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Te Aay'han Taylin - The Festival of Mandalore the Preserver

Te Aay'han Taylin
(The Bittersweet Mourning for all we have Lost and all we still Preserve.)



Mandalorians do celebrate Life Day, but to the Mando'ade the celebration is a private one between family and occasionally clan, not often brought out into the public eye. While the galactic culture has made an impression upon their society to the point that the trappings can be seen, it is often considered... a little crass. They have certainly managed to strongly resist the commercialisation of the holiday that has occured under numerous galactic governments, their unique culture providing a remarkably strong resistance against such infection.

But over the turning of the year, the Mando'ade do celebrate a holiday.

They celebrate the life and death of Te Taylir Mand'alor - Canderous Ordo, Mandalore the Preserver. A bold and glorious warrior who fought in the Mandalorian Wars and served with the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, through a life of trials and troubles he was eventually tasked with the not insignificant task of preserving and maintaining Mando'ade culture in the face of their defeat following the Mandalorian Wars and the devestation of the Jedi Civil War.

A task he succeeded in - creating, maintaining or perserving many of the traditions, documents and artifacts that survive to this day, nearly five thousand years later. It is often said that without Te Taylir Mand'alor, there would be no Mando'ade.

The week long celebration of Mandalorian Culture is known as the Te Aay'han Taylin (The 'Celebration' of Preservation - although the use of the word aay'han translates more accurately as 'The Bittersweet Mourning for all we have lost and all we still preserve'.) and consists of everything from oral recitiations of Mandalorian history, re-showings of ancient holovid footage from thousand year old battles (footage from the Galactic Civil War is particularly popular), unveilings of new art, new poetry and the numerous traditional dances of the clans all the way to simulated recreations of famous battles, dazzling displays of martial skill and the comissioning and sale of new armour and weapons - galactic capitalism finds its way in everywhere, and several major galactic corporations have found it extremely profitable to capitalize on the tradition of gift-giving and small scale armour manufacture, as well as the need for re-created suits of armour in the style of whichever historical battle is proving most popular this year.

Meshgeroya (bolo-ball) games between professional and pick-up teams are exceptionally common at this time of year, with several major tournaments either starting or ending in the period around Te Aay'han Taylin.

It is also one of the few times of the year the Mando'ade open their culture to others - aruetii are welcome to witness the majority of events, and it is during this period that the Mando'ade shows one of its highest rates of conversion to the culture outside of times of war. Some of the events however remain private to the Mando'ade.


How each individual Mando'ade celebrates Te Aay'han Taylin varies considerably, but with the rebirth of the Mandalorian Empire under Mandalor the Undying and the subesquent purge of Manda'yaim, several of the major clans have come together to sponsor a grand celebration in the ruined city of Keldabe. The disorganised and fortified streets are still choked with rubble, but starport has been cleared to an open flat space, and the main access to the centre of the city cleared - and now filled with visiting Mando'ade. The space surrounding the city has also been cleared and has become a transient city of temporary constructions, the majority vheh'yaim.

But the majority of the action occurs on the ruins of the Chortav Meshurkaane - cleared now of rubble and filled instead with numerous forms of entertainment and cultural preservation. The ancient square at the far end is also cleared, with an immense holo projector displaying this years chosen cultural records - footage from the Clone Wars and the collected points in galactic history.

Almost hidden beneath the larger than life displays of history is the Oyu'baat tapcafe - still the oldest cantina on Mandalore and still (just) standing, although it appears significant effort has gone into repairing the structure and two large Mandalorian Cubist murals rise to either side, depicting Mandalore reborn under the guidance of the the Undying.

The meaning of holding such a celebration in the ruins is quite clear. There has been some talk of recovering the ancient mythosaur skull that used to sit atop the MandalMotors tower, but the ruins are highly unstable and this has yet to be done - perhaps a challenge for those who attend?

But what is clear is that with the will of the Gods, or simply good fortune for those who don't hold to the old ways, this promises to be an event to remember.
[member="Shia Kryze"]

Na-Doth Emerlar was meditating as his shuttle exited hyperspace into the Mandalore sector. He was thinking on how he could persuade a great game hunter to join his guild. The Mandalorians were known to be great warriors and to value combat ability above all else. It was very likely that one Mandalorian or several might be expert in capturing wild game.

As his thoughts began to drift away into financial data, his executive assistant, Talia Damask, would chime on the entrance way. There was no door to the access chamber, deliberately designed so that assassins could not escape with ease.

"Sir. We're entering the Mandalore atmosphere. We're going to be arriving in the main city soon"

"Thank you Talia. You will go to the main hotel in the city, book us the best room you possibly can and you will prepare financial data. Understood?"

"Yes, sir"

The shuttle then landed. After the access way opened, Na-Doth made his way to where the large festivities would be held. He'd attempt to find a person in the know about Mandalorian big game hunters.

(OOC: Could you please play a potential character. You don't have to necessarily play him or her in the future, you just need to give Na-Doth a lead.)
Na-Doth Emerlar suffered a few problems being directed in the right place - after all, almost every Mandalorian here had given big game hunting a go - it was practically a national sport after bolo-ball.

Did he want to go hunting now? There were several traditional hunts leaving soon. No? Oh, well. You could speak to Clan Ordo, or Clan Mantis, maybe Namadi or Vizsla? No, they couldn't point you to an immediate clan representitive - family representitives, yes. But that's not really the needed level of contact.

Clan Kryze, maybe? They were a bit... liberal, traditionally speaking, but as genuine nomads they had some experience in big game hunting - and yes, they could point you to one of them. Shia Kryze was helping organise Te Aay'han Taylin and could be found outside the Oyu'baat tapcafe - which as it happens used to be as close to a structure of government as the Mandalorians often had.

Shia Kryze can indeed be found there, on a rare occasion out of armour, sporting a skin tight red bodysuit that leaves nothing of her immensely athletic physique to the imagination, with a silver wrap trailing around her providing all required modesty. Admittedly, the blaster at her hip and the paired beskad and kal gave the outfit a warrior-look, and a closer look at the bodysuit revealed it to be made from subtle armourweave. But it was as unarmoured as anyone outside of her immediate family might see her. The tall bald woman was standing in front of the tapcafe, putting the finishing touches on the tall mural of Mand'alor the Undying rising from the underworld as the Iron Wolf to strike down Mandalore's destroyers. If it is her own personal work, she has an eye for the odd Mandalorian cubist style.

Surrounding her of course was controlled chaos - holovids displaying outrageous blaster battles overhead, a pick-up game of bolo-ball which was being played around (and occasionally with) the crowd and a troupe of Clan Bralor's warriors who were demonstrating a tribal wardance somewhere between a hakka and a fire-dance in the middle of the square.

But for all that, she seemed at peace with the world and alert to those approaching her or passing into the tapcafe, offering them cheerful or polite nods and greetings.

[member="Zerrak Westminster"] | [member="Na-Doth Emerlar"]
[member="Shia Kryze"]

After a quick bit of investigation, Na-Doth found out the Clan Kryze was who he needed to speak to. Being the nomads they are, their experience with inter-stellar travel and their familiarity with game hunting was unparalleled. They could make ideal employees, if paid well-enough.

The Chief Director then began to search for their leader, Shia Kryze. Asking around, he would find out where she was.

He'd then approach her calmly and initiate a conversation.

"Miss Kryze..."
Shia paused for one last moment, touching up a tiny, almost insignificant detail on the mural on the wall, then carefully put away her brushes and turned in a swirl of fabric.

"Shia." She replied automatically. "But points for spotting I'm unmarried."

She regarded the person standing in front of her for a few moment.

"We've not met. Shia Kryze." She gave a stiff warriors bow, eyes never leaving the Chief Director. "Su cuy'gar."
[member="Shia Kryze"]

"Pleasure. I am Na-Doth Emerlar, Chief Director of the Trans-Galactic Agricultural Cooperatives Union. We're an agricultural guild representing one-hundred-twenty-nine member cooperatives. I've been told you'd be able to point me to some skilled big game hunters. The board has been pushing for creation of a Cooperative No 130 devoted to animal handling. I was sure I could come to the festivities to find such skilled people. I come to you for counsel in this regard."
Shia's nods, genuinely thoughtful.

"I see. Well, you've come to one of the right people. Let's start with the basics, how many people are you looking for and what skill level? There are always Mando'ade willing to meet a new challenge, but many of the ones willing to take on big game have just earned their beskar'gam. I wouldn't send them against say... a krayt dragon."


While construction efforts chugged away, on the other side of the Kelita Dorn stood with a second party of sorts, but one that was connected to that of Keldabe's festivities. Here he stood, fully clad in his red and gold beskar'gam with several men and women, all board members of MandalMotors, as well as [member="Dorn Skirata"]. Several local publications were in attendance, holocams rolling and snapping photos of the event. Dorn grinned as best he could at the cameras and began to speak.

"Keldabe begins anew, and today our beloved city gains a sibling. At this ground breaking event I, Dorn Skirata of House Skirata and MandalMotors take the first step towards a new future for our city on the Kelita. OYA!" A resounding "Oya!" fired back from the crowd as the young Mandalorian hefted a large pick and slammed it into the ground. Helmets flew into the air and the alcohol began to flow on the other side of the Kelita.
The Endurance wings folded upwards, the landing procedures beginning as the Fighter slowly descended onto the Platform. He heard what the rumors where and what they held in the ruins retrieving the skull that once sat proudly atop the Tower? Now that was a way for a young Mandalorian to make his name. Atin prepared everything for, to a decent parking space near the ruins and a place to lay his head--almost as if he was going on some sort of vacation. Gripping his helmet tightly as he pressed the button opening the airlock doors, he took a deep breath as the fresh air of Mandalore brushed against him, with and a rather handsome smile "Home sweet home." he began to walk down the ramp and into the streets--crowded with hundreds of people. This was no problem for him, weaving through them with ease as he proceeded his way towards the Oyu'baat Tapcafe here he would check into his room, find a stiff drink and see what he could get himself into.
Shia smiled at her conversation partner, put the last touches on the painting behind her, then, business concluded for the time being, hopped down into the crowd to make her way to the center of the party, she'd heard MandalMotors were having their reconstruction founding today, she hadn't personally been part of the planning of that - she'd left that to her elder sister, but while Kryze wasn't exactly MandalMotors, they were putting enough money into the venture. The hunting parties going out to get the food and trophies for tonights feasts were mostly lead by Kryze trackers, and the Strix were due to make a pretty big showing later.

She grinned to herself as she wove through the crowd, exchanging greetings and the occasional shoulder punch with her fellows. Mandalorians needed times like this, or they'd let hatred fester - and there's a difference between not forgetting, and between obsession.

She stopped a stand to purchase something fried and unidentifiable, she didn't ask what it was. Probably something from the river, yeah, definitely a fish. It had been through decon, it didn't have that nasty metallic taste. Not bad. A good start.
Atins eyes caught something, the shining bald head of a Female wearing some rather decorative armor "I bet she knows something going on.." as she stopped at a nearby stand his eyes narrowed for a second, though he wasn't prone to staring his eyes darted towards the stand as he sniffed enjoying what he smelled he quickly came through the crowd making his way over with some ease "What's he selling?" he caught out just a few feet from her, loud enough to not surprise her but to hopefully get her attention his lips curled into a smile as he waited for a response, his helmet hanging in a free hand.

[member="Shia Kryze"]
Shia looked up at the approach of the unknown Mando'ade - someone wouldn't classify the closest she ever got to fancy clothing as armor, although technically it was armored - and she hastily swallowed to avoid accidents with dripping fat.

"Su cuy'gar. I... um... I think it's decontaminated beskin, which is a type of... well, I guess it used to be river fish. Lake fish now, I suppose. It's good."

She glanced up and down the red-armoured warrior.

"You new in town?" By which she meant on planet, since almost no one lived in the ruins anymore prior to this reconstruction effort, they were all new.

[member="Atin Alo'ran"]​
His smile never fades, folding his arm up so his helmet is pinned between it and his hip "I am new here," his head nodded firmly "Don't know anyone closely and attempting to branch out, participate in some festivities." The Young Mando'ade looked proud of himself, carrying a great sense of pride. Of course he was here to find something to do, but he had to find someone willing to show him around after all he was on foreign territory His free hand extended upwards, offering it out to her "Atin."

[member="Shia Kryze"]

Kaveh Garshasp

Holo-cams flashed as the non-Mandalorians began to crowd around Dorn and his associates. Questions about war, their own Civil War etc, etc. His own network, a Mandalorian news network, was there as well. But they were mostly covering the festivities. Small modular buildings were already constructed and were in use for the event. With his helmet tucked under his massive arm Kresh moved to his speeder to take part in the festivities across the lake in Keldabe.

Shia replied, taking the offered hand in a warriors grip.

"I'm sort of not in charge around here, in that I'm not sure anyone is in charge anymore. But I am Protector of Clan Kryze, and Clan Kryze is one of the supporters of this rememberance. So, you've asked the right person. What are you trying to branch out into?"

[member="Atin Alo'ran"]
He released from the Warriors Grip, his smile fading into a more serious smirk "Whatever, Whoever will take me." he gave a firm nod positioning his footing but still remaining firm "I am of no great clan, of course. My Father never touched with many of our traditions." his hand motioned to the area around him "I am trying to change that for my sake."

[member="Shia Kryze"]

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