it's my job to make a way."

Commander Firestorm

ARC Trooper Out of Time, Commander of the Unbroken
"That would be ideal, still, time travel is as much a mystery from the time we come from as it is now, and I doubt this just happened by mistake, the Force never does something without reason, and I sensed quite a large force presence around that black hole before it pulled us in." Alex tucked his helmet under his arm, putting his blaster back in his holster, his lightsaber still in his hand, the blade extinguished.

[member="Reggie Faayare"]
When Alex said this, Reggie thought the only thing they could do was continue fighting

"Maybe we just have to keep fighting in this war until another black hole appears. we're here for a reason, so lets go find that reason!"

Reggie didn't know if this would work, but it was the only choice given to them.

[member="Commander Firestorm"]

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