Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Taking the Maze

Aboard the Ryuk​
The Rishi Maze
*take the moon
*create a strong presence for the Brotherhood

Here would be where the Brotherhood campaign would begin, here, a home would be built. Before Romeo was a 3D map of the Rishi Maze as the EDR that had been attached to the Ryuk. It would be the first time it was used from a capital ship's point of view. Somewhere on the Ryuk, [member="Zetha Vesh"] was here with him, and [member="Alkor Centaris"] was either heading up to the bridge, or drinking himself under the table...probably both. It was the way the man lived, and Romeo was beginning to accept that, somewhat. Zetha was now his apprentice, along with his brother [member="Seden Sin"], she was new to this sort of thing, and who better to show her the ropes then Romeo? He had trained many, for long term or short term.

Celty walked up behind him, "How is it working so far?" her voice would come out quietly. Romeo nodded at the map. "Perfect, actually. Nothing has gone wrong with it yet, and the data we are receiving back is one hundred percent accurate. I don't think we could have a better sensor array than this machine. The EDR is cutting edge regardless of how it works. Sometimes simple is better."

Romeo then pressed a button on the console before him, a PA activation button, "All fighter pilots prep for flight. I dont want to be unprepared for anything that may pop up at us here." Romeo released the button only to have Celty chime in. "Never been here before have you? Smart move having the pilot ready, but I dont think anyone will be messing with the Ryuk..." She trailed off as one of the Blood Knights butted in, "Lord Sin, shall we find Lady Vesh?" Romeo shook his head. "Leave her be."
"Master Centaris," the ensign spoke quickly and stuttered over his words. "We have entered the Rishi system per orders. We will enter into lunar synchronized orbit momentarily as requested and scour the surface for the abandoned listening post." Alkor continued to gaze out the transparisteel toward the lush planet beneath them and did not seem to react. "What are your orders?" the man added nervously.

"This is Sin's ship," Alkor answered. "Why are you asking me?"

"Ah, Master Sin requested we defer to your lead in matters of landing and tentative occupation, sir," the lad glanced from right to left and then back to the Dark Jedi. "It was his opinion that your methodology would be more efficient for this operation."

Alkor grunted in response.

"Your orders, sir?" he repeated.

"Form two landing teams," Alkor drawled. "The first will prioritize lunar landing and excavation. If the site is still operational or can be salvaged in any format, request further orders. If it is a lost cause, return to the Ryuk and we will devise a suitable replacement."

"And the second team?" The young midshipman seemed fascinated with the order. If there were a possibility that the operation could end in failure, generally a CO would not bother issuing orders at all. It enthralled him that not only did Alkor forego that notion entirely, but he also admitted readily that it might be the case.

"Jettison them to the planet surface and treat this as a class two training exercise. Exploration and intelligence gathering. If the planet is hostile, we will know in due time. For now, that will be all, Ensign." Alkor saw the salute reflected in the window, but did not acknowledge it visibly. With both hands folded behind his back, the Jen'jidai turned slowly and headed for the command center.

He stopped short at the edge of the bridge as he saw [member="Romeo Sin"] in the seconds before he gave the order to scramble fighter pilots. They had not been acquainted for very long, nor did one know the other very well. "Teams are preparing to land on the lunar and planetary surfaces. Topographical scans of the bodies would be welcome on both fronts," he informed Romeo, "if there is anything useful, we will know within several hours."

He stalked down the short set of stairs to the lower level and glanced up at the holographic image of the immediate sector. "I did not imagine that I would ever see another temple of the Dark Jedi built again in my lifetime," he said. "Still, Rishi will serve for a forward command base, but it will not do as an academy or stronghold. The planet has scant resources and limited utility."

He stared harder into the projection. "One small piece of the puzzle at a time, I suppose," he muttered. Since they were a fairly small and infantile group, it would take time to build their ranks and erect fortifications. Their resources were finite, and thus far they had no holdings of their own.

Rishi would be the end of that dry spell.
There was a time to be an ass, and there was a time to be a team player. Sadly, I now had to be a team player. Romeo Sin had wanted to use some new toy. I however, was going to use an old weapon I had not held onto for a very long time. Holding the black lightsaber hilt in my hands, I felt the cold phrik in my hands. Breathing in, I brought the hilt to my forehead. Holding back my emotions for my brother. I stood up from my seat within the living quarters as a man entered. Asking for my council to meet with Romeo and Alkor. I nodded my head.

The man left. Sitting across from me was my apprentice. A Zabrak girl who I had bought off of a Hutt. She was a bounty hunter who was not afraid of getting her hands dirty. She was a very powerful student. One able to wield the force very well. Even at her age, she was learning fast. Taking up upon the Shaper arts. Mostly fire of course, and even learned Sith Alchemy to create my Poison's Oath daggers. A tool that she now carried. Sure, she carried my old Sith Lightsaber. A very fine tool. I, however, had my own.

She would be learning from me. And would likely become one of my more powerful students. Kinta Saud was a woman who should not be taken lightly. Her rather revealing robes only allowed for me to see more of her black and red skin. I looked down at her from where she was sitting on the other bed. She looked up to me. Her face asking the question of what now. Without speaking a word, I indicated the door for us to leave. She stood without a response as we made our way to the hanger.

Attaching the com link to my ear, I could see that my apprentice had done the same. She spoke into it for me.

"Master Imura plus one enroute to hangar. We will be headed to the moon."

I nodded my head as she ended her words. That was all that needed to be said. Being already up to date with what needed to be done, I wanted to get this out of the way, and not be near Romeo with my apprentice. And I am sure he would want to say the same. Despite this, We boarded our shuttle as I made sure to have a strong grip on my saber hilt.

"Take us out Captain."

The vessel was taking the two of us down to the moon to investigate the ruins of temples there. Maybe we could find something other than stifled old tomes, and dust.

[member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Romeo Sin"],
[member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Nick Imura"]

Arms crossed against his chest, Romeo pondered on whether this was a good idea. Not but a few days ago, he had caught wind of a rogue cult forming up on the moon of Rishi. Celty knew about this, but kept it secret from the rest why Romeo wanted to be here, her only tell was the concerned look in his eyes. His own tell was always in his eyes. They cursed him with their soft, red glow that would ablaze should he be sent into a angered state. His white robes curled around him as he finally heard the bridge doors open, he could sense the man a mile away. Alkor's presence demanded his own attention, but Romeo didn't want to take his eyes off the satellite of Rishi. Instead, he listened to the man speak, his words very clear to Romeo who in returned, nodded.

"Indeed, it has been quite sometime since so many Dark Jedi have worked together for a common goal...tell me Alkor...why do you wish war upon the Sith?"

Romeo's face turned to look at the man after asking the question. His eyes gave something of a primal violence that only Dark Jedi could have. In the background, Celty was giving the Blood Knights orders to take their own shuttle down to the moon. The four of them were to inspect a very certain location where Romeo was sure that these rogue...Revanites were hiding. In the back of his mind, he knew Onyx was his enemy, but his respect towards the man's power was unwavering. No one deserved to act in his name in such a way. It was spitting in his face. He felt only he could spit in that man's face, right before he removed Onyx's head from his shoulders.

"Keep com chatter to a minimum, and only to Sin's personal channel. If they are there....kill them. All."

"His will shall be done."

The leader of the Blood Knights, Zeckar, bowed, and turned with the other three following behind him. Their capes danced with each step towards the hangar. The trip was quick, and saw them heading towards the moon behind Imura, though Romeo himself was unaware of the apprentice the man had brought onto his ship.

"When we reach the surface, we will head out immediately to the temple. Lord Sin will provide continuous data, and map updates with the new device placed on the Ryuk. Check your coms now. Any unneeded communications will result in sever punishment after this mission. Remeber...Lord Sin is counting on us. We must uphold our Oath to the Blood that his will be carried out. Failure means death."

They all nodded in return to Zeckar's minor speech.

On the ship, Celty had returned to Romeo's side, offering a slight nod to let him know the personal mission was being carried out.

"Alkor, what do you think of this device? It projects out electromagnetic radiated waves that the scanners then map to bounce back a three dimensional map of whatever the waves covered. The projections are called frames, and they can be enlarged or minimized. The larger the frame the less clear the map comes out, but the more it covers, and vice versa. Nothing hides from this new radar system."
Zetha sat in on a bunk in one of many of the Ryuk's sleeping quarters. She sat perfectly still, her hands folded in her lap, her gaze focused on them. So much has happened in the past few days, it was hard to keep track of it all. She had been quickly accepted into the Crimson Lotus faction, and now she was training under [member="Romeo Sin"]. The idea made her stomach turn; having a master. But this one was different than her Jedi master. He would train her, teach her. Not tell her what to do. She didn't have to follow him with blind loyalty, she felt like she could actually disagree with him. It was good to challenge the authority from time to time. Keeps them accountable. Or something like that.

Getting to her feet, she went to the door, which hissed open. As she left the room, she listened to it hiss close behind her, and she took a deep breath. This was her first mission as a Dark Jedi apprentice. She didn't want to mess this up. Pausing in the hall, she stared down at her figure. Her black and red attire, kept slim and much more attractive than the boring Jedi robes ever were. It made men, and some women, do double takes when she walked by. She loved that kind of power over people's hearts and affections. Reaching up, she played with the knot that held the wrap over her chest, not sure if she should tighten it or loosen it. In the end, she tightened it.

Making her way onto the bridge, she found Romeo, along with the man she knew as [member="Alkor Centaris"]. Swallowing down her nervousness, she approached her master, stopping a respectful distance away. She didn't want to be breathing down his neck. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the captain known as Celty. Fine woman, rather likeable. She hadn't given Zetha any reason to dislike her yet.

"Master." She spoke finally, hoping to get Romeo's attention. "What is my first task?"
As [member="Romeo Sin"] asked Alkor his reason for fighting the Sith, the Corellian turned his gaze directly to regard the Vahla. His expression blank and eyes devoid of light, in that instant Alkor looked colder than the void of space. He was a pulsar in the Force, a bright beacon of sensation that radiated death on a massive scale. For a brief moment, the true creature that lurked beneath his flesh took form and reared its head. The man who Corellia called its Demon stared back into the abyss of Romeo's eyes evenly, and judged him worthy enough for a straight answer.

"Why?" he repeated the question, tasted it, turned it over his tongue, and then he responded with poison on his tongue. "The Sith took all that we are. All that I am. They perverted it, muddied it, and twisted it into a pitiable mockery. Sith are disgusting, Romeo Sin. They are dirt, dust, and burnt out bones that cling desperately to form even as they hollow themselves out and prostrate themselves before the galaxy like diseased whores."

His eyes flashed a wicked violet hue and pierced deep, as though he looked not into the Vahla but through him. The galaxy beyond the transparisteel stretched outward forever, but even that was shallow compared to the depths of his hatred. A mocking face manifested before him, the twisted and yellowed feral grin of a behemoth man leered back at him from beyond the veil. Alkor's gaze darkened as he continued.

"They rose from the heart of our civilization and staked their claim to our birthright," he hissed between gnashing teeth, "then saw fit to rape our lifestyle, enslave us, and destroy our culture. What is left when a Conqueror finishes with his campaign but ash and echoes?" He ripped the cloak from his body and let it fall to the floor. Beneath, his torso was wrapped with bandages dyed deep crimson, but he did not stop with that. He unraveled the linen and let the hideous truth show. Wounds left unhealed still belched blood with every breath. Pain writhed through his body when the false atmosphere breathed oxygen over the open lacerations and wicked burns. "All that I am is in defiance of those who would do this to others. All that I will ever be is what they vaunt. I am a Destroyer," he stated, "and they crave destruction. I am the reckoning that they worship with every self-damning act they commit."

He took a breath, and held the bandages that dangled close to the floor. "They made the war," he said, "it is time that they lived with the consequences."

After several moments of silence, he glanced down and began to wind the bandages back. Every eye on the bridge was glued to him. Some with disgust, others with fear, and some even with pity. He did not care. When Romeo offered him information about the scanning system he was using, Alkor began to reapply his bandages and nodded. "A render using holoprojectors to bounce back live feed from an ongoing scan, is it? A useful tool. It will serve us well."

He reigned in the darkness that slipped through the cracks only moments before, keeping tight control over what emotions did boil like magma beneath his mask. "[member="Nick Imura"] is heading to the lunar site with the search team, is he not?" he asked one of the Comms officers. "Please inform him that I sensed something dormant there. It is ancient, but carries an inner power that evades my sight."

"Yes, sir!" the officer called back as he opened the channel and relayed, in Alkor's exact words, what Imura would need to know.
The captain of the vessel shut the doors of the little bay of the transport. it closed and sealed around us as myself and my apprentice sat. Inside was the research team. Most of them were just relic hunters, or gold diggers turned into our classification of research. Sure, they were great and all, but I didn't see why they were here. Part of me wanted to throw them out of the airlock. However, I could see that they also brought four guards. One was a bonified bounty hunter. Gear and all. Carrying two DE-10 blaster pistols, and some Rifle of a kind. Not sure what it was. However, the other two seemed to be simple guards. Barely dressed in any sort of armor, they were probably the weakest of the "troop" that we called ourselves.

My apprentice looked at me and shook her head. I gave her a stern look. She was not fond of soldiers. And would have likely taken the saber she carried in her hand to end them all. However, I would not allow it. We had to work together. Our job was to lead the group into the temple, and the guards to guard them should we be off somewhere else.

One of the men pressed a closed hand over his ear. I pressed a finger to mine and turned it on. My apprentice also did so. Hearing a man speak that Alkor was relaying a message that something was dormant in the temple, and was hiding from him was something to worry about. Skills with a lightsaber was Alkors field. One other thing, He was damn good at getting a feeling of others through the force. He was leaning heavily upon the sensing and sensory items and abilities. If there was something to be felt then it was him.

If he couldn't confirm or deny it, then that was not good. The men took this as something bad was there. and started to look to me. I sat there calmly. Shaking my head. My apprentice said the words I would have. Her words going to the bridge, as well as the men aboard.

"Imura hears, and understands. It won't be difficult. We will just need to take our time and prepare for the worst."

I didn't, and Soud didn't want the team to feel like they were going to die. Likely they wernt, but we didn't want them to run either. I shook my head. As we were going towards the moon however, I could feel a dark presence almost slide its way onto the bridge of the ship. Was Alkor or Romeo angry? Or were they just talking? I guess I will find that out later. Either way, I prepared myself as the ship landed on the surface of this moon. Jumping out, I had a hold of my lightsaber. keeping it off. My own apprentice ignited hers.

The black lightsaber blade humming as I moved forward, indicating everyone to follow.

[member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Zetha Vesh"], [member="Romeo Sin"],
Romeo turned towards his apprentice, [member="Zetha Vesh"], who was asking for her own orders. He nodded at Alkor for her to listen to his words at the two men's eyes met for probably the first time. The Vahla had seen death and darkness in people's eyes, but this was different. This man had nothing to lose, and that's what he saw in them...nothing. They were a black void beyond the colorful taint the darkness left behind on beings. The bandages that were hidden beneath the man's cloak were clearly from wounds, fresh as they may seem, the smell was old but not rotting. The Vahla's hand then gently touched his apprentice's shoulder. "Remember Master Centaris' words, let them ring deep, and true. For our chaos is masked in liquid red that we did not draw."

Romeo turned back to Alkor with a smile that showed playfulness. "You want to be the real guest of honor and use it for this mission Master [member="Alkor Centaris"]?" He gestured to the map that placed all the controls to use the radar. Without warning Celty pulled Zetha away from the men. "While Lord Sin's Knights are heading to the surface of the moon now, he needs you to go behind them, and retrieve all data possible from...the Revanites. Anything can be useful. Download it all on this datapad." Celty whispered to the Troguta softly.

Zeckar felt the shuttle shift as it began to get near the moon's atmosphere, his eyes watched each other Blood Knight begin to call on the darkside.​
His mind flashed back to when he had first came into service of Lord Sin, he was in his studies, reading on his ancestry's Order of Blood. An elite guard of dark force adepts. Behind Zeckar, three more people had showed their face, two men and a woman. What had they all been there for, he remembering thinking. That was when Romeo stood from his studies, and threw at each of them a lightsaber. At first they were surprised, then shocked when Romeo suddenly attacked them with two of his won sabers. Zeckar immediately noticed the combat form as Jar'kai, though it had Lord Sin's own twist to it. Zeckar had activated his own, and began to block each of the Lord's attacks. Quickly the other three had came in to assist Zeckar. None of them knew exactly how to wield these weapons, but they quickly learned for it had seemed at the time Lord Sin was out for blood.
You are my Knights of Blood, each of you I put my fullest trust in. I will show you the ways of the darkside, the way of lightsaber combat. When I am will be a force to be reckoned with my Blood Knights.
Zeckar snapped back to reality as the words seemed to ring in his ears. After that, Romeo began to teach them Juyo. When they had finished this training, Zeckar, the two men Hyro and Oron, and the woman Nihl had been given a set of Armor and their own specially designed lightsabers. None of them had felt so prideful before. The training was hard, vigorous, and cruel. They had all cried pain. But in the end, they had came out powerful, and Knights of the Blood.​
"We are almost there." Nihl spoke up to the Knights. Soon they were be on the service with [member="Nick Imura"], a man Lord Sin seemed to not respect but not disrespect. Zeckar was not sure what it was Lord Sin felt with that being.
[member="Alkor Centaris"] had Zetha's utmost attention during his speech. Even when she felt her master's hand on her shoulder, her attention didn't waver. What he said rang true though. She was raised in the Jedi Temple to fight the Sith, but not hate them, because hate only led someone to join their ranks. Now here was someone outright stating that he did hate them. It made her realize, every moment she was here, that they were nothing but a neutral party. They disliked the Jedi and hated the Sith. They were in it for their own gain, something she could get very used to. Every since she ran away, it was the only morality she followed.

"They made the war, it is time that they lived with the consequences." "For our chaos is masked in liquid red that we did not draw."
Those statements, it made Zetha shudder. She was glad that Romeo's hand had moved from her shoulder, else he surely would have felt her tremble. When he turned back to the computer, Zetha felt a hand grip her arm and tug her away. She turned to see Celty, and she gave her a quizzical look. When the captain gave her her instructions and the datapad, Zetha let out a little chuckle. "Too high and mighty to give me orders himself, eh?" She muttered quietly so only Celty would hear her.

Without another word, or waiting to see [member="Romeo Sin"]'s reaction to her statement, she turned and left the bridge, making her way quickly towards the docking bay. Once there, she made a beeline towards a small fighter. A crewman tried to stop her, and she gave him a sharp retort without even breaking her stride. "Special orders from Master Sin." That shut him up.

Slipping the datapad into a pocket on her belt, she climbed into the cockpit of the fighter and started it up. "Alright," she muttered to herself as the cockpit lowered down, sealing her inside the fighter. "Let's do this." With a few flicks of switches, her ship lifted off, sailing out of the hanger doors. Charting her course for the moon, she quickly spotted the shuttle containing the Knights and fell in behind them.

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