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Name: T’Chaka
Region: Wild Space
System: M’Baku System
Sun: One, H’Dala, Yellow
Orbital Position: Habitable zone, 2nd planet from the sun
Moons: Ororo; (same size as Earth's Moon.)
System Features:
Other Planets:
Ka’Reeh, 1st planet, non-habitable, closest to the sun, surface far too hot, Type 4 atmosphere
Jun’Jira, 3rd planet, non-habitable, gas giant
Coordinates: V-9; near the planets Tund and Dredd
Rotational Period: 20hrs
Orbital Period: 320 days
Class: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Type 1
Climate: Tropical; The weather and climate of T’Chaka tends to be very humid. Given that the planet is mostly tropical also means it tends to rain a lot; at least twice a week. There is a period of two months referred to as the Rainy Season where the storms will become more violent and last for as much as four days in a row. The opposite of this is another two month period called the Dry Season where the rain will become a little more scarce, only coming once almost every other week or only for a very brief period of time within a day; usually only half an hour.
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: The main terrain of the planet is jungle. It does thin out in certain areas before being open savannah, but is very thick once within jungle areas. There are large lakes, rivers and waterfalls spread throughout, but no bodies or water larger than a river or large oasis. Small mountains scattered about as well; usually all within a small area.
Native Species: Humans, apes and monkeys, predatory cat species, large breeds of snakes, birds, fish and insects.
Primary Languages: Galactic Standard, T’Chakan (Basic Afrikaans)
Government: Monarchy
Population: 1 billion (After Gulag Plauge)
Demonym: T’Chakans
Major Imports: N/A
Major Exports: N/A
Affiliation: T’Chakan Monarchy
Major Locations:
The Shen’Dari Falls are the largest waterfalls on the entire planet. They are 200 feet tall and are altogether half a mile wide, exiting out from the great river of Nato. There are two large statues of snake’s heads on each side carved from stone.
The capital city of Ku’Nari is the largest and greatest city in the world. It has stood as a beacon and central hub of politics, art, culture and the like ever since its creation over 1,000 years ago. At the very center of it is the royal palace where the kings and queens in power sit. There is also, within it, the Temple of the Suposu, the religious hub of the T’Chakan people where many travel to for worshiping their god.
The ancient cities of Penaba and Norune that are archeological places of history and interest. They were built by the T’Chakian’s ancestors from over 5,000 years ago before the people had moved on or eventually died out. Instead of destroying them or repurposing them the people of T’Chaka have kept them preserved while allowing those who study their people’s ancient history to visit and research what they can.
The House of Spirits is the gathering place for some of the highest ranking priests, shamans, and sages in all of T’Chaka. Some live within the grand temple itself, taking oaths to bring respect to them, their families and their god, while others often come for visitations or discussing greater matters of the church itself. No one save the anointed high priests and shamans and sages, and the king and queen if so summoned or if they wish, may enter. All those who come to pray or for whatever other reason must do so from the large courtyard that surrounds the temple. It is guarded and gated off from any unauthorized entry but there are many who fear to enter as they feel it would be a slight against their god.
T’Chakan religion had always preached the idea that there is but one god of the universe, but that it is of many aspects and of many forms. Sometimes a man or woman, sometimes an animal, or even a force of nature like rain or sunlight. Originally each of these different forms had names that helped make up most of the T’Chakan language. They preach how their “God of Many and All” is a respected force of nature, and nature itself has to be respected by not tarnishing it. It’s partially thanks to this that helped build the T’Chakan society where the cities, towns and so forth are few but well integrated with the jungle terrain around them. Every possible city, town, or village has at least shamans, priests or sages within their population. Those who become spiritual persons are usually those born with the force, though given T’Chaka’s history the people do not see it as the Force. (See History for further explanation.) As part of the religion the T’Chanians believe in burning the remains of a loved one before taking their ashes and scattering them into the wind or the river. This symbolizes their spirits become part of nature and the world itself, just as their god is and will always be.
On a regular day the T’Chakians will go about their lives and proceed with daily activities. The children go to schools where they learn the basics of history, algebra, geography and the like. It isn’t until they’ve reached the age of 18 that they determine what they want to do as a career for their lives. Depending on what it is they will either attend another school that focuses on the subject or go into military training. Men and women alike have equal and shared opportunities in whatever they want to study. The only thing every member of society must do, at any point during the day or night or whatever the occasion may be, is take half an hour to give thanks and pray to their god. While families try to treat is as a gathered event to share with each other some will, and are allowed to, practice this alone at any time during the day they wish.
There are three major holidays celebrated by the T’Chakan people. The first is the Day of Crowns, in honor of the unification of the T’Chakan people under the monarchy and honoring those who died in the grand wars that lead to it (See History). The second is the Gu’Nari Day, an honored tradition of the ancestors where a grand feast and gathering is held in all the cities and towns where the people perform dances and give sacrifices of foods and goods and the like to honor their god. Lastly there is the Feast of Remembrance, an indication of the New Year where, for the entire day, the people honor those who have died and celebrate the birth of the newborn children of the year. Gifts are given and large banquets and the like are held, some for an entire population while others are held amongst families only.
Given how far away each city and town is from each on T’Chaka, and given how dense the jungles are, other there are no roads connecting them. Instead the main means of transportation is however crafts and speeders. This provides safe passage over the jungles to avoid attack from animals and makes it easier to get around by going over the treetops and so forth.
T’Chakan art is mostly similar with Egyptian. Many older buildings and ruins, along with some important ones like the royal palace or the House of Spirits, have carved hieroglyphics all around the walls that depict moments in history. Others art pieces include statues and the like, some artists even trying their hands at expressive art and have models, statues and the like that are obscure in appearance yet try to show a deeper picture or meaning.
Military structure is not all that dissimilar from a regular form of militia. There are commanders with higher ranks over others, highest being a general and lowest being a squad leader. The highest general of any and all military action is usually the High Admiral, who’s only over ranked by the king and queen of T’Chaka itself.
While anyone can be trained and be a basic soldier there are many who want to advance and become Hunters, which are the more elite soldiers of T’Chakan military. They’re taken through further training where they will be forced into the wild to defend themselves and hunt some of the wildlife of T’Chaka to prove they’re strong enough. The Hunters go through trials where they will be out in the wild for a week, working together or alone if they wish, while surviving the full seven days off whatever they can. They must kill at least one animal and bring back a piece of it, be it a claw or tooth or bone of any kind, to prove their kill. Those that survive and return home are granted the rank of Hunter, but those that fall are honored in their deaths and have funeral services held for them. Hunters who want to proceed further have the chance to become part of the Honor Guard, which is basically like a secret police force of T’Chaka while also acting as the royal guards and defenders to the king and queen. Some achieve this after being anointed Hunters by proving themselves of greater skill than most. Other Hunters can try to claim this as title on their own but it involves fighting with an already seasoned Honor Guard and beating them in combat without killing them.
T’Chaka is ruled by a monarchy, where a king and queen must rule. As part of the tradition of the people there must be both a king and queen on the throne for the sake of representing both men and women. Originally it had started with the royal bloodline who founded the monarchy of T’Chaka, the Surahs. A queen had been crowned before marrying the son of a chieftain from another city. Chieftains are basically like mayors of their cities or towns but with noble background. They answer to the king and queen, and in times of need with often come together to discuss and debate issues with each other at the capital with the king and queen present so they can decide on what course of action to take.
Technology: While the technology of T’Chaka is basically the same as the rest of the galaxy, only having their own design, they are a little more advanced in some areas while being lesser so in others. Because of their history the T’Chakians have not had much need for space travel, meaning they haven’t used any form of it. Their weaponry includes blasters on vehicles but when one-on-one with a foe they use laser-weapons like spears and staffs. They’ve also been researching into cloaking technology but it has not fully been developed yet.
During the time of the Old Republic T’Chaka and its people were known to the galaxy but not considered very important. Given that they did not deal in many imports or exports they didn’t have much to offer, but were still allowed a spot in the Republic Senate. During this time, however, the T’Chakan society was divided and constantly at war with each other. Disputes among tribes about one thing or another had always caused conflict.
With the problems at home and the eventual start of the Galactic Empire after the Clone Wars the T’Chakan representatives agreed to not only return to their planet and cut off all connections, but to completely erase T’Chaka from the records. Using any and all power they could the T’Chakan people erased their existence from archives, databanks and records in the galactic central hub of Coruscant (Much like how Kamino was hidden from the galaxy for so long before the Clone Wars).
Now free to only worry about their own problems on T’Chaka, the people had tried reaching compromises as war continued to tear them apart. Even when peace was reached between one pair of tribes another would soon start between others. It continued to devastate the people for the longest time until the Surah Tribe, one of the stronger tribes, had opted to try and unite everyone under one banner. Many had accepted this while others didn’t, thus sparking more conflict.
After a war of fifty years the last of the warning tribes had either surrendered and joined the Surahs or were wiped out due to not wanting to compromise with them. Thus the wars had finally ended and everyone had opted to elect the Surahs, because of their great wisdom and for what they did to reach this point, to become the higher rulers of everyone. This eventually led to the establishment of the monarchy that now currently rules T’Chaka.
However even after this peace was established the T’Chakians feared their planet would be forces under the rule of the Galactic Empire, which at the time had already been disbanded. But because they were unaware of this and had cut off all connections they remained in fear of them, opting to instead hide on their world and let the galaxy continue to war while they remained safe.
This all affected the force users of the planet, those being discovered not being able to be trained by Jedi and the like. However they still had basic skills of sensing people and their emotions or meditating in order to see into the future. While not fully understanding it the T’Chakians believed this meant they were holy people, which further established them as priests and shamans and the like.
Despite thier isolation from the galaxy, still feeling nervous of the idea of becoming know again to the Empire, T'Chaka had still been effected by the greater events that took place. The Gulag Plauge had infected and decimated the planet's population, cutting the people down from a total of 8 billion to 1 billion. Many had thought it was either the wrath of thier god for some unknown spite while others belived it was something caused by the galaxy's own continuing wars; a bio-weapon that went out of hand. Whatever the cause the population had suffered, some demanding retribution. But it had been agreed by the king and queen, as well as most of the nobles, that no act would be taken against anyone and T'Chaka's people would simply have to recover as best it could.
So to this day T’Chaka still remains isolated from the galaxy while the Surahs still rule under the monarchy, where they continue to protect and serve their own people however best they can.
Notable PCs: Makeeda Surah
Intent: Planet to be ruled by Makeeda and her husband, the king and queen of this world. To have them return to the galactic community to be allies against the evils of the galaxy. To provide a new planet and culture for people to explore and enjoy.