Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sweet collared greens and ship fuel!

B-wings weren't exactly ships meant for dogfighting.

In general they were slow, lumbering, and hard hitting. They were great against capital ships, three of them easily being able to take out entire cruisers on their own, but against TIE's? No. Xel knew that, and it was part of the reason why he had picked the ships for Ghost Squadron.

They were through dog-fighting, their role was something entirely different now.

"Crashed ship." He told the rest of his squadron as the cockpits suddenly sealed shut and the B-wings began to lift off from the Hangar floor. His fingers, one hand mechanical, quickly flexed around the controls. "We head there first and check it out."

Then into orbit.

Xel had no idea what they would find, but as they shot out across the white snow plains he couldn't help but feel his stomach drop a bit.
[member="Naomi Carolina"][member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Alyce Hawke"]
[member="Garven Antillies"] [member="Valin Thorn"] [member="Xel"]

"Let's wrap this up!" Asmus called. A Defender dove towards the snow drifts and tried to find enough cover to come around. From Naomi's perspective she would see the black TIE drop behind the horizon followed by the X-Wing with fixed S-foils. Smoke would rise up, followed by just the X-Wing.

As Asmus came about he saw the defender bearing down on the group on the ground. It took him a fraction of a second to draw out the angles and adjust his flight path.

He grimaced and tightened his grip on the stick as he accelerated through the space between them. As the green bolts drew a line up the snowdrift towards the party the X-Wing cut into the space between them.

Asmus' shields flared blue and warning lights erupted across his console. The defender streaked on with Chad in close pursuit. The scoundrel's hands danced across the controls and shut a fuel line that had been ruptured. The computer tried to balance thrust across the engines and he recycled his shields. Several armour plates had been broken but sealed by laminanium cells. Leaving a trail of smoke of his own he arced back around looking for any more targets trying to gun down the crashed crew.

Garven Antillies

"Alright lets finish this Gold 4, Gold 8, cover me I'm going for the Shield Generator."
"Roger that Gold 2."
Garven made a dive towards the cruiser's shield generator, hopefully this blow would open a good opportunity for Wraith and Rogue Squadrons, and they could take out the Sith cruiser. If the cruiser didn't retreat from this hit, the follow ups from the two other squadrons would surely destroy it. It would be a gamble but hopefully it would work out in favor for the forces around Belsavis.​
"Almost there."
"Sir you have two fighters on your tail."
"Almost there."
"Gold 2 launch your bombs now."
"It's away!"
[member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Alyce Hawke"]
[member="Garven Antillies"] [member="Valin Thorn"] [member="Xel"]

"WHEW!" Naomi yelled and pumped her fist into the frigid air as certain death became not-so-certain. Whoever was in that painted fighter saved her and her brother's lives. Not to mention the other friendly fighters and whatever battle was raging leagues above them. The relief and adrenaline-fueled grin stayed a moment longer on her face as hazel's tracked the zipping path of the one with the smoking wing. Shaky-hands still gripped the blaster and she lowered it, freckled-face to the sky and the threats it still held.

Short-legs managed to catch up to her brothers as they struggled closer and closer to the alliance outpost and through that deep, icy snow. Tension spread across her shoulders as a FO fighter skirted close. But it quickly diverted and pitched upwards. Her guess was a retreat. Looked like whomever was left were high-tailing it out of there. They knew when they were out-matched.

A few Barkesh refugee escapees weren't worth it anymore.

Shivering, she squinted ahead. Looked like the Alliance was sending out a welcoming party. Good cause her clothes were getting wet and cold fast. Exposure was beginning to be a real problem.
Quinn had been in the cockpit of her ship since the beginning of the invasion, she monitored the com systems since she got into the cockpit. As soon as her butt hit the seat she would begin her preflight checks which would start with her putting her helmet on and pulling the visor down over her eyes. She would then start the four engines on her X-wing.

She would check her gauges and all looking well she would pull down the hatch sealing it in place. As soon as the rogue squadron was told to form up she would say "Rogue 6 checking in" She would then leave the hanger and form up, she would begin to clear some ships from space.

As they were told to train guns on the bridge and open fire she would do just that

[member="Naomi Carolina"]
[member="Alyce Hawke"]
[member="Valin Thorn"]
[member="Asmus Janes"]
[member="Garven Antillies"]
“Forty seven units of lot B and fifty two of B-zero-three.” Numbers and allocations, his job now it seemed. It was in reference to the large cargo freighter that was currently taking up the landing bay on the Belsavis Outpost, a freighter that had been flown here from Sullust by one of the greatest pilots in the Alliance, or at least what used to be.

“Forty seven? There were meant to be sixty.” The deck officer proclaimed with a frustrated look. “Where are the others?” Loading droids continued to move between the hangers and the freighter.

“I just delivered what I was given.” Dex shrugged as he handed over the manifest to the deck officer. “They say go here with this and boom I go. Ask Sullust where the other units are.”

“I will be and I’ll make sure your name is on the record pilot.” Aggressiveness was never attractive, but this deck officer made it look natural, far more then any of the navy had managed to do before Dex had been put into early retirement. “Wait in the designated zone, you can be out of here as soon as we’ve given you the green light.”

“Yes sir, thank you sir.” Dex gave a mock salute and moved away towards the area he had been pointed towards. He watched as an X-wing took off nearby, seemingly for a scouting run by the lack of haste. He missed being on that side of the fence, being involved. “What I’d give for a second chance…” He muttered to himself as he longingly followed the X-Wing into the sky with his eyes unaware that on the edge of the system a second chance was fast approaching.

[member="Naomi Carolina"] | [member="Asmus Janes"] | [member="Choli Vyn"] | [member="Alyce Hawke"] | [member="Xel"] | [member="Garven Antillies"]
[member="Quinncolson"] [member="Naomi Carolina"][member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Alyce Hawke"]
[member="Garven Antillies"] [member="Valin Thorn"] [member="Xel"] [member="Ben Carlin"]

Asmus levelled his fighter off and took a moment to silence several of the alarms still complaining about the damage it had taken.

"Leave those Defenders," he instructed his squadron. He turned to spot the flares from their engines as they accelerated away. "Command what's going on with that cruiser?"

"It's taken serious damage but it has launched several assault shuttles towards the prison."

Asmus came around for another fly past the crashed ship. He could see several Alliance speeders coming out to meet it and decided they could move on.

"Wraiths form up on me we're going to intercept those shuttles and provide some cover for the Alliance bombers."
Ben got up with a jolt hitting his head on the bunk above him, "Gosh Darn it..." he grumbled before he heard the alarms going off. Getting up Ben starts to run to the ships before he realized he needs to get dressed. After completing that simple task he begins to sprint down the corridors to where his ship is located and climbs the ladder. "Your late." Ben looked down at the voice and sighed, his crew chief stating the obvious as he straps himself in. "Just get me up there." He said looking down and saw the nod as the team starts finishing their last few items before he can get take off.

In the air he starts looking toward the best spot to go, everywhere seems a little hectic and the comms going off everywhere. Looking around Ben spots a bomber wing working their way around the cruiser. "Well late comers always get escort duty." He says mumbling and shrugging before he goes full power to come up above the bomber squadron and clear off some Fist Order.

[member="Asmus Janes"] | [member="Dex Bastion"] | [member="Quinncolson"] | [member="Naomi Carolina"] | [member="Garven Antillies"] | [member="Xel"] | [member="Choli Vyn"] | [member="Valin Thorn"] | [member="Alyce Hawke"]
[member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Ben Carlin"] [member="Dex Bastion"] @Quinncolson @Xel

She couldn't help the tip of her head skywards as the Alliance squadron quickly roared overhead, streaking across the sky as several more dots dropped in from the upper-atmosphere, heading toward that odd building with barbed wire. Hazels scrunched up against the biting wind. Didn't look like First Order.

Blood pressure returned a bit lower after that.

But someone else. That couldn't be good. "Naooomi," BJ whined.

She quickly scooped is six-year old form in her arms from Tommy. "You two been brave. Don't let anyone tell you different." Tommy squared his shoulders as the Alliance snow-speeder slowed to a stop just in front of them.

"Who's in charge here?" A gruff-looking Alliance man approached them, weapons held but not pointed at the tri of kids.

The redheaded spitfire teen, shifted her brother to one arm and raised her hand, gaze flickering warily to the incoming figures in the sky. "I got us here. Carolina family. Refugees from Barkesh."

The man in charge looked to the sky as well and tilted his head, clearly listening to some sort of Alliance Command. "Come on, let's board up and get you three back to base. Looks like it's gonna be a chit storm. Command's got questions for you." His eyes settled on her hazels.

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