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Private Talking Tech w/Junko

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Dimensional Labratory
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Necessity is the mother of all invention. External threats driving the need for new technology was certainly a good reason to go that extra mile, but other cultures had been invaded. Heck many species lost homeworlds. They had to have minds capable of making advancements, but there was still something special about Atrisians. Junko was being humble. Whatever the reason I was taking in all the sights that I possibly could in the lab. It was an amazing set up and it seemed to have tremendous results. ”I won’t let Supisy know that they are making suits that you can drive,” I said with a smirk. ”It is quite an idea though. I might like to see one in action sometime. But Supisy would push the limits the designers placed on it. She’d want to turn them into a sport. This stuff is all truly amazing. Can I get my hands dirty? I know that I’m not a strong enough engineer to input on design just yet. But is there something I can help build?”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

Hmmm she thought about it and tapped her chin with a grin on her face forming more. Leading the way in and towards one of the smaller rooms and opened it up as the sliding door revealed Battle Buddy Armor System with two suits of armor... one larger and slightly bulky and the other a slim bodysuit. "Perhaps, somethign we have been working on and calibrating is this. A battle buddy system... essentially one and a half suits of armor... you can get out of it and be in the bodyarmor for operations and will always have back up. For the field it can be invaluable in increasing combat numbers quickly with two fighters for every atrisian soldier in the field."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Dimensional Labratory
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

I followed Junko on to yet another part of the lab. There was so much going on that it was hard for me to wrap my head around it. I was used to being the one to patch things together, but what was going on here was so much more than I was used to. When we arrived at the station with the Buddy Armor System, I gave a bit of a smirk. Combat was something that I preferred to avoid, but I had been in a shootout or a dozen. One can’t escape that in the smuggling world. Something like this that would amp up your own armor and/or arsenal, while at the same time being able to configure as a bodyguard would be quite useful. ”Interesting concept. I could use one of these,” I stated as I moved closer to the tech. It looked in order to me, but Junko mentioned something about calibration. ”So, you’re needing a test pilot with some know-how to adjust settings on the fly? And you’d trust me to do that?”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"In a way, calibration is going to be for all users. Since rarely are two people completely the same the armor would be tied to that person. With its internal AI so it can have your back in a fight or work in tandem... it would be learning from you." She said it with a smile. "And well you can tell her you saw it but I don't know if she or anyone would be able to handle it." She said it and showing some designs. "These were sent over to us along with a few others. The Force Rider, a force enhanced speeder capable of micro hyperspace jumping on a planet or in some case smaller distance... like say a moon. The experimental design of it goes with a project Atrisia has been working on our stealth speeders and better stealth clothing. A bodysuit and trench coat for moving around."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Dimensional Labratory
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

I couldn’t believe how many new and exciting things this lab had to see. I had barely gotten my head wrapped around the duo armor/droid combo than we were moving on to a speeder that could make mini hyperspace jumps when piloted by a Force User. ”I would love to get my hands dirty with the Buddy system. I don’t like charging into conflict, but if I had one of those I would be much more confident in the outcome.” I gave Junko a wide smile moving closer to her as I examined the specs on the Force Rider. ”As for the speeder. I’ll keep that one as a bit of a secret. Supisy would see the fact that it was designed for a Jedi as a challenge to prove she can pilot anything as well as anyone in the galaxy.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"Agreed and her wanting to test herself is not a bad thing, we are always looking for those who like speed as we are developing ships and speeders to make it better, faster and stronger." She said it and grinned though. "We are also about safety which is why as our cities rebuild, our technologies expand and lives get more comfortable... sproting events outside of the arena will be more and more common." She said it and pointed to some Shockboxing Attire being worked on. "FOr our form of shockboxing... more acrobatic with kicks and grapples over straight punches. As well as clothing like our Concealing Trench for operations or for getting around with advanced cloaking systems."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Dimensional Labratory
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

I couldn’t argue against Supisy’s constant testing of her boundaries. While sometimes it was not the smart thing to do, my Twi’lek partner seemed to always come out of things for the better. It made me think that I should perhaps learn from her and be a little reckless now and then. I wasn’t sure that was a good idea, but standing next to Junko gave me that feeling even more. I wondered if she would enjoy me taking more chances. ”Supisy is not good at balancing speed and safety. She’s all about taking chances.” I looked over the next two items as Junko first mentioned sports and then a cloak that would enhance spycraft was my guess. My eyes went more to the shock boxing attire. I was not as competitive as Supisy, but I enjoyed very much being active. And I couldn’t help but imagine grappling with Junko in such outfits. ”I like to be careful, but I’ve never been one to rely on stealth technology. Too many natural variables in my opinion. I’m sure that Atrisian science has accounted for most though. Shock boxing…That could be interesting. I wouldn’t mind a spar. Though I’m not like Supisy. I don’t participate in sports to win. It’s the enjoyment of the game.” I gave an obvious wink stating that the love of that particular activity would be the closeness to Junko as much as the science of combat.
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"Our stealth works are meant for a lot of things and we have been working to account for the drawbacks of it.... our shockboxing on the other hand." She met the wink with a raising of her eyebrows for a moment and a wider grin. "Well we have always had sports but few of them have been more enjoyable. Mirei racing with the jet speeders is easy and swoop sabaac gets a lot of entertainment to add to it. Pod racing but this is something that could be in the grand arena we have for mixed martial arts fights." They had others as well but she touched the outfit and it was basic enough in its look but the circuits under it allowed a lot to see for the defensive shielding as well as reinforcement. "We want these gloves and boots to be effective but it is also with built in kinetic and energy shielding so you can strike and knock out but you aren't going to kill each other. Training though would also be important and these should be tested... if only I had a subject to go a round or two."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Dimensional Labratory
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

As I thought, Junko explained that Atrisian science had made advances on the stealth tech that she was used to. As they seemed to do with everything. Still, I wasn’t quite ready to lean into the cloak and try it out. When the time came to use stealth in the field I was quite sure they could go over the options. When the talk turned to the shock boxing attire however I was a bit proud to see that my wink was met with raised eyebrows followed by a grin. Had I managed to surprise Junko? I listened intently to the sports of Atrisia. Anything with a vehicle was more Supisy’s speed. Podracing was a fun watch on occasion, as was anything with a swoop. Mirei racing had the sound of something specific to Atrisia, so I would make a point to looking into that one. But the hand-to-hand combat sports were something that I found of particular interest now. They were a great work out, and with the right partner… Junko explained that the attire was more than it looked like. Everything was in the Commonwealth. It was a comfort that a boxer would be protected from fatal injuries, probably anything too serious as well. ”I volunteer!” I exclaimed quite eagerly. ”As long as the defenses don’t dull the sense of touch that is. Can’t imagine I’d be able to give you much of a work out on my first try. But grappling with you sounds like a good way to work up a sweat.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

"Oh no they do not... the shockmitts might but that is only because regulations has them a certain size with padding proper. We might have changed the sport for here but there are galactic regulations that must be followed and procedures to invlude kicks and grapples have also been followed." She looked over some parts of it while planning and gave a look when one fo the rooms opened into a testing area. No arena but it was a chamber for armor testing and feedback as the hooks from above were covered with scanners and everything to catch all of the angles. She tapped the wall and the hooks went up but scanners were still going while two of the workers brought some of the attire over. There was display and testing while Junko looked it over. "Alright, pick your color and suit up... or down as it were." She said it and the foot coverings were not complete shoes but made to register the shocks aand protect the aankles... same for the gloves and then a sports top barring shoulders and midriff going into shorts. Junko changing the color as she touched it to jade and gold to maatch her handmaidens colors.

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Dimensional Labratory
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Hearing that I would feel every touch from Junko was quite exhilarating. I know that it wasn’t exactly like I had to find sneaky ways to make that happen, but somehow a sport that had us grabbing each other and in close contact was a nice thought. ”Green and gold are a nice combination.” I stated as I watched Junko change the colors on her equipment. Green was one of my favorite colors. It was the main color of my ship, but due to my skin color I rarely used it as a personal accessory color. Instead I chose a subtle gray as the primary color and a bright pink as the secondary. My eyes never left Junko as I stripped down and suited up for our little sparring session. ”I think I’m ready to go. Hope you’ll take it easy on me. But not too easy…”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

She looked at her with a nod. Taking in the color and contrast while moving and securing her hair with a ribbon into a folded ponytail that was up high. She had it out of the way so she could move while testing it out and the weight was there but could barely be noticed. The small tingling sensation she looked at her forearm and the small hairs were standing on end with a grin. "It should be too bad, it is just like wrestling with a sibling." THe grin remained there when she stood at the ready on the one end and moved her foot... digging it in so she could pivot. Leg tensing up for a moment and she tested it kicking up and around with a high kick that used the momentum to spin her around. Her foot coming back down and hands coming up to smack against each other a few times and test the small arc of energy for the shockmitts. "Alright it is looking good."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Dimensional Labratory
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

I blushed at the approving nod from Junko as she looked over the change of attire to the shockboxing outfit. I watched as the princess readied her hair for our workout. I loved her long flowing hair. But now pulled up it opened up the view of her beautiful face even more. I tried to get my swooning under control as she tested the equipment. I followed her lead and felt the small jolt from the shockmits. ”I am an only child,” I replied to the statement. There was no hint of this being a bad thing, because honestly it was not something I considered myself poorer for missing out on. ”I guess I chose my siblings though, first friends in school growing up and then Supisy. So I do have experience in the wrestling department. Never done so with anyone I’ve had feelings for though.” The last part was an admission I didn’t think would be terribly shocking. As I watched Junko’s warm up kick I couldn’t help but shake my head at the mess I’d gotten myself into. The princess was a Jedi and obviously trained in combat. When it was required I just winged it. ”Hope you will take it easy on me somewhat,” I said meekly, before a mischievous grin formed on my lips. ”Not too easy though. Have to admit the idea of being pinned by you isn’t at all frightening.”
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

There was only a grin.. she was listening and liked the compliments while raising an eyebrow... Latyuo was certainly coming out of her shell in some regards compared to how she had been when she first met her... which was not a terrible thing as she moved. Standing there a moment and adjusting her footing. "Well I am a little out of practice, it is rare to when you have a saber or small elite fighters." She said it in mention to her handmaidens and well she always had the force as well to fall back upon.. an important enough aspect when she went over it. "So the first thing you want to do it get a stance, find a comfortable position you can take and both plant your feet but be able to move around and adjust as needed. This is as much about speed and control as it is about power and endirance."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Dimensional Labratory
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Junko’s statement of being out of practice brought a smile to my lips. It was probably true, but if she hadn’t practiced in years she would still have an advantage on me for sure. Her statement about other weapons and bodyguards made sense. I hadn’t tried grappling or striking because if things went badly my first instinct was a blaster or to get back to the ship. I had not considered this as fun or sport since I was a child. It would be interesting to take on Junko though. ”In the galaxy today it is rare to use your hands as a means of attack or defense when there is so much out there,” I agreed with a nod. When told to find a nice comfortable stance, I placed my left foot forward and bent my knees. I raised my hands in a position of defense and I smiled again to Junko. ”I will try to be fast. Control is something I pretend well at. But sometimes I struggle. I may have to follow your lead.” I hoped I was ready now, whatever the case I was determined to make a good showing and have fun.
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

She gave a nod of her head and looked at the footing before moving forward... slower with hands raising up. One to defend and tucked in closer to her face and the other upfront where it could be used to strike. Junko tensing and flexing her legs as she moved and punched forward with her fist. The shock pit moving fast to try and strike at Latyuo and catch her guard or he cheek. THe look on Junko's face though neutral while her eyes were locked and she brought her foot quickly out from the back to go for a legsweep at the same time her punch would have been defended against. Her mind was racing and she wasn't going to use the force for speed... that would be unfair but her focus in it was locked on Latyuo.

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Dimensional Labratory
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

I watched Junko’s approach carefully. She might say that she was rusty, but she had to be more used to this sort of exercise than I was. While I had both hands up for defense, Junko positioned hers a bit differently, and when the first strike came I put all my attention to moving my hands properly to block the punch. As our hands met there was a bit of a shock that was felt. Of course the focus on my hands made it so that the leg sweep was completely missed by me until I felt the shock on my leg and a sudden loss of balance. Before I could catch myself, my back collided with the floor. ”Yeah. You’re quite out of practice,” I said with a laugh as I started back to my feet leaving myself open to a follow up strike from Junko if she wished to take advantage.
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

She didn't change her facial expression at it as Latyuo went down onto her back and backed up for a moment. Debating what she could do... the practical thing was to press and keep pressing turning it into a ground game and she could go for strikes and locks on the mat... but she backed up a little to let Latyuo get up. She remained at the ready though and shrugged while she bounced from foot to foot for a moment. The smile appearing though before she rolled her shoulders and could feel the small pop pop pop of her neck. "A little, I still have to remain fit and ready daily... no ones wants an out of shape princess who just lounges around."

Latyuo Shuy

Smuggler Lady of Atrisia


Location: Atrisia | Dimensional Labratory
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

I was more disappointed than surprised that Junko allowed me time to get to my feet. Though there was plenty of time for rolling around on the floor in this bout, my breath was racing at the thought of it. More even than from the shock given to my legs as they were taken out from under me. Watching Junko bounce around at the ready did nothing to cool my desires. But I also did want to test my own capabilities since we were in the proper attire. I gave a slight hiss at hearing her neck crack. I had been told that was quite a comforting action once it occurred, but to me it just sounded like pain. ”Well. I can attest to the fact that you are indeed in tip top shape. I suspect that if you were to let yourself go you’d still be just as cute and just as respected as a leader.” I responded with a giggle. To be honest though, I couldn’t imagine Junko as anything other than a fit Jedi Princess. Since she was so kind to give me the opportunity to rise from the ground I decided it was time to test her defense. I wasn’t nearly as sophisticated as the Princess. Had no backup plan for if my first strike was blocked. I was way out of my element. So the full strength right hook was all that I had. It wasn’t likely to hit true, if at all. But at least I wasn’t going to sit back and be Junko’s punching and kicking bag.
Latyuo Shuy Latyuo Shuy

That got a smirk from her... she might at that... be able to let herself get lazy and bigger but than she wouldn't be herself... lounging around was quite fun when Latyuo was moving forward and she had power or went for the power strikes. Junko breathed in for a moment and went into it... waiting for the barest heartbeat as the punch came and she winked before moving with the fists movement to make it look like a strike that got through her defenses. Her body twisting and using her foot while she planted it and twirled. The other leg coming up as she spun to build speed and kicking to try and strike her extended arm that was there. A high up kick to try and send her own arm into her face and distract her as she used the spin to puch off after the kick to go for a tackle and try to sphere the woman to the ground and pin her at the shoulders with her knees to keep her down if she was struck.

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