Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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SWRP Plays Democracy 3!


Welcome to SWRP Plays Democracy 3! We all live in a nice little country with myself as the President, Tef as our Monarch, and yall as Congresspeople. It is up to yall to make policy decisions while I implement them, and we will be using Democracy 3 as a way to simulate this. I'll do this by implementing what the majority of yall want implemented just as any other Congress.

Democracy 3 is a government simulation game has two big features: the ability to dictate a country's policies and the requirement to periodically be re-elected. The game simulates voter populations and their preferences. So while we try to mold the country in our vision, we have to also appeal to the population in order to get re-elected.

In-depth knowledge of the game isn't required. I'll guide you guys through it as needed. Though, there is a Wiki that can help. I've loaded a few mods that increase the number of policies available. So essentially, you just need to tell me what you want done and I'll do my best to get it implemented. I'm hoping for some crazy awesome choices, cause I'll be also writing a story about our party's rule over the country of SWRP!

Turns will last a few days at the most, one day at the least.


In Democracy 3, we can choose which country we rule. The stock countries include the UK, US, and Canada. Yet, there are mods that allow us to emulate almost any country under the sun: from Spain, to Germany, to Japan, and more. Your job is to vote for which country SWRP will be based off of.

The demographics and economic details of our country will be based on the 2013 statistics of the selected country. Starting policies will be very similar to that point as well.

A few other decisions to be made:
  • Our party's name
  • Our opposition's party name
  • Our flag
  • The president's name, too
If you have any other comments about where you want to go with the game, feel free to tell me.

GAME DETAILS (Please read if this is your first time in the thread)
Since this is a Congress, there are a few Rules of Conduct:
  • Follow the site's General Rules.
  • Leave real-life political discussion at the door. While the game emulates real-life politics, it's just a fun little game to see if SWRP can actually run a Democracy 3 country.
  • You are free to roleplay. Yet, all sections of you post that are in-character must be marked with [ROLEPLAY] in the post.


Like I said, you guys are the Congress. You can make changes to existing policies, set new ones, or cancel policies. You can affect how much, or little, we tax and what we spend. You decide whether we fund public education or a space program. You think of it, it's likely possible in the game. The only limitation is Political Capital: this prevents us from change too much stuff too fast. Oh, and we have to appeal to enough people to get re-elected every four years.

Each turn (which will last usually about a day or two), I will post a comprehensive report of the country. If you need more info, tell me and I'll add that to future reports. Using those reports, you guys will then decide on what we do for that turn.

An example of a policy suggestion is to post: Create an Income Tax at 20%. People can then say whether they agree or disagree with that. Multiple policies could be changed each round, so feel free to add more suggestions. Just don't go crazy.

I'll implement policies based on the amount of votes - with those with the most votes getting implemented. If there's not enough Political Capital, I continue down the list until we have no more Political Capital. If there are more votes against a policy than for, I won't implement it.

If the most votes were for "Doing Nothing," then I will implement no further policies for that turn. This helps in accruing Political Capital in case we want to implement a super huge law.

If there is a tie in votes, I will go with what will appeal to the most voter groups.

If our Monarch, Teficus the Great, makes a suggestion to policy, it will be strongly considered.

  • Turn-based, with turns lasting a day or a few. A turn simulates a quarter
  • A list of mods and DLC used will be posted after starting the game
  • Terms are 4 years (16 turns). We can be elected for unlimited terms.
  • Our government is a Constitutional Monarchy.
A few other notes:
  • The economy is not realistic in the game. An example is Credit Rating, which is based just on the amount of debt a country has (ie. the US starts at a rating of B or BB in game when it would be AA or AAA based on its RL ratings). Some policies have weird affects on the GDP.
  • Our approval rating and party members starts at 0 in the beginning of a game. This isn't an issue if we do well in a first term, but it's something to keep in mind when we start.
  • Ministers help create our Political Capital and can be replaced at will, so don't forget that if you notice our ministers are being crappy.
Darth Adekos said:
Is there a mod for Greece? I enjoy a challenge. Or, rather, giving other people a challenge and seeing how that pans out.
Yeah, there is. Once you take office, your national debt is maxed out and your approval rating is locked at 4%. Then you get bailed out by the European Union and the game ends.
Sorry, I was being silly.

Anyway, I suggest Denmark or New Zealand or something! Very balanced nations statistically speaking, near as I can tell any way. Or at least, as far as google can tell. :p

Since those are ACTUALLY monarchy's.
Lots of pictures! Be warned, phone users.


After many years, SWRP finally accumulated enough money and power in order to buy its very own country! After much deliberation (and some coin flips), the members of SWRP eventually settled on a country for sale.


The politicians of Greece snickered as they took SWRP's money and walked out of the door. While their behavior was strange, it was assured to the members of SWRP that nothing would be wrong. After all, Greece was a modern country that was a part of the Eurozone and had a strong currency!

But while SWRP officially owned Greece, its people still liked democracy - a lot. So, SWRP was forced to create its own party and congress (with its own party ruling, of course). They took the liberty of also naming the opposition and moving Tefka the II in his lovely little palace near Athens.

As SWRP finalized its constitution, they decided to grandfather in most of Greece's old policies. They accepted its entire financial status, after all, and it was best to keep the populace happy.

The newly formed SWRP Congress looked over the basics of its constitution - noting that they had settled for four year terms for their President and unlimited terms.

They also noticed that there were reports of hurricanes in the Mediterranean...

Just as a precaution, the SWRP Congress decided to hold the election exclusively amongst themselves. They thought they deserve the four year head start in order to catch up to the local politicians - the newly formed Red Ravens.

After the "election," Daella Apparine was named as the President. Once she took office, it was then that SWRP managed to get a better look at Greece's condition.

While the health of the Greek people was fantastic and crime was fairly low, the level of education and poverty was somewhat mediocre. Yet most alarming to SWRP was the fact that the GDP of Greece was tanking and people were unemployed! Surely, the numbers must be wrong!

At another glance, the full picture of Greece began to unfold. The country ran at a sizable deficit of 17.9% of the quarterly income. The debt was well above the GDP of the country! While Environmentalists, Farmers, State Employees, and the Retired were enthused with the administration, many others were fairly unhappy. Plus, there were several crisis points the the President's attention was drawn to.

The first crisis point was something that probably contributed to a lot of the deficit: rampant Tax Evasion! It was estimated to cost the country 13% of income via Income, Corporation, Capital Gains, and Sales Tax!
Red bars under Causes reduce the intensity of the event. Green bars under Causes increase the intensity of the event.

The second epidemic was a Skills Shortage due to a lack of Education and Technology. The results in lacking skilled workers was clear: it made a tremendous cut into the country's GDP!

The third major issue was the country's Uncompetitive Economy - the Corporation Tax playing a part in it. That too made a slight cut into the GDP, yet it also brought the ire of Capitalists looking to make a living in the country.

The problems didn't stop for Greece! It was also considered a Technology Backwater country! SWRP was astonished that it bought a country that didn't even have broadband internet in every corner! Being a technologically inept country ended up hurting the country's GDP a good amount.

The last major issue that (currently) plagued Greece was rampant Homelessness - caused by a multitude of issues, the biggest of which being Poverty and high Unemployment. Its effects made the Poor and Middle Class citizens unhappy - as well as Social Liberals. It also contributed to the crime rate and had a definite cost of 25 Mn Euros.

President Apparine and the SWRP Congress were appalled! Yet, there was still hope. They decided to look at the economic charts of the country to see if there was any way to increase taxes or cut spending.

First was income: the greatest source being the Income Tax. Second... Government Borrowing, being 15.2% after including it in the total income.

Next was Expenses, which showed a large amount of different types of expenditures. However, the real problem facing SWRP became clear with this chart: the highest expense was the Debt Interest - and it was nearly the same amount borrowed in order to keep the government afloat. Greece was at the precipice of a downward debt spiral, where the country has to borrow just to pay the interest! This lent the country a credit rating of C, with an interest rate of 12.21%!

Words could not describe the President's surprise at how horrible Greece had been ran before SWRP arrived.

Before the congress could act, the super quick census that SWRP started came in - revealing the demographics of the country.

The chart that congress got had all the Voter Groups sorted with the top-most group being the most supportive group and the bottom-most group being the least supportive group. After the name of the group was the Percentage of the population that identified with the Voter Group. Obviously, people could be a part of multiple Voter Groups - so the percentages all equaled to something well over 100%. Yet, this chart would allow for SWRP's Congress to figure out what types of policies would appeal to the most voters (we have to keep getting re-elected, after all!)

After looking at the census, SWRP's congress got a quick audit of the country's policies - which are a lot. They quickly got a chart based on what appealed to the most people. It should give the congress a good idea on which policies they should leverage and which they should change or cut.

However, there were a lot of policies that SWRP's Congress could make! The President made a quick list of them and presented it to the Congress- highlighting the ones that appealed to the most voters.
Due to SWRP's Congress not trusting Daella Apparine, she was limited in what she could do in order to change policy. Thus, SWRP's Congress was left with the ultimate authority to decide on which direction the country should go with President Apparine happily implementing whatever the majority decide to do.

Of course, she would always be willing to gather up information for the Congress in order for them to get an informed decision - if they ever wished to do so.

Yet in the meantime, President Apparine retreated to the Presidential Palace in order to get a drink. This would be a long four years.

Turn 1
- Political Capital: 24
- No old business
- Election: 15 turns away

[member="Darth Adekos"] [member="Hion the Herglic"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Ali Hadrix"] [member="Jaxton Ravos"] [member="Kana Truden"] [member="Isley Verd"] [member="Darth Hauntruss"] [member="Verz Horak"]

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