Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Technology Submission Modifications

Did Someone Order a War?
Sorry about these ladies/gents, small edits though at least.
A clever Factory Judge pointed something out!

Submission Name:
FFE MRS-1 Rifle
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification:
Changing Open Market to Closed, just the one line (one word)
Please leave the purchasable from this thread line as is, but i've listed it here with the link if you need it.
Reason for Modification:
To keep sales confined to the thread, or via pm.

Affiliation: Closed Market, from Fire for Effect’s Marketplace thread, or a sponsored representative only.
Purchasable from this thread

Submission Name:
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification:
Changing Open Market to Closed
Reason for Modification:
To keep sales confined to the thread, or via pm.


Affiliation: Closed Market, from Fire for Effect’s Marketplace thread, or a sponsored representative only.
Purchasable from this thread

Submission Name:
SW 12 Jack Knife
Link to Submission:

Summary of Modification:
Changing Open Market to Closed
Reason for Modification:
To keep sales confined to the thread, or via pm.

Affiliation: Closed Market, from Fire for Effect’s Marketplace thread, or a sponsored representative only.
Purchasable from this thread

Submission Name:
TS Vonginator 500
Link to Submission:

Summary of Modification:
Changing Open Market to Closed
Reason for Modification:
To keep sales confined to the thread, or via pm.

Affiliation: Closed Market, from Fire for Effect’s Marketplace thread, or a sponsored representative only.
Purchasable from this thread

Submission Name:
CB-1 Icebreaker
Link to Submission:

Summary of Modification:
Changing Open Market to Closed
Reason for Modification:
To keep sales confined to the thread, or via pm.

Affiliation: Closed Market, from Fire for Effect’s Marketplace thread, or a sponsored representative only.
Purchasable from this thread
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Submission Name: Sasori Amulet
Link to Submission: Sasori Amulet
Summary of Modifications:
Increased Production
Added Shield Tech
Small Touch ups
New Details Increased
Reason for Modification: More resources, more dev

Image Source: [x]
Intent: To Create a special item for lightsiders
Development Thread:

Manufacturer: Sasori
Model: Shield Amulet
Affiliation: Private Market
Modularity: No
Production: Mass Production

Created with research into ancient Shield amulets, the darkside artifacts being destroyed in the process of experimentation but yielding testable results as Matsu went to work. The crystals she harvested from Rhen Var with Grandmaster Iella for her sabers and research into them. Those proved what she needed to use to augment and improve the amulet as she forged a small plate of plexisteel that she poured force energy into. Forging and slowly augmenting it with art of the small to produce a barrier as the solari crystal's properties of feeling the lightside to detect the person wielding it.

The amulet will not function for anyone not of the lighside and works almost on a sub conscious level that allows it to project a small barrier of energy to protect from a blow.... For around thirty seconds. It isn't like a personal shield generator, it doesn't have a power source it has a wielder and uses the force energy of those it is attached to. The energy it draws is moderate able to be reduced with training and understanding by stronger force users but without the special training it can tire out most people. The second major thing is how it works with no on switch. The amulet slowly bonds and attunes to the user.

With that bond it is able to read their thoughts and react when they fear for their lives creating a barrier to resist energy and kinetic impact but then it will dissipate after thirty second with a small pop of energy that can push back small things. Afterwards though it needs to recharge and rebuild energy both with itself and the one using it. The hybrid plexisteel hardened with the force like force armor or a blade increasing its weight and resistance to blasters which can protect it from shattering as well as provide minor resistance against a lightsaber striking it.

As with lightside artifacts a powerful enough darkside attack can remove the properties and leave it a decorative amulet. Some additional testing of it allowed for one to disable it prematurely but at a greater cost of energy then if they let it run its cycle and pop. The treatment of it and further testing might be able to improve this but for now Matsu was just glad that she was able to work and create something able to be used by the jedi. The amulet can create a protective barrier for the wearer now and sustain it longer while improving the force within them, the barrier can be projected outwards to make a bubble against force energy and blasters. When a darksider tries to use the amulet it will backfire creating an arc of heart stunning energy to incapacitate them.

The as jedi work on the amulet continued to go they built more onto it using xythan force shields recovered from ancient droids and manufacturing additional ones for the team to work with. They worked to increased the production of the amulet itself while letting small amounts of continued force enhancement through new synthweaving techniques. THe lightside of the force enhancing and allowing them to augment it while keeping the amulets away from the hands of those who do not follow the lightside of the force. WIth darksiders it can cause unease and nausea being around or holding it as the amulet works to protect itself from misuse. With lightsiders it creates a continued sense of serenity and holding embedded it in a sigil as well as a pair of murr earrings that have been inlaid like jewels.

  • Energy Resistant Shield
  • Force Resistant Shield
  • Enhances force powers
  • Lightside Restricted
  • Consumes Force Energy
  • Requires Special Training
  • Injures Darksiders who try to use it
  • Does not Function on worlds without the force

Primary Source:

Submission Name: Sasori Guard Armor
Link to Submission: Sasori Guard Armor
Summary of Modification:
Increased Production
Increased Details
Tweaked Details
Increased Weight
Removed Armatech and replaced with Sasori
Reason for Modification: More dev, increased materials

Image Source: [x]
Intent: To complete a stronger set of armor for advanced units
Development Thread:

Manufacturer: Sasori
Model: Guard Armor
Affiliation: Private Market
Modularity: Colors can be customized
Production: Minor Production

Classification: Other
Weight: 26kg
Quality: 10
Special Features:

  • High Grade Reinforced Duraplast threaded with lamanarium Plates
  • Hybrid Plexisteel-Kinetic Chainmail
  • Sasori Heavy Armor
  • Sasori Toolkit Wrist Weapons
  • Shoulder Mounted Micro Missile Launcher
  • Shoulder Mounted Chai La Cannon
  • Paragon-class Personal Energy Shield
  • Stun Rod attached to thigh
  • Biometric thumbprint for removal
  • Power Armor Strength and Speed
  • Built in Flight systems
  • Kinetic, Sonic, Blaster Dissipation
  • Lightsaber resistant
  • Internal Air Supply (60 Minutes)
  • Hermetically Sealed
  • IFF Circuitry
  • Digital Life Support System Readout
  • Electromagnetic Sole-Plates
  • Anti-Energy Field
  • Combat De-Ionizer
  • Hologram projector in right palm
Designed and built as an advanced suit of armor for guards within the Jailhouse 41. A Silver Jedi Prison under the Silver Shadows temple. With its security measures in place special guards were needed and the armor crafted to handle situations should the Warden droids were overwhelmed.

A high quality temperature bodyglove with an overlayer of duraplast threaded with lamanarium to aid in it reforming. Multable systems being created to augment the armor into a suit able to move quickly over areas with mounted weapons. Shoulder compartment of micro missiles able to be fired with a tracker in the helmet.

A sonic neutralizer that is able to non lethally incapacitate prisoners. A line launcher firing gel that would harden on contact with air to become a cord around the limbs of prisoners or attach to sections to repel. A dart launcher to use non lethal paralytics and miniature rockets for stunning with flashbang rockets.

The shoulder mounted weapons designed to work with the armor systems and add additional ways to neutralize prisoners who riot or attempt escape. The countermeasures for the armor being torn off is a dangerous shock to the system of the one grabbing at the armor unless they are programmed into the armor computers.

With additional upgrades and refined armor techniques. As well as the advice given from Draco to her one some of the armor Matsu deployed to give the armor a composite matrix lightening the armor with hybrid plexisteel that is strong and super lightweight. Upgrades suggested by Draco came in and the jedi master was testing it.

As the work with Sasori continued they found new ways to improve upon the design and increase the production, tweaking the base of it with the newer and more compacted heavy armor variant over the Armatech components. Using the more sasori oriented pieces to develop the guard armor into a superior version of itself.

With the higher production values and components they could use in the armor to build it with their more specialized technologies like the synthweaving materials, the retractable wrist blades, channeling crushgaunts and shoulder mounted cannon system. The built in materials deigned to offer only the best for elite units that move around the galaxy.
Primary Source:
Submission Name: Reclamation Cloak
Link to Submission:Reclamation Cloak:
Summary of Modifications:
Increased Production
Touch Ups
Reason for Modification: More resources, more dev
Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
Intent: To provide an upgrade for Shane's ship when it is finished being overhauled
Development Thread:

Manufacturer: Chai La
Model: Cloaking Device
Affiliation: Private Market
Modularity: NA
Production: Limited
  • Durasteel
  • Components
  • Stygium Crystals
Description: Constructed by the sisters of Chai La, the cloak for Shane's ship is designed for one purpose. To work with the additional stealth systems being built on the ship and provide a solid stealth cloak. The stygium being recovered from pirates and droids on Aetan when the mandalorians went back to recover their world and the aging mando worked with Strider to clear a processing facility for the asteroids. As the battle waged on the mandalorians cleared and secured the facility off loading the stygium recovered to the different clans who were there helping fight. Shane took his and had it set up for his ship leaving the rest alone for his clan.
Primary Source: N/A
Matsu Ike said:
Submission Name: Reclamation Cloak Link to Submission:Reclamation Cloak: Summary of Modifications: Increased Production Touch Ups Reason for Modification: More resources, more dev Modification:
A ten post development thread is not sufficient for increase in production of a restricted material to limited from unique. Modification request is denied unless more development is provided.

Matsu Ike said:
Submission Name: Sasori Guard Armor Link to Submission: Sasori Guard Armor Summary of Modification: Increased Production Increased Details Tweaked Details Increased Weight Removed Armatech and replaced with Sasori Reason for Modification: More dev, increased materials
The submissions being requested to be added to this submission's materials list are not yet approved. Modification request is denied.

Matsu Ike said:
Submission Name: Sasori Amulet

Matsu Ike said:
Production: Mass Production
This is not a submission I can approve the increase of production to mass production for. Mass production means that any PC or NPC can utilize this submission, which would make this way too powerful for such availability. Modification request is denied.
Submission Name: R-ET|WD-01 ‘Periculum’
Link to Submission: Link
Summary of Modification: Change of manufacturer.
Reason for Modification: Doesn't actually make much sense, because Cerita was the one who made the guns.
Modification: Manufacturer: Ri'ess-Emeritus Industries, Inc. to Manufacturer: Cerita Sarova & name change from R-ET|WD-01 'Periculum' to SI|WD-01 'Periculum'.

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Submission Name: BR-11 "War Turtle" PDW
Link to Submission: Link
Summary of Modification: Replace dead link, add image source, add intent
Reason for Modification: Image link dead, add image source and intent
Image Source: Link
Intent: To create a compact personal defense weapon for paramilitary and government forces

Side note, please make sure the formatting matches the original submission - it can sometimes get messed up when posting. Thanks in advance!
Submission Name: Chastity Lunelle's Combat Armour

Link to Submission:

Summary of Modification: Change of ownership to [member="Setzi Lunelle"]

Reason for Modification: Chastity Lunelle no longer active and never used armour.

Modification: I would like the name of this to be Setzi Lunelle's Combat Armour. Connor had this made for Chastity Lunelle originally but now the character is no longer active and the armour was never used, Connor will give this to Setzi to use as it is still in his possession.


Well-Known Member
Submission Name: Tn-1
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Changing producer
Reason for Modification: Approval of Concordia Cresent Technology
Modification: Change the producer from the current one to Concordia Cresent Technologies.

Submission Name: Tn-2
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Changing producer
Reason for Modification: Approval of Concordia Cresent Technology
Modification: Change the producer from the current one to Concordia Cresent Technologies.

Submission Name: Tn-3
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Changing producer
Reason for Modification: Approval of Concordia Cresent Technology
Modification: Change the producer from the current one to Concordia Cresent Technologies.

Submission Name: Ordo-Class blaster carbine
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Changing producer
Reason for Modification: Approval of Concordia Cresent Technology
Modification: Change the producer from the current one to Concordia Cresent Technologies.

Submission Name: Concord-39 Blaster Pistol
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Changing producer
Reason for Modification: Approval of Concordia Cresent Technology
Modification: Change the producer from the current one to Concordia Cresent Technologies.

Submission Name: X-31 Blaster Carbine
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Changing producer
Reason for Modification: Approval of Concordia Cresent Technology
Modification: Change the producer from the current one to Concordia Cresent Technologies.

Submission Name: O'ardiu'kacitr Blaster Rifle
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Changing producer
Reason for Modification: Approval of Concordia Cresent Technology
Modification: Change the producer from the current one to Concordia Cresent Technologies.

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