Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Te Aay'han Taylin - The Festival of Mandalore the Preserver

Shia nods and looks surprisingly serious.

"Our culture is what we are, it's why we can never die."

She comments by way of reply.

"Are you answering Mand'alor's call to war? There's always a place for vod there, great clan or no."

She gently guides Atin back towards the central square where she just came from.

"It's not a duty with a long life span, but it's our duty regardless. Are you looking to be adopted by a clan, or is this..." She smiles, turning less serious for a moment. "... making friends?"

[member="Atin Alo'ran"]
It takes a moment for Atin to respond, a rather childish look over his face as he takes his surroundings in as she guides him, his eyes then shoot to the side before his head fully turns to look at her his mouth slowly pursing into a smile as he spoke "I am here to answer what our Mand'alors call is." giving off a proud nod "And hopefully, be adopted by a New Clan. My Birth Clan, Alo'ran is rather dead or dying. I was my Fathers only son." he turns his smile into a sly smirk looking straight head "While also Making friends along the way, of course. Warriors cannot be expected to fight alone at all times. Trust with friends can determine victory or defeat."

[member="Shia Kryze"]
Shia nodded and after a moments apparent thought, guided them through the crowd to find somewhere to sit. It wasn't hard, even with all the cleared rubble, there was still rubble everywhere being used as makeshift stalls, or as in this case, benches.

"Alright. Aliit ori'shya tal'din." She replied with a nod. "What do you do, what are you trained in, what are your specialisms? I assume you're a warrior first and not a smith, because you talk like one. Also, what do you want to do?"

She gestured around.
"Representitives of every clan here, I can put you in touch with more if you need. But every Mando'ade is more than a hired gun. That's just our business card."

[member="Atin Alo'ran"]
Atin looked around a bit more, before taking a seat on a nearby bench "Gar serim, Father always noted my sharp-skills with a Rifle, I wa- I am able to hit targets at a extreme range." He was bragging, of course "I am not afraid to get in their face if need be, I can hold my ground in fight. I have a Droid, back on my ship that usually helps me with my tasks. LX-Pred, nasty creature. Many prefer a gung-ho approach to things, I prefer to take my time and strike when it is in my favor. Stealth is my key." his hands moved over, placing his helmet down beside himself looking back towards Shia "I wish to serve my people, Vod." His eyes glance around stall to stall, observing the various people. [member="Shia Kryze"]
Shia nods.

"Well, I'll be up front and say Kryze could use a sharpshooter. We like a mix of stealth and uh... my more common approach to problem solving."

She considers, then lowers her voice.

"We - and by we, mean the Cuir Rekr, so not me - have a little set of raids planned starting soon. We need materials to rebuild this..." She gestures to the ruins around them "... and some rather unpopular governments have them. Sign up for those, come with us, and you'll not only get to see a little action, but you'll get to meet some good people. Everyone who's on them are good vod."

[member="Atin Alo'ran"]
"If you will take be, I'd be glad to help." he offers her a strong smile, his voice lowering along with hers of course to match the discussion "Tell me where to sign my name, burc'ya." his hand taps the stone excitedly.[member="Shia Kryze"]
"I'll make a few calls, then we can get you out and about - no signing names, no dotted lines that I'm aware of. If it goes well and we get on... well, then we can talk family. That's serious business, no?"

Shia stretches leans out to catch a bolo-ball that escapes one of the pickup games, plucking it out of the air as it it were no effort at all, then hurls it back into the match to a resounding cheer as she manages to catch one of the players off-guard and in the side of the head.

"Should have been looking up." She remarks. "Watch them, we'll probably take an aimed shot in a minute. You play?" She gestured to the game.

[member="Atin Alo'ran"]​
Atin nodded, his smile fading but still a look of happiness slapped across the Warriors Face, his lips pursed for a second before he spoke "Aliit ori'shya tal'din. Serious Business indeed, Shia." He looked impressed as she caught--and proceeded to nail a player in one swift motion "Of course I play."

[member="Shia Kryze"]
"Good. You can never tell with off-world types, half of my clan don't - or didn't. Not enough room on ships to practice, need big holds and those were always full of wild beasts. Of course, if you were brave or stupid enough it made for an exciting time."

Shia shrugged, turning to continue the conversation but also keeping half an eye on the game. She'd certainly get vengeance for her shot, if she were a player.

"So what team do you support then? I hear the Shriek-Hawks claim to be going all the way to the top of the roster, but I've got my money on the Demons. Their two new frontline players are, without question, the best in the league."

[member="Atin Alo'ran"]​
"I played with those on Concord Dawn, whoever would." his eyes glanced over to the game for a few moments before going back over to Shia "I'd place my credits on the Demons full time. Their players are adenn. They know how to win. But I wouldn't doubt the Coruscant team, they've been making a come back." It felt at home for Atin to talk to someone so casually about sport, for the last few weeks his only company was his droid alongside of the occasional person who payed him credits. "I played, when I could in the front-line. Smacked anyone that got in my way." he chuckled

[member="Shia Kryze"]
"I don't know if they've got the finesse to make it all the way through to the finals." Shia replied as a counter-argument. "But I'll give you that. So other than our two cultural passions, what else are you into?"
"They don't have the finesse, correct, but they have the power." he argued back, "I enjoy racing. Ship, Pod, Speeder. Speed is a thrill of mine." Atin chuckled, relaxing against the bench "How about you?" his eyebrow pushed upwards.
[member="Shia Kryze"]

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