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Private Talking Tech w/Junko

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Dimensional Labratory
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

For the briefest of moments I thought that my first punch was going to be successful. I was so proud and even thought about pulling back a bit to make sure that I did not hurt Junko. Pride evaporated when I saw Junko wink at me and I tried my best to prepare for whatever counter was coming my way. Junko’s motions were a blur to me. Even without the Force she was so well trained and prepared. I thought she disappeared when she twirled away from my punch and all I could do was make a grunt as a zap shocked through my arm. Besides the shock my arm was pushed up in front of me and I actually shocked myself. How in the galaxy did I let that happen? I thought I was going to at least be better than this. But striking was completely new to me so it shouldn’t have been a big surprise. Before I knew it I was back flat against the floor again. This time Junko had her weight on my shoulders. I struggled to get free, but only was able to move enough at the moment to keep any pin rule from ending the match. ”I could get used to this position,” I said with a smirk on my lips. I was actually trying to think of next moves however. It was obvious that standing and trying to match hands and feet with Junko was not going to work for me. That would require training and practice. But on the ground I should in theory at least know where she was. Perhaps my larger frame would give me some sort of advantage. ”Don’t suppose you would be willing to teach me some striking technique?” I asked with a giggle, flailing my legs around trying to hook them onto Junko’s body somehow and pull her off. ”Being down on the mat, all sweaty with you is quite exciting. And you never know when it might come in handy.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Kneeling there on Latyuo was beneficial in a few ways... one best position to hold a conversation. She was just keeping her shoulders off the mat which was impressive and she nodded. "I could the first big one is you want to be quick. You have power with your strikes but it also makes you slower and the second is when you are taking a hit as you will need to sometimes... go into it. If you are moving with it there is less resisting its movement so you can control where their hands are going or even use the momentum that they create to twist and spin you around." She said it and back herself up so she could be hooked with the legs and went into it. Rolling and using her hands to power herself up to her knees as she held the legs at the ankles by her head. "Hmmm think this is the first time you have really tried to have my head between your legs." She winked but tried to move up and lift so she could clamp down on the legs to swing and spin around to launch her off into the edge fo the mat.

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Dimensional Labratory
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Junko seemed just as content with her position sitting on my chest and shoulders as I was having her there. She calmly gave suggestions of how I could improve my performance as I continued to struggle to keep my shoulders from being pinned to the ground. Quickness was not something that I practiced often. With Supisy as a partner someone had to be the cautious one. Of course Supisy was not here and this was not the smuggling game. This was a one on one contest with Junko. Still I doubted my ability to match the Princess in quickness, even though I could tell she was not using the Force to totally humiliate me. That said, quicker was probably something that I could do. I nodded my understanding as Junko gave a second suggestion, moving with a successful blow from my opponent was something that I found would likely be more useful to me. If this was a recreation that I would get into I foresaw getting hit often until repetition made me more proficient.

After a bit of effort, my legs locked onto Junko. I suspected my actions had some help in matters, but I wasn’t going to argue with what I viewed as succes. Junko’s quick movements confirmed that she was lulling me into a sense of success and she was hardly out of control in the situation. Her comment brought a smirk to my face as well.
”Nor will it be the last,” I responded with a wink of my own. ”If I’m honest though. I like to be in a position that I am able to wrap my legs around your body while you’re there.”

Junko continued to show me that her being rusty was still a lot better than most people’s top of their game. I was a bit surprised that the next move sent me up and over Junko to the edge of the mat. I understood leverage well enough, but still our size difference suggested that it would be more difficult to launch me around than Junko made it appear. With a grunt I landed on my back, rolled quickly to my side and tried to gain a better standing before Junko followed up the move. ”I am going to need a lot of practice to keep up with you. But rolling around the mat with you is great fun. I look forward to the challenge of putting your back eventually. As much as I like it when your head is between my legs. I like being on top too.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

The roll over to make a little distance was important and the conversation was good as she grinned. "Well that will be something.... maybe later." She moved around and positioned herself. Raising her hands into fists again as she prepared herself for the fight... wanting to see what she was made of and prepared for. Surging forward as she used half speed to go for two punches towards her defenses to test it and tucked in... her heel kicking up as she spun into a high kick to come down while her other foot kicked up. Launching her into the to twist and follow through to try and keep her spinning and striking. She used her momentum and a hand to spin more and more like a top.... then she was coming down with a double fisted punch forward to try and send her back.


Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Dimensional Labratory
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Junko’s playful response to my suggestion that I get a turn on top made me smile. In truth I was up for any and all activity with the Princess. When she stated that I might get my turn on top later it had my mind drift just for a moment. I still was watching Junko carefully, but I was not focused on our sparring session. That stopped with her impressive show of punches and kicks that evolved into an aerial spinning maneuver that made my jaw drop. I wasn’t sure if she used the Force or not, but guessed it was just her natural athleticism. I knew it was something that I would never be able to do. When Junko landed I was barely able to get my hands up to partially catch her two handed strike and at the last second I remembered Junko’s second piece of advice and tried to roll with the punch. Even with that however, I was pushed back a good meter. Though I was proud of myself for staying on my feet. And the little my hands took resulted in feeling only a very minor shock from the move. ”Roll the blows and be quick. Right?” Before getting an answer from the Princess I dropped down and twirled my body in a manner that my right leg lashed out at the back of Junko’s legs. I figured my best chances in making a good showing was to get the fight on the mats and maybe take my opportunity on top instead of waiting for it to happen.
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

She was starting to get it and learning it... Junko watching her move with the srrikes backwards to mitigate the impact of the attack. "Better." She smiled at it and prepared as she could see Latyuo moving down.. her kick coming out and as a sweep she adjusted her body using the sweep. Letting it strike her legs and hook them out from under her as she cartwheeled coming into a crouch. She winked moving for another tackle to try and get Latyuo on the ground for another pin but also to change it up. Grabbing at the arm to try and make it into an arm bar. "You are getting better, I know a blaster is a good alternative but there are ways to fight with hand to hand designed to handle force users and their augmented strength and speed."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Dimensional Labratory
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

I beamed in pride when Junko expressed that I was making strides forward. It even made me fall into the trap that my leg sweep was quick and skilled enough to succeed. When my foot connected with Junko’s leg I smiled wide and gave a victorious hoot. The feeling of victory was short lived however Junko cartwheeled away from the contact and was quickly back on the attack.

Junko’s tackle pressed me onto my back again. Seemed that my time on top was still just a dream. Wishful best case thinking ceased as Junko grabbed hold of my arm and with a little twist took complete control of my whole upper body. I kicked with my legs wildly in instant response, that just kept me going in the bout. There was no real hope for success without a better plan.
”Doesn’t feel like I’m getting better. Or maybe you’re just so good…” I hissed slightly as my kicking twisted my arm uncomfortably in Junko’s grip. ”I would like to learn more. Atrisian employment could lead to different encounters than working on our own. I’d like to be prepared.” My legs were obviously not helping me any so I stopped kicking. Instead I wrapped my free arm around Junko’s midsection and pulled her into my body as much as possible. ”I’m hoping you’ll teach me personally,” I whispered, putting my mouth as close as I could to the princess’ ear. After the request I giggled and playfully nipped at her neck. ”Maybe you can see where teaching me might be fun?”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

HEr kicks were helpful a little.. it was able to move the arm which with a little adjustment could push it deeper into the grip giving more leverage... a mistake but an easy one to do.... what she was not expecting was the warmth and voice at her ear that tickled with a smile forming on her face when she debated it mentally for a few heartbeats. Personal teaching was a good start... totally because of tactical reasons that you used to not show you were fresh and raw or trying to get your step back..... and not because the chance for epic levels of hotness..... yep this was totally on the level of personal improvement. "Hmmm I could, there are some meditation techniques that can center and some moves that can help with flexibility." SHe said it and turned her head to wink while loosening her grip to move around and she was crouched there. "I can see teaching you as fun, though I have gotten you on your back here quite a lot... ready to give up?"

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Dimensional Labratory
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike


My actions, which had nothing to do with combat sports, seemed to gain Junko’s attention. That I had such an effect on the princess was becoming less surprising, but it still was quite a rush to me. She had a way of getting my heart racing like no one else ever has. Still with all the beautiful women around the palace and the statues that Junko had created and my initial statements of a desire for a traditional family in the future. Was this just some fleeting tryst for both of us? Or was there a chance that these feelings she made within me that I had never felt before would solidify into something stronger. ”I’ve always lived life on the edge. As much as I try to control things, lessons in meditation and centering would be quite valuable. And flexibility has so many applications that gaining more is always a boon.” I responded in a sensual whisper. ”I’ll give up…for now…” I giggled as my hold on Junko’s waist tightened. ”As long as you take the victor’s reward.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

She grinned and pumped her fist into the air... victory is mine and now... what sort of prize should there be." She said it while standing up and offering her hand to help Latyuo up. THe room adjusting for its lighting as some of the scans were coming up to show how they preformed in the attire. THe shockboxing gear could be fine tuned after that when they needed it to be which would be helpful. She paraded herself around though while the tech came in and removed the gloves returning her robes that she could change into. "Oh yes, these will do nicely and with the right competition another revenue as fighting matches are a big seller on the holonet. Just have to get marketing on it and some top tier fighters to make it more exciting. No need for big stories just showcase how skilled they are." She was thinking about ti while changing and stood there. "ANd of course, now to treat you to something fun.... but I can show you this... Supisy is going to be over the moon." SHe said it and pulled up the designs for the Blen Class Speeder as it was sleek. "And will function with our Smart Tunnels that have begun to be built throughout the cities."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Dimensional Labratory
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike


I sat and watched Junko celebrate with a wide smile on my face. Force, she is beautiful. I reached my hand up to take hers and lifted used the help to lift myself up off the floor. When I stood next to her I gave the princess a quick peck on the lips. ”Maybe the prize is something that should be taken in private?” I teased in a whisper as the nature of the room changed after the concussion of our sparring session. I watched Junko strut around the room as techs came in to take the equipment. I watched Junko dress first, this also gave the techs enough time to leave the room and then I changed back into my normal attire. ”I bet women rolling around on a mat will bring in audiences besides those interested in sport,” I responded with a laugh. I mean I have never been interested in combat sports, but give me a chance to grapple with the Princess and there was a whole different story. Once dressed back in my old clothes I moved to Junko’s side to see what she had in store for me next. ”Looks like something Supisy will enjoy very much. I bet it would be quite fun. I like to be a little more practical with my vehicles.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"Yes private." She said it and the grin never really left her face... she didn't think it ever would in most cases as this was just one fo the best times for have it. The speeder and smart tunnels would be beneficial as well. "We have practical and there there is the enjoyment of some luxury.. the chi serves well for most transport and has plenty of speed." She said it while walking. They would be able to go around the laba nd see some of the other possible projects. They were still in the planning stages for a few things. One in the lab was a Frisalian Repulsor Carpet as Junko looked at it. "From Frisal, they have developed this for the city and it is quite beautiful. Despite the looks of it being open it has small repulsors that will keep you level and from falling over unless you lept off of it. Even then the repulsors can catch a good amount and counter wind going in the face."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Dimensional Labratory
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike


The grin on Junko’s face as she agreed to take her prize in private could almost have me melt in a mix of excitement and nerves. Our day in the lab was not done yet however. I was interested in more things Atrisian than just the beautiful Princess who was my current tour guide. I hoped that was evident, even though I was being more flirty with her than I could ever remember being. I gave a nod when Junko suggested luxury and practicality had its place in transports. ”Yes. Supisy always thinks when I say practical that I mean slow and boring. Luxury and speed can still exist within practicality. She’s young and enjoys living on the edge. I was the same way when I was a bit younger than her. But I’ve been free since the day I was born. So she’s got missed time to make up for. I’m sure she’ll grow up in time.” I smiled as we moved on to the next sight to see. It looked like a common floor adornment, yet I knew there was more to it. ”I’m not sure that it is exactly practical, but it looks very interesting. I could see many uses for such a thing.” I wondered if one could use one of these flying carpets to have a picnic in the sky. Even though I am not as prone to risks as Supisy I do enjoy excitement and being in the open air with a nice meal and good company as the world below passes by, I could think of worse things for sure.
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

She smiled. "I wouldn't say it like you are so much older then her... going to make me feel old with how you talk." She said it with a smile and wrapped an arm around her. "As to these, practical is important but these are also meant for the design and beauty of it. A city of people traveling on what looks like flying carpets... golden spires, gardens filled with fruit trees. Streets inlaid with gemstones and gold. Frisal is beautiful they have taken what they make from shipbuilding and designed their cities to look like some of the most beautiful in the galaxy. Atrisia still wins in terms of design but for look they have it looking like a dream." She said it and was walking. "But well I can show you a thousand wonders here in the lab or on the planet... tell me what you might want to see? What would inspire you being here on the world."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Dimensional Labratory
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike


I blushed as Junko stated I was making her feel old. That was certainly not my intention, and I honestly wasn’t sure how old the Princess was. Not that it mattered in the least. ”Supisy is a younger soul. As a child she was a slave and did not have a chance to enjoy her time of growth. She is experimenting now. It makes her seem younger. And if I do make you feel old, feel free to give me a light swat to put me back in line. You are definitely NOT old.” As the Princess’ arm wrapped around my waist I leaned into her just slightly to feel closer. I listened to the description of Frisal, and noted it would be another place in the Commonwealth I would need to explore. For as much as I preached practicality, I did enjoy a little bit of bling too. ”What you have shown me so far is so much. I had no idea such things existed. I am very hopeful that you will have time to see everything. For now I think that I would like to find a spot to relax and let things sink in before we are off to Eisei again..”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"Well we can do that." Relaxing and finding a place to take in everything that she had seen wasn't such a bad idea. SHe led the way and going through the lab there was even more to see but she was going to the lift. Letting them be able to go back up and check out the other areas of the town. The cliffsides of the canyon built into as massive pillars of reinforced stone were coated in the metal and wood. TO give it a more natural look but safety was clearly in mind. THe buildings themselves designed for style as they looked traditional with walls and gates dividing them that had personal security for each one providing support. Junko arriving at one of the homes. "This is the detached palace it is built close enough and able to enter but it largely its own home."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Dimensional Labratory
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike


Junko was agreeable to some relaxation. I leaned into her a little as we walked her arm still around my waist. I certainly doubted that Junko required a rest from our grappling session, but the day had been full of many other things. Taking time to sit back and enjoy each other’s company was obviously amiable to the Princess. As we walked I looked around the lab noting what I might ask about in our next visit, but the sight of the lift suggested we were exiting and that was quite welcome in the moment. As the lift took us back up I leaned even more into Junko’s warmth, barely fighting off the urge to kiss her right there. Back in the town it was amazing that I couldn’t easily tell what was natural and what created by Atrisian hands. I enjoyed the sights quietly until we arrived at our destination. ”It is lovely, as everything here is. This is the first place that I can ever remember that I don’t yearn for my ship and the stars.” Atrisia was fantastic, a dream home that I was lucky to have found. And the company was tremendous as well. ”So is this your secret hideaway? What sort of luxuries to you keep here for relaxation?”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"My secret hideaway is my ship... well you haven't seen it in its fullness from the inside. If you are thinking luxury but with the firepower of a small fleet of ships. Atrisia is where I get to relax and enjoy myself" She said it but the detached palace was its own area and its own place. "THis though you could say is where those who don't want to be seen in the palace can be and I can easily come to meet them. We have the massive labs and even more under the island. There is even the best parts of it that few others see like the hydrostatic netting and shelding around for storms above and below. WE have even been working on expansions for underwater cities of Atrisia that will be able to be worked on. We can develop much more of them if we are lucky... add that to plans for floating cities and our space stations we will be able to have people in all corners of atrisia including the hollow areas below the surface."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Junko’s Detached Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike


I was a bit surprised to hear Junko say that her ship was her hideaway, though I certainly understood the sentiment. The Deviant had always been my everything. I was slowly learning that there was more out in the galaxy since I had taken employment from Junko, but still when I needed solace from the actions of the galaxy I knew that my ship would be where I would head. No matter how great a home I could make here on Atrisia. ”Hmm. So this is where one goes to avoid official distractions on a visit to the Palace. I will certainly keep that in mind. Though I hope not to keep you from the people. You have a duty to see to. I hope to help with that not distract you…well maybe a little distraction.”

I blushed at my statements until Junko spoke more about the science and advancements that were all around here. Even the existence of underwater cities. ”With all the defensive technology that the Commonwealth has developed, underwater cities must be the height of security. I’d be interested in seeing what one looks like here. After we relax and see to other duties of course. You’ve shown me so much already today.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"Underwater cities are one part of it, we are developing and always improving our defensive technologies. The better to protect our people and grow.... but the udnerwater cities are not just for defensive means. There are our aquatic cousins in the oceans whom we work with and there are others who have evolved to live among the skies. IN what many thought was the dragon kings palace... really it waas aa floating city left over from another race they managed to keep up and maintain." She said it and there was a whole lot they were still discovering.. Chitai and the Chi-Oni were only a part of it... there were the horselords and whatever information they could add as they were some of the oldest Atrisians on the planet and their god emperor was seen very different.

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