Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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crimson lotus

  1. The Red of Sinner

    Approved Starship  Dementor - Class Assault Frigate

    Image Source: /> Affiliation: Brotherhood of the Crimson Lotus Manufacturer: Hikage'sShadowyard Model: N/A Modularity: No Production: Mass Produced Material: Tungsten Skeletal Frame, Durasteel Inner Hull...
  2. The Red of Sinner

    The Spheres of Brotherhood

    Image Source: Affiliation: Brotherhood of the Crimson Lotus Manufacturer: Hikage's Shadowyard Model: N/A Modularity: No Production: Semi Unique Material: Tungsten Skeletal Frame, Durasteel Inner Hull, Turadium Outer Hull Classification...
  3. The Red of Sinner

    Taking the Maze

    Aboard the Ryuk The Rishi Maze *take the moon *create a strong presence for the Brotherhood Here would be where the Brotherhood campaign would begin, here, a home would be built. Before Romeo was a 3D map of the Rishi Maze as the EDR that had been attached to the Ryuk. It would be the...
  4. The Red of Sinner

    Approved Starship  Fly - Class Swarm Figther

    Image Source: Affiliation: Brotherhood of the Crimson Lotus Manufacturer: Hikage's Shadowyard Model: Swarm Fighter Modularity: No Materials: Duranium, with a light coating of Alusteel Production: Mass Produced Classification: Interceptor Length...
  5. The Red of Sinner

    Approved Starship  Brotherhood - class Pocket Carrier

    Image Source: Affiliation: Brotherhood of the Crimson Lotus Manufacturer: Hikage's Shadowyard / Cerberus Enterprise Model: N/A Modularity: No Production: Limited Material: Durasteel hull with a special Armoring coating...
  6. The Red of Sinner

    Approved Starship  Lotus - Class Patrol Corvette

    Image Source: concept ships: concept ships by karanak picture on VisualizeUs Affiliation: Brotherhood of the Crimson Lotus Manufacturer: Hikgae's Shadowyard / Cerberus Enterprise Model: N/A Modularity: N/A Production: Mass Produced Material: Durasteel Outer Hull, Tungsten Skeletal Frame...
  7. Akhilleus

    Call To War [PM to Join]

    Korriban… A planet that had served as the death of the dark jedi Exiles. Those very same exiles would go on to create the Sith. The dark jedi were not a creation by the Sith it was instead the opposite. Many had seemed to have forgotten that and they needed a lesson in returning to their roots...
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